960 resultados para mercury speciation
A simple method for mercury speciation in hair samples with a fast sample preparation procedure using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is proposed. Prior to analysis, 50 mg of hair samples were accurately weighed into 15 mL conical tubes. Then, an extractant solution containing mercaptoethanol, L-cysteine and HCl was added to the samples following sonication for 10 min. Quantitative mercury extraction was achieved with the proposed procedure. Separation of inorganic mercury (Ino-Hg), methylmercury (Met-Hg) and ethylmercury (Et-Hg) was accomplished in less than 8 min on a C18 reverse phase column with a mobile phase containing 0.05% v/v mercaptoethanol, 0.4% m/v L-cysteine, 0.06 mol L(-1) ammonium acetate and 5% v/v methanol. The method detection limits were found to be 15 ng g(-1), 10 ng g(-1) and 38 ng g(-1), for inorganic mercury, methylmercury and ethylmercury, respectively. Sample throughput is 4 samples h(-1) (duplicate). A considerable improvement in the time of analysis was achieved when compared to other published methods. Method accuracy is traceable to Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) 85 and 86 human hair from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Finally, the proposed method was successfully applied to the speciation of mercury in hair samples collected from fish-eating communities of the Brazilian Amazon.
This paper describes a simple method for mercury speciation in seafood samples by LC-ICP-MS with a fast sample preparation procedure. Prior to analysis, mercury species were extracted from food samples with a solution containing mercaptoethanol, L-cysteine and HCl and sonication for 15 min. Separation of mercury species was accomplished in less than 5 min on a C8 reverse phase column with a mobile phase containing 0.05%-v/v mercaptoethanol, 0.4% m/v L-cysteine and 0.06 mol L(-1) ammonium acetate. The method detection limits were found to be 0.25, 0.20 and 0.1 ng g(-1) for inorganic mercury, ethylmercury and methylmercury, respectively. Method accuracy is traceable to Certified Reference Materials (DOLT-3 and DORM-3) from the National Research Council Canada (NRCC). With the proposed method there is a considerable reduction of the time of sample preparation. Finally, the method was applied for the speciation of mercury in seafood samples purchased from the Brazilian market. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A simple and fast method is described for simultaneous determination of methylmercury (MeHg), ethylmercury (Et-Hg) and inorganic mercury (Ino-Hg) in blood samples by using capillary gas chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (GC-ICP-MS) after derivatization and alkaline digestion. Closed-vessel microwave assisted digestion conditions with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) have been optimized. Derivatization by using ethylation and propylation procedures have also been evaluated and compared. The absolute detection limits (using a 1 mu L injection) obtained by GC-ICP-MS with ethylation were 40 fg for MeHg and Ino-Hg, respectively, and with propylation were 50, 20 and 50 fg for MeHg, Et-Hg and Ino-Hg, respectively. Method accuracy is traceable to Standard Reference Material (SRM) 966 Toxic Metals in Bovine Blood from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Additional validation is provided based on the comparison of results obtained for mercury speciation in blood samples with the proposed procedure and with a previously reported LC-ICP-MS method. With the new proposed procedure no tedious clean-up steps are required and a considerable improvement of the time of analysis was achieved compared to other methods using GC separation.
An awareness of mercury (Hg) contamination in various aquatic environments around the world has increased over the past decade, mostly due to its ability to concentrate in the biota. Because the presence and distribution of Hg in aquatic systems depend on many factors (e.g., pe, pH, salinity, temperature, organic and inorganic ligands, sorbents, etc.), it is crucial to understand its fate and transport in the presence of complexing constituents and natural sorbents, under those different factors. An improved understanding of the subject will support the selection of monitoring, remediation, and restoration technologies. The coupling of equilibrium chemical reactions with transport processes in the model PHREEQC offers an advantage in simulating and predicting the fate and transport of aqueous chemical species of interest. Thus, a great variety of reactive transport problems could be addressed in aquatic systems with boundary conditions of specific interest. Nevertheless, PHREEQC lacks a comprehensive thermodynamic database for Hg. Therefore, in order to use PHREEQC to address the fate and transport of Hg in aquatic environments, it is necessary to expand its thermodynamic database, confirm it and then evaluate it in applications where potential exists for its calibration and continued validation. The objectives of this study were twofold: 1) to develop, expand, and confirm the Hg database of the hydrogeochemical PHREEQC to enhance its capability to simulate the fate of Hg species in the presence of complexing constituents and natural sorbents under different conditions of pH, redox, salinity and temperature; and 2) to apply and evaluate the new database in flow and transport scenarios, at two field test beds: Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, TN and Everglades National Park, FL, where Hg is present and is of much concern. Overall, this research enhanced the capability of the PHREEQC model to simulate the coupling of the Hg reactions in transport conditions. It also demonstrated its usefulness when applied to field situations.
