994 resultados para light regime


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BACKGROUND: Previously, tachyplesin gene (tac) has been successfully transferred into Undaria pinnatifida gametophytes using the method of microprojectile bombardment transformation. The objectives of this study were to compare and evaluate the performance of bubble-column and airlift bioreactors to determine a preferred configuration of bioreactor for vegetative propagation of transgenic U. pinnatifida gametophytes, and to then investigate the influence of light on vegetative propagation of these gametophytes, including incident light intensity, photoperiod and light quality to resolve the problems of rapid vegetative propagation within the selected bioreactor. RESULTS: Experimental results showed that final dry cell density in the airlift bioreactor was 12.7% higher than that in the bubble-column bioreactor under the optimal aeration rate of 1.2 L air min(-1) L-1 culture. And a maximum final dry cell density of 2830 mg L-1 was obtained within the airlift bioreactor using blue light at 40 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) with a light/dark cycle of 14/10 (h). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis indicated that genes (bar and tac) were not lost during rapid vegetative propagation within the airlift bioreactor. CONCLUSION: The airlift bioreactor was shown to be much more suitable for rapid vegetative propagation of transgenic U. pinnatifida gametophytes than the bubble-column bioreactor in the laboratory. The use of blue light allows improvement of vegetative propagation of transgenic U. pinnatifida gametophytes. (C) 2009 Society of Chemical Industry


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Fluctuating light intensity had a more significant impact on growth of gametophytes of transgenic Laminaria japonica in a 2500 ml bubble-column bioreactor than constant light intensity. A fluctuating light intensity between 10 and 110 mu E m(-2) s(-1), with a photoperiod of 14 h:10 h light:dark, was the best regime for growth giving 1430 mg biomass l(-1).


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Fluctuating light intensity had a more significant impact on growth of gametophytes of transgenic Laminaria japonica in a 2500 ml bubble-column bioreactor than constant light intensity. A fluctuating light intensity between 10 and 110 mu E m(-2) s(-1), with a photoperiod of 14 h:10 h light:dark, was the best regime for growth giving 1430 mg biomass l(-1).


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In this study, we examined the photosynthetic responses of five common seagrass species from a typical mixed meadow in Torres Strait at a depth of 5–7 m using pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry. The photosynthetic response of each species was measured every 2 h throughout a single daily light cycle from dawn (6 am) to dusk (6 pm). PAM fluorometry was used to generate rapid light curves from which measures of electron transport rate (ETRmax), photosynthetic efficiency (α), saturating irradiance (Ek) and light-adapted quantum yield (ΔF/F′m) were derived for each species. The amount of light absorbed by leaves (absorption factor) was also determined for each species. Similar diurnal patterns were recorded among species with 3–4 fold increases in maximal electron rate from dawn to midday and a maintenance of ETRmax in the afternoon that would allow an optimal use of low light by all species. Differences in photosynthetic responses to changes in the daily light regime were also evident with Syringodium isoetifolium showing the highest photosynthetic rates and saturating irradiances suggesting a competitive advantage over other species under conditions of high light. In contrast Halophila ovalis, Halophila decipiens and Halophila spinulosa were characterised by comparatively low photosynthetic rates and minimum light requirements (i.e. low Ek) typical of shade adaptation. The structural makeup of each species may explain the observed differences with large, structurally complex species such as Syringodium isoetifolium and Cymodocea serrulata showing high photosynthetic effciciencies (α) and therefore high-light-adapted traits (e.g. high ETRmax and Ek) compared with the smaller Halophila species positioned lower in the canopy. For the smaller Halophila species these shade-adapted traits are features that optimise their survival during low-light conditions. Knowledge of these characteristics and responses improves our understanding of the underlying causes of changes in seagrass biomass, growth and survival that occur when modifications in light quantity and quality arise from anthropogenic and climatic disturbances that commonly occur in Torres Strait.


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A laboratory experiment compared germination of the invasive exotic grass Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Rudge) Nees and the native H. acutigluma (Steud.) Gilliland. Seeds of both species were exposed to combinations of light (constant dark, alternating dark/light or constant light), temperature (constant or alternating) and nitrate regimes (with or without the addition of KNO3). Three seed lots of H. amplexicaulis (fresh, two adn four months old) and one of H. acutigluma (fresh seed) were tested. A significant temperature x light x nitrate x seed lot interaction occured. At a constant temperature very few seeds of either H. amplexicaulis or H. acutigluma germinated, regardless of the light regime or addition of KNO3. Generally, maximum germination occurred under a combination of alternating temperature, the presence of light (either constant or alternating) and the addition of KNO3. The exception was four month stored H. amplexicaulis seed, which reached maximum germinaction without the need for KNO3. Fresh seed of both H. amplexicaulis and H. acutigluma exhibited similar germination requirements. These findings suggest that conditions that buffer seeds from light and/or temperature fluctuations could reduce germination and possibly extend the life of seed banks of both H. amplexicaulis and H. acutigluma. Conversely, for land managers trying to control the exotic H. amplexicaulis, activities that create more favourable conditions for germination may help deplete seed banks faster.


