914 resultados para método in situ
Se determinó la digestibilidad de los pastos Angleton, Colonial y Taiwan mediante el método in situ, disponiendo para ello de tres novillos de la raza criolla Reyna cuya edad oscilaba entre 12 y 18 meses y con un peso promedio de 261 kg, los cuales estuvieron provistos de una fístula ruminal. El objetivo propuesto fue obtener y comparar los estimados cuantitativos relativos a la degradación ruminal a diferentes tiempos de incubación (24,48 y 72 horas} tanto de materia seca como de proteína bruta. Los pastos fueron cosechados a los 35 días después del rebrote y se analizaron químicamente según procedimientos de la A.O.A.C (1984) para materia seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), extracto etéreo (EE), extracto libre de nitrógeno (ELN), fibra bruta (FB) y cenizas (C) (Weende), y según el método de Van Soest (CATIE, 1987) para fibra neutro detergente (FND)y fibra ácido detergente (FAD), así como Hemicelulosa (HC). Se incubaron 10 gr de las muestras de cada uno de los pastos en bolsas de nylon. Para analizar estadísticamente los valores de degradación obtenidos, se utilizaron análisis de varianza dentro de un DCA para determinar la significancia entre pastos en los tiempos medidos y prueba de rango múltiple de Duncan para comparar medias de los pastos dentro de cada tiempo, obteniéndose diferencias altamente significativas entre ellos (P <0.01), y al observar la separación de medias se manifestó la superioridad del Taiwan en todos los tiempos de incubación, sin embargo el Colonial, no presentó diferencias significativas con el Taiwan y el Angleton en el tiempo de 72 horas. Se concluye como resultado de este estudio, que a una edad de rebrote de 35 días, el. Taiwán es superior al Angleton y al Colonial en lo que respecta a solubilidad de materia seca v proteína bruta al mismo tiempo el Colonial. mostró superioridad ante el Angl.eton debido a su mayor solubilidad de materia seca. Las mayores degradaciones de materia seca se presentaron en el. período de 0 a 24 horas de fermentación para los tres pastos; en cambio para proteína bruta ocurrieron para el. Angleton y el Taiwán entra 1as 24 y 48 horas y para e1 Colonia1 entre O y 24 horas. En qenera1, a través de la dinámica de digestión de 1os pastos se observó la influencia negativa que ejerce proporcionalmente a su contenido, la fracción de fibra (fibra neutro detergente y fibra acido detergente).
With the growth and development of modern society, arises the need to search for new raw materials and new technologies which present the "clean" characteristic, and do not harm the environment, but can join the energy needs of industry and transportation. The Moringa oleifera Lam, plant originating from India, and currently present in the Brazilian Northeast, presents itself as a multi-purpose plant, can be used as a coagulant in water treatment, as a natural remedy and as a feedstock for biodiesel production. In this work, Moringa has been used as a raw material for studies on the extraction and subsequently in the synthesis of biodiesel. Studies have been conducted on various techniques of Moringa oil extraction (solvents, mechanical pressing and enzymatic), being specially developed an experimental design for the aqueous extraction with the aid of the enzyme Neutrase© 0.8 L, with the aim of analyzing the influence variable pH (5.5-7.5), temperature (45-55°C), time (16-24 hours) and amount of catalyst (2-5%) on the extraction yield. In relation to study of the synthesis of biodiesel was initially carried out a conventional transesterification (50°C, KOH as a catalyst, methanol and 60 minutes reaction). Next, a study was conducted using the technique of in situ transesterification by using an experimental design variables as temperature (30-60°C), catalyst amount (2-5%), and molar ratio oil / ethanol (1:420-1:600). The extraction technique that achieved the highest extraction