977 resultados para membrane processes


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The EM3E Master is an Education Programme supported by the European Commission, the European Membrane Society (EMS), the European Membrane House (EMH), and a large international network of industrial companies, research centres and universities (http://www.em3e.eu)


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Clinical dextran is used as a blood volume expander. The British Pharmacopeia (BP) specification for this product requires the amount of dextran below 12,000 MW and above 98,000 MW to be strictly controlled. Dextran is presently fractionated industrially using ethanol precipitation. The aim of this work was to develop an ultrafiltration system which could replace the present industrial process. Initially these molecular weight (MW) bands were removed using batch ultrafiltration. A large number of membranes were tested. The correct BP specification could be achieved using these membranes but there was a significant loss of saleable material. To overcome this problem a four stage ultrafiltration cascade (UFC) was used. This work is the first known example of a UFC being used to remove both the high and low MW dextran. To remove the high MW material it was necessary to remove 90% of the MW distribution and retain the remaining 10%. The UFC significantly reduced the amount of dialysate required. To achieve the correct specification below 12,000 MW, the UFC required only 2.5 - 3.0 diavolumes while the batch system required 6 - 7. The UFC also improved the efficiency of the fractionation process. The UFC could retain up to 96% of the high MW material while the batch system could only retain 82.5% using the same number of diavolumes. On average the UFC efficiency was approximately 10% better than the equivalent batch system. The UFC was found to be more predictable than the industrial process and the specification of the final product was easier to control. The UFC can be used to improve the fractionation of any polymer and also has several other potential uses including enzyme purification. A dextransucrase bioreactor was also developed. This preliminary investigation highlighted the problems involved with the development of a successful bioreactor for this enzyme system.


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(Ca2+)-sensitive processes at cell membranes involved in contraction, secretion, and neurotransmitter release are activated in situ or in vitro by Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]) 10-100 times higher than [Ca2+] measured during stimulation in intact cells. This paradox might be explained if the local [Ca2+] at the cell membrane is very different from that in the rest of the cell. Soluble Ca2+ indicators, which indicate spatially averaged cytoplasmic [Ca2+], cannot resolve these localized, near-membrane [Ca2+] signals. FFP18, the newest Ca2+ indicator designed to selectively monitor near-membrane [Ca2+], has a lower Ca2+ affinity and is more water soluble than previously used membrane-associating Ca2+ indicators. Images of the intracellular distribution of FFP18 show that >65% is located on or near the plasma membrane. [Ca2+] transients recorded using FFP18 during membrane depolarization-induced Ca2+ influx show that near-membrane [Ca2+] rises faster and reaches micromolar levels at early times when the cytoplasmic [Ca2+], recorded using fura-2, has risen to only a few hundred nanomolar. High-speed series of digital images of [Ca2+] show that near-membrane [Ca2+], reported by FFP18, rises within 20 msec, peaks at 50-100 msec, and then declines. [Ca2+] reported by fura-2 rose slowly and continuously throughout the time images were acquired. The existence of these large, rapid increases in [Ca2+] directly beneath the surface membrane may explain how numerous (Ca2+)-sensitive membrane processes are activated at times when bulk cytoplasmic [Ca2+] changes are too small to activate them.


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This research study deals with the quantification and characterization of the EPS obtained from two 25 L bench scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) with micro-(MF-MBR) and ultrafiltration (UF-MBR) submerged membranes. Both reactors were fed with synthetic water and operated for 168 days without sludge extraction, increasing their mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) concentration during the experimentation time. The characterization of soluble EPS (EPSs) was achieved by the centrifugation of mixed liquor and bound EPS (EPSb) by extraction using a cationic resin exchange (CER). EPS characterization was carried out by applying the 3-dimensional excitation–emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy (3D-EEM) and high-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) with the aim of obtaining structural and functional information thereof. With regard to the 3D-EEM analysis, fluorescence spectra of EPSb and EPSs showed 2 peaks in both MBRs at all the MLSS concentrations studied. The peaks obtained for EPSb were associated to soluble microbial by-product-like (predominantly protein-derived compounds) and to aromatic protein. For EPSs, the peaks were associated with humic and fulvic acids. In both MBRs, the fluorescence intensity (FI) of the peaks increased as MLSS and protein concentrations increased. The FI of the EPSs peaks was much lower than for EPSb. It was verified that the evolution of the FI clearly depends on the concentration of protein and humic acids for EPSb and EPSs, respectively. Chromatographic analysis showed that the intensity of the EPSb peak increased while the concentrations of MLSS did. Additionally, the mean MW calculated was always higher the higher the MLSS concentrations in the reactors. MW was higher for the MF-MBR than for the UF-MBR for the same MLSS concentrations demonstrating that the filtration carried out with a UF membrane lead to retentions of lower MW particles.


