971 resultados para living together rules


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This article argues that the ethical force of Trinidadian Sam Selvon’s creative writings comes from the particular configuration of living together that he is interested in, both in his Trinidadian novels and his London ones. It reads examples of this living together alongside and in difference that emerges through his focus on the relations between neighbours, friends and lovers, rather than the kinship relations of family. It argues that his works thereby map horizontal zones of attachment and possible solidarities across groupings that reconfigure vertically inscribed genealogical paradigms of belonging to place and each other based on models of historical continuity and inheritance.


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Shipping list no.: 94-0198-P.


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In this article, we present an idiographic analysis of a couple's experience of living and coming to terms with age-related macular degeneration. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to explore three joint interviews, conducted over an 18-month period, with a married couple (aged 82 and 77 years) both living with age-related macular degeneration. Three themes are discussed: the disruption of vision impairment, managing mutual deterioration and resilience through togetherness. We discuss the existential challenges of vision impairment and consider the applicability of Galvin and Todres' typology of well-being as a means of understanding well-being in older adults.


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Differential rates of demographic change between the developed and developing nations contribute to disparate living arrangements and contrasting cultural understandings of living together and alone. Among some cohorts in the developed world, who can afford it, living alone is seen as a lifestyle choice and representative of independence, thus not compromising of wellbeing. In some contexts living arrangements have minimal impact on wellbeing. However, in parts of the developing world, and among other cohorts in developed countries, living alone represents despair, abandonment and loneliness leading to diminished wellbeing. Overriding this cultural difference is the unambiguous population level data from across the world showing that intimate partnerships, particularly marriage, provide a protective shield against low personal wellbeing scores. The jury is still out on whether this protective effect necessarily involves cohabitation. The current rise in living- apart-together relationships and the possible future trend of living together virtually, through second life and other digital media, raises further questions about the nexus between living arrangements and wellbeing.


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[EUS] Balioek eta jarrerek garrantzia handia dute edozein testuingurutan. Hori dela eta, lan hau Lehen Hezkuntzako lehenengo mailan errespetua, autonomia eta bizikidetza arauak lantzeko proposamena da, ikasleen balio eta jarreretan aldaketa eta hobekuntza jakina eragiteko asmoz. Oinarri teoriko batetik sortutako esku-hartzeak, 12 jarduera ditu, pre-testa, post-testa eta balioak bizirik irauteko amaierako rol-jokoa, beste batzuen artean. Praktikan jarritako interbentziotik emaitzak eta ondorioak atera dira, proposatutakoak ikasleengan zer-nolako eragina izan duen eta ondorioz, haien ezaugarrietarako egokia izan den azalduz, besteak beste.


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In this thesis I contribute to the understanding of the experience of living with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and its impact on quality of life through the use of a pragmatically guided mixed methods approach. AMD is a condition resulting in the loss of central vision in old age which can have a huge impact on the lives of patients. This thesis includes: literature reviewing; qualitative meta-synthesis; surveys and descriptive statistics; observation; and analysis of in-depth interviewing, in order to build a picture of what it is like for older people to live with AMD. I present the findings from six separate studies each designed to answer specific research questions. I begin with a mixed methods study to determine how well the most commonly used measure of quality of life for AMD patients’ represents patient experiences. I then go on to investigate the experiences of patients with AMD through a meta-synthesis of qualitative research and finally present four of my own empirical studies three of which investigate the experiences of patients with different types of AMD: early dry AMD, treatable wet AMD and advanced wet AMD and the final study investigates what it is like for a couple living together with AMD. Throughout the qualitative studies I use Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to develop an understanding of the experiences and life contexts of patients with AMD. Through rigorous analysis, I identify a range of themes which highlight the shared and divergent experiences of individuals with AMD and the need to acknowledge patients’ past, present and potential future life contexts and experiences when providing services to older people with AMD. I relate the findings of the six studies to the wider psychological literature on chronic illness and make recommendations for services for patients with AMD to be provided holistically within a lifeworld-led health care model.


