964 resultados para marginal leakage


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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate in vitro the degree of marginal leakage in Class V cavities involving the cementoenamel junction. Cavities were 4 rum wide and 2 mm deep. The specimens received dentin pretreatment (37% phosphoric acid) followed by the Single Bond (3M) adhesive system application. The 40 specimens were then divided into four groups: Group I (control); Group 2 (Nd:YAG laser at 120 mJ/pulse, frequency of 10 Hz, power of 1.2 W); Group 3 (Nd:YAG laser at 140 mJ/pulse, frequency of 10 Hz, power of 1.4 W); Group 4 (Nd:YAG laser at 160 mJ/pulse, frequency of 10 Hz, power of 1.6 W). The cavities were restored with Z100 composite resin (3M) and light cured at 300-600 mW/cm(2) light intensity. Specimens were thermocycled to 500 cycles from 2-50 degrees C. After that, they were dried and sealed with nail varnish, respecting 1 mm around the restorations, and immersed in 0.5% methylene blue solution for 4 h. After this period, the teeth were rinsed, dried, sectioned, and analyzed in a stereoscopic loupe. The highest leakage scores were considered for each specimen. The results were statistically analyzed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal-Wallis test to the 5% level. For both the enamel and cementum, there was a decrease in marginal leakage with the application of laser energy; no significant differences were observed for Groups 2, 3, and 4. The results also showed a smaller tendency to marginal leakage on the cementum than on the enamel.


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This study carried out an in vitro evaluation and comparison of the occurrence of marginal leakage in bonded restorations using mechanical or chemical-mechanical (Carisolv) removal of carious tissue. For that purpose, 40 extracted decayed human molars were divided into 4 groups: GI (burs + Prime & Bond NT + TPH), GII (Carisolv + Prime & Bond NT + TPH), GIII (burs + SBMP + Z100) and GIV (Carisolv + SBMP + Z100). After accomplishment of the restorations and thermal cycling, the teeth were exposed to dye, sectioned and qualitatively evaluated. The results demonstrated that the system of removal of carious tissue did not influence the results of microleakage at any of the cavity margins. At dentinal margins, use of the Prime & Bond NT + TPH restorative system allowed the occurrence of less microleakage than the SBMP + Z100 system.


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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the exposure of different endodontic materials to different dye solutions by evaluating the optical density of the dye solutions. Seventy-five plastic tubes were filled with one of the following materials: AH Plus, Sealapex, Portland cement, MTA (Angelus and Pro Root) and fifteen control plastic tubes were not. Each specimen of material and control was immersed in a container with 1 ml of each dye solution. A 0.1 ml-dye solution aliquote was removed before immersion and after 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours of each specimen immersion to record its optical density (OD) in a spectrophotometer. Statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA and Tukey tests (5%). No significant difference was found among any of the solution OD values for AH Plus cement. Portland cement promoted different OD values after 12 hours of immersion. MTA-Angelus cement presented different OD values only for 2% rhodamine B and the MTA-Pro Root cement presented different OD values in all 2% rhodamine B samples. Sealapex cement promoted a reduction in the India Ink OD values. Dye evaluation through OD seems to be an interesting method to select the best dye solution to use in a given marginal leakage study.


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O objetivo é comparar o ajuste interno e marginal cervical de dois sistemas de compósito e um de cerâmica prensada. O Material e Métodos foi elaborado a partir de um modelo mestre metálico com preparo para inlay MOD, 15 troquéis de gesso tipo IV foram obtidos e distribuídos randomicamente em três grupos (n=5), a saber: Grupo Empress, Grupo Sinfony e Grupo Z350. Após a confecção das restaurações, cada peça foi posicionada no modelo mestre e fotografada nas faces mesial e distal para através de um programa de computador fazer a análise da desadaptação marginal cervical. Depois, a peça foi cimentada no modelo mestre usando silicone de adição de ultrabaixa viscosidade para preencher o espaço entre as restaurações e o preparo. Após a remoção das inlays, cada réplica foi pesada em balança de precisão para posterior obtenção de seu volume. Nos Resultados temos a interface paredes do preparo/paredes da restauração: houve diferença estatística entre o grupo Empress, que apresentou volume até 137% maior que os demais grupos, que foram considerados iguais entre si. Área de desadaptação marginal cervical: Houve diferença entre todos os grupos com o grupo Empress apresentando os maiores valores, seguido pelo grupo Sinfony e pelo grupo Z350. Os grupos Empress e o Sinfony apresentaram respectivamente áreas de desadaptação 450% e 200% maiores que o grupo Z350. Maior distância entre as bordas da restauração e as margens do preparo os grupos Empress e Sinfony foram iguais estatisticamente e diferentes do grupo Z350 que apresentou os menores valores. Entretanto, o grupo Empress apresentou uma desadaptação linear 43% maior que o grupo Sinfony. Concluímos que quanto ao desajuste interno, o grupo Empress apresentou os maiores valores no volume da interface dente/restauração, com diferença estatística significativa (P<0,05) em relação aos demais grupos. Para o cálculo da área, a desadaptação marginal foi menor no grupo Z350, seguido dos grupos Sinfony e Empress, todos mostrando diferença estatística significativa entre si (P<0,05). Considerando a medida linear, a desadaptação marginal foi menor no grupo Z350, indicando diferença estatística significativa (P<0,05) deste para os demais grupos.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the cervical marginal leakage in class II restorations with chemically cured resin (P10) and light-cured resin (P30) in two types of cavities: conventional and adhesive. The effect of acid-etching in this area was also observed. Dentine adhesive Scotchbond was used in all experimental groups. Leakage was evidenced by Rodamina B dye penetration after thermocycling procedure between 10 degrees C and 50 degrees C temperature and analysed by using Zeiss Stereoscopic Magnifying Glass (10 X). According to the results obtained marginal leakage occurred in all experimental groups, with lower percentage for adhesives cavities when enamel acid-etching and light-cured resin P30 was used.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)