815 resultados para medication card
Farmaseuttisilla palveluilla tarkoitetaan apteekkien palveluita, joissa hyödynnetään apteekin farmaseuttisen henkilökunnan tietoja ja taitoja. Farmaseuttiset palvelut voidaan jakaa farmaseuttisiin perus- ja erityispalveluihin. Farmaseuttiset peruspalvelut kattavat apteekkien lakisääteiset tehtävät, kun taas farmaseuttisilla erityispalveluilla pyritään ottamaan aktiivisempi rooli asiakkaan terveyden edistämisessä. Koneellinen annosjakelupalvelu on farmaseuttinen erityispalvelu. Koneellisessa annosjakelupalvelussa lääkkeet jaetaan kerta-annospusseihin annostusajankohdan mukaan. Kun uusi asiakas aloittaa koneellinen annosjakelupalvelun, tarkistetaan asiakkaan lääkitys yhteensopimattomien ja turhien lääkkeiden osalta. Palvelun aloitushetkellä huomioidaan myös lääkevalmisteiden sopivuus koneelliseen annosjakeluun sekä tarkistetaan valmisteiden annosteluajankohdat. Koneellisessa annosjakelupalvelussa asiakkaan lääkehoidosta muodostetaan lääkityskortti, josta kokonaislääkehoito on helppo tarkistaa. Erikoistyön tavoitteena oli selvittää millainen lääkehoidon arviointi tai tarkistus koneellisen annosjakelupalvelun aloittamisen yhteydessä tehdään ja miten palvelun aloittavien asiakkaiden kokonaislääkehoitotieto saadaan selvitettyä. Lisäksi selvitettiin millaisia muutoksia lääkehoitoihin tehdään palvelun aloittamisen yhteydessä, mitkä ovat muutosten syyt sekä millainen on asiakkaan kokonaislääkehoito. Kyselylomake lähetettiin kaikkiin apteekkeihin, jotka tilasivat koneellista annosjakelua sopimusvalmistuksena Espoonlahden apteekilta syyskuussa 2010. Tutkimus suoritettiin semistrukturoidulla kirjallisella kyselyllä, joka sisälsi sekä avoimia kysymyksiä että monivalintakysymyksiä. Kyselyyn saatiin 147 vastausta ja vastausprosentiksi muodostui 45. Vastauksia kyselyyn saatiin koko Mannersuomen alueelta ja kaikkien kokoluokkien apteekeilta. Koneellisen annosjakelupalvelun aloittavat henkilöt ovat pääasiassa iäkkäitä, jotka ovat kotihoidon piirissä, asuvat hoitokodissa tai palveluasumisen yksikössä. Asiakkaiden lääkitystietojen keräämisessä hyödynnetään lääkityskorttia, mutta lääkityskortin tietoja päivitetään myös muista lähteistä. Asiakkaiden lääkityksille tehdään useimmiten lääkehoidon tarkistus moniammatillisena yhteistyönä. Lääkehoidolle tehdyt muutokset johtuvat pääasiassa lääkevaihdosta, annosjakelukoneen lääkevalikoimasta tai puolittamisen välttämisestä. Lääkehoidoissa on vain vähän yhteisvaikutuksia, jotka johtavat lääkevalmisteen käytön lopettamiseen. Lääkehoidon tarkistuksella ei ollut suurta vaikutusta asiakkaiden käyttämien lääkevalmisteiden määrään. Palvelun aloittamisen jälkeen asiakkaalla on käytössään keskimäärin 11 lääkevalmistetta, joista seitsemää jaellaan koneellisesti. Lääkeaineryhmistä eniten käytettyjä ovat hermostoon vaikuttavat sekä sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien lääkkeet, joita kumpaakin on käytössä keskimäärin kolme jokaisella uudella koneellisen annosjakelupalvelun asiakkaalla sekä palvelun aloittamista ennen että sen jälkeen.
Designers need to develop good observational skills in order to conduct user studies that reveal the subtleties of human interactions and adequately inform design activity. In this paper we describe a game format that we have used in concert with wiki-web technology, to engage our IT and Information Environments students in developing much sharper observational skills. The Video Card Game is a method of video analysis that is suited to design practitioners as well as to researchers. It uses the familiar format of a card game similar to "Happy Families,, to help students develop themes of interactions from watching video clips. Students then post their interaction themes on wiki-web pages, which allows the teaching team and other students to edit and comment on them. We found that the tangible (cards), game, role playing and sharing aspects of this method led to a much larger amount of interaction and discussion between student groups and between students and the teaching team, than we have achieved using our traditional teaching methods, while taking no more time on the part of the teaching staff. The quality of the resulting interaction themes indicates that this method fosters development of observational skills.In the paper we describe the motivations, method and results in full. We also describe the research context in which we collected the videotape data, and how this method relates to state of the art research methods in interaction design for ubiquitous computing technology.
