192 resultados para liberating enculturation


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Notre recherche analyse des discours théologiques qui épousent les traits caractéristiques de l’afro-descendance dans des ouvrages de l’Atabaque et de la Conférence Haïtienne des Religieux et Religieuses (CHR). Ces publications permettent de nommer la réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne et haïtienne comme l’expression d’un engagement au sein d’un Brésil multiculturel et métissé et d’une Haïti noire. Elles se réfèrent à la lutte des Afro-descendants et à leur résistance contre ce qu’ils considèrent comme les conséquences de la période de l’esclavage commencée au XVIe siècle qui oppriment encore des Noirs au XXIe siècle et empêchent leur pleine émancipation. Elles font partie d’une démarche postcolonialiste de changement qui inclut l’inculturation et la reconnaissance des forces des religions de matrices africaines dans leur quête d’une pleine libération des Noirs. Notre démarche, basée sur l’étude comparative des contenus de ces théologies développées au Brésil et en Haïti, met en relief des éléments essentiels de deux courants distincts de production théologique de 1986 à 2004. Cette délimitation correspond à la période de publication du résultat de trois consultations sur les théologies noires au Brésil en 1986, en 1995 et en 2004. Les ouvrages de la CHR datent de 1991 à 1999. Notre étude permet de suivre la pratique de la foi chrétienne qui s’y dégage, l’élaboration et le parcours d’évolution de cette pensée. Teologia Negra et théologie haïtienne représentent deux manières distinctes de faire de la théologie noire. Une comparaison entre les deux contextes n’a jamais été faite jusqu’à présent. Cette recherche a conduit au constat selon lequel trois paradigmes peuvent englober les principaux aspects des courants théologiques afro-brésiliens et haïtiens. Nous relevons des convergences et des divergences des paradigmes de l’inculturation libératrice, du postcolonialisme et du pluralisme religieux. La réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne est vue comme une démarche sociopolitique, ancrée surtout dans la promotion des actions positives qui consistent à favoriser l’insertion des Noirs en situation relativement minoritaire dans une société multiculturelle. En Haïti, où les Noirs sont en situation majoritaire, cette réflexion théologique va dans la direction de la sauvegarde des racines historiques en vue de motiver des changements dans une société de Noirs. Cette optique de la question des Noirs, interprétée sous un nouvel angle, offre de nouvelles pistes de réflexion théologique en même temps qu’elle renforce les revendications culturelles des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens dans le but d’élaborer un nouveau discours théologique. Notre thèse contribue à mettre en évidence deux institutions qui se dévouent à la cause des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens. L’œuvre de l’Atabaque et de la CHR témoigne du fait que celles-ci ont été susceptibles d’agir collectivement en contribuant à la diversité de la réflexion théologique des Afro-descendants, en soutenant un processus de solidarité entre les victimes permanentes du racisme explicite et implicite. Notre étude suscite l’ouverture vers le développement d’une théologie de la rencontre au sein des théologies noires tout en érigeant le défi de construire un réseau Brésil-Haïti à partir des Afro-descendants. Finalement, la spécificité de ces théologies contribue à inspirer le christianisme latino-américain et des Caraïbes et cette réflexion ne se limite pas seulement à ces deux pays, mais s’étend à d’autres contextes latino-américains ou africains.


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The enculturation of Irish traditional musicians involves informal, non-formal, and sometimes formal learning processes in a number of different settings, including traditional music sessions, workshops, festivals, and classes. Irish traditional musicians also learn directly from family, peers, and mentors and by using various forms of technology. Each experience contributes to the enculturation process in meaningful and complementary ways. The ethnographic research discussed in this dissertation suggests that within Irish traditional music culture, enculturation occurs most effectively when learners experience a multitude of learning practices. A variety of experiences insures that novices receive multiple opportunities for engagement and learning. If a learner finds one learning practice ineffective, there are other avenues of enculturation. This thesis explores the musical enculturation of Irish traditional musicians. It focuses on the process of becoming a musician by drawing on methodologies and theories from ethnomusicology, education, and Irish traditional music studies. Data was gathered through multiple ethnographic methodologies. Fieldwork based on participant-observation was carried out in a variety of learning contexts, including traditional music sessions, festivals, workshops, and weekly classes. Additionally, interviews with twenty accomplished Irish traditional musicians provide diverse narratives and firsthand insight into musical development and enculturation. These and other methodologies are discussed in Chapter 1. The three main chapters of the thesis explore various common learning experiences. Chapter 2 explores how Irish traditional musicians learn during social and musical interactions between peers, mentors, and family members, and focuses on live music-making which occurs in private homes, sessions, and concerts. These informal and non-formal learning experiences primarily take place outside of organizations and institutions. The interview data suggests these learning experiences are perhaps the most pervasive and influential in terms of musical enculturation. Chapter 3 discusses learning experience in more organized settings, such as traditional music classes, workshops, summer schools, and festivals. The role of organizations such as Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann and pipers’ clubs are discussed from the point of view of the learner. Many of the learning experiences explored in this chapter are informal, non-formal, and sometimes formal in nature, depending on the philosophy of the organization, institution, and individual teacher. The interview data and field observations indicate that learning in these contexts is common and plays a significant role in enculturation, particularly for traditional musicians who were born during and after the 1970s. Chapter 4 explores the ways Irish traditional musicians use technology, including written sources, phonography, videography, websites, and emerging technologies, during the enculturation process. Each type of technology presents different educational implications, and traditional musicians use these technologies in diverse ways and some more than others. For this, and other reasons, technology plays a complex role during the process of musical enculturation. Drawing on themes which emerge during Chapter 2, 3, and 4, the final chapter of this dissertation explores overarching patterns of enculturation within Irish traditional music culture. This ethnographic work suggests that longevity of participation and engagement in multiple learning and performance opportunities foster the enculturation of Irish traditional musicians. Through numerous and prolonged participation in music-making, novices become accustomed to and learn musical, social, and cultural behaviours. The final chapter also explores interconnections between learning experiences and also proposes directions for future research.


