833 resultados para level of detail (LOD)
Virtual reality has a number of advantages for analyzing sports interactions such as the standardization of experimental conditions, stereoscopic vision, and complete control of animated humanoid movement. Nevertheless, in order to be useful for sports applications, accurate perception of simulated movement in the virtual sports environment is essential. This perception depends on parameters of the synthetic character such as the number of degrees of freedom of its skeleton or the levels of detail (LOD) of its graphical representation. This study focuses on the influence of this latter parameter on the perception of the movement. In order to evaluate it, this study analyzes the judgments of immersed handball goalkeepers that play against a graphically modified virtual thrower. Five graphical representations of the throwing action were defined: a textured reference level (L0), a nontextured level (L1), a wire-frame level (L2), a moving point light display (MLD) level with a normal-sized ball (L3), and a MLD level where the ball is represented by a point of light (L4). The results show that judgments made by goalkeepers in the L4 condition are significantly less accurate than in all the other conditions (p
An increased interest in utilising groups of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with heterogeneous capabilities and autonomy is presenting the challenge to effectively manage such during missions and operations. This has been the focus of research in recent years, moving from a traditional UAV management paradigm of n-to-1 (n operators for one UAV, with n being at least two operators) toward 1-to-n (one operator, multiple UAVs). This paper has expanded on the authors’ previous work on UAV functional capability framework, by incorporating the concept of Functional Level of Autonomy (F-LOA) with two configurations: The lower F-LOA configuration contains sufficient information for the operator to generate solutions and make decisions to address perturbation events. Alternatively, the higher F-LOA configuration presents information reflecting on the F-LOA of the UAV, allowing the operator to interpret solutions and decisions generated autonomously, and decide whether to veto from this decision.
The interest in utilising multiple heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in close proximity is growing rapidly. As such, many challenges are presented in the effective coordination and management of these UAVs; converting the current n-to-1 paradigm (n operators operating a single UAV) to the 1-to-n paradigm (one operator managing n UAVs). This paper introduces an Information Abstraction methodology used to produce the functional capability framework initially proposed by Chen et al. and its Level Of Detail (LOD) indexing scale. This framework was validated through comparing the operator workload and Situation Awareness (SA) of three experiment scenarios involving multiple autonomously heterogeneous UAVs. The first scenario was set in a high LOD configuration with highly abstracted UAV functional information; the second scenario was set in a mixed LOD configuration; and the final scenario was set in a low LOD configuration with maximal UAV functional information. Results show that there is a significant statistical decrease in operator workload when a UAV’s functional information is displayed at its physical form (low LOD - maximal information) when comparing to the mixed LOD configuration.
3D geographic information system (GIS) is data and computation intensive in nature. Internet users are usually equipped with low-end personal computers and network connections of limited bandwidth. Data reduction and performance optimization techniques are of critical importance in quality of service (QoS) management for online 3D GIS. In this research, QoS management issues regarding distributed 3D GIS presentation were studied to develop 3D TerraFly, an interactive 3D GIS that supports high quality online terrain visualization and navigation. ^ To tackle the QoS management challenges, multi-resolution rendering model, adaptive level of detail (LOD) control and mesh simplification algorithms were proposed to effectively reduce the terrain model complexity. The rendering model is adaptively decomposed into sub-regions of up-to-three detail levels according to viewing distance and other dynamic quality measurements. The mesh simplification algorithm was designed as a hybrid algorithm that combines edge straightening and quad-tree compression to reduce the mesh complexity by removing geometrically redundant vertices. The main advantage of this mesh simplification algorithm is that grid mesh can be directly processed in parallel without triangulation overhead. Algorithms facilitating remote accessing and distributed processing of volumetric GIS data, such as data replication, directory service, request scheduling, predictive data retrieving and caching were also proposed. ^ A prototype of the proposed 3D TerraFly implemented in this research demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed QoS management framework in handling interactive online 3D GIS. The system implementation details and future directions of this research are also addressed in this thesis. ^
There is an increased interested in Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operations and research into advanced methods for commanding and controlling multiple heterogeneous UAVs. Research into areas of supervisory control has rapidly increased. Past research has investigated various approaches of autonomous control and operator limitation to improve mission commanders' Situation Awareness (SA) and cognitive workload. The aim of this paper is to address this challenge through a visualisation framework of UAV information constructed from Information Abstraction (IA). This paper presents the concept and process of IA, and the visualisation framework (constructed using IA), the concept associated with the Level Of Detail (LOD) indexing method, the visualisation of an example of the framework. Experiments will test the hypothesis that, the operator will be able to achieve increased SA and reduced cognitive load with the proposed framework.
