977 resultados para linear stability analysis quantum dots crystal growth


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Nell'ambito delle nanostrutture, un ruolo primario è svolto dai punti quantici. In questo lavoro siamo interessati all'analisi teorica del processo di creazione dei punti quantici: esso può avvenire per eteroepitassia, in particolare secondo il metodo studiato da Stranski-Krastanov. Un film di Germanio viene depositato su un substrato di Silicio in modo coerente, cioè senza dislocazioni, e, a causa del misfit tra le maglie dei due materiali, c'è un accumulo di energia elastica nel film. A una certa altezza critica questa energia del film può essere ridotta se il film si organizza in isole (punti quantici), dove la tensione può essere rilassata lateralmente. L'altezza critica dipende dai moduli di Young (E, υ), dal misfit tra le maglie (m) e dalla tensione superficiali (γ). Il trasporto di materiale nel film è portato avanti per diffusione superficiale. Il punto focale nell'analisi delle instabilità indotte dal misfit tra le maglie dei materiali è la ricerca delle caratteristiche che individuano il modo di crescita più rapido dei punti quantici. In questo lavoro siamo interessati ad un caso particolare: la crescita di punti quantici non su una superficie piana ma sulla superficie di un nanofilo quantico a geometria cilindrica. L'analisi delle instabilità viene condotta risolvendo le equazioni all'equilibrio: a tal fine sono state calcolate le distribuzioni del tensore delle deformazioni e degli sforzo di un nanofilo core-shell con una superficie perturbata al primo ordine rispetto all'ampiezza della perturbazione. L'analisi è stata condotta con particolari condizioni al contorno ed ipotesi geometriche, e diverse scelte dello stato di riferimento del campo degli spostamenti. Risolto il problema elastico, è stata studiata l'equazione dinamica di evoluzione descrivente la diffusione di superficie. Il risultato dell'analisi di instabilità è il tasso di crescita in funzione del numero d'onda q, con diversi valori del raggio del core, spessore dello shell e modo normale n, al fine di trovare il più veloce modo di crescita della perturbazione.


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A linear stability analysis is applied to determine the onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection in cylindrical liquid bridges of large Prandtl numbers (4 <= Pr <= 50). We focus on the relationships between the critical Reynolds number Re-c, the azimuthal wave number m, the aspect ratio F and the Prandtl number Pr. A detailed Re-c-Pr stability diagram is given for liquid bridges with various Gamma. In the region of Pr > 1, which has been less studied previously and where Re, has been usually believed to decrease with the increase of Pr, we found Re-c exhibits an early increase for liquid bridges with Gamma around one. From the computed surface temperature gradient, it is concluded that the boundary layers developed at both solid ends of liquid bridges strengthen the stability of basic axisymmetric thermocapillary convection at large Prandtl number, and that the stability property of the basic flow is determined by the "effective" part of liquid bridge. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR.


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A global framework for linear stability analyses of traffic models, based on the dispersion relation root locus method, is presented and is applied taking the example of a broad class of car-following (CF) models. This approach is able to analyse all aspects of the dynamics: long waves and short wave behaviours, phase velocities and stability features. The methodology is applied to investigate the potential benefits of connected vehicles, i.e. V2V communication enabling a vehicle to send and receive information to and from surrounding vehicles. We choose to focus on the design of the coefficients of cooperation which weights the information from downstream vehicles. The coefficients tuning is performed and different ways of implementing an efficient cooperative strategy are discussed. Hence, this paper brings design methods in order to obtain robust stability of traffic models, with application on cooperative CF models


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Classical theories have successfully provided an explanation for convection in a liquid layer heated from below without evaporation. However, these theories are inadequate to account for the convective instabilities in an evaporating liquid layer, especially in the case when it is cooled from below. In the present paper, we study the onset of Marangoni convection in a liquid layer being overlain by a vapor layer.A new two-sided model is put forward instead of the one-sided model in previous studies. Marangoni-Bénard instabilities in evaporating liquid thin layers are investigated with a linear instability analysis. We define a new evaporation Biot number, which is different from that in previous studies and discuss the influences of reference evaporating velocity and evaporation Biot number on the vapor-liquid system. At the end, we explain why the instability occurs even when an evaporating liquid layer is cooled from below.