yield (35%) was the one that used hexane as a solvent. The extraction using 32% ethanol obtained by mechanical pressing and extraction reached 25% yield. For the enzymatic extraction, the experimental design indicated that the extraction yield was most affected by the effect of the combination of temperature and time. The maximum yield obtained in this extraction was 16%. After the step of obtaining the oil was accomplished the synthesis of biodiesel by the conventional method and the in situ technique. The method of conventional transesterification was obtained a content of 100% and esters by in situ technique was also obtained in 100% in the experimental point 7, with a molar ratio oil / alcohol 1:420, Temperature 60°C in 5% weight KOH with the reaction time of 1.5 h. By the experimental design, it was found that the variable that most influenced the ester content was late the percentage of catalyst. By physico-chemical analysis it was observed that the biodiesel produced by the in situ method fell within the rules of the ANP, therefore this technique feasible, because does not require the preliminary stage of oil extraction and achieves high levels of esters
RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o sistema de monitoramento computadorizado da produção de gás in vitro com os métodos in vivo e in situ. Nas comparações, foram utilizadas silagens de milho com alto/baixo teores de matéria seca, com/sem inoculante. A digestibilidade das silagens com alto teor de matéria seca (MS), com/sem inoculação, não apresentou diferenças entre os métodos analisados. Quando avaliadas separadamente do efeito do inóculo, essas silagens diferiram nos métodos in vitro/gás e in situ, mas não no in vivo. Entretanto, quando analisadas somente sob efeito do inoculante, apenas no método in situ houve diferença. Não foram encontradas diferenças na digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) das silagens com alta ou baixa MS, inoculadas ou não, bem como em relação ao pH ao final da digestão. em conclusão, o desaparecimento da MS e FDN quantificada pelo resíduo no sistema in vitro/gás foi semelhante aos demais métodos avaliados.
A agricultura é a atividade humana que mais afeta o meio ambiente. Imensas quantidades de insumos agrícolas são aplicados sobre o solo e grande parte destes degrada os recursos hídricos. Para uma investigação adequada do efeito destes insumos, estudam-se as propriedades hidráulicas do solo, que influem no transporte de solutos neste meio. Medir tais propriedades e modelar os parâmetros correlatos são tarefas extremamente complexas, devido ao tempo requerido, dinheiro, instrumentação e escala. As metodologias convencionais inferem as propriedades hidráulicas em amostras que estão em equilíbrio, através de técnicas invasivas e sob restrições especiais. esta tes contribui com a Ciência do Ambiente, via Ciência do Solo, propondo um novo método de estudo da infiltração da água na região não-saturada do solo, utilizando a tomografia computadorizada (TC). O tomógrafo foi aqui desenvolvido e construído. A TC, neste trabalho, mediu a umidade durante o fluxo não-saturado e, através da solução numérica da equação de Richards e do modelo Rossi-Nimmo, obtiveram-se a curva de retenção, a sortividade, e a difusividade. Resultados qualitativos, como imagens 2D e 3D, e resultados quantitativos demonstraram a boa correlação do método proposto com o método tradicional de medida da curva de retenção. Amostras de solo estruturado foram analisadas em laboratório e em camp.
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (1) validar um método para a coleta de material vegetal de pau-rosa; (2) selecionar um método para a extração de DNA de folhas de pau-rosa, em quantidade e com qualidade adequadas para a obtenção de padrões RAPD e (3) desenvolver e validar um critério, baseado no grau de reprodutibilidade para selecionar bandas RAPD para as análises genéticas.
