989 resultados para longitudinal wave


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Low strain integrity testing is commonly used to assess the in situ condition of the poles or piles. For poles, it is important to calculate the embedment length and location of damage which is highly influenced by the accurate determination of the wave velocity. In general, depending on impact location and orientation, both longitudinal and bending waves may generate inside the pole, and these two waves have very distinct characteristics and wave velocity. These differences are even more prominent in the low frequency which is usually induced in the low strain non-destructive testing. Consequently, it will be useful if these two waves can be separated for the condition assessment of the poles. In this paper, a numerical analysis is performed on a pole considering that both waves are generated, and a method is proposed to differentiate these two waves based on an appropriate sensor arrangement that includes the location and the orientation of the sensors. Continuous wavelet transform is applied on the numerical signal to calculate the phase velocity of the waves and compared with analytical phase velocity curves. From the results, it can be seen that appropriate location and orientation of the sensors can separate the longitudinal and flexural waves as they match significantly well with the corresponding analytical phase velocity curves of these two waves.


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Atomic vibration in the Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) gives rise to non-local interactions. In this paper, an expression for the non-local scaling parameter is derived as a function of the geometric and electronic properties of the rolled graphene sheet in single-walled CNTs. A self-consistent method is developed for the linearization of the problem of ultrasonic wave propagation in CNTs. We show that (i) the general three-dimensional elastic problem leads to a single non-local scaling parameter (e(0)), (ii) e(0) is almost constant irrespective of chirality of CNT in the case of longitudinal wave propagation, (iii) e(0) is a linear function of diameter of CNT for the case of torsional mode of wave propagation, (iv) e(0) in the case of coupled longitudinal-torsional modes of wave propagation, is a function which exponentially converges to that of axial mode at large diameters and to torsional mode at smaller diameters. These results are valid in the long-wavelength limit. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article deals with the axial wave propagation properties of a coupled nanorod system with consideration of small scale effects. The nonlocal elasticity theory has been incorporated into classical rod/bar model to capture unique features of the coupled nanorods under the umbrella of continuum mechanics theory. Nonlocal rod model is developed for coupled nanorods. The strong effect of the nonlocal scale has been obtained which leads to substantially different wave behavior of nanorods from those of macroscopic rods. Explicit expressions are derived for wavenumber, cut-off frequency and escape frequency of nanorods. The analysis shows that the wave characteristics of nanorods are highly over estimated by the classical rod model, which ignores the effect of small-length scale. The studies also shows that the nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in axial or longitudinal wave mode, where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the spectrum cures as the region, where the wavenumber tends to infinite or wave speed tends to zero. The effect of the coupled spring stiffness is also capture in the present analysis. It has been also shown that the cut-off frequency increases as the stiffness of the coupled spring increases and also the coupled spring stiffness has no effect on escape frequency of the axial wave mode in the nanorod. This cut-off frequency is also independent of the nonlocal small scale parameter. The present study may bring in helpful insights while investigating multiple-nanorod-system-models for future nano-optomechanical systems applications. The results can also provide useful guidance for the study and design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the wave propagation properties of coupled single-walled carbon nanotubes or coupled nanorods. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we consider the problem of guided wave scattering from delamination in laminated composite and further the problem of estimating delamination size and layer-wise location from the guided wave measurement. Damage location and region/size can be estimated from time of flight and wave packet spread, whereas depth information can be obtained from wavenumber modulation in the carrier packet. The key challenge is that these information are highly sensitive to various uncertainties. Variation in reflected and transmitted wave amplitude in a bar due to boundary/interface uncertainty is studied to illustrate such effect. Effect of uncertainty in material parameters on the time of flight are estimated for longitudinal wave propagation. To evaluate the effect of uncertainty in delamination detection, we employ a time domain spectral finite element (tSFEM) scheme where wave propagation is modeled using higher-order interpolation with shape function have spectral convergence properties. A laminated composite beam with layer-wise placement of delamination is considered in the simulation. Scattering due to the presence of delamination is analyzed. For a single delamination, two identical waveforms are created at the two fronts of the delamination, whereas waves in the two sub-laminates create two independent waveforms with different wavelengths. Scattering due to multiple delaminations in composite beam is studied.