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Chlorella pyrenoidosa was cultured with 350 and 700 p.p.m.v. CO2 at varied levels of light to see the impacts of doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration on its growth and photosynthesis. The CO2 enrichment did not affect the growth rate (mu), but significantly increased the cell density when light was sufficiently supplied. The CO2 enrichment significantly depressed light-saturated photosynthesis and dark respiration in the cells grown under a high-light regime, but not those under a low-light regime. The light-saturating point for photosynthesis and photosynthetic efficiency was not affected by the CO2 enrichment under either the high-light or low-light conditions.


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The terrestrial blue-green alga (cyanobacterium), Nostoc flagelliforme, was cultured in air at various levels of CO2, light and watering to see their effects on its growth. The alga showed the highest relative growth rate at the conditions of high CO2 (1500 ppm), high light regime (219-414 mu mol m(-2)s(-1)) and twice daily watering, but the lowest rate at the conditions of low light (58-114 mu mol m(-2)s(-1)) and daily twice watering. Increased watering had little effect on growth rate at 350 ppm CO2, but increased by about 70% at 1500ppm CO2 under high light conditions. It was concluded that enriched CO2 could enhance the growth of N. flagelliforme when sufficient light and water was supplied.


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Photosynthetic characteristics in response to irradiance were analysed in 42 populations of 33 macroalgal species by two distinct techniques (chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygen evolution). Photosynthesis-irradiance (PI) curves based on the two techniques indicated adaptations to low irradiance reflected by low saturation values, high to moderate values of photosynthetic efficiency (alpha) and photoinhibition (beta), for Bacillariophyta and Rhodophyta, which suggests they are typically shade-adapted algae. In contrast, most species of Chlorophyta were reported as sun adapted algae, characterized by high values of I-k and low of alpha, and lack of or low photoinhibition. Cyanophyta and Xanthophyta were intermediate groups in terms of light adaptations. Photoinhibition was observed in variable degrees in all algal groups, under field and laboratory conditions, which confirms that it is not artificially induced by experimental conditions, but is rather a common and natural phenomenon of the lotic macroalgae. Low values of compensation irradiance (I-c) were found, which indicate that these algae can keep an autotrophic metabolism even under very low irradiances. High ratios (>2) of photosynthesis/respiration were found in most algae, which indicates a considerable net gain. These two physiological characteristics suggest that macroalgae may be important primary producers in lotic ecosystems. Saturation parameters (I-k and I-s) occurred in a relatively narrow range of irradiances (100-400 mumol photons m(-2) s(-1)), with some exceptions (higher in some filamentous green algae or lower in red algae). These parameters were way below the irradiances measured at collecting sites for most algae, which means that most of the available light energy was not photochemically converted via photosynthesis. Acclimation to ambient PAR was observed, as revealed by lower values of I-k and I-c and higher values of alpha and quantum yield in algae from shaded streams, and vice versa. Forms living within the boundary layer (crusts) showed responses of shade-adapted species and had the highest values of P-max, alpha and quantum yield, whereas the opposite trend was observed in gelatinous forms (colonies and. laments). These results suggests adaptation to the light regime rather than functional attributes related to the growth form.


