997 resultados para marital relationships


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A qualitative approach was used to explore the impact of acculturation stress on the marital relationships of South Sudanese refugees settled in Brisbane, Australia. Thirteen refugees, who were currently or previously married, participated in three gender specific focus groups. The perceived causes and possible solutions of conflict were thoroughly explored. Hypothetical scenarios were used to facilitate group discussion. Major issues causing conflict between couples were identified as: the management of finances and lack of family and social support. Several other areas of acculturation stress also emerged as factors associated with marital stress. There was a dissonance regarding the adherence to cultural gender roles. Freedom provided to women in Australia caused tension between the couples. Law enforcement officers were perceived as lacking cultural understanding and misinterpreting the couple distress. Finally, limited information provided to refugees pre and post migration was considered to hinder adjustment. The participants suggested a number of practical solutions to these issues which are potentially useful in guiding future refugee settlement programs.


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This paper reviews current research regarding the impact of birth complications on parental decisionmaking, and the resulting effects on parent-infant and infant-marital relationships. It discusses the importance of informed decision-making on parental satisfaction of the birthing experience, and the benefits of certain strategies, such as kangaroo care, in the facilitation of greater levels of attachment and improved relationships. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research areas to focus on finding better ways to prepare and support parents in these situations, thus improving the quality of relationships between parents and with their child.


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The current study investigated the impact of neurological illness on marital relationship satisfaction. Participants numbered 423 patients and 335 carers from motor neurone disease (MND), Huntington's disease (HD), Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis (MS). The results demonstrated that patients and carers with HD had a significantly lower level of relationship satisfaction and sex life satisfaction than the other three illness groups. Further, patients with HD indicated a significantly higher level of relationship satisfaction than their carers. For MS and MND patients, social support predicted marital relationship satisfaction, and for Parkinson's patients, social support and sex life satisfaction predicted marital relationship satisfaction.


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Dangerous Places is a novel about the gap between mythological (or 'dreamed') constructions of reality and actual life. The story centres on V en, a married woman with two young children. Her love for her children is fiercely protective and encompassing, but she feels alienated from her husband and to a certain extent her society; so when her first love, Yanni, re-enters her life,she is strongly tempted to resume her affair with him. She is however seduced more by the memories she has 'mythologized' about him than by his physical reality; in the course of the novel she is forced to come to terms with her own delusions. The subplot of the novel involves other characters who are caught between illusion and reality as well, and who deal with 'truth' in differing ways. The themes of the book are explored using a number of structures which underlie and support the surface story. The Greek myths of Adonis/ Aphrodite and Hades/Persephone are framing agents for the plot, and the setting in contemporary Brisbane and North Stradbroke Island is symbolic.


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Embora a maternidade lésbica não seja novidade, nos últimos anos sua visibilidade vem aumentando. A ampliação da procura e acesso aos serviços de medicina reprodutiva por casais de mulheres acrescenta novos ingredientes a este cenário, que desperta crescente interesse social. Tão bem arraigada às construções de gênero, a maternidade figura como elemento de fundamental importância em nossa sociedade. Pretendendo tensionar como casais de mulheres que desejam ser mães a partir do acesso às técnicas de reprodução assistida se relacionam com a maternidade e com o serviço de saúde, realizamos entrevistas com cinco casais de mulheres residentes de cidades do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo, bem como com seis profissionais de saúde de um centro de medicina reprodutiva localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Mesmo o processo tendo sido longo e dispendioso para muitas, parece a maternidade autorizar manipulações e intervenções profissionais. Ainda que os profissionais entrevistados recebam casais lésbicos e prestem atendimento, as desconfianças sobre a legitimidade desta composição familiar não são poucas. A maternidade ressignificou a vida dessas mulheres, acrescentando novas dinâmicas às relações familiares e conjugais. Todavia, sob olhares que desconfiam e tolhidas de direitos, estas famílias enfrentam lutas judiciais e se articulam para responder as desconfianças.


