933 resultados para leisure activities
The aims of this dissertation were 1) to investigate associations of weight status of adolescents with leisure activities, and computer and cell phone use, and 2) to investigate environmental and genetic influences on body mass index (BMI) during adolescence. Finnish twins born in 1983–1987 responded to postal questionnaires at the ages of 11-12 (5184 participants), 14 (4643 participants), and 17 years (4168 participants). Information was obtained on weight and height, leisure activities including television viewing, video viewing, computer games, listening to music, board games, musical instrument playing, reading, arts, crafts, socializing, clubs, sports, and outdoor activities, as well as computer and cell phone use. Activity patterns were studied using latent class analysis. The relationship between leisure activities and weight status was investigated using logistic and linear regression. Genetic and environmental effects on BMI were studied using twin modeling. Of individual leisure activities, sports were associated with decreased overweight risk among boys in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, but among girls only cross-sectionally. Many sedentary leisure activities, such as video viewing (boys/girls), arts (boys), listening to music (boys), crafts (girls), and board games (girls), had positive associations with being overweight. Computer use was associated with a higher prevalence of overweight in cross-sectional analyses. However, musical instrument playing, commonly considered as a sedentary activity, was associated with a decreased overweight risk among boys. Four patterns of leisure activities were found: ‘Active and sociable’, ‘Active but less sociable’, ‘Passive but sociable’, and ‘Passive and solitary’. The prevalence of overweight was generally highest among the ‘Passive and solitary’ adolescents. Overall, leisure activity patterns did not predict overweight risk later in adolescence. An exception were 14-year-old ‘Passive and solitary’ girls who had the greatest risk of becoming overweight by 17 years of age. Heritability of BMI was high (0.58-0.83). Common environmental factors shared by family-members affected the BMI at 11-12 and 14 years but their effect had disappeared by 17 years of age. Additive genetic factors explained 90-96% of the BMI stability across adolescence. Genetic correlations across adolescence were high, which suggests similar genetic effects on BMI throughout adolescence, while unique environmental effects on BMI appeared to vary. These findings suggest that family-based interventions hold promise for obesity prevention into early and middle adolescence, but that later in adolescence obesity prevention should focus on individuals. A useful target could be adolescents' leisure time, and our findings highlight the importance of versatility in leisure activities.
This study aims to examine the relationship between the personality attributes of Internet users and their leisure activities. A questionnaire survey was undertaken which revealed that most Internet users are single males aged between 21-30 belonging to the lower income groups, employed in information technology or related fields. The personality attributes of the sample showed a tendency towards a mixed locus control category. The survey indicated that the preferred leisure activities of this population group are reading, collecting and computer-based activities. However, ‘movement’ and collecting were the only leisure activities to show a significant correlation with the users’ personality attributes.
Passions are activities that people find important, like or enjoy, and on which they spend large amounts of time. Research examining passions in adolescence has been limited, despite a tendency for adolescents to explore their identity by trying new activities (Dworkin et aI., 2003). The purpose of the present study was to examine the association between adolescent passions and positive adjustment (psychological well-being, optimism, purpose in life, and low risktaking), as well as investigate possible underlying mechanisms for the link between passions and adjustment. High school students (N=2270, 48.7% female) from Southern Ontario completed questionnaires in grades 10, 11, and 12. Path analyses were conducted to examine cross-lag paths among all study variables. Passions predicted higher optimism and purpose, as well as lower negative risk-taking, over time, but these adjustment indicators in tum did not predict higher passions over time. Additionally, positive mood and unstructured leisure activities partially mediated these associations. Passions appears to be important for adolescent adjustment, and may serve as a protective factor or help to foster thriving.
In 2009, the Ontario Government closed the last three remaining large-scale institutions for people with Developmental Disabilities (DD). The purpose of this study is to examine the community-based recreation and leisure activities of 87 adults with DD who have recently moved into the community. Study 1 provided a descriptive insight into the community recreation and leisure activities, and revealed that people with DD engage in low levels of community activities, however are reported to have the desire to engage more often. Staff reported that people with DD do not have the opportunities to engage in their preferable activities. Study 2 investigated the prbspective predictors of the number and frequency of community, recreation and leisure activities and found that a higher level of functioning predicted a greater number of community activities ([beta] = .26, P < .05), while both a higher level of functioning ([beta] = .38,p < .001) and greater preference ([beta] = .23. p < .05) predicted more frequent access to community activities. Future research and the implications of the findings for clinical practice and policy development were discussed.