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Increasing atmospheric pCO2 and its dissolution into oceans leads to ocean acidification and warming, which reduces the thickness of upper mixing layer (UML) and upward nutrient supply from deeper layers. These events may alter the nutritional conditions and the light regime to which primary producers are exposed in the UML. In order to better understand the physiology behind the responses to the concomitant climate changes factors, we examined the impact of light fluctuation on the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans grown at low (1 µmol/L) or high (800 µmol/L) [NO3(-)] and at high (1000 µatm) or low (390 µatm, ambient) pCO2. The light regimes to which the algal cells were subjected were (1) constant light at a photon flux density (PFD) of either 100 (C100) or 500 (C500) µmol/m**2/s or (2) fluctuating light between 100 or 500 µmol photons/m**2/s with a frequency of either 15 (F15) or 60 (F60) min. Under continuous light, the initial portion of the light phase required the concomitant presence of high CO2 and NO3(-) concentrations for maximum growth. After exposure to light for 3h, high CO2 exerted a negative effect on growth and effective quantum yield of photosystem II (F'(v)/F'(m)). Fluctuating light ameliorated growth in the first period of illumination. In the second 3h of treatment, higher frequency (F15) of fluctuations afforded high growth rates, whereas the F60 treatment had detrimental consequences, especially when NO3(-) concentration was lower. F'(v)/F'(m) respondent differently from growth to fluctuating light: the fluorescence yield was always lower than at continuous light at 100 µmol/m**2/s, and always higher at 500 µmol/m**2/s. Our data show that the impact of atmospheric pCO2 increase on primary production of dinoflagellate depends on the availability of nitrate and the irradiance (intensity and the frequency of irradiance fluctuations) to which the cells are exposed. The impact of global change on oceanic primary producers would therefore be different in waters with different chemical and physical (mixing) properties.


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It was shown, with the aid of osmotic inhibition of germination, that the action of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pf) in promoting germination can be completed even if the seed is held under conditions where germination is not possible. An effect of the continuing action of Pf beyond the point of complete germination promotion was demonstrated by enhancement of germination rate after removal of the osmotically active solute.

Previous reports that the rate of growth in water of seeds freed from the expansion-restricting endosperm is independent of the state of phytochrome were confirmed. However, a marked, phytochrome-mediated enhancement of the growth potential of such seeds was demonstrated through restricting water uptake by incubation in an osmoticum.

An experimental system, utilizing the appearance of a geotropic curvature in the radicle of the excised axial portion of the seed, was developed for more detailed studies of the phytochrome-enhanced growth potential. It was possible to demonstrate the light effect in water as well as in osmotica; this apparently is not possible with de-endospermed entire seeds. As in intact seeds, the effect of the continuing action of Pf is to enhance the rate of the response. Secretion of a chemical inhibitor of growth by the endosperm as a possible mechanism of induction of light sensitivity has been ruled out.

The phytochrome-dependent rate of appearance of geotropic curvature in osmotica is paralleled in time by a similar dependence of the rate of early extension growth of the embryonic axis. Only the first small increment of growth is a differentially responsive to red (R) and far-red (F); the rate of later increase in length is independent of the light regime.

It was shown that the high concentrations of gibberellic acid required for germination promotion in the intact seed are due at least in part to a diffusion barrier in the endosperm, and that the occasional reports in the literature of the ineffectiveness of kinetin are probably due to the same phenomenon. It was shown that gibberellin, like red light, enhances the growth potential of the axis, but kinetin does not. The difference in rates of response obtained after R-irradiation or gibberellin treatment, together with other results reported in the literature, strongly suggests that gibberellic acid and red light promote germination by different means. The idea that kinetin promotes germination by yet another mechanism, probably operating in the cotyledons, was supported through two different experimental approaches.

The phenomenon of temperature-dependent dark germination was examined in detail, using a wide range of both temperatures and incubation times. With the aid of the half-seed system, it was demonstrated that the promotive effect of low temperature on germination could not be due to a low optimum temperature for early growth of the radicle, since the rate of that process increased with increasing temperature, up to the highest temperature used.

It was shown that phytochrome does not function at high temperatures. This fact is of considerable importance in interpreting the phenomenon of thermodormancy, since in the literature only a small part of the effect of high temperature has been ascribed to an effect on phytochrome, and at that, only to an acceleration of dark reversion of Pf to the red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr). Partial denaturation of phytochrome may also make some contribution.

It was shown that the germination-promoting effect of low temperature depends on the presence of Pf, and concluded that low temperatures act by delaying or preventing transformation of Pf. Support for the assumption that Pf, not Pr, is the active form of phytochrome in lettuce seeds was drawn from the same evidence.

Attempts to stimulate germination by repeated irradiation with F over relatively prolonged incubation times resulted in failure, as have similar attempts reported in the literature. However, an enhancement of growth potential in the half-seed system by the maintenance of a small amount of Pf over long periods at ordinary temperatures by repeated irradiation with F was demonstrated.

It was observed that cold storage of the dry seed prevents or delays loss of dark dormancy during post-harvest storage. No change in the response of the half-seed in osmoticum to R and F was observed in seeds that has lost dark dormancy; that is, no internal change took place to measurably increase the growth potential of the embryonic axis. This suggests that the endosperm is the seat of changes responsible for after-ripening of photoblastic lettuce seed.