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The work presented in this thesis aims at developing a new separation process based on the application of supported magnetic ionic liquid membranes, SMILMs, using magnetic ionic liquids, MILs. MILs have attracted growing interest due to their ability to change their physicochemical characteristics when exposed to variable magnetic field conditions. The magnetic responsive behavior of MILs is thus expected to contribute for the development of more efficient separation processes, such as supported liquid membranes, where MILs may be used as a selective carrier. Driven by the MILs behavior, these membranes are expected to switch reversibly their permeability and selectivity by in situ and non-invasive adjustment of the conditions (e.g. intensity, direction vector and uniformity) of an external applied magnetic field. The development of these magnetic responsive membrane processes were anticipated by studies, performed along the first stage of this PhD work, aiming at getting a deep knowledge on the influence of magnetic field on MILs properties. The influence of the magnetic field on the molecular dynamics and structural rearrangement of MILs ionic network was assessed through a 1H-NMR technique. Through the 1H-NMR relaxometry analysis it was possible to estimate the self-diffusion profiles of two different model MILs, [Aliquat][FeCl4] and [P66614][FeCl4]. A comparative analysis was established between the behavior of magnetic and non-magnetic ionic liquids, MILs and ILs, to facilitate the perception of the magnetic field impact on MILs properties. In contrast to ILs, MILs show a specific relaxation mechanism, characterized by the magnetic dependence of their self-diffusion coefficients. MILs self-diffusion coefficients increased in the presence of magnetic field whereas ILs self-diffusion was not affected. In order to understand the reasons underlying the magnetic dependence of MILs self-diffusion, studies were performed to investigate the influence of the magnetic field on MILs’ viscosity. It was observed that the MIL´s viscosity decreases with the increase of the magnetic field, explaining the increase of MILs self-diffusion according to the modified Stokes- Einstein equation. Different gas and liquid transport studies were therefore performed aiming to determine the influence of the magnetic behavior of MILs on solute transport through SMILMs. Gas permeation studies were performed using pure CO2 andN2 gas streams and air, using a series of phosphonium cation based MILs, containing different paramagnetic anions. Transport studies were conducted in the presence and absence of magnetic field at a maximum intensity of 1.5T. The results revealed that gas permeability increased in the presence of the magnetic field, however, without affecting the membrane selectivity. The increase of gas permeability through SMILMs was related to the decrease of the MILs viscosity under magnetic field conditions.(...)


