971 resultados para local iterated function systems


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There has been an increasing interest in face recognition in recent years. Many recognition methods have been developed so far, some very encouraging. A key remaining issue is the existence of variations in the input face image. Today, methods exist that can handle specific image variations. But we are yet to see methods that can be used more effectively in unconstrained situations. This paper presents a method that can handle partial translation, rotation, or scale variations in the input face image. The principal is to automatically identify objects within images using their partial self-similarities. The paper presents two recognition methods which can be used to recognise objects within images. A face recognition system is then presented that is insensitive to limited translation, rotation, or scale variations in the input face image. The performance of the system is evaluated through four experiments. The results show that the system achieves higher recognition rates than those of a number of existing approaches.


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Recurrent iterated function systems (RIFSs) are improvements of iterated function systems (IFSs) using elements of the theory of Marcovian stochastic processes which can produce more natural looking images. We construct new RIFSs consisting substantially of a vertical contraction factor function and nonlinear transformations. These RIFSs are applied to image compression.


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The research objectives were:- 1.To review the literature to establish the factors which have traditionally been regarded as most crucial to the design of effectlve exhaust ventilation systems. 2. To design, construct, install and calibrate a wind tunnel. 3. To develop procedures for air velocity measurement followed by a comprehensive programme of aerodvnamic data collection and data analysis for a variety of conditions. The major research findings were:- a) The literature in the subject is inadequate. There is a particular need for a much greater understanding of the aerodynamics of the suction flow field. b) The discrepancies between the experimentally observed centre-line velocities and those predicted by conventional formulae are unacceptably large. c) There was little agreement between theoretically calculated and observed velocities in the suction zone of captor hoods. d) Improved empirical formulae for the prediction of centre-line velocity applicable to the classical geometrically shaped suction openings and the flanged condition could be (and were) derived. Further analysis of data revealed that: - i) Point velocity is directly proportional to the suction. flow rate and the ratio of the point velocity to the average face velocity is constant. ii) Both shape, and size of the suction opening are significant factors as the coordinates of their points govern the extent of the effect of the suction flow field. iii) The hypothetical ellipsoidal potential function and hyperbolic streamlines were found experimentally to be correct. iv) The effect of guide plates depends on the size, shape and the angle of fitting. The effect was to very approximately double the suction velocity but the exact effect is difficult to predict. v) The axially symmetric openings produce practically symmetric flow fields. Similarity of connection pieces between the suction opening and the main duct in each case is essential in order to induce a similar suction flow field. Additionally a pilot study was made in which an artificial extraneous air flow was created, measured and its interaction with the suction flow field measured and represented graphically.


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Local food initiatives create a niche market in many developed countries where consumer choice is being met with an expanding offering in both conventional as well as complementary retail outlets. Supermarkets in conjunction with the food service sector currently dominate food sales and consumption, and are likely to do so for the foreseeable future. However, the local food sector offers an opportunity for implementing niche marketing strategies for many businesses. Local food activities tend to be relatively independent activities and a clearer definition for “local” food would assist in consolidating this important component of the food system. Related to this, consumers would benefit from the establishment of some form of assurance system for the ‘localness’ of food. In the UK, with its well established local food market, farmers’ markets, farm shops and box schemes are currently having the largest impact in terms of total sales. Hence further research is required to confirm that support for similar business ventures in Australia would be a viable strategy for strengthening its local food systems.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Neste trabalho será apresentado um método recente de compressão de imagens baseado na teoria dos Sistemas de Funções Iteradas (SFI), designado por Compressão Fractal. Descrever-se-á um modelo contínuo para a compressão fractal sobre o espaço métrico completo Lp, onde será definido um operador de transformação fractal contractivo associado a um SFI local com aplicações. Antes disso, será introduzida a teoria dos SFIs no espaço de Hausdorff ou espaço fractal, a teoria dos SFIs Locais - uma generalização dos SFIs - e dos SFIs no espaço Lp. Fornecida a fundamentação teórica para o método será apresentado detalhadamente o algoritmo de compressão fractal. Serão também descritas algumas estratégias de particionamento necessárias para encontrar o SFI com aplicações, assim como, algumas estratégias para tentar colmatar o maior entrave da compressão fractal: a complexidade de codificação. Esta dissertação assumirá essencialmente um carácter mais teórico e descritivo do método de compressão fractal, e de algumas técnicas, já implementadas, para melhorar a sua eficácia.