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The growth and activity of photosynthetic CO2 uptake and extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA(ext)) of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum were investigated while cultured at different levels of CO2 in order to see its physiological response to different CO2 concentrations under either a low (30 mumol . m(-2) . s(-1)) or high (210 mumol . m(-2) . s(-1)) irradiance. The changes in CO2 concentrations (4-31 mumol/L) affected the growth and net photosynthesis to a greater extent under the low than under the high light regime. CAext was detected in the cells grown at 4 mumol/L CO2 but not at 31 and 12 mumol/L CO2, with its activity being about 2.5-fold higher at the high than at the low irradiance. Photosynthetic CO2 affinity (1/K-1/2(CO2)) of the cells decreased with increased CO2 concentrations in culture. The cells cultured under the high-light show significantly higher photosynthetic CO2 affinity than those grown at the low-light level. It is concluded that the regulations of CA(ext) activity and photosynthetic CO2 affinity are dependent not only on CO2 concentration but also on light availability, and that the development of higher CA(ext) activity and CO2 affinity under higher light level could sufficiently support the photosynthetic demand for CO2 even at low level of CO2.


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在青藏高原东部的亚高山针叶林区,如何尽快恢复这一生态脆弱地区的植被,改变生态环境恶化的趋势,是一个十分重要的课题。光一直被认为是植物种间相互替代,尤其是森林演替过程中植物相互替代或植被恢复中的关键环境要素之一。植物能否适应林冠下或林窗中异质的、或多变的光照条件,对其在林中的生存、分布、更新以及森林动态都是非常重要的。 本文以青藏高原东部亚高山针叶林的主要森林类型——岷江冷杉林群落的几种树苗为研究对象,采用实验生态学、生理及生物化学等方法,通过模拟针叶林不同大小林窗内光照强度的变化,在中国科学院茂县生态站内采用遮荫处理设置6个光照梯度(100、55、40、25、15与7%全光照),来研究具有不同喜光特性的植物对光强的响应与适应机制,其研究结果可为揭示亚高山针叶林的演替规律、以及人工林下幼苗的存活与定居提供科学依据,也能为苗木的生产与管理提供科学指导,尤其是对针阔树种在不同光强下的响应与适应的比较研究,能为如何将阔叶树种整合到人工针叶林中提供新的思路。 光强对植物生长的影响 光强对植物的生长具有重要作用,不同植物在各自适宜的光强梯度下才能生长良好。通过一个野外盆栽实验,来研究不同光强对植物生长的影响(第三章)。主要研究结果如下,低光强下植物株高/茎生物量增加,说明植物会将生物量更多用于高生长,以便有效地拦截光资源;在强光下,植物将生物量更多地向根部分配,使得植物在强光下能够吸收更多的水分,而避免干旱胁迫。 在第一个生长季节,以相对生长速率(RGR)表示,红桦和青榨槭在100%全光照下RGR最大,粗枝云杉在55%最大,岷江冷杉在25-40%下较好;然而,在第二个生长季节,2种阔叶树的相对生长速率(RGR)的适宜光强则变为25-55%,云杉为55-100%,而冷杉为25-100%。可见,从第一年到第二年,2种阔叶树苗更适宜在部分荫蔽的条件下生长;而2种针叶树苗对光的需求则逐渐增加,这可能是增加对根生物量相对投资的结果,因为以这种方式,强光下生长的针叶树幼苗更能保持其内部水分平衡,其生长不会因干旱胁迫而受到严重影响。另外,严重遮荫会引起冷杉幼苗死亡。 植物对光强的生理适应 植物可以通过自身形态和生理特征的调整,来发展不同的光能利用策略从而能够在林中共存。通过一个野外盆栽实验,研究了不同光强下生长的几种树苗的生理特征(第四章)对不同光强的响应与适应。结果显示:强光下,粗枝云杉和红桦的光合能力增加,而岷江冷杉和青榨槭在中度遮荫(25-55%)的条件下光合能力最大。植物叶氮和叶绿素含量增高,而光补偿点和暗呼吸速率降低,这些都是植物对低光环境的适应性反应;而强光下植物叶片和栅栏组织变厚,是对强光的一种保护性反应。 植物对光的可塑性反应 不同植物会表现出对光适应有利的生理和形态可塑性反应。本文对第三章、第四章的实验数据进行可塑性指数分析,来研究植物对光强的表型可塑性反应(第五章)。结果显示,生理特征调整是植物对不同光环境的主要适应途径。红桦和青榨槭的可塑性指数平均值要大于粗枝云杉和岷江冷杉,充分表明这2种阔叶树在生理和形态上较强的可塑性更有利于对光环境的适应,而具有比耐荫树种更强的适应能力。另外,2种针叶树相比,云杉的适应性更强。本研究结果支持树种的生理生态特性决定了其演替状况和生境选择的假说。 植物的光抑制与防御 当植物叶片吸收了过多光能,会发生光抑制现象。植物对光抑制的敏感性及防御能力对其生长具有重要意义。本文通过两个野外盆栽实验,研究了生长在强光下(第六章)和变化光强下(第八章)植物的光抑制现象及其防御策略。结果表明,在强光下或从遮荫状态转入强光下,植物都会发生光抑制,其对光抑制的敏感性与植物的耐荫性(或喜光)和演替状态有密切联系。长期生长在强光下的植物受到光抑制是可恢复的,而当处于荫蔽环境的植物突然暴露于强光下时,受到的光抑制不能完全恢复,可能是(部分)光合机构受到破坏的缘故。粗枝云杉和青榨槭防御光抑制伤害的能力较强,热耗散是其防御光抑制的主要途径。长期的强光作用能使岷江冷杉和红桦发生严重光抑制,甚至光伤害,而红桦能够通过“凋落老叶,萌发新叶”的途径来适应新的强光环境。 How to restore the vegetation of subalpine coniferous forest in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and change the trend of ecological deterioration is a very important issue. Acclimation of tree seedlings to different and varing light environment affects to a great extent the successful regeneration and establishment of subalpine coniferous forests in southwestern China’s montane forest areas, because the ability to respond to such changing resource are commonly assumed to be critical to plant success, and have a growth advantage than others. In this paper, several species seedlings in Abies faxoniana community were chosed to study the response and adaptation to light intensity and the interspecific differences of adaptability in six shaded sheds (100, 55, 40, 25, 15 and 7% of full sunlight) in the Maoxian Ecological Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Our results could provide a strong theoretical evidence for understanding the forest succession laws of subalpine coniferous forests, and the survival and settlement of seedlings under plantations, and provide scientific direction for the production and management of seedlings, especially the comparative studies of the acclimation to light between the conifer and broadleaf trees could provide new ideas for how to integrate