A simple and reliable method for Hg determination in fish samples has been developed. Lyophilised fish tissue samples were extracted in a 25% (w/v) tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution; the extracts were then analysed by FI-CVAFS. This method can be used to determine total and inorganic Hg, using the same FI manifold. For total Hg determination, a 0.1% (w/v) KMnO(4) solution was added to the FI manifold at the sample zone, followed by the addition of a 0.5% (w/v) SnCl(2) solution, whereas inorganic Hg was determined by adding a 0.1% (w/v) L-cysteine solution followed by a 1.0% (w/v) SnCl(2) solution to the FI system. The organic fraction was determined as the difference between total and inorganic Hg. Sample preparation, reagent consumption and parameters that can influence the FI-CVAFS performance were also evaluated. The limit of detection for this method is 3.7 ng g(-1) for total Hg and 4.3 ng g(-1) for inorganic Hg. The relative standard deviation for a 1.0 mu gL(-1) CH(3)Hg standard solution (n = 20) was 1.1%, and 1.3% for a 1.0 mu gL(-1) Hg(2+) standard solution (n = 20). Accuracy was assessed by the analysis of Certified Reference Material (dogfish: DORM-2, NRCC). Recoveries of 99.1% for total Hg and 93.9% inorganic Hg were obtained. Mercury losses were not observed when sample solutions were re-analysed after a seven day period of storage at 4 degrees C.
This paper reports the method development for the simultaneous determination of methylmercury MeHgþ) and inorganic mercury (iHg) species in seafood samples. The study focused on the extraction and quantification of MeHgþ (the most toxic species) by liquid chromatography coupled to on-line UV irradiation and cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (LC-UV-CV-AFS), using HCl 4 mol/L as the extractant agent. Accuracy of the method has been verified by analysing three certified reference materials and different spiked samples. The values found for total Hg and MeHgþ for the CRMs did not differ significantly from certified values at a 95% confidence level, and recoveries between 85% and 97% for MeHgþ, based on spikes, were achieved. The detection limits (LODs) obtained were 0.001 mg Hg/kg for total mercury, 0.0003 mg Hg/kg for MeHgþ and 0.0004 mg Hg/kg for iHg. The quantification limits (LOQs) established were 0.003 mg Hg/kg for total mercury, 0.0010 mg Hg/kg for MeHgþ and 0.0012 mg Hg/kg for iHg. Precision for each mercury species was established, being 12% in terms of RSD in all cases. Finally, the developed method was applied to 24 seafood samples from different origins and total mercury contents. The concentrations for Total Hg, MeHg and iHg ranged from 0.07 to 2.33, 0.003-2.23 and 0.006-0.085 mg Hg/kg, respectively. The established analytical method allows to obtain results for mercury speciation in less than 1 one hour including both, sample pretreatment and measuring step.
