18 resultados para lipozyme
The aim of this work was to study monoalkyl ester synthesis catalyzed by immobilized lipase Lipozyme RM IM via the esterification reaction. Yields of over 90% were obtained with butanol in esterification reactions with oleic acid. In the reactions with deodorizer distillates of vegetable oils and butanol, the conversion obtained was greater than 80% after 2.5 h. For the esterification reaction of palm fatty acid deodorizer distillate (PFAD) and butanol, seven reuse cycles of Lipozyme RM IM were carried out and the final conversion was 42% lower than the initial conversion.
Nesse trabalho foi estudada a produção do éster alifático octanoato de n-pentila por esterificação direta usando a enzima Lipozyme TL IM como catalisador, sendo esse éster usado como aroma na indústria de alimentos. Foi verificada a influência da concentração inicial de substratos na velocidade inicial da reação, sendo esta determinada através do consumo de ácido octanoico ao longo do tempo. Modelos cinéticos clássicos descritos na literatura não se ajustaram bem aos dados experimentais. A máxima velocidade da reação foi alcançada a 40 ºC. A enzima Lipozyme TL IM sofre inibição por substrato
The main goal of the present research effort was to evaluate the physical-chemical properties of blends of lard and soybean oil following enzymatic interesterification catalyzed by an immobilized lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosa (Lipozyme (TM) TL IM). Lipase-catalyzed interesterification produced new tri-acylglycerols that changed the physical-chemical properties of the fat blends under study. Solid fat content (31.3 vs 31.5 g/100 g), consistency (104.7 vs 167.6 kPa), crystallized area (0.6 vs 11.8) and softening point (31.8 vs 32.2 degrees C) of lard increased after interesterification, and this was mostly due to the increase of SSS (saturated) + SSU (disaturated-monounsaturated) triacylglycerols. These contents (SSU + SSS) increased in lard after interesterification from 42.9 to 46.7 g/100 g. The interesterified blends exhibited lower values for the physical properties when compared with their counterparts before enzymatic interesterification. The interesterification of blends of lard with soybean oil increased the amounts of UUU (triunsaturated) and SSS triacylglycerols and reduced the amounts of UUS (diunsaturated-monosaturated) triacylglycerols. The interesterified blends of lard and soybean oil demonstrated physical properties and chemical composition similar to human milk fat and they could be used for the production of a human milk fat substitute. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A constante e sistemática subida de preço dos combustíveis fósseis e as contínuas preocupações com o meio ambiente determinaram a procura de soluções ambientalmente sustentáveis. O biodiesel surge, então, como uma alternativa para essa problemática, bem como uma solução para resíduos líquidos e gordurosos produzidos pelo ser humano. A produção de biodiesel tem sido alvo de extensa atenção nos últimos anos, pois trata-se de um combustível biodegradável e não poluente. A produção de biodiesel pelo processo de transesterificação usando álcoois de cadeia curta e catalisadores químicos, nomeadamente alcalinos, tem sido aceite industrialmente devido à sua elevada conversão. Recentemente, a transesterificação enzimática tem ganho adeptos. No entanto, o custo da enzima permanece uma barreira para a sua aplicação em grande escala. O presente trabalho visa a produção de biodiesel por transesterificação enzimática a partir de óleo residual de origem vegetal. O álcool usado foi o etanol, em substituição do metanol usado convencionalmente na catálise homogénea, pois a atividade da enzima é inibida pela presença deste último. As maiores dificuldades apresentadas na etanólise residem na separação das fases (Glicerol e Biodiesel) após a reação bem como na menor velocidade de reação. Para ajudar a colmatar esta desvantagem foi estudada a influência de dois cosolventes: o hexano e o hexanol, na proporção de 20% (v/v). Após a escolha do co-solvente que permite obter melhor rendimento (o hexano), foi elaborado um planeamento fatorial no qual se estudou a influência de três variáveis na produção de biodiesel por catálise enzimática com etanol e co-solventes: a razão molar óleo/álcool (1:8, 1:6 e 1:4), a quantidade de co-solvente adicionado (30, 20 e 10%, v/v) e o tempo de reação (48, 36 e 24h). A avaliação do processo foi inicialmente seguida pelo rendimento da reação, a fim de identificar as melhores condições, sendo substituída posteriormente pela quantificação do teor de ésteres por cromatografia em fase gasosa. O biodiesel com teor de ésteres mais elevado foi produzido nas condições correspondentes a uma razão molar óleo:álcool de 1:4, com 5g de Lipozyme TL IM como catalisador, 10% co-solvente (hexano, v/v), à temperatura de 35 ºC durante 24h. O rendimento do biodiesel produzido sob estas condições foi de 73,3%, traduzido em 64,7% de teor de ésteres etílicos. Contudo o rendimento mais elevado que se obteve foi de 99,7%, para uma razão óleo/álcool de 1:8, 30% de co-solvente (hexano, v/v), reação durante 48h a 35 ºC, obtendo-se apenas 46,1% de ésteres. Por fim, a qualidade do biodiesel foi ainda avaliada, de acordo com as especificações da norma EN 14214, através das determinações de densidade, viscosidade, ponto de inflamação, teor de água, corrosão ao cobre, índice de acidez, índice de iodo, teor de sódio (Na+) e potássio (K+), CFPP e poder calorífico. Na Europa, os ésteres etílicos não têm, neste momento, norma que os regule quanto à classificação da qualidade de biodiesel. Contudo, o biodiesel produzido foi analisado de acordo com a norma europeia EN14214, norma esta que regula a qualidade dos ésteres metílicos, sendo possível concluir que nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados se encontra em conformidade com a mesma.