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The International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) is currently offered in 2,718 schools across 138 countries, and explicitly aims to produce ‘internationally-minded’ citizens with a sense of belonging to both the local and the global community. It thus offers an opportunity to enquire how a school curriculum might produce more intercultural or global dispositions, knowledge and skills, and the challenges inherent in such design. To frame this empirical enquiry, the chapter distinguishes between the fact of living together in difference as a life circumstance, and a range of ethical dispositions for such living together, including cosmopolitanism, internationalism, interculturality and global citizenship. These alternatives are understood as competing social imaginaries with different premises and logics. This chapter offers an empirical exploration of how the IBD’s curricular goal of ‘international-mindedness’ is interpreted firstly in current official documents, then reinterpreted by teachers and students in three case study schools in Australia. Traces of these overlapping but distinct discourses are found in the teachers’ recontextualisation of the IBD’s ‘internationalmindedness’ producing diffuse and contradictory versions of what ‘internationalmindedness’ means, and looks like in educational settings.


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Indian society is an agglomeration of several thousand endogamous groups or castes each with a restricted geographical range and a hereditarily determine mode of subsistence. These reproductively isolated castes may be compared to biological species, and the society thought of as a biological community with each caste having its specific ecological niche. In this paper we examine the ecological-niche relationships of castes which are directly dependent on natural resources. Evidence is presented to show that castes living together in the same region had so organized their pattern of resource use as to avoid excessive intercaste competition for limiting resources. Furthermore, territorial division of the total range of the caste regulated intra-caste competition. Hence, a particular plant or animal resource in a given locality was used almost exclusively by a given lineage within a caste generation after generation. This favoured the cultural evolution of traditions ensuring sustainable use of natural resources. This must have contributed significantly to the stability of Indian caste society over several thousand years. The collapse of the base of natural resources and increasing monetarization of the economy has, however, destroyed the earlier complementarity between the different castes and led to increasing conflicts between them in recent years.


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Depending on you – A study of spousal care, everyday life and agency The present aim of the aging policy is to promote old peoples´ possibilities to live at their own home. It is also many elderly couples´ own wish. At home a persons spouse is the most natural care giver, if she or he is able to give care. Spousal care means living together, giving and receiving care and interdependency between the spouses. The aim of the policy is to support spousal care by paying financial support to a carer and arrang-ing formal home care services. The purpose of this research is to study the agency of care giving and receiving spouses as care givers and receivers and also as home care service users. The data of the study consist of the interviews of 21 elderly couples. Both spouses were interviewed seper-ately, with the exception of five couples who were interviewed together. In these inter-views a care receiver had difficulties in communicating by speaking and a spouse was her or his interpreter. The study is based on a social constructionistic and a discourse analytical view of con-struction of meanings in human communication. Talking is a social action: people achieve identities, realities, social order and social relationship through talking. In inter-pretating the spouses agency I have used of Harvey Sack´s method of Membership Categorization Device (MCD). The spouses construct social categories which made the meaning of their agency visible. Care changes the routines and actions of everyday life. The couples have to negotiate their duties and rights between each other. Care giving and receiving are both physical and emotional actions. In the end it becomes a part of the couples´ normal life. The pur-pose of couples´ action is to live together as long as possible. They want to strengthen both their own agency and their spouses´ agency. The living together depends on both of them. The spouses decided together what home care services they would like to use and on which conditions they have to use services. Spouses have different kind of agencies as service users which describe their relationship and confidency on formal home care support and services. Services must support the elderly couples´ shared life at home. They cannot be against the conditions on the spousal care. When you want to arrange services to elderly care giving and receiving couples, you have to consider their own wishes and the meanings of their own relationship and shared life.


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The endosymbiosis of algae with invertebrates may be viewed with at least two major orientations. On the one hand, one may focus on the plant and animal as essentially separate organisms living together, as the word symbiosis states. The products which are exchanged between the plant and animal and the effects of the association on either partner are then of particular interest. On the other hand, one may consider the partnership as an entity, and attempt to investigate the physiology, behavior, etc. of the symbiotic association, observing what differences may appear between the "plant-animal" and analogous non-symbiotic organisms. It is the second approach which I have tried to take in this thesis. I have concentrated on some effects of light on symbiotic and aposymbiotic sea anemones of the species Anthopleura elegantissima, particularly with respect to pigmentation and several types of behavior.