Total (HgT), reactive (HgR) and organic (Hg ORG) mercury species have been quantified in non-filtered waters collected from the Negro River Basin, Amazon (from January/2002 through January/2004), in both black and white water bodies. Black waters presented the highest HgT, HgORG and HgR concentration (29.1 ng L-1, 1.63 ng L-1 and 3.9 ng L-1, respectively), while, white waters presented the lowest HgT, Hg ORG and HgR concentration (8.8 ng L-1, 0.49 ng L-1 and 1.2 ng L-1, respectively). An inverse correlation between HgT and the water level over the basin was obtained, although the HgORG concentration has increased in the first rainy months and then decreased as the water level rose. Total mercury in surface sediments (0-10 cm) ranged from 70 to 271 mg kg-1 being the methylmercury 0.47-1.79 % of this stock. The results indicate that HgR and the labile dissolved organic matter were introduced into the aquatic environment during the flooding season, especially in the earlier stages, thus contributing to mercury methylation. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
We present here the first mercury speciation study in the water column of the Southern Ocean, using a high-resolution south-to-north section (27 stations from 65.50°S to 44.00°S) with up to 15 depths (0-4440 m) between Antarctica and Tasmania (Australia) along the 140°E meridian. In addition, in order to explore the role of sea ice in Hg cycling, a study of mercury speciation in the 'snow-sea ice-seawater' continuum was conducted at a coastal site, near the Australian Casey station (66.40°S; 101.14°E). In the open ocean waters, total Hg (Hg(T)) concentrations varied from 0.63 to 2.76 pmol/L with 'transient-type' vertical profiles and a latitudinal distribution suggesting an atmospheric mercury source south of the Southern Polar Front (SPF) and a surface removal north of the Subantartic Front (SAF). Slightly higher mean Hg(T) concentrations (1.35 ± 0.39 pmol/L) were measured in Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) compared to Antarctic Intermediate water (AAIW) (1.15 ± 0.22 pmol/L). Labile Hg (Hg(R)) concentrations varied from 0.01 to 2.28 pmol/L, with a distribution showing that the Hg(T) enrichment south of the SPF consisted mainly of Hg(R) (67 ± 23%), whereas, in contrast, the percentage was half that in surface waters north of PFZ (33 ± 23%). Methylated mercury species (MeHg(T)) concentrations ranged from 0.02 to 0.86 pmol/L. All vertical MeHg(T) profiles exhibited roughly the same pattern, with low concentrations observed in the surface layer and increasing concentrations with depth up to an intermediate depth maximum. As for Hg(T), low mean MeHg(T) concentrations were associated with AAIW, and higher ones with AABW. The maximum of MeHg(T) concentration at each station was systematically observed within the oxygen minimum zone, with a statistically significant MeHg(T) vs Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) relationship (p <0.001). The proportion of Hg(T) as methylated species was lower than 5% in the surface waters, around 50% in deep waters below 1000 m, reaching a maximum of 78% south of the SPF. At Casey coastal station Hg(T) and Hg(R) concentrations found in the 'snow-sea ice-seawater' continuum were one order of magnitude higher than those measured in open ocean waters. The distribution of Hg(T) there suggests an atmospheric Hg deposition with snow and a fractionation process during sea ice formation, which excludes Hg from the ice with a parallel Hg enrichment of brine, probably concurring with the Hg enrichment of AABW observed in the open ocean waters. Contrastingly, MeHg(T) concentrations in the sea ice environment were in the same range as in the open ocean waters, remaining below 0.45 pmol/L. The MeHg(T) vertical profile through the continuum suggests different sources, including atmosphere, seawater and methylation in basal ice. Whereas Hg(T) concentrations in the water samples collected between the Antarctic continent and Tasmania are comparable to recent measurements made in the other parts of the World Ocean (e.g., Soerensen et al., 2010; doi:10.1021/es903839n), the Hg species distribution suggests distinct features in the Southern Ocean Hg cycle: (i) a net atmospheric Hg deposition on surface water near the ice edge, (ii) the Hg enrichment in brine during sea ice formation, and (iii) a net methylation of Hg south of the SPF.
In the selective reduction procedure proposed by Magos SnCl2 was used as reductant for inorganic mercury while total mercury was determined after reduction with a mixture of SnCl2 and CdCl2. The difference between total mercury and inorganic mercury determines the content of organic mercury. The procedure of the present work differs of Magos in that the mercury vapour is carried to the absorption cell after magnetic stirring of the solution in the reaction flask; in the Magos procedure, mercury vapour is carried by bubbling the gas in to the solution. In contrast to the Magos procedure this slight modification overcame the necessity of at calibration by analyte addition, saving time and gainning accuracy.
The determination of the physical-chemical mercury speciation in tropical coastal waters using the derivatization technique with CVAFS detection was optimized. This methodology is able to separate the elementary, reactive, organic and total mercury phases with low operational costs. The importance of bromide chloride solution, the diluted aqua regia, used as the oxidative solution, and different compositions of the reductive solution of stannous chloride were tested and the better results for coastal waters are presented. The recuperation of the sum of the different phases ranges from 80 to 94% of the total Hg content in duplicates of different marine samples. The optimized methodology permits important studies on the mercury cycle in the coastal environment.