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A novel statistic for local wave amplitude of the 500-hPa geopotential height field is introduced. The statistic uses a Hilbert transform to define a longitudinal wave envelope and dynamical latitude weighting to define the latitudes of interest. Here it is used to detect the existence, or otherwise, of multimodality in its distribution function. The empirical distribution function for the 1960-2000 period is close to a Weibull distribution with shape parameters between 2 and 3. There is substantial interdecadal variability but no apparent local multimodality or bimodality. The zonally averaged wave amplitude, akin to the more usual wave amplitude index, is close to being normally distributed. This is consistent with the central limit theorem, which applies to the construction of the wave amplitude index. For the period 1960-70 it is found that there is apparent bimodality in this index. However, the different amplitudes are realized at different longitudes, so there is no bimodality at any single longitude. As a corollary, it is found that many commonly used statistics to detect multimodality in atmospheric fields potentially satisfy the assumptions underlying the central limit theorem and therefore can only show approximately normal distributions. The author concludes that these techniques may therefore be suboptimal to detect any multimodality.


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The objective of this study was to extend the use of combined longitudinal (P-wave) and shear (S-wave) ultrasonic wave reflection (UWR) to monitor the setting and stiffening of self-compacting pastes and concretes. An additional objective was to interpret the UWR responses of various modified cement pastes. A polymeric buffer with acoustic impedance close to that of cement paste, high impact polystyrene, was chosen to obtain sensitive results from the early hydration period. Criteria for initial and final set developed by our group in a prior study were used to compute setting times by UWR. UWR results were compared with standard penetration measurements. Stiffening behavior and setting times for normal cement pastes, pastes modified with mineral and chemical admixtures, self-compacting pastes, and concretes were explored using penetration resistance, S-wave and P-wave reflection. All three methods showed that set times of pastes varied linearly with w/c, that superplasticizer and fly ash delayed the set times of pastes, and that differences in w/cm, sp/cm, and fa/cm could be detected. Final set times determined from UWR correlated well with those from penetration resistance. Initial set times from S-wave reflection did not correlate very well with those from penetration resistance. Final set times from P-wave and S-wave reflection were roughly the same. Pastes with different chemical admixtures were tested, and the effects of these admixtures on stiffening were determined using UWR. Self-compacting concretes were studied using UWR, and their response and setting times were largely similar to that of corresponding self-compacting pastes. The P-wave reflection response was explored in detail, and the phenomenon of partial debonding and the factors affecting it were explained. Partial debonding is probably caused by autogenous shrinkage at final set, and was controlled and limited by water. The extent of partial debonding was higher with the transducers placed on the side as opposed to the bottom, and the S-wave transducer seemed to promote debonding in the P-wave reflection, whereas the P-wave transducer seemed to reduce debonding in the S-wave reflection. Simultaneous formwork pressure testing and UWR were performed; however, no clear correlation was seen between the two properties.


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Non-destructive testing has been used for many years to evaluate the in situ condition of timber piles. Longitudinal impact is usually applied on the top of piles to induce longitudinal wave to detect faults in piles due to the fact that the longitudinalwave has less dispersive nature at lowfrequency. On the other hand,when it comes to evaluation of poles in situ, it is different as poles are partly embedded in soil and it is more practical to produce bending waves, as the top of the pole is not easily accessible. However, bending wave is known for its highly dispersive nature; especially in the low frequency range which is usually induced in low strain integrity testing. As bending wave can be considered as a hybrid of longitudinal and shear waves, it will be helpful, if it could detect the component of these twowaves separately.To do so, components of displacements or accelerations along radial and longitudinal directions need to be determined. By applying Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the signals, the dominant frequencies can be obtained. It has been found that, the longitudinal component decreases along radial direction which indicates the presence of bending wave component and this finding allows to the application of ContinuousWavelet Transform (CWT) on the longitudinal component of wave signals in order to obtain phase velocity. Phase velocities at different frequencies are then determined to draw the dispersive curve and compare with analytical phase velocity curve. The dispersion curve matched well with the analytical curve. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.


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This paper presents an application of Wavelet Transfonn (WT) for determination of stress wave velocity for Non-destructive Testing of timber utility poles in service. For surface Non-destructive Testing (NDT), the hammer impact, which produces generally broadband frequency excitation, is used to generate stress wave. Moreover, due to practicality the impact location for field testing of a utility pole is on the side of the pole and 1.5 m above ground level. And the geometry of utility pole could not guarantee non-dispersive longitudinal wave. All of these issues have resulted in lack of accuracy and reliability of results from surface NDT in field testing. In recognition of such problem, this research explores methods to reliably calculate desired wave velocity by isolating wave mode and studying dispersive nature of utility pole. Fast Fourier Transfonn (FFT) is firstly conducted to determine the suitable frequency from a stress wave data. Then WT is applied on the wave data mentioned to perfonn time-frequency analysis. Velocity can be detennined by time history data of desired frequency from WT results which will be compared with the available analytical solution for longitudinal wave velocity. The results of the investigation showed that wavelet transfonn analysis can be a reliable signal processing tool for non-destructive testing in tenns of velocity detennination, which in tum also helps to detennine the embedded length of the timber pole.