the broad-leaved trees into the artificial coniferous forest. Growth under different light intensity Light intensity plays an important role on plant growth. One field experiments was conducted to study the growth of tree seedlings of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana, Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii under different light intensities. The results showed that plants under low light environment could increase the specific stem length (stem length/ stem dry mass), in order to effectively intercept light resources, while biomass greater allocation to the roots, could make plants under high light environment absorb more water, and avoid drought stress. During the first growing season, the relative growth rates (RGRs) of Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii had the greatest values under the 100% of full light, for 55% of Picea asperata, and for 25-40% of Abies faxoniana. However, in the second growing season the the relative growth rates of the two broad-leaved trees changed and were appropriate for 25-55% of full light, for 55-100% of spruce, and for 25-100% of fir. Thus, from the first year to the second year, two broad-leaved seedlings maybe more suitable to partly shading environment, and two coniferous seedlings would have an increase in light demand, which may be an increased root biomass investment. Because in this way, seedlings grown under high light could better maintain their internal water balance, and thus its growth would not be seriously affected by drought stress. In addition, serious shading would cause fir seedlings to die. Acclimation of physiology to light Plants could coexist in forest ecosystem by forming different strategies of light use. One field experiments was conducted to study the acclimation of tree seedlings to different light intensity of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana, Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii. The results showed that the photosynthetic capacity of Picea asperata and Betula albo-sinensis exhibited a general tendency of increase with more light availability; but for Abies faxoniana and Acer davidii seedlings, their highest values of the same parameters were found under intermediate light regime (i.e. 25-55% of PFD relative to full sunlight). Plants under low light environment could increase the specific stem length (stem length/ stem dry mass), in order to effectively intercept light resources. Leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll content increased, while dark respiration rate and light compensation points decreased, all of which were adaptive response to the low light environment. On the contrary, plants under high light environment had the thicken leaves and palisade tissue, which was a protective response to high light. Phenotypic plasticity to light Phenotypic plasticity can be exhibited in morphological and physiological processes. Physiological characteristical adjustment is the main for plant adaptation to different light environment.The means of plasticity indexes for Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii seelings were greater than Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana, amplied that the two broad-leaved trees were much more adaptable to the environment. In addition, spruce had the higher adaptablity than fir. The findings supported the hypothesis that the ecological characteristics of the species determined the biological status and its biological habitat selection. Photoinhibition and photoprotection to light Compared with conifer, broad-leaved trees could better change leaf morphology and adjust biomass allocation to adapt to changing light environment. However, excess light can photoinhibit photosynthesis and may lead to photooxidative destruction of the photosynthetic appatus. Two field experiments were conducted to study the photoinhibition of photosynthesis. The results showed that when plants grown under high light environment or plants transferred from low to high irradiance, the four tree seedlings would undergo a period of photoinhibition. In four species, photoinhibited leaves could recover to initial photosynthetic rates when they were long-term planted under high light environment. However, when plants were suddenly exposed to high irradiance, this photoinhibition could not be reversible, may be the photosynthesis apparatus were (or partly) photooxidatively destructed.