The concentration and thermodesorption speciation of mercury in sediments from four different Iron Quadrangle sites impacted by gold mining activity were determined. The mercury content of some samples was considerably high (ranging from 0.04 to 1.1 µg g-1). Only Hg2+ was found and it was preferably distributed in the silt/clay fraction in all samples. Cluster analysis showed that mercury and manganese can be associated. The occurrence of cinnabar in this region as another mercury source was also discussed, corroborating earlier works showing the importance of natural mercury in the geochemical cycle of the metal in this region.
Les thiols à faible masse moléculaire (FMM) peuvent affecter la biodisponibilité du mercure et mener à une plus grande production de méthylmercure par les microorganismes méthylants. Les résultats d’une étude réalisée au sein de la matrice extracellulaire du périphyton de la zone littorale d’un lac des Laurentides ont démontré que les concentrations en thiols à FMM retrouvées dans cette matrice sont jusqu’à 1000 fois supérieures à celles de la colonne d’eau avoisinante. Ces thiols sont significativement corrélés à la chlorophylle a du périphyton, suggérant une production par les algues. Le mercure de la matrice extracellulaire, plus spécifiquement dans la fraction colloïdale mobile, est aussi corrélé aux thiols d’origine algale. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une accumulation de thiols s’opère dans l’espace extracellulaire du périphyton et qu’ils peuvent favoriser le transfert du mercure vers les microorganismes produisant le méthylmercure. Les résultats d’une seconde étude menée sur les méthodes de préservation d’échantillons d’eau pour la conservation des thiols à FMM ont démontré que la température optimale d’entreposage était de -80 °C et que la lyophilisation menait à une sous-estimation des concentrations mesurées. Les taux de dégradation étaient plus rapides lors de la conservation à -20 °C et variables selon la chimie de l’eau utilisée et les espèces de thiols observées. Suivant ces résultats, nous proposons un cadre de recherche pour de futures études sur la spéciation du mercure dans le périphyton et nous suggérons des précautions lors de la manipulation et de la conservation des thiols à FMM d’échantillons naturels.
Zur Untersuchung der speziesspezifischen Transformationsprozesse des Quecksilbers in der Umwelt wurden erstmalig Mikrokosmosexperimente unter Verwendung von isotopenangereicherten Verbindungen durchgeführt. Es wurden naturrelevante Bedingungen simuliert, um eine spätere Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse auf den biogeochemischen Kreislauf des Quecksilbers zu gewährleisten. Die aufgebauten Mikrokosmen bestanden aus Boden/Pflanzen/Luft-Kompartimenten. Der Boden der Mikrokosmen wurde mit isotopenangereicherten Quecksilberspezies dotiert. Durch die Verwendung von isotopenangereicherten Verbindungen, verbunden mit gleichzeitiger ICP/MS-Detektion, konnten auftretende Transformationsprozesse beobachtet werden. Die Messung der Quecksilberspezies erfolgte mittels GC-ICP/MS nach vorheriger Derivatisierung mit Natriumtetraethylborat und Anreicherung per 'purge and trap'.Die Massenspuren der einzelnen Quecksilberisotope wurden für alle Quecksilberspezies gemessen und daraus dann für jede Spezies die Isotopenverhältnisse gebildet. Bei einer Änderung des Isotopenverhältnisses kann von einer Speziestransformation ausgegangen werden.Aus den Mikrokosmosexperimenten, denen Methylquecksilber als angereicherte Isotopenverbindung zugegeben wurde, konnte gefolgert werden, dass Methylquecksilber im Boden zunächst zu anorganischem Quecksilber demethyliert wurde. Im Anschluss daran erfolgte eine Reduktion zu elementarem Quecksilber. Dieses gebildete elementare Quecksilber verflüchtigte sich nahezu vollständig (ca. 90-100%) vom Boden in die Atmosphäre.Bei der Zugabe von anorganischem Quecksilber als angereicherte Isotopenverbindung in den Boden wurde vorwiegend eine Reduktion zu elementarem Quecksilber beobachtet, das dann in die Atmosphäre emittiert. Es konnte aber auch eine geringe Methylierung (ca. 5%) zu Methylquecksilber beobachtet werden. Daraus kann gefolgert werden, dass die methylierten Quecksilberverbindungen eine wesentliche Rolle im natürlichen Kreislauf des Quecksilbers spielen.Parallel zu den Mikrokosmosexperimenten wurden Feldversuche in einem flussnahen Feuchtgebiet, aus dem auch der Boden für die Mikrokosmosexperimente entnommen worden war, durchgeführt. In den Feldversuchen wurden Quecksilberkonzentrationen und der Quecksilberfluss zwischen dem Boden und der Atmosphäre mit Hilfe von Flusskammerexperimenten bestimmt. Es konnten mit Hilfe von Mikrokosmen, die natürliche Verhältnisse simulieren sollten, und mit Hilfe verschieden angereicherter Isotopenspikes erstmals Speziestransformationen des Quecksilbers direkt beobachtet werden. Die GC-ICP/MS-Methode ermöglichte eine eindeutige Identifikation von Edukt und Produkt der jeweiligen Umwandlung. Allerdings wurde die Untersuchung eingeschränkt durch die irreversiblen biologischen Veränderungen in den eingesetzten Mikrokosmen nach über einer Woche und durch die Notwendigkeit, vergleichsweise hohe Konzentrationen der Spikes einzusetzen, um eine statistisch signifikante Auswertung der Veränderung der Isotopenverhältnisse zu erreichen. Somit sind Mikrokosmosexperimente nur eingeschränkt für Untersuchungen des Quecksilberverhaltens geeignet.Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es aber gelungen, die Mikrokosmenexperimente unter Verwendung von isotopenangereicherten Verbindungen und der GC-ICP/MS-Methode als leistungsstarkes Verfahren zur Beobachtung von Speziestransformationsprozessen des Quecksilbers zu etablieren.
Zusammenfassung Quecksilber kommt in der Natur in seinen vier umweltrelevanten Spezies Hg0, Hg2+, Me2Hg, MeHg+ vor. Die methylierten Spezies wurden dabei in der Vergangenheit aufgrund ihres relativ geringen Anteils am Gesamtquecksilber oft vernachlässigt. Me2Hg und MeHg+ spielen aber eine wichtige Rolle als intermediäre Transportspezies im Quecksilberkreislauf, und eine richtige Analytik dieser Verbindungen ist daher notwendig. Die GC/AFD-Methode (Gaschromatographie/Atomfluoreszenzdetektion) in Verbindung mit einem Purge&Trap-Probenaufgabesystem ermöglicht eine nachweisstarke Analytik dieser Verbindungen in Umweltproben. Dabei müssen die ionischen Quecksilberverbindungen MeHg+ und Hg2+ derivatisiert werden, um sie einer gaschromatographischen Trennung zugänglich zu machen.Das bestehende Verfahren wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mit Hilfe einer alternativen Derivatisierungsmethode verbessert. Das optimierte Verfahren erlaubt auch eine Analyse von MeHg+-Gehalten in Proben mit hoher Chloridbelastung. Solche Proben konnten mit der herkömmlichen Ethylierung als Derivatisierungsmethode nicht analysiert werden, da während der Derivatisierung eine Umwandlung des MeHg+ zu Hg0 auftritt. Bei der Propylierung findet keine solche Transformation statt und sie ist daher eine hervorragende Ergänzung der bestehenden Methode.Die GC/AFD-Methode wurde zur Quecksilberspeziation in der Antarktis als Beispiel für ein anthropogen unbeeinflusstes Gebiet verwendet. Dabei konnten methylierte Quecksilberverbindungen im Meerwasser, in der Atmosphäre und erstmals im antarktischen Schnee nachgewiesen werden und somit die bedeutende Rolle der methylierten Quecksilberspezies am biogeochemischen Stoffkreislauf des Quecksilbers in dieser Region gezeigt werden. Vergleiche mit einer kontinentalen Region zeigten, dass dort MeHg+ und Me2Hg wesentlich weniger produziert bzw. schneller abgebaut werden.