在计算机动画、 计算机辅助设计、 计算机视觉等领域,几何模型通常用三角网格来表示。 为了能够快速真实地 绘制几何体,规则且细节丰富的几何模型有利于使用GPU进行加速。本文基于网格模型,在模型的重采样、变体,以及图像变形方面进行了针对性的研究。 论文的贡献主要体现在以下几个方面: 第一, 将现有的差分坐标的概念扩展到图像上,首次提出差分几何图像的概念, 将几何模型的差分坐标信息封装在与几何图像(geometry images或GIM)类似的结构中。由于差分坐标反映了几何模型的局部特性,于是差分几何图像也就将局部信息封装到了图像中。 第二,我们展示了使用差分几何图像作为限定条件来适应不同的应用。对于网格重建来说,传统使用GIM重建的方法需要记录采样顶点的法向信息以用于绘制模型, 因为使用对角线连接的固定连接方式导致了局部信息的丢失,使得采样后按顶点位置计算的真实法向和曲率与记录的法向信息不能精确一致。即使记录了法向信息,模型在一些广泛应用的软件如3D Exploration等里面仍然不能正确显示, 因为这些软件是按顶点的位置来自动计算法向而不是根据模型文件记录的法向对模型进行绘制的。使用我们的方法, 模型的局部形状可以正确地保持,从而模型可以正确地显示, 无需再记录法向信息。 对于变体来说,由于局部形状(包括法向和曲率)被正确地保持,并且使用我们的重建算法, 所有的模型有相同的拓扑结构,于是可以利用差分几何图像生成的模型得到正确的变体模型。另外,由于参数化方式的统一性,我们可以在GPU上动态绘制层次细节(Level Of Detail或LOD)几何模型。 第三, 改进了现有的使用形状空间进行变形的算法 。 在形状空间中,由三角形网格构成的模型可视为空间中的一个点,可以借助黎曼度量对形状空间进行操作, 从而实现对模型的变换。本文改进了已有的操纵形状空间的方法,根据输入模型顶点的位置变化判断是否需要利用黎曼度量计算插值位置,从而降低了形状空间的维数, 提高了运算速度。 实验结果显示,混合线性插值方式而生成的模型具有良好的效果。 第四, 对使用笼体进行图像变形的方法进行了对比分析, 并作了改进,在GPU上加速以达到快速实时变形。本文将现有的使用笼体进行变形的坐标诸如均值坐标、调和坐标、格林坐标等统一成类似的形式,对2D图像进行变形。笼体通过针对ROI(Region of Interest)区域进行交互式生成。我们设计了一种简单的方法保证图像在变形过程中整体上基本保持不变。与此同时,构建了使用GPU加速笼体坐标变形图像的框架。 结果显示,这种直观的交互方式和实时的绘制速度便于应用到2D图像的动画设计中,其动画通过设定笼体顶点的运动速度来实现。
The authors investigated how different levels of detail (LODs) of a virtual throwing action can influence a handball goalkeeper's motor response. Goalkeepers attempted to stop a virtual ball emanating from five different graphical LODs of the same virtual throwing action. The five levels of detail were: a textured reference level (L0), a non-textured level (L1), a wire-frame level (L2), a point-light-display (PLD) representation (L3) and a PLD level with reduced ball size (L4). For each motor response made by the goalkeeper we measured and analyzed the time to respond (TTR), the percentage of successful motor responses, the distance between the ball and the closest limb (when the stopping motion was incorrect) and the kinematics of the motion. Results showed that TTR, percentage of successful motor responses and distance with the closest limb were not significantly different for any of the five different graphical LODs. However the kinematics of the motion revealed that the trajectory of the stopping limb was significantly different when comparing the L1 and L3 levels, and when comparing the L1 and L4 levels. These differences in the control of the goalkeeper's actions suggests that the different level of information available in the PLD representations ( L3 and L4) are causing the goalkeeper to adopt different motor strategies to control the approach of their limb to stop the ball.
On the basis of previous work, the hyperfine-induced 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s(2) S-1(0) E1 transition probabilities of Mg-like ions were further calculated using the GRASP2K package based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method. The contribution to the lifetime of the P-3(2) level from the 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s(2) S-1(0) hyperfine-induced E1, 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s3p P-3(1) M1, 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s(2) S-1(0) M2 and 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s3p P-3(0,1) E2 transition was discussed in detail. It was found that hyperfine interaction has an obvious effect on the lifetime at the beginning of the Mg-like isoelectronic sequence.