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辐射传输研究是贯穿森林生态系统的纽带,太阳辐射为植物的生长发育提供光合能量、适宜的环境温度以及发育信息。一方面,气候变化使到达地面辐射能的质和量发生变化,影响到植被的生长发育,改变森林的结构,而森林结构的变化又会影响林冠内辐射能的分配和质量,这些变化会进一步影响到林下土壤温度,改变森林根系活性以及土壤营养转化的效率;连锁反应的结果有可能会使森林生态系统的生产力发生变化,改变碳素和氮素源库的调节方向,从而反馈影响地球气候系统。另一方面,人类作为生态系统的成员,必然需要森林生态系统为其提供更多的原材料和更好的生态服务功能,如何实现这些目标,就需要人类适度调整干预方式和频度,达到预期的目的。本文在建立适合于川西亚高山森林的叶面积测量技术、光照辐射模型和土壤温度变化模型的基础上,对川西亚高山地带森林生态系统的辐射传输特征进行了分析,并从森林结构的角度探讨了林分内的辐射分布以及对土壤温度的影响。主要成果如下: 1. 提出了一种照相法测量叶面积的方法。通过对摆放在平面上的叶片照相,利用投影变化,把非正射图像转化为正射图像,然后经过计算机图像处理得到每一片叶片的面积、周长、长度、宽度等信息。这种方法可使用户以任意方向和距离拍摄处于平面上的叶片,能同时处理大量的叶片,适于野外离体或活体叶片测量。叶片面积分辨率可调,分辨率可以与常用的激光叶面积仪相近甚至更高,而且叶片图像可以存档查询。 2. 提出一种模拟林内光照变化的模型。利用林冠半球照片,记录视点以上半球内的林冠构件空间分布,作为林冠子模型;天空辐射子模型采用国际照明委员会(CIE)的标准晴天和阴天以及插值模型。该模型能够模拟林下某一位点处的实时光斑变化。 3. 提出一种土壤温度变化模型。把土壤视为具有容量和阻力性质的结构,利用电阻和电容器件构建土壤能量分布模型。外界太阳辐射能经过植被以及其它一些能量分配器后进入土壤,其中有一部分转化为土壤势能,即土壤温度。土壤温度的变化类似于电池的充放电过程。在已知模型参数的情况下,可以从太阳辐射计算土壤温度的变化。在模型参数未知的情况下,通过输入和输出值推算模型的参数,而模型参数中的时间常数与土壤组成和含水量有关,这样就可以知道土壤水分的变化情况。 4. 从王朗亚高山森林典型样地林分结构的测量获得林地三维结构图、树冠形态、叶面积密度等参数,这些参数输入到Brunner (1998)开发的tRAYci 模型中计算出一段时间内林分任意位置处的光照值。与林下辐射计测量值以及半球照片计算结果的比较,该模型基本上能够满足对林分光环境了解的要求。 5. 从川西亚高山森林生产力的角度,探讨了森林生产力研究的方法以及川西地区的研究历史和成果,发现了其中的一些规律和问题,特别是在叶面积测量上,还没有使用标准的叶面积指数定义。综合来看,川西地区针叶林叶面积指数(单位土地面积上植物冠层总叶面积的一半) 应在4-5 之间。降雨丰富的华西雨屏带是川西地区森林生产力最高的地区,而向西北森林生产力逐渐降低。川西地区云冷杉林森林生产力平均约为600 gDM m-2 a-1,但是根据辐射能计算的潜在生产力则达到1800 gDM m-2 a-1。实际与潜在森林生产力的巨大差异说明其它因子对生产力的影响。 6. 王朗亚高山3 个典型森林林分中,白桦林样地(BF) 林下草本以糙野青茅、牛至、紫菀等喜阳性物种为主,林下透光度较高;冷杉林样地(FF) 林下透光度最低,以喜阴性物种水金凤、蟹甲草、囊瓣芹等为主;而云杉林样地(SF)林分林龄最大,林下透光度介于冷杉林和白桦林之间,草本层仍然以喜阴性物种东方草莓、紫花碎米芥、酢浆草等为主。冷杉林和云杉林的灌木层也很丰富,卫矛属、五加属、茶藨子属、忍冬属植物很丰富,而在白桦林则以栒摘要子属、榛子属、鹅耳枥属等植物为主。藓类植物在云杉林中最丰富,并且形成毯状层,其它两个林分则很稀少。3 个样地林分结构与林下光环境有很强的相关性,从光环境特征可以在一定程度上推测林分的结构。各样地单纯从乔木层材积推算的NPP 排列顺序为BF>FF>SF,与林下辐射透射率和林分年龄的顺序相同,暗示辐射对群落演替过程的驱动作用。 7. 用半球照相法测得BF、FF 和SF 3 个样地的有效叶面积指数以SF 样地最高,BF 最低。如果考虑针叶树叶片在小枝上的丛聚分布,利用北方针叶林的数值进行校正,则SF 样地LAI 显著增加(达到89%),其它样地的LAI 基本不变甚至有所下降。校正后的数值与文献中地面测量的结果较相近,说明在使用半球照相法测量川西亚高山针叶林LAI 时必须加以校正。 8. 在3 个样地中,白桦、岷江冷杉和方枝柏种群为丛聚分布,紫果云杉在FF和SF 样地中基本上为随机分布。3 个物种出现丛聚分布的最短距离约为2m,在最短距离以内则为随机分布。最短距离可能与树冠大小有关,种子传播特征以及对光照的需求状况可能是造成这种分布格局类型的原因。 Radiative transfer plays a key role in forest ecosystems. Solar radiation providesenergy for photosynthesis, appropriate ambient temperature and development informationfor plants. However, quality and quantity of radiation reaching land surface are affected byweather and subsequently influence the growth and development of plants, which in turnchanges the budget of radiation in forest. Soil temperature changes with the variation ofradiation under forest canopy and influences the activity of roots and rate of nutrientturnover. Thus, any changes of radiation will induce chain reactions in the entireecosystem and display in the value of net primary productivity which will possibly shiftthe relationship between carbon source and sink at local or regional scale and feed back tothe global climate system. On the other hand, as a component of ecosystems, humanbeings of course need to demand more materials and better service from ecosystems. Forthese purpose, man must adapt their pattern and frequency of interference to ecosystems.This paper aims to research on the canopy structure, the radiation distribution and theirinfluence on soil temperature from the process of radiative transfer in subalpine forestecosystem of western Sichuan. The main results are: 1 Present a new photogrammetric method for leaf area. The main idea is to convertnon-vertically taken images of planar leaves to orthoimages through projectivetransformation. The resultant images are used to get leaf morphological parametersthrough image processing. This method enables users to take photos at almost anyorientation and distance if only the leaves are placed on same plane, and to processlarge quantity of leaves in a short time, which is suitable for field measurement. Theresolution of leaf area is adjustable to fit for special requirement. 