203 resultados para lexis


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"LexisNexis Questions and Answers: Equity and Trusts provides students with a clear and systematic approach to successfully analysing and answering assessment questions on equity and trusts. Each chapter commences with a discussion of key principles and issues including a summary of relevant leading cases and legislation for effective revision. Examples of written questions with fact scenarios follow, each with a suggested answer plan, sample answer and comments on how the answer might be viewed by an examiner. Readers are provided with advice on common errors to avoid when answering questions and practical hints and tips on how to achieve higher marks. Features • Summary of key issues helps students revise key areas before attempting problem questions • Sample questions with model answers assist students with effective exam study preparation"--publisher website


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Las "Notas sobre el Diagrama de Lexis" forman parte del material docente del Curso de Mortalidad I del Programa de Maestria en Demografia y Estudios Sociales de Poblacion de CELADE 1985, y contiene 3 separatas: la descripcion del Diagrama de Lexis; un capitulo sobre representacion en el tiempo del libro Analisis Demografico de Pressat y el tema 1.2 Diagrama de Lexis del libro Tablas de Mortalidad de A. Ortega.


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La tesi considera la trattazione del tema dell’infanzia nell’opera di Origene di Alessandria attraverso l’analisi dei testi trasmessi nell’originale greco e delle traduzioni latine di Rufino e Gerolamo. Il motivo dell’infanzia è considerato nei suoi molteplici significati, a più livelli: esegetico, antropologico, filosofico, teologico. La ricerca non si limita dunque ad un’analisi di taglio storico, ma ambisce a definire la concezione e la considerazione della prima età dal punto di vista di Origene e nel contesto più ampio della letteratura coeva. Attraverso una lettura estensiva del corpus dell’Alessandrino sono stati isolati tutti i passi che si riferiscono all’infanzia a livello letterale e metaforico. Ne emerge una trattazione complessa del tema: il bambino è per Origene, in linea con le contemporanee dottrine filosofiche, un essere eminentemente irrazionale. Il pieno sviluppo della facoltà razionale si colloca al termine di questa prima fase dell’esistenza. L’irrazionalità infantile previene nei più piccoli l’insorgere delle passioni. A questa dottrina, di matrice stoica, si ricollegano alcuni sviluppi di grande rilievo: la non-imputabilità dei minori ed il legame tra razionalità e responsabilità individuale; la riflessione sulla sofferenza dei bambini e la ricerca di una sua causa, che non intacchi il principio della giustizia divina; l’ipotesi della preesistenza delle anime. Sul piano teologico la ricerca si focalizza sulle nozioni di paternità e filiazione e sul tema, centrale nell’orizzonte origeniano, della pedagogia. Origene concepisce la pedagogia umana, sul modello di quella divina, come una rete dinamica di relazioni che ricalca i rapporti parentali. A fianco di questi ambiti d’interesse principali l’analisi considera aspetti ulteriori: risalto è concesso, in particolare, all’elemento biografico ed all’aspetto linguistico e letterario della prosa origeniana, quest'ultimo spesso trascurato dalla critica. Lo studio mostra inoltre la vitalità di alcuni modelli esegetici origeniani nella tradizione successiva.


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Thesis (doctoral)--Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden.


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This paper investigates how far it is possible to assess the degree of penetration of French-origin lexis into Middle English by means of the structures and data of the Bilingual Thesaurus of Medieval England. It begins with an outline of the aim and scope of the project, describing some of the methodological decisions behind the creation of the Bilingual Thesaurus, such as the use of the Middle English Dictionary and the Anglo Norman Dictionary as sources. Some provisional findings relating to Middle English words of French-origin in the semantic domains of Manufacture, in particular the sub-domains of Metal-working and Woodworking, and Travel by Water are then presented.


