973 resultados para local reduction operators


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In this work we propose an image reduction algorithm based on weak local reduction operators. We use several averaging functions to build these operators and we analyze their properties. We present experimental results where we apply the algorithm and weak local reduction operators in procedures of reduction, and later, reconstruction of images. We analyze these results over natural images and noisy images.


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In this work we propose a definition of weak local reduction operators and an algorithm that uses such operators to reduce images. We show how to construct local reduction operators by means of different aggregation functions. We also present several experimental results obtained using these aggregation functions-based reduction operators.


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In this work we propose an image reduction algorith based on local reduction operators. We analyze the construction of weak local reduction operators by means of aggregation functions and we analyze the effect of several aggregation functions in image reduction with original and noisy images.


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Image reduction is a crucial task in image processing, underpinning many practical applications. This work proposes novel image reduction operators based on non-monotonic averaging aggregation functions. The technique of penalty function minimisation is used to derive a novel mode-like estimator capable of identifying the most appropriate pixel value for representing a subset of the original image. Performance of this aggregation function and several traditional robust estimators of location are objectively assessed by applying image reduction within a facial recognition task. The FERET evaluation protocol is applied to confirm that these non-monotonic functions are able to sustain task performance compared to recognition using nonreduced images, as well as significantly improve performance on query images corrupted by noise. These results extend the state of the art in image reduction based on aggregation functions and provide a basis for efficiency and accuracy improvements in practical computer vision applications.


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After studying several reduction algorithms that can be found in the literature, we notice that there is not an axiomatic definition of this concept. In this work we propose the definition of weak reduction operators and we propose the properties of the original image that reduced images must keep. From this definition, we study whether two methods of image reduction, undersampling and fuzzy transform, satisfy the conditions of weak reduction operators.


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Purpose: To investigate early functional changes of local retinal defects in type II diabetic patients using the global flash multifocal electroretinogram (MOFO mfERG). Methods: Thirty-eight diabetic patients and 14 age-matched controls were recruited. Nine of the diabetics were free from diabetic retinopathy (DR), while the remainder had mild to moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The MOFO mfERG was performed at high (98%) and low (46%) contrast levels. MfERG responses were grouped into 35 regions for comparison with DR classification at those locations. Z-scores of the regional mfERG responses were compared across different types of DR defects. Results: The mfERG waveform consisted of the direct component (DC) and the induced component (IC). Local reduction in DC and IC amplitudes were found in diabetic patients with and without DR. With increasing severity of retinopathy, there was a further deterioration in amplitude of both components. Under MOFO mfERG paradigm, amplitude was a useful screening parameter. Conclusion: The MOFO mfERG can help in detecting early functional anomalies before the appearance of visible signs, and may assist in monitoring further functional deterioration in diabetic patients.


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This work addresses fundamental issues in the mathematical modelling of the diffusive motion of particles in biological and physiological settings. New mathematical results are proved and implemented in computer models for the colonisation of the embryonic gut by neural cells and the propagation of electrical waves in the heart, offering new insights into the relationships between structure and function. In particular, the thesis focuses on the use of non-local differential operators of non-integer order to capture the main features of diffusion processes occurring in complex spatial structures characterised by high levels of heterogeneity.


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In May 2010, Brazil joined the roll of nations with a National Broadband Plan. The Decree nº 7,175/2010 had implemented a program that aimed to offer 30 million permanent broadband accesses until 2014 and established its main goals, such as accelerating economic and social development, promoting digital inclusion, reducing social and regional inequalities, promoting a generation of employment and income, and expanding electronic government services. However, the broadband access in Brazil is limited, expensive, and centralized in the main urban centres. Despite the fast growth in the past years due to mobile internet access, the market is still concentrated in the local incumbent operators that currently provide mobile services, landline services and Paid-TV services, resulting in a high level of market verticalization. The following dissertation investigates the constraint of broadband access development, the dynamics, the actors, and the factors that have delayed the roll-out of broadband services in Brazil. The study also promotes reflections about the challenge posed by the media, by costumers associations and by public opinion as critical observers of the policy making process. This research examines on the political influence towards regulation to determine the way policy will benefit interest groups. Many interviews have been conducted in order to understand the forces which have been acting in the telecommunications in Brazil after privatization, in 1998. This study aims to provide a better understanding of telecommunications regulatory process in Brazil, in order to help the country finding an adequate policy which can lead to the implementation of a broadband roll-out. The universal broadband access is the only way to benefit the whole society in Brazil with a satisfactory level of education and create more jobs and economic development regarding the plenty use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).


