265 resultados para lions


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Twenty-seven healthy captive lions (Panthera leo) and 13 healthy captive tigers (Panthera tigris) from S to Paulo Zoo (Fundacao Parque Zoologico de Rio Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil) collection were selected for this study. They were anesthetized with ketamine (10 mg/kg) combined with xylazine (1-2 mg/kg) for physical examinations. hematologic and serum chemical analysis and electrocardiogram recording. The main aim of this research was to gather initial information about normal electrocardiographic parameters of large felids. Standard P-QRS-T deflections on leads described for domestic carnivores were analyzed, and they did not greatly differ from those of large felids. taking into account the greater weight and corporal mass of large felids. Heart rate of lions ranged frorn 42 to 76 beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate of tigers ranged from 56 to 97 bpm. In both species, the most common rhythm detected was normal sinus rhythm followed by sinus arrhythmia: wandering, pacemaker was also observed with normal sinus rhythm or sinus arrhythmia. Mean electrical axis lay between +60 degrees and +120 degrees. QRS complexes were predominantly positive in leads DI, DII, DIII, and AVF and negative in AVR and AVL. This Study provides insights into normal electrocardiograms of large felids. Wider investigations on the same subject arc necessary to establish criteria for the recognition of abnormalities in these species and should include other anesthetic drug(s) combinations and reports of electrocardiographic features of animals with cardiac disease and electrolytes disturbances.


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Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.


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This study tests the hypothesis that female South American sea lions shift from off-shore, pelagic prey to coastal, benthic prey after parturition in order to reduce the foraging trip duration and hence the time pups remain unattended on the beach during early lactation. The δ13C and δ15N values of the serum and blood cells of 26 South American sea lion suckling pups from northern Patagonia were used to track the dietary changes of their mothers from late pregnancy to early lactation, after correction for differential isotopic fractionation between tissues. Primary producers and potential prey species were also analysed to establish a baseline for interpreting the stable isotope concentration of serum and blood cells. Isotopic ratios revealed a generalized increase in the consumption of coastal-benthic prey after parturition. Such a generalized post-partum shift will allow females to spend more time on land and look after their pups. The effects of this foraging strategy on the nutritional quality of the female"s diet are discussed.


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Abstract. The deep outer margin of the Gulf of Lions and the adjacent basin, in the western Mediterranean Sea, are regularly impacted by open-ocean convection, a major hydrodynamic event responsible for the ventilation of the deep water in the western Mediterranean Basin. However, the impact of open-ocean convection on the flux and transport of particulate matter remains poorly understood. The variability of water mass properties (i.e., temperature and salinity), currents, and particle fluxes were monitored between September 2007 and April 2009 at five instrumented mooring lines deployed between 2050 and 2350-m depth in the deepest continental margin and adjacent basin. Four of the lines followed a NW-SE transect, while the fifth one was located on a sediment wave field to the west. The results of the main, central line SC2350 ("LION") located at 42 02.50 N, 4 410 E, at 2350-m depth, show that open-ocean convection reached midwater depth ( 1000-m depth) during winter 2007-2008, and reached the seabed ( 2350-m depth) during winter 2008-2009. Horizontal currents were unusually strong with speeds up to 39 cm s−1 during winter 2008-2009. The measurements at all 5 different locations indicate that mid-depth and near-bottom currents and particle fluxes gave relatively consistent values of similar magnitude across the study area except during winter 2008-2009, when near-bottom fluxes abruptly increased by one to two orders of magnitude. Particulate organic carbon contents, which generally vary between 3 and 5 %, were abnormally low ( 1 %) during winter 2008-2009 and approached those observed in surface sediments (0.6 %). Turbidity profiles made in the region demonstrated the existence of a bottom nepheloid layer, several hundred meters thick, and related to the resuspension of bottom sediments. These observations support the view that open-ocean deep convection events in the Gulf of Lions can cause significant remobilization of sediments in the deep outer margin and the basin, with a subsequent alteration of the seabed likely impacting the functioning of the deep-sea ecosystem.


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The dual-stream model of auditory processing postulates separate processing streams for sound meaning and for sound location. The present review draws on evidence from human behavioral and activation studies as well as from lesion studies to argue for a position-linked representation of sound objects that is distinct both from the position-independent representation within the ventral/What stream and from the explicit sound localization processing within the dorsal/Where stream.


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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in skin and bone of South American sea lions from Brazil and Uruguay were analysed to test the hypothesis that trophic overlap between the sexes is lower during the pre-breeding season than throughout the rest of the year. The isotopic values of skin and bone were used to infer the trophic relationships between the sexes during the pre-breeding period and year round, respectively. Prey species were also analysed to establish a baseline necessary for interpreting the stable isotope ratios of skin and bone. Standard ellipse areas, estimated using Bayesian inference in the SIBER routine of the SIAR package in R, suggested that males and females used a wide diversity of foraging strategies throughout the year and that no differences existed between the sexes. However, the diversity of foraging strategies was largely reduced during the pre-breeding period, with all the individuals of each sex adopting similar strategies, but with the two sexes differing considerably in stable isotope values and the ellipse areas of males and females not overlapping at all. Nevertheless, the results revealed a general increase in the consumption of pelagic prey by both sexes during the pre-breeding period. The progressive crowding of individuals in the areas surrounding the breeding rookeries during the pre-breeding period could lead to an increase in the local population density, which could explain the above reported changes.


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Two black and white photographs of the Merritton Pen Centre Lions, dated 1960. One photograph is of the team, and the other one is of the pitching staff. The photograph of the team includes Bill Colbey (Lions Club), Jack McFadden, Bob Sunderland, Gary Blank, John MacDonald, John Davis (Coach), John Dempsey, Art Barclay, Frank Krsul, Percy Gilligan (Pen Centre), Terry Saxton, George Krusl, Dave Morris, Ian MacDonald (Mgr), Pete Holowchuk, Bernie Stubbert, Bill Hicks, Jim Thomson (Bat Boy), George Depitris (Property) and Charlie McGuire. Jim Hale is absent. The photograph of the pitching staff includes John Dempsey, Art Barclay and John MacDonald.