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Much has been written in the past decade on the subject of the implication of a term of good faith in contracts in Australia, particularly since the judgment Priestley JA in Renard Constructions (ME) Pty Ltd v Minister for Public Works (1992) 26 NSWLR 234. Except for an early article by Rachael Mulheron, 'Good Faith and Commercial Leases: New Opportunities for the Tenant' (1996) 4 APLJ 223, very little else has been written with respect to the possible application of the doctrine to the commercial leases.With the advent of two later New South Wales Supreme Court decisions Alcatel Australia Ltd v Scarcella (1998) 44 NSWLR 349 and, more recently, Advance Fitness v Bondi Diggers [1999] NSWSC 264, the question of the application of the doctrine in the commercial leasing context has been examined. This article briefly considers the nature and substance of the doctrine against the background of the relationship of lessor and lessee and examines in some depth the Australian decisions on commercial leases where it has been sought, unsuccessfully, to apply the doctrine. The article concludes by suggesting that as a standard commercial lease usually covers the field of agreement between lessor and lessee and as a lessee has a high degree of statutory protection derived from equitable principles, there may be little room for the operation of the doctrine in this legal environment.


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This article examines the role of the recently introduced fair dealing exception for the purposes of parody and satire in Australian copyright law. Parody and satire, while central to Australian expression, pose a substantial challenge for copyright policy. The law is asked to strike a delicate balance between an author’s right to exploit their work, the interests of the public in stimulating free speech and critical discussion, the rights of artists who rely on existing material in creating their own expression, and the rights of all artists in their reputation and the integrity of their works. This article highlights the difficulty parodists and satirists have historically faced in Australia and examines the potential of the new fair dealing exceptions to relieve this difficulty. This article concludes that the new exceptions have the potential, if read broadly, not only to bridge the gap between humorous and non-humorous criticism, but also to allow for the use of copyright material to critique figures other than the copyright owner or author, extending to society generally. This article will argue that the new exceptions should be read broadly to further this important policy goal while also being limited in their application so as to prevent mere substitutable uses of copyright material. To achieve these twin goals, I suggest that the primary indication of fairness of an unlicensed parody should be whether or not it adds significant new expression so as not to be substitutable for the original work.


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This article updates a previous article on the Lockwood v Doric fair basing case in the Full Court of the Federal Court which was recently appealed to the High Court. The High Court's decision provides a new and welcome level of clarity in this difficult area of patent law. With this new clarity we can finally lock away some of the mysteries that have plagued the area for some time. Already, indications are that Lockwood's guidelines are being usefully applied in the Patent Office and Federal Court.


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Although rarely referred to in litigation in the years that have followed the Ipp Review Report, there may well be some merit in more frequent judicial reference to the NHMRC guidelines for medical practitioners on providing information to patients 2004.


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Consumer personal information is now a valuable commodity for most corporations. Concomitant with increased value is the expansion of new legal obligations to protect personal information. Mandatory data breach notification laws are an important new development in this regard. Such laws require a corporation that has suffered a data breach, which involves personal information, such as a computer hacking incident, to notify those persons who may have been affected by the breach. Regulators may also need to be notified. Australia currently does not have a mandatory data breach notification law but this may be about to change. The Australian Law Reform Commission has suggested that a data breach notification scheme be implemented through the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). However, the notification of data breaches may already be required under the continuous disclosure regime stipulated by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Listing Rules. Accordingly, this article examines whether the notification of data breaches is a statutory requirement of the existing continuous disclosure regime and whether the ASX should therefore be notified of such incidents.


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In Moneywood Pty Ltd v Salamon Nominees Pty Ltd 1 the High Court of Australia considered an appeal from the Queensland Court of Appeal in relation to the correct interpretation of s76 (1)(c) Auctioneers and Agents Act 1971 (Qld). In paraphrase, s76(1)(c) provides that a real estate agent shall not be entitled to sue for or recover any commission unless “the engagement or appointment to act as …..real estate agent ….. in respect of such transaction is in writing signed by the person to be charged with such…..commission…..or the person’s agent or representative” (“the statutory requirement”).