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In April 1989, ninety-six men, women and children, supporters of Liverpool Football Club, died in a severe crush at an FA Cup semi-final at Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield. Hundreds were injured and thousands traumatised. Within hours, the causes and circumstances of the disaster were contested. While a judicial inquiry found serious institutional failures in the policing and management of the capacity crowd, no criminal prosecutions resulted, and the inquests returned ‘accidental death’ verdicts. Immediately, the authorities claimed that drunken, violent fans had caused the fatal crush. Denied legitimacy, survivors’ accounts revealed a different story criticising the parlous state of the stadium, inadequate stewarding, negligent policing, failures in the emergency response and flawed processes of inquiry and investigation. Reflecting on two decades of research and contemporaneous interviews with bereaved families and survivors, this article contrasts the official discourse with those alternative accounts – the ‘view from below’. It demonstrates the influence of powerful institutional interests on the inquiries and investigations. It maps the breakthrough to full documentary disclosure following the appointment of the Hillsborough Independent Panel, its research and key findings published in September 2012. The campaigns by families and survivors were vindicated and the fans, including those who died, were exonerated. The process is discussed as an alternative method for liberating truth, securing acknowledgement and pursuing justice.


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Book review of "Larrikin angel : a biography of Veronica Brady" by Kath Jordan. ISBN: 978-0-9806108


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There is a need for some alternative approaches to the way that undergraduate teacher education programs have traditionally been delivered. Our warrant for this assertion is derived, in the first instance, from the work of Aronowitz and Giroux who have argued that there are many different signs of a crisis of cognition within all levels of education. Twenty years later the conditions that they described seem even more entrenched. This paper argues for a fresh inquiry into the deeper logics of learning and teaching, by drawing primarily on the work of James, Dewey, Kierkegaard, Britzman and Mackay. There is also a brief inclusion of anecdotes from some initial applications of these theories into our own practice.


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On 30 May 1925 British officers opened fire on Chinese union protesters in Shanghai’s International Settlement, sparking a series of anti-imperialist protests now known as the ‘May 30th Movement’. This article traces the response of the Australian Labor movement to these events. It examines connections between Chinese and Australian unions and shows how Asian anti-colonial nationalism affected Australian perceptions of class-based inequality in the 1920s and 1930s. Orthodox histories of the Australian Labor movement emphasize its inward-looking and xenophobic nature but these national historiographies have been too quick to assume the isolation of Australia from pan-Asian anti-colonialism. Rather than arguing that Australian unionists supported decolonization in the inter-war period this article explores how class relationships mediated Australian encounters with colonized people in Asia. Treating Shanghai and Sydney as entangled outposts of Empire suggests we need to re-evaluate interpretations of Australian class dissent that regard it either as part of a solely European tradition or as a motivated only by local conditions.


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With this article we pretend to contribute, in a really modest way, to the liberation of a tenacious image of our society: which operates as an ideological basis of a group of current socio-political pseudocritics, with great success and diffusion. For this we will undertake the exposition and the analysis of the development group of Naissance de la biopolitique in which Foucault accomplishes the critic of all that number of inflationary speeches that represent our society like a “mass society” and a “estatalized space”. Facing these vague and disproportionate forms of consideration, the foucaltian critic, in its exquisite attention to what happens nowadays, it should reveal how our societies function as systems that optimize the difference –radically nominalists-, in which it is produced, beyond any phantasmatic of the oppressor and invasive estate, a regretion of the legal-estate structures that articulate the socio-politic groups, in benefit of the reconstitution and the social tissue as a communitarian network, suitable for the dynamics of market competence that characterise our enterprise societies. That will open to a new idea of the critic, and to a displacement of its object and objectives.