616 resultados para mau hálito


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A Halitose é um sintoma constrangedor com significativo impacto social. Ela afeta milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo e muitos recursos são investidos em produtos para a melhora do hálito, sem sucesso. O estudo da halitose com uma abordagem científica se justifica, uma vez que a halitose é causa de restrição social, diminui a qualidade de vida e pode ser indicativo da presença de doenças mais graves. OBJETIVO: Elaborar um protocolo de avaliação da halitose com o objetivo de minimizar custos, evitar exames desnecessários e orientar o diagnóstico causal. MÉTODO: O protocolo foi elaborado baseado na literatura e na experiência pessoal dos autores, adotando uma anamnese baseada em evidências. RESULTADO: Existem muitas causas da halitose e a maioria delas está relacionada com a cavidade oral, outras estão relacionadas com doenças otorrinolaringológicas e respiratórias. Doenças gastrointestinais, alterações das funções renais e hepáticas e outras síndromes metabólicas são causas menos freqüentes, porém importantes de halitose. CONCLUSÃO: Existem custos importantes envolvidos no diagnóstico e tratamento da halitose, incluindo consultas ambulatoriais, avaliação de especialistas e exames complementares. Estes custos poderiam ser minimizados adotando uma anamnese baseada em evidências e um organograma para uma investigação clínica racional.


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The present study has the purpose of catching the significances of smoking in the social dinamics based on the Theory of Social Representations. It was developed among adults with ages from 20 to 59 years, low social and economic conditions, at Natal RN, Brazil. The Free-words Association Test was applied as the instrument of data collection and a semi-structured interview with the smokers and non-smokers, besides a structured interview with smokers, non-smokers and ex-smokers. All data was analyzed by the descriptive statistics using the Analysis of Content Technique of the thematic kind and by the softwares ALCESTE and EVOC 2000. Elaborations about smoking were marked by social, cultural and historical dimension, however they showed sensibility to changes and revealed positive and negative aspects of the habit. The analysis of the semi-structured interviews showed the following categories and under-categories respectively: Initiation of the habit (Friends and Family and Appreciation and Beauty); Psychosocial Implications of smoking (Personal relationship, Work and Financial); Behavior when facing smoking (Positive, Negative and Neutral); Smoking Effects (Smokers´ health and the other people health); Description about oral diseases ( Bad breath, Oral cancer and Dental problems); Smoking treatment (Physician and psychological, Supernatural and Difficulties). ALCESTE analysis presented 4 classes: Ambivalence between pleasure and get ill, Smoking as a trouble and danger to society, Social discrimination of smokers and Mouth as a place of reaffirmation of the discrimination. Those helped us to understand the psychosocial repercussion of the habit. On the social representation structure we identified as a probable central nucleus of the smoker group the categories Pleasure and Bad to the health and as peripheral elements Alcoholic Drink, Financial damage and Nervousness. For the non-smoker group the category Bad to the health comes first and Stop Smoking comes as a peripheral element. Finally, we hope that the knowledge of these representations can contribute to plan and/or to rethink over the professional practices and public policies related to smoking. Besides that, for an amplified comprehension of the study object the discussions over the identified representations should be deepen and amplified to other population and social groups


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is a periodontal disease which suddenly appears and presents an acute clinical course, characterized by patients' pain, discomfort and halitosis. Ulceration on papilla and marginal gingiva can be observed. For this reason, patients presenting this condition may seek dental assistance in Health Units or Graduation Institutions, being the dentist responsible for the adoption of a clinical treatment that minimizes symptomatology. The purpose of this case report is to expose and discuss aspects of clinical treatment for this disease applied to the reality of this service.


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Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is a periodontal disease which suddenly appears and presents an acute clinical course, characterized by patients' pain, discomfort and halitosis. Ulceration on papilla and marginal gingiva can be observed. For this reason, patients presenting this condition may seek dental assistance in Health Units or Graduation Institutions, being the dentist responsible for the adoption of a clinical treatment that minimizes symptomatology. The purpose of this case report is to expose and discuss aspects of clinical treatment for this disease applied to the reality of this service.