Aim. This paper is a report of a study conducted to explore the impact of preidentified contextual themes (related to work environment and socialization) on nursing medication practice. Background. Medication administration is a complex aspect of paediatric nursing and an important component of day-to-day nursing practice. Many attempts are being made to improve patient safety, but many errors remain. Identifying and understanding factors that influence medication administration errors are of utmost importance. Method. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a sample of 278 paediatric nurses from the emergency department, intensive care unit and medical and surgical wards of an Australian tertiary paediatric hospital in 2004. The response rate was 67%. Result. Contextual influences were important in determining how closely medication policy was followed. Completed questionnaires were returned by 185 nurses (67%). Younger nurses aged <34 years thought that their medication administration practice could be influenced by the person with whom they checked the drugs (P = 0·001), and that there were daily circumstances when it was acceptable not to adhere strictly to medication policy (P < 0·001), including choosing between following policy and acting in the best interests of the child (P = 0·002). Senior nurses agreed that senior staff dictate acceptable levels of medication policy adherence through role modelling (P = 0·01). Less experienced nurses reported greater confidence with computer literacy (P < 0·001). Conclusions. Organizations need to employ multidisciplinary education programmes to promote universal understanding of, and adherence to, medication policies. Skill mix should be closely monitored to ensure adequate support for new and junior staff.
Objective: To evaluate the importance of contextual and policy factors on nurses’ judgment about medication administration practice.---------- Design: A questionnaire survey of responses to a number of factorial vignettes in June 2004. These vignettes considered a combination of seven contextual and policy factors that were thought to influence nurses’ judgments relating to medication administration.---------- Participants: 185 (67% of eligible) clinical paediatric nursing staff returned completed questionnaires.--------- Setting: A tertiary paediatric hospital in Brisbane, Australia.---------- Results: Double checking the patient, double checking the drug and checking the legality of the prescription were the three strongest predictors of nurses’ actions regarding medication administration.--------- Conclusions: Policy factors and not contextual factors drive nurses’ judgment in response to hypothetical scenarios.
This naturalistic study investigated the mechanisms of change in measures of negative thinking and in 24-h urinary metabolites of noradrenaline (norepinephrine), dopamine and serotonin in a sample of 43 depressed hospital patients attending an eight-session group cognitive behavior therapy program. Most participants (91%) were taking antidepressant medication throughout the therapy period according to their treating Psychiatrists' prescriptions. The sample was divided into outcome categories (19 Responders and 24 Non-responders) on the basis of a clinically reliable change index [Jacobson, N.S., & Truax, P., 1991. Clinical significance: a statistical approach to defining meaningful change in psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 12–19.] applied to the Beck Depression Inventory scores at the end of the therapy. Results of repeated measures analysis of variance [ANOVA] analyses of variance indicated that all measures of negative thinking improved significantly during therapy, and significantly more so in the Responders as expected. The treatment had a significant impact on urinary adrenaline and metadrenaline excretion however, these changes occurred in both Responders and Non-responders. Acute treatment did not significantly influence the six other monoamine metabolites. In summary, changes in urinary monoamine levels during combined treatment for depression were not associated with self-reported changes in mood symptoms.
Ubiquitous access to patient medical records is an important aspect of caring for patient safety. Unavailability of sufficient medical information at the point-ofcare could possibly lead to a fatality. The U.S. Institute of Medicine has reported that between 44,000 and 98,000 people die each year due to medical errors, such as incorrect medication dosages, due to poor legibility in manual records, or delays in consolidating needed information to discern the proper intervention. In this research we propose employing emergent technologies such as Java SIM Cards (JSC), Smart Phones (SP), Next Generation Networks (NGN), Near Field Communications (NFC), Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and Biometric Identification to develop a secure framework and related protocols for ubiquitous access to Electronic Health Records (EHR). A partial EHR contained within a JSC can be used at the point-of-care in order to help quick diagnosis of a patient’s problems. The full EHR can be accessed from an Electronic Health Records Centre (EHRC) when time and network availability permit. Moreover, this framework and related protocols enable patients to give their explicit consent to a doctor to access their personal medical data, by using their Smart Phone, when the doctor needs to see or update the patient’s medical information during an examination. Also our proposed solution would give the power to patients to modify the Access Control List (ACL) related to their EHRs and view their EHRs through their Smart Phone. Currently, very limited research has been done on using JSCs and similar technologies as a portable repository of EHRs or on the specific security issues that are likely to arise when JSCs are used with ubiquitous access to EHRs. Previous research is concerned with using Medicare cards, a kind of Smart Card, as a repository of medical information at the patient point-of-care. However, this imposes some limitations on the patient’s emergency medical care, including the inability to detect the patient’s location, to call and send information to an emergency room automatically, and to interact with the patient in order to get consent. The aim of our framework and related protocols is to overcome these limitations by taking advantage of the SIM card and the technologies mentioned above. Briefly, our framework and related protocols will offer the full benefits of accessing an up-to-date, precise, and comprehensive medical history of a patient, whilst its mobility will provide ubiquitous access to medical and patient information everywhere it is needed. The objective of our framework and related protocols is to automate interactions between patients, healthcare providers and insurance organisations, increase patient safety, improve quality of care, and reduce the costs.