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In this thesis membrane filtration of paper machnie clear filtrate was studied. The aim of the study was to find membrane processes which are able to produce economically water of sufficient purity from paper machine white water or its saveall clarified fractions for reuse in the paper machnie short circulation. Factors affecting membrane fouling in this application were also studied. The thesis gives an overview af experiments done on a laboratory and a pilot scale with several different membranes and membrane modules. The results were judged by the obtained flux, the fouling tendency and the permeate quality assessed with various chemical analyses. It was shown that membrane modules which used a turbulence promotor of some kind gave the highest fluexes. However, the results showed that the greater the reduction in the concentration polarisation layer caused by increased turbulence in the module, the smaller the reductions in measured substances. Out of the micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration membranes tested, only nanofiltration memebranes produced permeate whose quality was very close to that of the chemically treated raw water used as fresh water in most paper mills today and which should thus be well suited for reuse as shower water both in the wire and press section. It was also shown that a one stage nanofiltration process was more effective than processes in which micro- or ultrafiltration was used as pretreatment for nanofiltration. It was generally observed that acidic pH, high organic matter content, the presence of multivalent ions, hydrophobic membrane material and high membrane cutoff increased the fouling tendency of the membranes.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli etsiä mahdollisimman hyvin ionista nestettä kestävä yleisesti kaupallisesti saatavilla oleva nano- tai ultrasuodatusmembraani. Kirjallisuusosassa on perehdytty yleisesti membraanitekniikan ja ionisten nesteiden historiaan sekä niiden ominaisuuksiin ja käyttösovelluksiin. Membraaniprosesseista on lyhyesti käyty läpi mikro-, ultra- ja nanosuodatus sekä käänteisosmoosi ja pervaporaatio. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin neljäntoista kaupallisesti saatavilla olevien nano- ja ultrasuodatusmembraanien kestävyyttä ionisessa nesteessä. Tutkimuksessa käytettyjen membraanien vesi- ja malliaineliuosvuon arvoja sekä retentioita vertailtiin ennen ja jälkeen ioniselle nesteelle altistusta. Tulokset osoittivat, että polyamidista, polyeetterisulfonista ja sulfonoidusta polyeetterisulfonista valmistettujen membraanien suodatusominaisuudet muuttuivat niiden altistuessa ioniselle nesteelle. Näiden membraanien permeabiliteetit ja retentiot laskivat viikon altistuksen jälkeen merkittävästi. Erityisesti liuottimia kestäviksi suunnitellut membraanit säilyttivät erotusominaisuutensa paremmin.


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In the present work, pineapple juice was first hydrolyzed with a commercial pectinase (Ultrazym 100 G) and then clarified by microfiltration. A tubular polyethersulfone membrane with an average cut-off of 0.3 µm and a total effective filtration area of 0.05 m² was applied. The transmembrane pressures were 1.5 and 3.0 bar, respectively, and the processes was conducted at room temperature. The results showed that the pineapple juice permeate fluxes were of 57.77 L/m²/hours (1.5 bar) and 46.85 L/m²/hours (3.0 bar). Concentration polarization and possibly fouling occurred during the processes. The best clarified juice fluxes were obtained when low transmembrane pressures (1.5 bar) were applied.


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Membraani on ohut kalvo, jossa on pieniä nanomittakaavan reikiä, jotka erottavat partikkelit ja liuenneet yhdisteet liuoksesta. Membraanisuodatuksen käyttö on lisääntynyt merkittävästi vedenpuhdistuksessa, johtuen lisääntyneestä puhtaan veden tarpeesta ja tiukentuneista ympäristövaatimuksista. Tässä työssä esitellään reaaliaikaisia mittausmenetelmiä membraanin likaantumisen seurantaan. Esiteltyjä menetelmiä ovat suora havainnointi pinnan läpi, lasertriangulometria, varjoanalyysi, taittokykymittaus, kuvakatkaisu-menetelmä, partikkelin nopeusmääritys, radioisotooppinen merkintä ja ydinmagneettinen resonanssispektrometria. Mittausmenetelmien avulla likakerroksen paksuutta ja sen leviämistä on mahdollista seurata reaaliaikaisesti. Mittausmenetelmien soveltuvuus olemassa oleviin prosesseihin on vielä epävarmaa. Suurin osa menetelmistä on rajoittunut tiettyyn membraanin materiaaliin, tietynlaiseen membraanisuodatusprosessin rakenteeseen tai tiettyihin olosuhteisiin. Vallitsevien prosessiolosuhteiden lisäksi mittausanturin tulisi kestää myös puhdistusolosuhteet. Lisätutkimuksia tarvitaan, jotta voidaan löytää toimiva laitekokonaisuus tarvittavan tiedon tuottamiseen.