Se colectaron Y caracterizaron 1,148 accesiones de Poutería Sapota Jacquin; Pouteria viridis Pittier y Poutería campechiana H.B.K. Provenientes de las cuatro regiones ecológicas en que se encuentra dividido el país. El estudio se estableció a través del Programa de Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN), de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA), Managua. De todas las accesiones solo se procesaron 290, ya que el resto presentaban caracteres incompletos. De este total, 33 accesiones eran de Pouteria campechiana H.B.K., 34 accesiones de Pouteria viridis Pittier, y 223 accesiones de Pouteria sapota Jacquin. Se observaron 18 descriptores, entre los cuales 9 son cuantitativos y 9 son cualitativos. Los datos se sometieron al paquete estadístico SAS (sistema de análisis estadístico) el que determinó los caracteres que influyen mayormente en la variabilidad de las especies del género Poutería como son, diámetro del árbol, altura del árbol, peso del fruto, peso de la semilla, número de semillas por fruto, forma del fruto textura de la pulpa, color de la pulpa, color de la cáscara. Después se realizó el análisis e interpretación de los agrupamientos (cluster) por el método WARD mínima varianza, resultando tres fenogramas, uno para cada especie del género Pouteria. Los fenogramas de Pouteria virídis Píttier, Pouteria sapota Jacquin y Pouteria campechiana H.B.K. Están formados por 6 agrupamientos cada uno con sus respectivos grados de similitud. El fenograma de Pouteria sapota Jacquin presentaba una mayor variabilidad de agrupamiento con 44 grupos (cluster) Los efemogramas mostraron la gran diversidad de características particulares de cada grupo. La existencia de grupos de árboles con similares características de diferentes regiones que mostraron el origen materno de éstos árboles capaces de adaptarse a diferentes sitios, manteniendo la mínima diferencia en sus características morfológicas y fisiológicas
El presente estudio se desarrolló durante el período de mayo-2001 a septiembre-2002 con el objetivo de establecer la relación del germoplasma de guanábana (Annona muricata L) en los departamentos de Chinandega, León, Managua, Masaya, Granada, Rivas, Matagalpa y Jinotega, mediante taxonomía numérica. La matriz estuvo conformada por 69 accesiones y 20 variables cuantitativas y cualitativas. Esta especie florece todo el año, la mayor producción se obtiene entre agosto y septiembre en la región norte, y entre mayo y en la región del Pacifico. La fruta se consume fresca, las hojas tienen uso medicinal, y las semillas poseen propiedades insecticidas. El comercio es más frecuente en Masaya, Granada y Managua, siendo estos frutos de buena calidad (dulces, aromáticos y jugosos). La erosión genética está condicionada principalmente por la competencia con otros frutales, avance de la frontera agrícola, industrialización incipiente, entre otras. El análisis de componentes principales determinó que el 50.5% de la variación total la aportan los 3 primeros componentes (28.6 %, 12.9% y 9.0 %, respectivamente), éstos conformados por caracteres de frutos y semilla. Asimismo, a través del análisis de agrupamiento según el método Ward y el coeficiente de correlación Pearson como distancia resultó un fenograma de 2 grandes grupos, los cuales a una distancia de 16.5 formaron 4 clusteres que presentan características comunes y varianzas mínimas; de éstos se logró agrupar los materiales de los departamentos de Chinandega y León, Matagalpa y Jinotega, Masaya, Granada y Managua, y un cuarto grupo por accesiones que presentan los mayores promedios en los caracteres de frutos.
El presente trabajo se realizó para determinar variación fenotípica en un muestreo in situ en pataste o chayote [Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.] existente en la comunidad El Castillito, municipio de Las Sabanas, departamento de Madriz. Se muestrearon 35 accesiones de chayote, y se midieron 34 variables cuantitativas y cualitativas, en las que se pueden mencionar el tamaño de fruto y semilla, forma y color del fruto, presencia de espinas y cantidad de fibra, entre otras. Se utilizó un análisis descript ivo, análisis de correlación, análisis de componentes principales y análisis de conglomerados. Se muestrearon frutos de coloración crema hasta verde oscuro, frutos de forma redonda, ovoide o alargada, con presencia de espinas. Se determinó correlación entre las variables cuantitativas, y mediante los tres primeros Componentes Principales se aisló el 60% de la variación total. El análisis de conglomerado mediante el método Ward y la distancia de Gower agrupó a las 35 accesiones recolectadas en 6 grupos sobresaliendo la longitud, espesor y peso de fruto, así como el peso de semilla, forma del fruto, presencia de espinas , costillas en el pericarpio, y el color del fruto. Se concluye que los materiales muestreados presentaron variación en muchas características cuantitativas y cualitativas.
El estudio se realizó para determinar variación in situ en chayote o pataste [ Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz] en la comunidad El Castillito, Las Sabanas, Madriz. Se muestrearon 35 accesiones de chayote, y se midieron 34 variables cuantitativas y cualitativas como tamaño de fruto y semilla, forma y color del fruto, presencia de espinas y cantidad de fibra, entre otras. Análisis descriptivo, componentes principales y conglomerados se aplicaron a dicha variables. Los frutos fueron de coloración crema hasta verde oscuro; redondos, ovoides y alargados; y con presencia de espinas. Los tres primeros componentes principales aislaron el 60 % de la variación total. El análisis de conglomerado (método Ward y Gower) agrupó a las accesiones en 6 grupos. Los materiales muestreados presentaron variación considerable en muchas características.