These cards are designed as a resource for implementing participatory action research (PAR) in social programs. Each card covers one of the five key stages of PAR as outlined in the manual 'On PAR- Using participatory Action Research to Improve Early Intervention' (Crane and O'Regan 2010).
Increased crash risk is associated with sedative medications and researchers and health-professionals have called for improvements to medication warnings about driving. The tiered warning system in France since 2005 indicates risk level, uses a color-coded pictogram, and advises the user to seek the advice of a doctor before driving. In Queensland, Australia, the mandatory warning on medications that may cause drowsiness advises the user not to drive or operate machinery if they self-assess that they are affected, and calls attention to possible increased impairment when combined with alcohol. Objectives The reported aims of the study were to establish and compare risk perceptions associated with the Queensland and French warnings among medication users. It was conducted to complement the work of DRUID in reviewing the effectiveness of existing campaigns and practice guidelines. Methods Medication users in France and Queensland were surveyed using warnings about driving from both contexts to compare risk perceptions associated with each label. Both samples were assessed for perceptions of the warning that carried the strongest message of risk. The Queensland study also included perceptions of the likelihood of crash and level of impairment associated with the warning. Results Findings from the French study (N = 75) indicate that when all labels were compared, the majority of respondents perceived the French Level-3 label as the strongest warning about risk concerning driving. Respondents in Queensland had significantly stronger perceptions of potential impairment to driving ability, z = -13.26, p <.000 (n = 325), and potential chance of having a crash, z = -11.87, p < .000 (n = 322), after taking a medication that displayed the strongest French warning, compared with the strongest Queensland warning. Conclusions Evidence suggests that warnings about driving displayed on medications can influence risk perceptions associated with use of medication. Further analyses will determine whether risk perceptions influence compliance with the warnings.
Background: Medication-related problems often occur in the immediate post-discharge period. To reduce medication misadventure the Commonwealth Government funds home medicines reviews (HMRs). HMRs are initiated when general practitioners refer consenting patients to their community pharmacists, who then engage accredited pharmacists to review patients' medicines in their homes. Aim: To determine if hospital-initiated medication reviews (HIMRs) can be implemented in a more timely manner than HMRs; and to assess the impact of a bespoke referral form with comorbidity-specific questions on the quality of reports. Method: Eligible medical inpatients at risk of medication misadventure were referred by the hospital liaison pharmacist to participating accredited pharmacists post-discharge from hospital. Social, demographic and laboratory data were collected from medical records and during interviews with consenting patients. Issues raised in the HIMR reports were categorised: intervention/action, information given or recommendation, and assigned a rank of clinical significance. Results: HIMRs were conducted within 11.6 6.6 days postdischarge. 36 HIMR reports were evaluated and 1442 issues identified - information given (n = 1204), recommendations made (n = 88) and actions taken (n = 150). The majority of issues raised (89%) had a minor clinical impact. The bespoke referral form prompted approximately half of the issues raised. Conclusion: HIMRs can be facilitated in a more timely manner than post-discharge HMRs. There was an associated positive clinical impact of issues raised in the HIMR reports.
Reporting of medication administration errors (MAEs) is one means by which health care facilities monitor their practice in an attempt to maintain the safest patient environment. This study examined the likelihood of registered nurses (RNs) reporting MAEs when working in Saudi Arabia. It also attempted to identify potential barriers in the reporting of MAE. This study found that 63% of RNs raised concerns about reporting of MAEs in Saudi Arabia—nursing administration was the largest impediment affecting nurses' willingness to report MAEs. Changing attitude to a non-blame system and implementation of anonymous reporting systems may encourage a greater reporting of MAEs.