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Uusia jäteveden puhdistusprosesseja kartoitetaan Suomessakin esimerkiksi kiristyvien päästömääräyksien vuoksi sekä parempia kustannus- ja energiatehokkuuksia tavoiteltaessa. Jätevesien puhdistus on Suomessa jo nykyään hyvällä tasolla, mutta muun muassa raskasmetallien, torjunta-aineiden, hormonien ja lääkeaineiden pitoisuuksien kasvut jätevesissä asettavat haasteita nykyisin käytössä oleville jäteveden puhdistusmenetelmille, sillä niitä ei ole suunniteltu näiden aineiden talteenottoon ja suurin osa aineista jää veteen. Lisäksi jätevedet halutaan nähdä enemmänkin resurssina kuin jätteenä, josta voidaan ottaa talteen hyödyllisiä komponentteja, kuten suoloja. Alueilla, joissa vuorokauden keskilämpötila pysyttelee edes osan vuodesta pakkasella, veden luonnollista jäätymisprosessia voidaan käyttää hyväksi jäteveden puhdistuksessa. Tässä työssä selvitettiin kiteytymisen teorian ja aikaisempien tutkimusten avulla, millaisten jätevesien puhdistukseen jäädytyskiteytys sopii sekä pohdittiin menetelmän potentiaalisia sovelluskohteita Suomessa. Jäädytyskiteytyksen todettiin olevan turvallinen ja energiatehokas ratkaisu monien koostumukseltaan erilaisien jätevesien puhdistukseen. Menetelmällä voitaneen puhdistaa öljyisiä, orgaanisia ja/tai epäorgaanisia epäpuhtauksia tai raskasmetalleja sisältäviä sekä myrkyllisiä jätevesiä. Olosuhteet prosessille ovat parhaat Pohjois-Suomessa, jossa vuorokauden keskilämpötila pysyttelee nollan alapuolella noin seitsemän kuukautta vuodesta. Etelä-Suomessa vastaava luku on kolme. Menetelmän potentiaalisia sovelluskohteita ovat esimerkiksi kaivosteollisuuden ja kaatopaikkojen jätevedet, joiden puhdistukseen jäädytyskiteytys saattaisi soveltua erinomaisesti. Jäädyttämällä voitaisiin myös puhdistaa tekstiili- ja nahkateollisuuden jätevesiä, sillä niiden sisältämien väriaineiden erottaminen vedestä on perinteisillä jäteveden puhdistusmenetelmillä usein vaikeaa tai jopa mahdotonta. Suolojen kiteyttämiseen vaadittavia korkeampia suolapitoisuuksia todettiin löytyvän lähinnä membraaniprosessien, kuten käänteisosmoosin, rejektivesistä. Sopivimmat eutektiset olosuhteet kiteyttämiseen ovat natriumsulfaatilla, kaliumsulfaatilla ja natriumkarbonaatilla. Veden luonnollisen jäätymisprosessin hyödyntäminen jätevedenpuhdistuksessa on huomionarvoinen idea. Prosessin käyttöönottoa haittaavat esimerkiksi korkeat investointikustannukset, mutta ne tulevat todennäköisesti ajan myötä teknologian kehittyessä laskemaan. Lisäksi monet prosessiin liittyvät käytännön asiat ovat vielä tutkimuksen alla. On myös huomattava, että Suomessakaan lämpötila ei pysyttele koko vuotta pakkasella, joten jäädytyksen rinnalla on oltava jokin toinen prosessi, jolla jätevedet puhdistetaan lämpötilan ollessa nollan yläpuolella.