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The topic of this dissertation lies in the intersection of harmonic analysis and fractal geometry. We particulary consider singular integrals in Euclidean spaces with respect to general measures, and we study how the geometric structure of the measures affects certain analytic properties of the operators. The thesis consists of three research articles and an overview. In the first article we construct singular integral operators on lower dimensional Sierpinski gaskets associated with homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund kernels. While these operators are bounded their principal values fail to exist almost everywhere. Conformal iterated function systems generate a broad range of fractal sets. In the second article we prove that many of these limit sets are porous in a very strong sense, by showing that they contain holes spread in every direction. In the following we connect these results with singular integrals. We exploit the fractal structure of these limit sets, in order to establish that singular integrals associated with very general kernels converge weakly. Boundedness questions consist a central topic of investigation in the theory of singular integrals. In the third article we study singular integrals of different measures. We prove a very general boundedness result in the case where the two underlying measures are separated by a Lipshitz graph. As a consequence we show that a certain weak convergence holds for a large class of singular integrals.


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Nous présentons dans cette thèse des théorèmes de point fixe pour des contractions multivoques définies sur des espaces métriques, et, sur des espaces de jauges munis d’un graphe. Nous illustrons également les applications de ces résultats à des inclusions intégrales et à la théorie des fractales. Cette thèse est composée de quatre articles qui sont présentés dans quatre chapitres. Dans le chapitre 1, nous établissons des résultats de point fixe pour des fonctions multivoques, appelées G-contractions faibles. Celles-ci envoient des points connexes dans des points connexes et contractent la longueur des chemins. Les ensembles de points fixes sont étudiés. La propriété d’invariance homotopique d’existence d’un point fixe est également établie pour une famille de Gcontractions multivoques faibles. Dans le chapitre 2, nous établissons l’existence de solutions pour des systèmes d’inclusions intégrales de Hammerstein sous des conditions de type de monotonie mixte. L’existence de solutions pour des systèmes d’inclusions différentielles avec conditions initiales ou conditions aux limites périodiques est également obtenue. Nos résultats s’appuient sur nos théorèmes de point fixe pour des G-contractions multivoques faibles établis au chapitre 1. Dans le chapitre 3, nous appliquons ces mêmes résultats de point fixe aux systèmes de fonctions itérées assujettis à un graphe orienté. Plus précisément, nous construisons un espace métrique muni d’un graphe G et une G-contraction appropriés. En utilisant les points fixes de cette G-contraction, nous obtenons plus d’information sur les attracteurs de ces systèmes de fonctions itérées. Dans le chapitre 4, nous considérons des contractions multivoques définies sur un espace de jauges muni d’un graphe. Nous prouvons un résultat de point fixe pour des fonctions multivoques qui envoient des points connexes dans des points connexes et qui satisfont une condition de contraction généralisée. Ensuite, nous étudions des systèmes infinis de fonctions itérées assujettis à un graphe orienté (H-IIFS). Nous donnons des conditions assurant l’existence d’un attracteur unique à un H-IIFS. Enfin, nous appliquons notre résultat de point fixe pour des contractions multivoques définies sur un espace de jauges muni d’un graphe pour obtenir plus d’information sur l’attracteur d’un H-IIFS. Plus précisément, nous construisons un espace de jauges muni d’un graphe G et une G-contraction appropriés tels que ses points fixes sont des sous-attracteurs du H-IIFS.