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O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar uma conexão entre a condição de Gribov-Zwanziger para o gap de massa e o mecanismo de quebra espontânea de simetria, através do estudo de um operador composto introduzido numa maneira localizada. Para tornar esta relação mais clara, um modelo é apresentado e alguns aspectos quânticos são discutidos.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Graças aos desenvolvimentos na área da síntese de nanomaterais e às potentes técnicas de caracterização à nanoescala conseguimos hoje visualizar uma nanopartícula (NP) como um dispositivo de elevado potencial terapêutico. A melhoria da sua efectividade terapêutica requer no entanto o aprofundamento e sistematização de conhecimentos, ainda muito incipientes, sobre toxicidade, selectividade, efeitos colaterais e sua dependência das próprias características físico-químicas da NP em análise. O presente trabalho, elegendo como alvo de estudo uma substância considerada biocompatível e não tóxica, a hidroxiapatite (Hap), pretende dar um contributo para esta área do conhecimento. Definiram-se como metas orientadoras deste trabalho (i) estudar a síntese de nanoparticulas de Hap (Hap NP), e a modificação das características físico-químicas e morfológicas das mesmas através da manipulação das condições de síntese; (ii) estudar a funcionalização das Hap NP com nanoestruturas de ouro e com ácido fólico, para lhes conferir capacidades acrescidas de imagiologia e terapêuticas, particularmente interessantes em aplicações como o tratamento do cancro (iii) estudar a resposta celular a materiais nanométricos, com propriedades físico-químicas diversificadas. No que se refere à síntese de Hap NP, comparam-se dois métodos de síntese química distintos, a precipitação química a temperatura fisiológica (WCS) e a síntese hidrotérmica (HS), em meios aditivados com ião citrato. A síntese WCS originou partículas de tamanho nanométrico, com uma morfologia de agulha, pouco cristalinas e elevada área superficial especifica. A síntese HS à temperatura de 180ºC permitiu obter partículas de dimensões também nanométricas mas com área específica inferior, com morfologia de bastonete prismático com secção recta hexagonal e elevada cristalinidade. Com o objectivo de aprofundar o papel de algumas variáveis experimentais na definição das características finais das partículas de hidroxiapatite, designadamente o papel do ião citrato (Cit), variou-se a razão molar [Cit/Ca] da solução reagente e o tempo de síntese. Demonstrou-se que o ião citrato e outras espécies químicas resultantes da sua decomposição nas condições térmicas (180ºC) de síntese tem um papel preponderante na velocidade de nucleação e de crescimento dessas mesmas partículas e por conseguinte nas características físico-químicas das mesmas. Elevadas razões [Cit/Ca] originam partículas de dimensão micrométrica cuja morfologia é discutida no contexto do crescimento com agregação. Com o objectivo de avaliar a citotoxicidade in vitro das nanopartículas sintetizadas procedeu-se à esterilização das mesmas. O método de esterilização escolhido foi a autoclavagem a 121º C. Avaliou-se o impacto do processo de esterilização nas características das partículas, verificando-se contrariamente às partículas WCS, que as partículas HS não sofrem alterações significativas de morfologia, o que se coaduna com as condições de síntese das mesmas, que são mais severas do que as de esterilização. As partículas WCS sofrem processos de dissolução e recristalização que se reflectem em alterações significativas de morfologia. Este estudo demonstrou que a etapa de esterilização de nanopartículas para aplicações biomédicas, por autoclavagem, pode alterar substancialmente as propriedades das mesmas, sendo pois criticamente importante caracterizar os materiais após esterilização. Os estudos citotoxicológicos para dois tipos de partículas esterilizadas (HSster e WCSster) revelaram que ambas apresentam baixa toxicidade e possuem potencial para a modelação do comportamento de células osteoblásticas. Tendo em vista a funcionalização da superfície das Hap NP para multifunções de diagnóstico e terapia exploraram-se condições experimentais que viabilizassem o acoplamento de nanopartículas de ouro à superfície das nanopartículas de Hidroxiapatite (Hap-AuNP). Tirando partido da presença de grupos carboxílicos adsorvidos na superfície das nanopartículas de Hap foi possível precipitar partículas nanométricas de ouro (1,5 a 2,5 nm) na superfície das mesmas adaptando o método descrito por Turkevich. No presente trabalho as nanopartículas de Hap funcionaram assim como um template redutor do ouro iónico de solução, propiciando localmente, na superfície das próprias nanopartículas de Hap, a sua redução a ouro metálico. A nucleação do ouro é assim contextualizada pelo papel redutor das espécies químicas adsorvidas, designadamente os grupos carboxílicos derivados de grupos citratos que presidiram à síntese das próprias nanopartículas de Hap. Estudou-se também a funcionalização das Hap NP com ácido fólico (FA), uma molécula biologicamente interessante por ser de fácil reconhecimento pelos receptores existentes em células cancerígenas. Os resultados confirmaram a ligação do ácido fólico à superfície das diferentes partículas produzidas HS e Hap-AuNPs. Graças às propriedades ópticas do ouro nanométrico (efeito plasmão) avaliadas por espectroscopia vis-UV e às potencialidades de hipertermia local por conversão fototérmica, as nanoestruturas Hap-AuNPs produzidas apresentam-se com elevado interesse enquanto nanodispositivos capazes de integrar funções de quimio e terapia térmica do cancro e imagiologia. O estudo da resposta celular aos diversos materiais sintetizados no presente trabalho foi alvo de análise na tentativa de se caracterizar a toxicidade dos mesmos bem como avaliar o seu desempenho em aplicações terapêuticas. Demonstrou-se que as Hap NP não afectam a proliferação das células para concentrações até 500 g/ml, observando-se um aumento na expressão genética da BMP-2 e da fosfatase alcalina. Verificou-se também que as Hap NP são susceptíveis de internalização por células osteoblásticas MG63, apresentando uma velocidade de dissolução intracelular relativamente reduzida. A resposta celular às Hap-AuNP confirmou a não citotoxicidade destas partículas e revelou que a presença do ouro na superfície das Hap NP aumenta a taxa proliferação celular, bem como a expressão de parâmetros osteogénicos. No seu conjunto os resultados sugerem que os vários tipos de partículas sintetizadas no presente estudo apresentam também comportamentos interessantes para aplicações em engenharia de tecido ósseo.