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We propose to study the stability properties of an air flow wake forced by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) actuator, which is a type of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) actuator. These actuators add momentum to the flow around a cylinder in regions close to the wall and, in our case, are symmetrically disposed near the boundary layer separation point. Since the forcing frequencies, typical of DBD, are much higher than the natural shedding frequency of the flow, we will be considering the forcing actuation as stationary. In the first part, the flow around a circular cylinder modified by EHD actuators will be experimentally studied by means of particle image velocimetry (PIV). In the second part, the EHD actuators have been numerically implemented as a boundary condition on the cylinder surface. Using this boundary condition, the computationally obtained base flow is then compared with the experimental one in order to relate the control parameters from both methodologies. After validating the obtained agreement, we study the Hopf bifurcation that appears once the flow starts the vortex shedding through experimental and computational approaches. For the base flow derived from experimentally obtained snapshots, we monitor the evolution of the velocity amplitude oscillations. As to the computationally obtained base flow, its stability is analyzed by solving a global eigenvalue problem obtained from the linearized Navier–Stokes equations. Finally, the critical parameters obtained from both approaches are compared.


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A nonlinear dynamic model of microbial growth is established based on the theories of the diffusion response of thermodynamics and the chemotactic response of biology. Except for the two traditional variables, i.e. the density of bacteria and the concentration of attractant, the pH value, a crucial influencing factor to the microbial growth, is also considered in this model. The pH effect on the microbial growth is taken as a Gaussian function G0e-(f- fc)2/G1, where G0, G1 and fc are constants, f represents the pH value and fc represents the critical pH value that best fits for microbial growth. To study the effects of the reproduction rate of the bacteria and the pH value on the stability of the system, three parameters a, G0 and G1 are studied in detail, where a denotes the reproduction rate of the bacteria, G0 denotes the impacting intensity of the pH value to microbial growth and G1 denotes the bacterial adaptability to the pH value. When the effect of the pH value of the solution which microorganisms live in is ignored in the governing equations of the model, the microbial system is more stable with larger a. When the effect of the bacterial chemotaxis is ignored, the microbial system is more stable with the larger G1 and more unstable with the larger G0 for f0 > fc. However, the stability of the microbial system is almost unaffected by the variation G0 and G1 and it is always stable for f0 < fc under the assumed conditions in this paper. In the whole system model, it is more unstable with larger G1 and more stable with larger G0 for f0 < fc. The system is more stable with larger G1 and more unstable with larger G0 for f0 > fc. However, the system is more unstable with larger a for f0 < fc and the stability of the system is almost unaffected by a for f0 > fc. The results obtained in this study provide a biophysical insight into the understanding of the growth and stability behavior of microorganisms.


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We perform global linear stability analysis and idealized numerical simulations in global thermal balance to understand the condensation of cold gas from hot/virial atmospheres (coronae), in particular the intracluster medium (ICM). We pay particular attention to geometry (e.g. spherical versus plane-parallel) and the nature of the gravitational potential. Global linear analysis gives a similar value for the fastest growing thermal instability modes in spherical and Cartesian geometries. Simulations and observations suggest that cooling in haloes critically depends on the ratio of the cooling time to the free-fall time (t(cool)/t(ff)). Extended cold gas condenses out of the ICM only if this ratio is smaller than a threshold value close to 10. Previous works highlighted the difference between the nature of cold gas condensation in spherical and plane-parallel atmospheres; namely, cold gas condensation appeared easier in spherical atmospheres. This apparent difference due to geometry arises because the previous plane-parallel simulations focused on in situ condensation of multiphase gas but spherical simulations studied condensation anywhere in the box. Unlike previous claims, our non-linear simulations show that there are only minor differences in cold gas condensation, either in situ or anywhere, for different geometries. The amount of cold gas depends on the shape of tcool/tff; gas has more time to condense if gravitational acceleration decreases towards the centre. In our idealized plane-parallel simulations with heating balancing cooling in each layer, there can be significant mass/energy/momentum transfer across layers that can trigger condensation and drive tcool/tff far beyond the critical value close to 10.