2 A model using hemispherical photos combining with solar tracks and radiation courseis provided to simulate light variation in forest. The hemispherical photos of canopyrecord the real spatial distribution of each element of plants viewed from a point. Skyradiance is simulated with CIE standard clear sky or cloudy sky model. This modelcan be used to simulate real time light variation under canopy. 3 Present a soil temperature model. Soil could be regarded as a body of resistor andcapacitor. Some of the budget of solar radiation in soil body is transformed into soilpotential energy, the soil temperature. Variation of soil temperature is driven by solarradiation, vegetation, soil properties, etc. This model has two parameters, one of whichis time constant and is related to soil water content. The inversed model can be used tosimulate the variation of soil water. 4 By using model tRAYci developed by Brunner (1998), the 3-D distribution of light inthree subalpine forest stands of Wanglang Nature Reserve has been simulated andvalidated with value of radiometers in these stands. This model can basically satisfythe need for understanding light regimes of these stands. 5 Present some principles and questions of NPP (net primary of productivity) researchesin western Sichuan. The standard leaf area index (LAI) defined by Chen and Black(1997) has not been used in this region. Total leaf area and projected leaf area indexare still used in NPP researches which may differ around 1-fold in magnitude. Thestandard LAI which is a half of total leaf area above unit land area should be between4 and 5 for typical subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan concluded fromliteratures. The maximum forest NPP occurs in West China rain belt and decreasesnorthwestwards. Average NPP of spruce-fir forest in western Sichuan is about600gDM m-2 a-1, which is below the potential NPP of 1800gDM m-2 a-1 based onmeasured radiation in this region. The significant difference between potential and realNPP suggests that other factors influence the growth of stands. 6 In the three subalpine forest stands of Wanglang Nature Reserve, herbage layer ofAbstractbirch stand (BF) with age of 40 is dominated by heliophytes of Deyeuxia scabrescens,Origanum vulgare, Aster tongoloa etc.. However, both of the other two stands aredominated by shade tolerent species, such as Impatiens noli-tangere, Impatiensdicentra, Cacalia deltophylla and Pternopetalum tanakae etc. in fir stand (FF) withage of 180 and Fragaria orientalis, Cardamine tangutorum and Oxalis corniculata etc.in spruce stand (SF) with age of 330. Shrub species in the latter two stands arerelatively rich, typical dominant genera being Euonymus, Acanthopanax, Ribes andLonicera. Birch stand has relatively sparse shrubs dominated by genera of Cotoneaster,Corylus and Carpinus. Mosses are significant only in spruce stand. The canopystructure controls the light regime of stand, which influence the composition of herblayers beneath the canopy. This light regime-community structure relationship can beused to infer the herb community from canopy structure. The NPP derived from timbervolume of arbor layer of the three stands decreases from BF to SF, which is in thesame order of transmitted total radiation under canopy and age of these stands,suggesting the driving effect of radiation in the succession of community. 7 The highest effective LAI of the three stands obtained by hemispherical photos is inplot SF and lowest in plot BF. After rectification of the clumping effect of leaves onshoot, the real LAI in plot SF increases significantly (89%) and approximate to theaverage LAI of coniferous forest in western Sichuan. Therefore, the LAI obtainedfrom hemispherical photos needs rectification for clumping effect. 8 Spatial distribution pattern for Betula platyphylla, Abies faxoniana and Sabinasaltuaria is clumpy, but Picea purpurea almost random in plot FF and SF. The shortestdistance for clumpy distribution for Betula platyphylla and Sabina saltuaria is 1.5m,and 2m for Abies faxoniana. And random pattern for these trees is exhibited within thisrange which almost coincides with the diameter of crown. Seed dispersalcharacteristics and light requirement may be the reason for different spatial pattern.