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A eficácia da terapia anti-retroviral tem contribuído para uma vida melhor das pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids, e a presença dos casais sorodiscordantes nos ambulatórios tem sido mais freqüente. O uso sistemático da camisinha foi suficientemente demonstrado por diversas pesquisas como eficaz na prevenção ao HIV, mas como fazer com que os pacientes percebam a sua importância? Este estudo busca identificar e refletir sobre as estratégias médicas utilizadas na prevenção e assistência aos pacientes com HIV e Aids, envolvidos em relações conjugais sorodiscordantes, através do uso do preservativo. Seis médicos (2 mulheres e 4 homens) que atuam com pacientes portadores de HIV/Aids em ambulatórios públicos no município do Rio de Janeiro, deram seus depoimentos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas orientadas por um roteiro. Dentre os resultados encontrados, destaca-se a produção de uma invisibilidade dirigida aos casais sorodiscordantes, posto que o que se revela como realmente importante é a adesão ao tratamento, que se confunde com adesão aos medicamentos antiretrovirais). O tratamento medicamentoso concentra os objetivos e as reocupações dos profissionais de saúde na assistência aos pacientes com HIV/Aids, centrado na tradição biomédica que reduz as experiências sociais, emocionais e culturais de viver com Aids, a fatores que facilitem ou dificultem a adesão ao tratamento. A estratégia médica dirigida à sorodiscordância é negativa, no sentido de apagar a condição de casal assim como os outros aspectos não objetivos da vida do paciente.


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According to dialogical self theory (Hermans, 2001), individual identities reflect cultural and subcultural values, and appropriate voices and discourses from the social environment. Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) systemic theory of human development similarly postulates that individual and social development occur in a symbiotic and interdependent fashion. It would therefore be predicted that individual changes in identity reflect macrocosmic changes in cultural values and social structures. The current study investigated narratives of crisis transitions within adults aged 25-40, by way of interviews with 22 participants. An intensive qualitative analysis showed that the narratives of crisis could indeed be viewed as individual manifestations of contemporary cultural changes. National statistics and academic research have documented in the UK substantial cultural shifts over the last twenty years including the lessening popularity of marriage, the rise of freelance and portfolio careers and the growth of accepted alternative gender roles. In individual crises, changes made over the course of the episode were invariably in the same direction as these social changes; towards flexible work patterns, non-marital relationships and redefined gender identities. Before the crisis, participants described their identity as bound into an established discourse of conventionality, a traditional sense of masculinity or feminitity and a singular career role, while after the crisis alternative and fluid identities are explored, and identity is less defined by role and institution. These findings show that changes in the social macrocosm can be found in the individual microcosm, and therefore support dialogical self theory.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Família e Intervenção Familiar), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2014


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Objective: To assess the perspectives of couples who requested vasectomy in a public health service on the use of male participation contraceptive methods available in Brazil: male condoms, natural family planning/calendar, coitus interruptus and vasectomy. Methods: A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was held with 20 couples who had requested vasectomy at the Human Reproduction Unit of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. Data analysis was carried out through thematic content analysis. Findings: The couples did not, in general, know any effective contraceptive options for use by men and/or participating in their use, except for vasectomy. The few methods with male participation that they knew of were perceived to interfere in spontaneity and in pleasure of intercourse. Men accepted that condom use in extra-conjugal relations offered them protection from sexually transmitted diseases; that their wives might also participate in extra-marital relationships was not considered. Discussion: The few contraceptive options with male participation lead to difficulty in sharing responsibilities between men and women. On the basis of perceived gender roles, women took the responsibility for contraception until the moment when the situation became untenable, and they faced the unavoidable necessity of sterilization. Conclusion: Specific actions are necessary for men to achieve integral participation in relation to reproductive sexual health. These include education and discussions on gender roles, leading to greater awareness in men of the realities of sexual and reproductive health.


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This thesis presents an integrative model of relationship functioning, delineating the factors that significantly influence the way in which couples experience lasting and satisfying relationships. Given that marital relationships are complex, multiple intra and interpersonal factors need to be considered in order to better understand the pathways which lead to healthy relationship functioning. The integrative nature of the model is therefore argued to capture the intricate dynamics inherent in couple functioning. The portfolio provides four case studies of different loss experiences which are linked by the theme of disenfranchised grief which is deemed an important issue to deal with in therapy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as correlações existentes entre os domínios do bem-estar subjetivo (BES) e a expressão do afeto. A amostra foi composta por 106 pessoas casadas. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário Sociodemográfico, Escala Abipeme, Escala de Bem-estar Subjetivo e Escala de Ajustamento Diádico. Os resultados da análise multivariada evidenciaram que a expressão do afeto está correlacionada com afetos positivos e negativos, mas significativamente relacionada apenas à categoria de afetos positivos, a partir da seleção de variáveis pelo método stepwise (rho = 0,04; p = 0,01). Desse modo, quanto mais a pessoa se sente feliz, mais tende a expressar sua afetividade quando está com o parceiro. A partir das contribuições da Psicologia Positiva, podemos compreender que o modo como cada cônjuge se sente em termos individuais e se coloca em relação ao mundo e às diferentes experiências contribui para que se sinta seguro e possa expressar a afetividade de maneira mais satisfatória.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Psicologia Clínica e Cultura, 2015.