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To determine the prevalence and intensity of orofacial pain in adults that participated in a health program at Ribeirão Preto. Methodology: The study was conducted by a self-administered questionnaire, with 19 questions in 99 people aged 18 to 66 years. The method used for data collection was the index Oral Impacton Daily Performances (OIDP), which evaluated the six months preceding the survey, pain experiences in the mouth, teeth or dentures and how these factors interfere with daily activities. Statistical analysis was performed using Epi Info version 3.4. Results: The majority of the adults who participated in this survey (52.5%) reported having an excellent or good oral health, reported having problems with their teeth (60.6%), no problems with the gums (77.8%), no bad taste in mouth (77.8%) or bad breath (77.8%). Among the participants of the study, 56.6% felt orofacial pain in the last six months and the pain were more frequently caused by cold or hot liquids (30.3%), spontaneous pain (17.2%), during the mouth opening (17.2%), pain in the face (13.1%) and ATM (13.1%). Regarding the severity rate, the highest proportion varied from mild to moderate. Conclusions: Even observing a low severity of orofacial pain, its prevalence was high, which probably has a negative effect on life quality of these people.


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In general the human breath doesn't have smell or it is so only lightly perceptible to the surrounding ones, varying of pleasant the unpleasant, being taken in consideration the sensibility of the person. Halitosis or bad breath doesn't truly represent a disease, being present in a considerable portion of the population. Ethiologically exist several involved factors, could make an appointment breathing, gastric intestinal, organic and psychic disturbances and mainly oral factors, being the microbial colonization of the tongue the most common, beside the pathological situations involving periodontitis, as necrotizing ulcerative gengivitis. For representing a true obstacle biopsicossocial, the halitosis it influences directally in the family life, work, the patients' atmosphere social, being its diagnosis specific, demanding in certain occasions treatment multidisciplinar. In that sense, the present study if report to a literary revision of the theme, approaching the main aspects of the development of the halitosis, as well as its biological origin and its clinical implications.


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In general the human breath doesn't have smell or it is so only lightly perceptible to the surrounding ones, varying of pleasant the unpleasant, being taken in consideration the sensibility of the person. Halitosis or bad breath doesn't truly represent a disease, being present in a considerable portion of the population. Ethiologically exist several involved factors, could make an appointment breathing, gastric intestinal, organic and psychic disturbances and mainly oral factors, being the microbial colonization of the tongue the most common, beside the pathological situations involving periodontitis, as necrotizing ulcerative gengivitis. For representing a true obstacle biopsicossocial, the halitosis it influences directally in the family life, work, the patients' atmosphere social, being its diagnosis specific, demanding in certain occasions treatment multidisciplinar. In that sense, the present study if report to a literary revision of the theme, approaching the main aspects of the development of the halitosis, as well as its biological origin and its clinical implications.


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Paciente de 72 anos relata que há cerca de três meses sua gengiva “enfraqueceu” e os dentes ficaram bambos, queixa-se de infecção na boca, dentes frouxos e mau-hálito.


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No ano de 2003 Francisco de Oliveria publicou um artigo intitulado "O Ornitorrinco" no qual fez considerações críticas sobre a conjectura politico-social daquele momento histórico. Tal artigo é permeado por um paralelo entre o evolucionismo darwinista e a visão do autor sobre a sociedade brasileira contemporânea. Entretanto, ao fazer tal analogia ele incorre numa série de equívocos teóricos sobre a teoria evolucionista. Tais equívocos consistem, em grande parte, numa substuição indevida entre aquilo que ficou conhecido como Darwinismo Social e a teoria neodarwinista como entendida pelos seus atuais proponentes. O presente trabalho identifica estes equívocos e os contextualiza dentro da teoria neodarwiniana. Além disso, fazemos um recorte histórico do processo de formação do pensamento evolucionista para enfatizar que a associação entre biologia e darwinismo social é mais complexa do que geralmente se assume.


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Initialement présentée au Colloque international APEF / APFUE / SHF: L'Étranger. Université de l'Algarve.


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Diabetes - Doença silenciosa, progressão lenta, inicialmente assintomática, reduz a esperança de vida em 5-10 anos. Maior causa de amputações não traumáticas, insuficiência renal, cegueira idade < 65 anos, doenças cardiovasculares (enfarte agudo do miocárdio, acidente vascular cerebral, doença arterial periférica).


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Jornalismo