El estudio se realizó para determinar variación in situ en chayote o pataste [Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz] en la comunidad El Castillito, Las Sabanas, Madriz. Se muestrearon 35 accesiones de chayote, y se midieron 34 variables cuantitativas y cualitativas como tamaño de fruto y semilla, forma y color del fruto, presencia de espinas y cantidad de fibra, entre otras. Análisis descriptivo, componentes principales y conglomerados se aplicaron a dicha variables. Los frutos fueron de coloración crema hasta verde oscuro; redondos, ovoides y alargados; y con presencia de espinas. Los tres primeros componentes principales aislaron el 60 % de la variación total. El análisis de conglomerado (método Ward y Gower) agrupó a las accesiones en 6 grupos. Los materiales muestreados presentaron variación considerable en muchas características.
The present thesis aims to develop a biocompatible and electroconductor bone graft containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that allows the in situ regeneration of bone cells by applying pulsed external electrical stimuli. The CNTs were produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) by a semi-continuous method with a yield of ~500 mg/day. The deposition parameters were optimised to obtain high pure CNTs ~99.96% with controlled morphologies, fundamental requisites for the biomedical application under study. The chemical functionalisation of CNTs was also optimised to maximise their processability and biocompatibility. The CNTs were functionalised by the Diels-Alder cycloaddition of 1,3-butadiene. The biological behaviour of the functionalised CNTs was evaluated in vitro with the osteoblastic cells line MG63 and in vivo, by subcutaneous implantation in rats. The materials did not induce an expressed inflammatory response, but the functionalised CNTs showed a superior in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility than the non-functionalised ones. Composites of ceramic matrix, of bioglass (Glass) and hydroxyapatite (HA), reinforced with carbon nanotubes (CNT/Glass/HA) were processed by a wet approach. The incorporation of just 4.4 vol% of CNTs allowed the increase of 10 orders of magnitude of the electrical conductivity of the matrix. In vitro studies with MG63 cells show that the CNT/Glass/HA composites guarantee the adhesion and proliferation of bone cells, and stimulate their phenotype expression, namely the alkaline phosphate (ALP). The interactions between the composite materials and the culture medium (α-MEM), under an applied electrical external field, were studied by scanning vibrating electrode technique. An increase of the culture medium electrical conductivity and the electrical field confinement in the presence of the conductive samples submerged in the medium was demonstrated. The in vitro electrical stimulation of MG63 cells on the conductive composites promotes the increase of the cell metabolic activity and DNA content by 130% and 60%, relatively to the non-stimulated condition, after only 3 days of daily stimulation of 15 μA for 15 min. Moreover, the osteoblastic gene expression for Runx2, osteocalcin (OC) and ALP was enhanced by 80%, 50% and 25%, after 5 days of stimulation. Instead, for dielectric materials, the stimulus delivering was less efficient, giving an equal or lower cellular response than the non-stimulated condition. The proposed electroconductive bone grafts offer exciting possibilities in bone regeneration strategies by delivering in situ electrical stimulus to cells and consequent control of the new bone tissue formation rate. It is expected that conductive smart biomaterials might turn the selective bone electrotherapy of clinical relevance by decreasing the postoperative healing times.