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This paper introduces a new variant of the Traveling Car Renter Problem, named Prizecollecting Traveling Car Renter Problem. In this problem, a set of vertices, each associated with a bonus, and a set of vehicles are given. The objective is to determine a cycle that visits some vertices collecting, at least, a pre-defined bonus, and minimizing the cost of the tour that can be traveled with different vehicles. A mathematical formulation is presented and implemented in a solver to produce results for sixty-two instances. The proposed problem is also subject of an experimental study based on the algorithmic application of four metaheuristics representing the best adaptations of the state of the art of the heuristic programming.We also provide new local search operators which exploit the neighborhoods of the problem, construction procedures and adjustments, created specifically for the addressed problem. Comparative computational experiments and performance tests are performed on a sample of 80 instances, aiming to offer a competitive algorithm to the problem. We conclude that memetic algorithms, computational transgenetic and a hybrid evolutive algorithm are competitive in tests performed


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This paper investigates both theoretically and experimentally the effect of the location and number of sensors and magnetic bearing actuators on both global and local vibration reduction along a rotor using a feedforward control scheme. Theoretical approaches developed for the active control of beams have been shown to be useful as simplified models for the rotor scenario. This paper also introduces the time-domain LMS feedforward control strategy, used widely in the active control of sound and vibration, as an alternative control methodology to the frequency-domain feedforward approaches commonly presented in the literature. Results are presented showing that for any case where the same number of actuators and error sensors are used there can be frequencies at which large increases in vibration away from the error sensors can occur. It is also shown that using a larger number of error sensors than actuators results in better global reduction of vibration but decreased local reduction. Overall, the study demonstrated that an analysis of actuator and sensor locations when feedforward control schemes are used is necessary to ensure that harmful increased vibrations do not occur at frequencies away from rotor-bearing natural frequencies or at points along the rotor not monitored by error sensors.


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In Chapter 1 I will present a brief introduction on the state of art of nanotechnologies, nanofabrication techniques and unconventional lithography as a technique to fabricate the novel electronic device as resistive switch so-called memristor is shown. In Chapter 2 a detailed description of the main fabrication and characterization techniques employed in this work is reported. Chapter 3 parallel local oxidation lithography (pLOx) describes as a main technique to obtain accurate patterning process. All the effective parameters has been studied and the optimized condition observed to highly reproducible with excellent patterned nanostructures. The effect of negative bias, calls local reduction (LR) studied. Moreover, the use of AC bias shows faster patterning process respect to DC bias. In Chapter 4 (metal/ e-SiO2/ Si nanojunction) it is shown how the electrochemical oxide nanostructures by using pLOx can be used in the fabrication of novel devices call memristor. We demonstrate a new concept, based on conventional materials, where the lifetime problem is resolved by introducing a “regeneration” step, which restores the nano-memristor to its pristine condition by applying an appropriate voltage cycle. In Chapter 5 (Graphene/ e-SiO2/ Si), Graphene as a building block material is used as an electrode to selectively oxidize the silicon substrate by pLOx set up for the fabrication of novel resistive switch device. In Chapter 6 (surface architecture) I will show another application of pLOx in biotechnology is shown. So the surface functionalization combine with nano-patterning by pLOx used to design a new surface to accurately bind biomolecules with the possibility of studying those properties and more application in nano-bio device fabrication. So, in order to obtain biochips, electronic and optical/photonics devices Nano patterning of DNA used as scaffolds to fabricate small functional nano-components.