Lexis Nexis Questions and Answers : Equity and Trusts [4th Ed.]

Autoria(s): Cockburn, Tina; Carver, Tracey L.; Matthew, Anne F.



"LexisNexis Questions and Answers: Equity and Trusts provides students with a clear and systematic approach to successfully analysing and answering assessment questions on equity and trusts. Each chapter commences with a discussion of key principles and issues including a summary of relevant leading cases and legislation for effective revision. Examples of written questions with fact scenarios follow, each with a suggested answer plan, sample answer and comments on how the answer might be viewed by an examiner. Readers are provided with advice on common errors to avoid when answering questions and practical hints and tips on how to achieve higher marks. Features • Summary of key issues helps students revise key areas before attempting problem questions • Sample questions with model answers assist students with effective exam study preparation"--publisher website




Lexis Nexis Butterworths



Cockburn, Tina, Carver, Tracey L., & Matthew, Anne F. (2014) Lexis Nexis Questions and Answers : Equity and Trusts [4th Ed.]. Lexis Nexis Questions and Answers. Lexis Nexis Butterworths, Australia.


Faculty of Law; School of Law

Palavras-Chave #180000 LAW AND LEGAL STUDIES #180100 LAW #180112 Equity and Trusts Law #Equity #Trusts #Questions and Answers #Case law #legislation #nature and history of equity #equitable interests #equitable priorities #equitable assignments #the requirements of writing and form #fiduciary obligations #third party liability #confidential information #unconscionable transactions #uconscionable bargain #undue influence #penalties and forfeiture #estoppel #resulting trusts #constructive trusts #equitable remedies #specific performance #injunctions #declarations #monetary remedies #classification of trusts #nature and classification of trusts #express trusts #the three certainties #discretionary trusts and powers #legality of trusts #purpose trusts #charitable trusts #capacity appointment and removal of trustees #trustee powers and duties #trustees #trustees rights liabilities and defences #beneficiaries #beneficiaries rights and remedies