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O trabalho tem como tema central o estudo teórico e a pesquisa empírica das variáveis esperança, crenças esperançosas e sentido de vida em pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer. No plano teórico, objetivou estudar a Teoria Antropológica La Espera y la Esperanza, de Laín Entralgo, procurando aplicá-la à experiência profissional em Psico-Oncologia; estabelecer uma relação teórica entre o conceito de esperança, de Laín Entralgo, e o conceito psicológico de crença; buscar um vínculo entre o conceito de esperança de Laín Entralgo e o conceito de sentido da vida de Viktor Frankl; e, desvelar a complementaridade da contribuição de Buber ao conceito de sentido de vida, de Frankl, no sentido de que a análise do encontro seria favorecedora do sentido da vida ou de uma mudança de um sentido já acolhido. No plano empírico, investigou os possíveis efeitos psicológicos e sua repercussão no estado de saúde geral do paciente oncológico, decorrente de uma intervenção psicológica fundamentada por esses princípios teóricos. Foi conduzido um estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, baseado na estratégia da pesquisa-ação. Participaram, voluntariamente, quatro homens, com diagnóstico de neoplasia maligna (câncer de próstata = 2; câncer de intestino = 1; câncer de língua = 1), média de idade 62,8 (4,3) e escolaridade 6,8 (3,4). As informações foram coletadas através de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas, com frequência semanal e duração de 1h30. Empregou-se o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) para rastreio de déficit cognitivo e o Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI) para identificação de presença de sintomatologia depressiva. O resultados obtidos no MEEM (28,31,7) revelaram ausência de declínio cognitivo. Os escores do BDI indicaram ausência de sintomas significativos de depressão. Os depoimentos dos participantes foram analisados com base no método de Análise de Conteúdo (Bardin), através da técnica de Análise Temática. Os achados indicam que: crenças esperançosas vinculam o sentido da vida à esperança; a busca de um sentido para a existência é variável importante quando se trata das condutas consequentes da esperança: passividade e atividade; o caráter complementar da contribuição de Buber ao conceito de sentido de vida de Frankl evidencia-se na convivência, em especial na relação dialógica, que se mostra favorecedora da descoberta do sentido da vida ou de uma mudança de um sentido já acolhido; os pacientes esperançosos são mais ativos sob diversos aspectos no sentido físico, psicológico e social, quando o seu estado físico assim o permite, do que aqueles que se mostram desesperançados; as pessoas esperançosas tendem a resignar-se e a encontrar alternativas psicologicamente mais saudáveis em face da doença do que aquelas que se mostram mais desesperançadas. Considerando a natureza da pesquisa, o reduzido número de participantes, usuários do SUS e sob os cuidados do mesmo médico, estes achados devem ser examinados com cautela posto que representam indícios reveladores de que exista uma relação entre crenças esperançosas e a evolução do câncer, favorecida pelo sentido da vida.


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O presente estudo aborda pesquisa que teve como objetivo principal investigar a possibilidade de usar um método inspirado pelo construcionismo social para o trabalho com um grupo de mães, pais e filhos que passaram pelo divórcio em suas famílias. Para a investigação foi realizado um grupo, composto por mães, pais e filhos entre 18 e 25 anos, que não pertenciam à mesma família, mas que tinham em comum a experiência do divórcio. Também foi empreendido estudo teórico sobre temas relacionados ao construcionismo social; as mudanças na família contemporânea; divórcios e organizações familiares dele decorrentes; o trabalho com grupos e a contribuição do construcionismo para esse campo. O trabalho se propôs a articular os três temas principais nele presentes: o construcionismo social, o trabalho com grupos e o divórcio. Durante os dez encontros foram conversados tanto espontaneamente como através das dinâmicas propostas, temas relacionados ao divórcio, convivência com os filhos e relações com ex-parceiros, entre outros. O foco da elaboração das dinâmicas pretendia aproveitar a diferença de posicionamento entre os participantes como ferramenta para mudança. Outro objetivo da pesquisa era observar se através da participação no grupo as pessoas transformavam suas relações com outras fora do grupo, como filhos e ex-parceiros em uma direção de menos conflitos e disputas. Ao longo do grupo foi relatado pelos participantes em vários momentos tanto o valor da diferença para reflexão e mudança de visão sobre a situação que viviam como a transformação de relações conflituosas a partir das conversas ocorridas no grupo. O material gerado nas conversas grupais foi analisado através da poética social, metodologia de cunho construcionista. Ficou evidenciado que o grupo entendido como espaço conversacional é um dispositivo útil para o diálogo e para a produção de novos sentidos tanto em relação à vida de cada um dos participantes, como promovendo questionamentos e a desconstrução de linguagens sociais relacionadas aos temas do divórcio, relações entre pais e filhos e relações familiares em geral.