Complexity is conventionally defined as the level of detail or intricacy contained within a picture. The study of complexity has received relatively little attention-in part, because of the absence of an acceptable metric. Traditionally, normative ratings of complexity have been based on human judgments. However, this study demonstrates that published norms for visual complexity are biased. Familiarity and learning influence the subjective complexity scores for nonsense shapes, with a significant training x familiarity interaction [F(1,52) = 17.53, p <.05]. Several image-processing techniques were explored as alternative measures of picture and image complexity. A perimeter detection measure correlates strongly with human judgments of the complexity of line drawings of real-world objects and nonsense shapes and captures some of the processes important in judgments of subjective complexity, while removing the bias due to familiarity effects.
Background: There are innumerable diabetes studies that have investigated associations between risk factors, protective factors, and health outcomes; however, these individual predictors are part of a complex network of interacting forces. Moreover, there is little awareness about resilience or its importance in chronic disease in adulthood, especially diabetes. Thus, this is the first study to: (1) extensively investigate the relationships among a host of predictors and multiple adaptive outcomes; and (2) conceptualise a resilience model among people with diabetes. Methods: This cross-sectional study was divided into two research studies. Study One was to translate two diabetes-specific instruments (Problem Areas In Diabetes, PAID; Diabetes Coping Measure, DCM) into a Chinese version and to examine their psychometric properties for use in Study Two in a convenience sample of 205 outpatients with type 2 diabetes. In Study Two, an integrated theoretical model is developed and evaluated using the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 345 people with type 2 diabetes from the endocrine outpatient departments of three hospitals in Taiwan. Results: Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed a one-factor structure of the PAID-C which was similar to the original version of the PAID. Strong content validity of the PAID-C was demonstrated. The PAID-C was associated with HbA1c and diabetes self-care behaviours, confirming satisfactory criterion validity. There was a moderate relationship between the PAID-C and the Perceived Stress Scale, supporting satisfactory convergent validity. The PAID-C also demonstrated satisfactory stability and high internal consistency. A four-factor structure and strong content validity of the DCM-C was confirmed. Criterion validity demonstrated that the DCM-C was significantly associated with HbA1c and diabetes self-care behaviours. There was a statistical correlation between the DCM-C and the Revised Ways of Coping Checklist, suggesting satisfactory convergent validity. Test-retest reliability demonstrated satisfactory stability of the DCM-C. The total scale of the DCM-C showed adequate internal consistency. Age, duration of diabetes, diabetes symptoms, diabetes distress, physical activity, coping strategies, and social support were the most consistent factors associated with adaptive outcomes in adults with diabetes. Resilience was positively associated with coping strategies, social support, health-related quality of life, and diabetes self-care behaviours. Results of the structural equation modelling revealed protective factors had a significant direct effect on adaptive outcomes; however, the construct of risk factors was not significantly related to adaptive outcomes. Moreover, resilience can moderate the relationships among protective factors and adaptive outcomes, but there were no interaction effects of risk factors and resilience on adaptive outcomes. Conclusion: This study contributes to an understanding of how risk factors and protective factors work together to influence adaptive outcomes in blood sugar control, health-related quality of life, and diabetes self-care behaviours. Additionally, resilience is a positive personality characteristic and may be importantly involved in the adjustment process among people living with type 2 diabetes.
Clinical experience plays an important role in the development of expertise, particularly when coupled with reflection on practice. There is debate, however, regarding the amount of clinical experience that is required to become an expert. Various lengths of practice have been suggested as suitable for determining expertise, ranging from five years to 15 years. This study aimed to investigate the association between length of experience and therapists’ level of expertise in the field of cerebral palsy with upper limb hypertonicity using an empirical procedure named Cochrane–Weiss–Shanteau (CWS). The methodology involved re-analysis of quantitative data collected in two previous studies. In Study 1, 18 experienced occupational therapists made hypothetical clinical decisions related to 110 case vignettes, while in Study 2, 29 therapists considered 60 case vignettes drawn randomly from those used in Study 1. A CWS index was calculated for each participant's case decisions. Then, in each study, Spearman's rho was calculated to identify the correlations between the duration of experience and level of expertise. There was no significant association between these two variables in both studies. These analyses corroborated previous findings of no association between length of experience and judgemental performance. Therefore, length of experience may not be an appropriate criterion for determining level of expertise in relation to cerebral palsy practice.