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During central nervous system myelination, oligodendrocytes extend membrane processes towards an axonal contact site which is followed by ensheathment resulting in a compacted multilamellar myelin sheath. The formation of this axon-glial unit facilitates rapid saltatory propagation of action potentials along the axon and requires the synthesis and transport of copious amounts of lipids and proteins to the axon-glial contact site. Fyn is a member of the Src family of non receptor tyrosine kinases and inserted into the inner leaflet of the oligodendrocyte membrane by acylation. Fyn activity plays a pivotal role in the maturation of oligodendrocytes and the myelination process. It was suggested previously that Fyn kinase can be stimulated by binding of a neuronal ligand to oligodendroglial F3/ contactin, a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol anchored immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) member protein. It could be shown here, that neuronal cell adhesion molecule L1 binds to oligodendrocytes in an F3-dependent manner and activates glial Fyn. In the search for downstream participants of this novel axon-glial signalling cascade, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 was identified as a novel Fyn target in oligodendrocytes. HnRNP A2 was known to be involved in the localisation of translationally repressed myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA by binding to a cis acting A2 response element (A2RE) present in the 3’ untranslated region. Transport of MBP mRNAs occurs in RNA-protein complexes termed RNA granules and translational repression during transport is achieved by hnRNP A2-mediated recruitment of hnRNP E1 to the granules. It could be shown here, that Fyn activity leads to enhanced translation of reporter mRNA containing a part of the 3’ UTR of MBP including the A2RE. Furthermore hnRNP E1 seems to dissociate from RNA granules in response to Fyn activity and L1 binding. These findings suggest a novel form of neuron- glial communication: Axonal L1 binding to oligodendroglial F3 activates Fyn kinase. Activated Fyn phosphorylates hnRNP A2 leading to removal of hnRNP E1 from RNA granules initiating the translation of MBP mRNA. MBP is the second most abundant myelin protein and mice lacking this protein show a severe hypomyelination phenotype. Moreover, the brains of Fyn knock out mice contain reduced MBP levels and are hypomyelinated. Hence, L1-mediated MBP synthesis via Fyn as a central molecule could be part of a regulatory mechanism required for myelinogenesis in the central nervous system.


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Water quantity and quality issues worldwide are causing nations to consider alternate sources for drinking water. Desalination and other membrane processes for treatment of seawater and brackish inland waters have been in use for the past quarter century and are growing in use worldwide. These treatment processes create a highly concentrated waste stream in which the principal constituents are dissolved solids. This report provides an overview of desalination methods and the methods available to dispose of this waste stream. Innovative technologies being studied for possible future use are also discussed.


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Póster presentado en 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic August 28th-September 1st, 2010.


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Water scarcity is a global issue that has already affected every continent. Membrane technology is considered as one of the most promising candidates for resolving this worsening issue. Among all the membrane processes, the emerging forward osmosis (FO) membrane process is osmotically-driven and has unique advantages compared with other traditional pressure-driven membrane processes. One of the major challenges to advancing the FO membrane process is the lack of a suitable membrane. Polyelectrolyte thin film prepared via layer-by-layer (LbL) technique has demonstrated its excellent performance in many applications including electronics, optics, sensors, etc. Recent studies have revealed the potential of polyelectrolyte thin films in acting as the active separation layer of FO membranes, but significant efforts are still needed to improve the membrane performance and understand the transport mechanisms. This dissertation introduces a novel approach to prepare a zeolite-embedded polyelectrolyte composite membrane for enhanced FO performance. This membrane takes advantages of the versatile LbL process to unprecedentedly incorporate high loading of zeolite nanoparticles, which are anticipated to facilitate water transport due to the uniquely interconnected structure of zeolites. Major topics discussed in this dissertation include: (1) the synthesis and evaluation of the polyelectrolyte-zeolite composite FO membrane, (2) the examination of the fouling resistance to identify its technical limitations, (3) the demonstration of the membrane regenerability as an effective strategy for membrane fouling control, and (4) the investigation of crosslinking effects on the membrane performance to elucidate the transport mechanisms involved in the zeolite-embedded polyelectrolyte membranes. Comparative studies have been made between polyelectrolyte membranes with and without zeolite incorporation. The findings suggest that the zeolite-embedded membrane, although slightly more susceptible to silica scaling, has demonstrated enhanced water flux and separation capability, good resistance to organic fouling, and complete regenerability for fouling control. Additionally, the embedded zeolite nanoparticles are proved to be able to create fast pathways for water transport. Overall, this work provides a novel strategy to create zeolite-polymer composite membranes with enhanced separation performance and unique fouling mitigation properties.