The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells as producers of oil, keeping vertical injection wells to inject air. This process has not yet been applied in Brazil, making it necessary, evaluation of these new technologies applied to local realities, therefore, this study aimed to perform a parametric study of the combustion process with in-situ oil production in horizontal wells, using a semi synthetic reservoir, with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast basin. The simulations were performed in a commercial software "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The following operating parameters were analyzed: air rate, configuration of producer wells and oxygen concentration. A sensitivity study on cumulative oil (Np) was performed with the technique of experimental design, with a mixed model of two and three levels (32x22), a total of 36 runs. Also, it was done a technical economic estimative for each model of fluid. The results showed that injection rate was the most influence parameter on oil recovery, for both studied models, well arrangement depends on fluid model, and oxygen concentration favors recovery oil. The process can be profitable depends on air rate
Nearly 3 x 1011 m3 of medium and light oils will remain in reservoirs worldwide after conventional recovery methods have been exhausted and much of this volume would be recovered by Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. The in-situ combustion (ISC) is an EOR method in which an oxygen-containing gas is injected into a reservoir where it reacts with the crude oil to create a high-temperature combustion front that is propagated through the reservoir. The High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) method is a particular denomination of the air injection process applied in light oil reservoirs, for which the combustion reactions are dominant between 150 and 300°C and the generation of flue gas is the main factor to the oil displacement. A simulation model of a homogeneous reservoir was built to study, which was initially undergone to primary production, for 3 years, next by a waterflooding process for 21 more years. At this point, with the mature condition established into the reservoir, three variations of this model were selected, according to the recovery factors (RF) reached, for study the in-situ combustion (HPAI) technique. Next to this, a sensitivity analysis on the RF of characteristic operational parameters of the method was carried out: air injection rate per well, oxygen concentration into the injected gas, patterns of air injection and wells perforations configuration. This analysis, for 10 more years of production time, was performed with assistance of the central composite design. The reservoir behavior and the impacts of chemical reactions parameters and of reservoir particularities on the RF were also evaluated. An economic analysis and a study to maximize the RF of the process were also carried out. The simulation runs were performed in the simulator of thermal processes in reservoirs STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The results showed the incremental RF were small and the net present value (NPV) is affected by high initial investments to compress the air. It was noticed that the adoption of high oxygen concentration into the injected gas and of the five spot pattern tends to improve the RF, and the wells perforations configuration has more influence with the increase of the oil thickness. Simulated cases relating to the reservoir particularities showed that smaller residual oil saturations to gas lead to greater RF and the presence of heterogeneities results in important variations on the RF and on the production curves
The occurrence of heavy oil reservoirs have increased substantially and, due to the high viscosity characteristic of this type of oil, conventional recovery methods can not be applied. Thermal methods have been studied for the recovery of this type of oil, with a main objective to reduce its viscosity, by increasing the reservoir temperature, favoring the mobility of the oil and allowing an increasing in the productivity rate of the fields. In situ combustion (ISC) is a thermal recovery method in which heat is produced inside the reservoir by the combustion of part of the oil with injected oxygen, contrasting with the injection of fluid that is heated in the surface for subsequent injection, which leads to loss heat during the trajectory to the reservoir. The ISC is a favorable method for recovery of heavy oil, but it is still difficult to be field implemented. This work had as an objective the parametric analysis of ISC process applied to a semi-synthetic reservoir with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast reservoirs using vertical production and vertical injection wells, as the air flow injection and the wells completions. For the analysis, was used a commercial program for simulation of oil reservoirs using thermal processes, called Steam, Thermal and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator (STARS) from Computer Modelling Group (CMG). From the results it was possible to analyze the efficiency of the ISC process in heavy oil reservoirs by increasing the reservoir temperature, providing a large decrease in oil viscosity, increasing its mobility inside the reservoir, as well as the improvement in the quality of this oil and therefore increasing significantly its recovered fraction. Among the analyzed parameters, the flow rate of air injection was the one which had greater influence in ISC, obtaining higher recovery factor the higher is the flow rate of injection, due to the greater amount of oxygen while ensuring the maintenance of the combustion front
This study evaluated the effect of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in the activation of goats preantral follicles (FOPA). Were used four pairs of ovaries of adult mixed breed goats. Each ovarian pair was divided into 23 fragments. One fragment was fixed for histology and other fragment was using to follicular isolation procedure. The remaining fragments were cultured in 1.0 ml of Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) or MEM supplemented with IAA at concentrations of 10, 40, 100, 500 or 1000 ng/mL. The in vitro culture was performed at 39°C in incubator with 5% CO2 for 1, 3 and 5 days. After in vitro culture was evaluated histological integrity and viability of FOPA. The addition of 100 ng/ml of IAA to MEM showed a significant increase in follicles transition in the third day of in vitro culture, characterizing follicular activation. Moreover, this concentration was obtained maintaining the histological integrity of PAF by the fifth day of in vitro culture. The viability test confirmed the results of histology. Thus, we conclude that IAA can promote the activation of goats FOPA