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In general, linear- optic, thermo- optic and nonlinear- optical studies on CdSe QDs based nano uids and their special applications in solar cells and random lasers have been studied in this thesis. Photo acous- tic and thermal lens studies are the two characterization methods used for thermo- optic studies whereas Z- scan method is used for nonlinear- optical charecterization. In all these cases we have selected CdSe QDs based nano uid as potential photonic material and studied the e ect of metal NPs on its properties. Linear optical studies on these materials have been done using vari- ous characterization methods and photo induced studies is one of them. Thermal lens studies on these materials give information about heat transport properties of these materials and their suitability for applica- tions such as coolant and insulators. Photo acoustic studies shows the e ect of light on the absorption energy levels of the materials. We have also observed that these materials can be used as optical limiters in the eld of nonlinear optics. Special applications of these materials have been studied in the eld of solar cell such as QDSSCs, where CdSe QDs act as the sensitizing materials for light harvesting. Random lasers have many applications in the eld of laser technology, in which CdSe QDs act as scattering media for the gain.


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We introduce a new boundary layer formalism on the basis of which a class of exact solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations is derived. These solutions describe laminar boundary layer flows past a flat plate under the assumption of one homogeneous direction, such as the classical swept Hiemenz boundary layer (SHBL), the asymptotic suction boundary layer (ASBL) and the oblique impingement boundary layer. The linear stability of these new solutions is investigated, uncovering new results for the SHBL and the ASBL. Previously, each of these flows had been described with its own formalism and coordinate system, such that the solutions could not be transformed into each other. Using a new compound formalism, we are able to show that the ASBL is the physical limit of the SHBL with wall suction when the chordwise velocity component vanishes while the homogeneous sweep velocity is maintained. A corresponding non-dimensionalization is proposed, which allows conversion of the new Reynolds number definition to the classical ones. Linear stability analysis for the new class of solutions reveals a compound neutral surface which contains the classical neutral curves of the SHBL and the ASBL. It is shown that the linearly most unstable Görtler–Hämmerlin modes of the SHBL smoothly transform into Tollmien–Schlichting modes as the chordwise velocity vanishes. These results are useful for transition prediction of the attachment-line instability, especially concerning the use of suction to stabilize boundary layers of swept-wing aircraft.


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On the basis of optical characterization experiments and an eight band kp model, we have studied the effect of Sb incorporation on the electronic structure of InAs quantum dots (QDs). We have found that Sb incorporation in InAs QDs shifts the hole wave function to the center of the QD from the edges of the QD where it is otherwise pinned down by the effects of shear stress. The observed changes in the ground-state energy cannot merely be explained by a composition change upon Sb exposure but can be accounted for when the change in lateral size is taken into consideration. The Sb distribution inside the QDs produces distinctive changes in the density of states, particularly, in the separation between excitation shells. We find a 50% increase in the thermal escape activation energy compared with reference InAs quantum dots as well as an increment of the fundamental transition decay time with Sb incorporation. Furthermore, we find that Sb incorporation into quantum dots is strongly nonlinear with coverage, saturating at low doses. This suggests the existence of a solubility limit of the Sb incorporation into the quantum dots during growth.


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This paper deals with the development and the analysis of asymptotically stable and consistent schemes in the joint quasi-neutral and fluid limits for the collisional Vlasov-Poisson system. In these limits, the classical explicit schemes suffer from time step restrictions due to the small plasma period and Knudsen number. To solve this problem, we propose a new scheme stable for choices of time steps independent from the small scales dynamics and with comparable computational cost with respect to standard explicit schemes. In addition, this scheme reduces automatically to consistent discretizations of the underlying asymptotic systems. In this first work on this subject, we propose a first order in time scheme and we perform a relative linear stability analysis to deal with such problems. The framework we propose permits to extend this approach to high order schemes in the next future. We finally show the capability of the method in dealing with small scales through numerical experiments.


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In recent years, growth of GaN-based materials-related quantum dots has become a hot topic in semiconductor materials research. Considerable efforts have been devoted to growth of self-assembled quantum dots of GaN-based materials via MOCVD (Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition) and there are a lot of relevant literatures. There is, however, few review papers for the topic. In this paper, different experimental methods for fabrication of quantum dots of GaN-based materials via MOCVD are critically reviewed and the experimental conditions and parameters, which may affect growth of the quantum dots, are analyzed, with an aim at providing some critical reference for the related future experiment research.