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Bioenergia
Utilização de sementes de Jatropha curcas L. provenientes de Cabo Verde para a produção de biodiesel
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energia e Bioenergia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Valorization of olive pomace through combination of biocatalysis with supercritical fluid technology
A supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) based oil extraction method was implemented on olive pomace (alperujo), and an oil yield of 25,5 +/- 0,8% (goil/gdry residue) was obtained. By Soxhlet extraction with hexane, an oil extraction yield of 28,9 +/- 0,8 % was obtained, which corresponds to an efficiency of 88,4 +/- 4,8 % for the supercritical method. The scCO2 extraction process was optimized for operating conditions of 50 MPa and 348,15 K, for which an oil loading of 32,60 g oil/kg CO2 was calculated. As a proof of concept, olive pomace was used as feedstock for biodiesel production, in a process combining the use of lipase as a catalyst with the use of scCO2 as a solvent, and integrating the steps of oil extraction, oil to biodiesel transesterification and subsequent separation of the latter. In the conducted experiments, FAME (fatty acid methyl ester) purities of 90% were obtained, with the following operating parameters: an oil:methanol molar ratio of 1:24; a residence time of 7,33 and 11,6 mins; a pressure of 40 MPa; a temperature of 313,15 K; and Lipozyme (Mucor miehei; Sigma-Aldritch) as an enzyme. However, oscillations of FAME purity were registered throughout the experiments, which could possibly be due to methanol accumulation in the enzymatic reactor. Finally, the phenolic content of olive pomace, and the effect of the drying process – oven or freeze-drying – and the extraction methods – hydro-alcoholic method and supercritical method – on the phenolic content were analysed. It was verified that the oven-drying process on the olive pomace preserved 90,1 +/- 3,6 % of the total phenolic content. About 62,3 +/- 5,53% of the oven-dried pomace phenolic content was extracted using scCO2 at 60 MPa and 323,15 K. Seven individual phenols – hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleuropein, quercetin, caffeic acid, ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid – were identified and quantified by HPLC.
Preparation of (S)-1-chloro-2-octanol and (S)-1-bromo-2-octanol was carried out by the enzymatic hydrolysis of halohydrin palmitates using biocatalysts. Halohydrin palmitates were prepared by various methods from palmitic acid and 1,2-octanediol. A tandem hydrolysis was carried out using lipases from Candida antarctica (Novozym® 435), Rhizomucor miehei (Lipozyme IM), and “resting cells” from a Rhizopus oryzae strain that was not mycotoxigenic. The influence of the enzyme and the reaction medium on the selective hydrolysis of isomeric mixtures of halohydrin esters is described. Novozym® 435 allowed preparation of (S)-1-chloro-2-octanol and (S)-1-bromo-2-octanol after 1–3 h ofreaction at 40 °C in [BMIM][PF6].
Piqui (Caryocar brasiliense Camb) oil was transformed into a cocoa butter-like fat through an enzymatic interesterification reaction using Lipozyme in the presence of stearic acid that was incorporated in the sn 1,3-3,1 position into triglyceride. Stearic acid incorporation was determined by HPLC, based on the quantification of the principal triglycerides (POP, POS e SOS) found in cocoa butter. The proposed process was feasible with a reaction time of 240 minutes with 10% of Lipozyme at 70ºC and substract weight ratio of 0,33 (stearic acid:piqui oil).
This work investigates the reaction parameters of an immobilized lipase in the esterification reaction of n-butanol and butyric acid. Microbial lipase from Candida rugosa was immobilized onto styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer (STY-DVB) and subsequently introduced in an organic medium containing substrates in appropriate concentrations. Heptane was selected as solvent on the basis of its compatibility with the resin and the enzyme. The influence of molar ratio of acid to alcohol, amount of immobilized lipase and temperature on the butyl butyrate formation was determined. The results were compared with those achieved with free lipase and Lipozyme (commercially immobilized lipase) under the same operational conditions.
Several alkyl esters were synthesized, purified, characterized by ¹H NMR and employed as standards for establishing chromatographic methods to monitor their formation in the synthesis of biodiesel. The efficiency of the chromatographic methods was confirmed with the products of enzymatic transesterification of babassu oil with different alcohols (C2 to C4), using Lipozyme as catalyst.
Isoamyl butyrate production was investigated using free and immobilized lipases by esterification of butyric acid with isoamyl alcohol in a solvent-free system and in an organic media. Among the enzymes studied, Lipozyme TL IM was found to be the most active catalyst in n-hexane as a solvent. The effects of different solvents and the amount of water added on conversion rates were studied. A maximum conversion yield of 80% in n-hexano at 48 h was obtained under the following conditions: 3 g L-1 of Lipozyme TL IM, 30 ºC, 180 rpm of agitation, isoamyl alcohol to butyric acid molar ratio of 1:1 and acid substrate concentration of 0.06 M.