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An energy-momentum conserving time integrator coupled with an automatic finite element algorithm is developed to study longitudinal wave propagation in hyperelastic layers. The Murnaghan strain energy function is used to model material nonlinearity and full geometric nonlinearity is considered. An automatic assembly algorithm using algorithmic differentiation is developed within a discrete Hamiltonian framework to directly formulate the finite element matrices without recourse to an explicit derivation of their algebraic form or the governing equations. The algorithm is illustrated with applications to longitudinal wave propagation in a thin hyperelastic layer modeled with a two-mode kinematic model. Solution obtained using a standard nonlinear finite element model with Newmark time stepping is provided for comparison. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A molecular dynamics method is used to analyze the dynamic propagation of an atomistic crack tip. The simulation shows that the crack propagates at a relatively constant global velocity which is well below the Rayleigh wave velocity. However the local propagation velocity oscillates violently, and it is limited by the longitudinal wave velocity. The crack velocity oscillation is caused by a repeated process of crack tip blunting and sharpening. When the crack tip opening displacement exceeds a certain critical value, a lattice instability takes place and results in dislocation emissions from the crack tip. Based on this concept, a criterion for dislocation emission from a moving crack tip is proposed. The simulation also identifies the emitted dislocation as a source for microcrack nucleation. A simple method is used to examine this nucleation process. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The crack tip processes in copper under mode II loading have been simulated by a molecular dynamics method. The nucleation, emission, dislocation free zone (DFZ) and pile-up of the dislocations are analyzed by using a suitable atom lattice configuration and Finnis & Sinclair potential. The simulated results show that the dislocation emitted always exhibits a dissociated fashion. The stress intensity factor for dislocation nucleation, DFZ and dissociated width of partial dislocations are strongly dependent on the loading rate. The stress distributions are in agreement with the elasticity solution before the dislocation emission, but are not in agreement after the emission. The dislocation can move at subsonic wave speed (less than the shear wave speed) or at transonic speed (greater than the shear wave speed but less than the longitudinal wave speed), but at the longitudinal wave speed the atom lattice breaks down.


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In this paper we present an analysis of how matter waves, guided as propagating modes in potential structures, are split under adiabatic conditions. The description is formulated in terms of localized states obtained through a unitary transformation acting on the mode functions. The mathematical framework results in coupled propagation equations that are decoupled in the asymptotic regions as well before as after the split. The resulting states have the advantage of describing propagation in situations, for instance matter-wave interferometers, where local perturbations make the transverse modes of the guiding potential unsuitable as a basis. The different regimes of validity of adiabatic propagation schemes based on localized versus delocalized basis states are also outlined. Nontrivial dynamics for superposition states propagating through split potential structures is investigated through numerical simulations. For superposition states the influence of longitudinal wave-packet extension on the localization is investigated and shown to be accurately described in quantitative terms using the adiabatic formulations presented here.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper investigates the reflection characteristics of structural or guided waves in rods at a solid/liquid interface. Structural waves, whose wavelengths are much larger than the diameter of the rod, are described in a first approximation by classical one-dimensional wave theory. The reflection characteristics of such waves at a solid/liquid (melting) interface has been reported by two different ultrasonic measurement techniques: first, measuring the fast regression rate of a melting interface during the burning of metal rod samples in an oxygen-enriched environment, and second, monitoring the propagation of the solid/liquid interface during the slow melting and solidification of a rod sample in a furnace. The second work clearly shows that the major reflection occurs from the solid/liquid interface and not the liquid/gas interface as predicted by plane longitudinal wave reflectivity theory. The present work confirms this observation by reporting on the results of some specially designed experiments to identify the main interface of reflection for structural waves in rods. Hence, it helps in explaining the fundamental discrepancy between the reflection characteristics at a solid/liquid interface between low frequency structural waves and high frequency bulk waves, and confirms that the detected echo within a burning metallic rod clearly represents a reflection from the solid/liquid interface. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This report presents an analysis of the data from the first wave of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) to explore the wellbeing of 5,107 children in the infant cohort of the study and the 4,983 children, aged 4 to 5 years, in the child cohort. Wave 1 of LSAC includes measures of multiple aspects of children’s early development. These developmental measures are summarised in the LSAC Outcome Index, a composite measure which includes an overall index as well as three separate domain scores, tapping physical development, social and emotional functioning, and learning and cognitive development.