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A series of experiments were conducted to identify the factors that affected the growth and survival of the settling flounder larvae Paralichthys olivaceus. Settling larvae 24 days after hatching (DAH) were reared in 10-l experimental tanks up to 40 DAH, and two of the following factors were changed as controlled factors in each experiment: light regime (24L:0D or 12L:12D), prey density (1500, 3000, or 5000 Artemia l(-1)), shelter (sand or no sand) and stocking density (5, 10, or 15 fish l(-1)). Early settling larvae (24-35 DAH) experienced little mortality (less than 10% of the overall mortality) that was not significantly affected by above factors. In contrast, late settling larvae (36-40 DAH) suffered high cannibalistic mortality which was significantly influenced by each of the above factors. Larvae experienced significantly lower mortality at 10 fish l(-1) level than at other densities. Larvae at 15 fish l(-1) level had higher mortality than at 5 fish l(-1) when all other factors were identical. Larvae at 3000 and 5000 Artemia l(-1) treatments survived significantly better than at 1500 Artemia l(-1), but no significant differences in larval mortality were found between the two higher densities. Larvae suffered higher mortality at low prey density or at the absence of sand when they were exposed to longer photoperiod. Low stocking density significantly improved the growth of the settling larvae. The average daily instantaneous growth rate (G) at 5 and 15 fish l(-1) treatments were 0.050 and 0.034, with the coefficient of variation (CV) in final length at 16.4 and 23.5, respectively. Daily instantaneous growth rate increased significantly from 0.033 in the 1500 Artemia l(-1) to 0.041 and 0.045 in the 3000 and 5000 Artennia l(-1), respectively, but no significant difference in larval growth existed between the two higher prey densities. These findings suggested that the optimal prey density for growth and survival of the settling flounder larvae at a stocking density of 5 - 15 fish l(-1) was around 3000 Artemia l(-1) . Larvae that were exposed to 24L showed 20% increase in growth ( G = 0.046, CV = 18.7) than those exposed to 12L ( G = 0.037, CV = 20.5). Longer exposure to light significantly improved larval growth, provided sufficient food was available. Sand substrate did not show significant effects on larval growth, possibly because the larvae spent most of the time swimming or feeding in the water column during this stage. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.