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Background to the Problem: Improving nurses' self-efficacy and job satisfaction may improve the quality of nursing care to patients. Moreover, to work effectively and consistently with professional nursing standards, nurses have to believe they are able to make decisions about their practice. In order to identify what strategies and professional development programmes should be developed and implemented for registered nurses in the Australian context, a comprehensive profile of registered nurses and factors that affect nursing care in Australia needs to be available. However, at present, there is limited information available on a) the perceived caring efficacy and job satisfaction of registered nurses in Australia, and b) the relationships between the demographic variables general self-efficacy, work locus of control, coping styles, the professional nursing practice environment and caring efficacy and job satisfaction of registered nurses in Australia. This is the first study to 1) investigate relationships between caring efficacy and job satisfaction with factors such as general self-efficacy, locus of control and coping, 2) the nursing practice environment in the Australian context and 3) conceptualise a model of caring efficacy and job satisfaction in the Australian context. Research Design and Methods: This study used a two-phase cross-sectional survey design. A pilot study was conducted in order to determine the validity and reliability of the survey instruments and to assess the effectiveness of the participant recruitment process. The second study of the research involved investigating the relationships between the socio-demographic, dependent and independent variables. Socio-demographic variables included age, gender, level of education, years of experience, years in current job, employment status, geographical location, specialty area, health sector, state and marital status. Other independent variables in this study included general self-efficacy, work locus of control, coping styles and the professional nursing practice environment. The dependent variables were job satisfaction and caring efficacy. Results: A confirmatory factor analysis of the Brisbane Practice Environment Measure (B-PEM) was conducted. A five-factor structure of the B-PEM was confirmed. Relationships between socio-demographic variables, caring efficacy and job satisfaction, were identified at the bivariate and multivariable levels. Further, examination using structural equation modelling revealed general self-efficacy, work locus of control, coping style and the professional nursing practice environment contributed to caring efficacy and job satisfaction of registered nurses in Australia. Conclusion: This research contributes to the literature on how socio-demographic, personal and environmental variables (work locus of control, general self-efficacy and the nursing practice environment) influence caring efficacy and job satisfaction in registered nurses in Australia. Caring efficacy and job satisfaction may be improved if general self-efficacy is high in those that have an internal work locus of control. The study has also shown that practice environments that provide the necessary resources improve job satisfaction in nurses. The results have identified that the development and implementation of strategies for professional development and orientation programmes that enhance self-efficacy and work locus of control may contribute to better quality nursing practice and job satisfaction. This may further assist registered nurses towards focusing on improving their practice abilities. These strategies along with practice environments that provide the necessary resources for nurses to practice effectively may lead to better job satisfaction. This information is important for nursing leaders, healthcare organisations and policymakers, as the development and implementation of these strategies may lead to better recruitment and retention of nurses. The study results will contribute to the national and international literature on self-efficacy, job satisfaction and nursing practice.


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This descriptive correlational study examined relationships between mild stroke functional and psychosocial outcomes over the early post-discharge period among dyads of mild stroke patients (n=38) and their spousal caregivers (n=38). We measured patients' functional scores using the modified Rankin Scale; patients' and caregivers' quality of life (QoL) using Stroke Impact Scale and Short-Form 36 respectively, mood using the Beck Depression Inventory-II, and marital function scores using the Family Assessment Device. Spousal caregivers also completed the Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Scale as a measure of caregiver strain. The average age of stroke patients was 64 years and of spousal caregivers 58 years. All stroke patients were male; all spousal caregivers female. At three months post discharge, patient functional status scores had significantly improved from discharge (p=0.026) with a corresponding increase in QoL scores (p=0.012). Functional status was significantly correlated with patient perceptions of QoL at three months (r=.014, p=0.024) and spousal caregiver perceptions of physical domain QoL (r=.-.397, p=0.014). Spousal caregivers' mood at three months post discharge was strongly correlated with their perceptions of marital satisfaction (r=.578, p=0.000) and caregiver strain (r=-.620, p=0.000). In preparing patients for discharge following mild stroke, nurses must consider the psychological and social implications of the recovery process over time for both the patient with stroke and their spousal caregivers.