This study examined whether satisfaction from leisure activities moderates the relationship between caregiving demands (i.e., hours per day spent caring for a spouse with dementia) and resting levels of the catecholamines norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI). Spousal caregivers (n = 107; mean age = 73.95 ± 8.12 years) were assessed in home for plasma levels of NE and EPI, amount of care provided, and leisure satisfaction. Regression was used to determine whether leisure satisfaction moderated the relationship between hours providing care per day and catecholamine levels. A significant interaction was found between hours caregiving and leisure satisfaction for NE, but not for EPI. Post hoc regressions were conducted for both NE and EPI. At low leisure satisfaction, time spent caring for a spouse was positively associated with plasma NE (β = 0.41; p = 0.005) and EPI (β = 0.44; p = 0.003). In contrast, at high levels of satisfaction, time caregiving was not significantly associated with plasma NE (β = -0.08; p = 0.57) or EPI (β = 0.23; p = 0.12). These findings suggest that leisure satisfaction may protect caregivers from increases in catecholamines, which have been implicated in cardiovascular risk. Further support for these findings may impact psychological treatments for distressed caregivers.
Flexible work practices spreading work times across the entire week have reduced the time to engage in leisure activities and for some have compounded the problem of a lack of defined break between work weeks. This study examines time spent outside of the workplace through a multiple case study of working time and leisure in the construction industry. A framework of synchronous leisure is used to examine the interplay of work and non-work arrangements. The effects of changing work arrangements to deliver a longer break between working weeks and the consequent impact on leisure activities are analysed. Interviews and focus groups across four construction sites revealed that while leisure is important to relieve fatigue and overwork, a work schedule allowing a long break between working weeks, specifically on a weekend, enables workers to achieve synchronous time, particularly with family, and improves work-life balance satisfaction. It was found that a well-defined break across a weekend also offers the opportunity to synchronize schedules with others to spend time away on short breaks.
This thesis examines, by way of phenomenographic methodology, the qualitatively different ways in which people engaged in Serious Leisure activities (within the area of 'heritage') experience information literacy. The study identified the presence of four distinct categories of information literacy experience, each with variation in regard to the serious leisure participant's experience of learning and information. In addition it also identified the existence of a further dimension of variation pertaining to the way in which individual identity is experienced during engagement with a serious leisure activity.
How do older adults living in residential aged care experience leisure activities? What restricts and facilitates participation? These two research questions guided this semi-longitudinal qualitative research, tracking the lived experience of aged care from the perspective of twenty new aged care residents over 18 months (average age, 80 years) through repeated in-depth semi-structured interviews. Interview data were analyzed using phenomenography, an under-utilized qualitative analysis technique that identifies the variations in how people experience, understand, or conceive of a phenomenon. Phenomenography revealed three qualitatively different ways of understanding residents’ leisure experience: - (1) as a structure for living, - (2) creating social connections, and; - (3) maintaining ability. By illustrating the variation and similarities in how these older Australian residents conceptualise and experience leisure in aged care, the findings may help facilitate a more thoughtful understanding that informs theory, policy and practice.
This research provides an interpretive cross-class analysis of the leisure experience of children, aged between six and ten years, living in Cork city. This study focuses on the cultural dispositions underpinning parental decisions in relation to children’s leisure activities, with a particular emphasis on their child-surveillance practices. In this research, child-surveillance is defined as the adult monitoring of children by technological means, physical supervision, community supervision, or adult supervised activities (Nelson, 2010; Lareau, 2003; Fotel and Thomsen, 2004). This research adds significantly to understandings of Irish childhood by providing the first in-depth qualitative analysis of the surveillance of children’s leisure-time. Since the 1990s, international research on children has highlighted the increasingly structured nature of children’s leisure-time (Lareau, 2011; Valentine & McKendrick, 1997). Furthermore, research on child-surveillance has found an increase in the intensive supervision of children during their unstructured leisure-time (Nelson, 2010; Furedi, 2008; Fotel and Thomsen, 2004). This research bridges the gap between these two key bodies of literature, providing a more integrated overview of children’s experience of leisure in Ireland. Using Bourdieu’s (1992) model of habitus, field and capital, the dispositions that shape parents’ decisions about their children’s leisure time are interrogated. The holistic view of childhood adopted in this research echoes the ‘Whole Child Approach’ by analysing the child’s experience within a wider set of social relationships including family, school, and community. Underpinned by James and Prout’s (1990) paradigm on childhood, this study considers Irish children’s agency in negotiating with parents’ decisions regarding leisure-time. The data collated in this study enhances our understanding of the micro-interactions between parents and children and, the ability of the child to shape their own experience. Moreover, this is the first Irish sociological research to identify and discuss class distinctions in children’s agentic potential during leisure-time.
La réadaptation des personnes âgées ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral vise à améliorer les capacités et l’indépendance dans les activités de la vie courante. Les personnes âgées reprennent leurs rôles sociaux lorsqu’elles retournent vivre dans la communauté. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de clarifier la relation entre l’indépendance dans les activités de la vie courante au congé de la réadaptation intensive et la reprise des rôles sociaux six mois plus tard. L’échantillon se compose de 111 participants recrutés au congé et réévalués 6 mois plus tard. L’indépendance dans les activités de la vie courante est mesurée avec les sections pertinentes du Système de Mesure de l’Autonomie Fonctionnelle (SMAF). Les rôles sociaux sont mesurés avec la Mesure des Habitudes de Vie (MHAVIE); un score total ainsi que 4 sous-scores pour les responsabilités civiles, la vie communautaire, les relations interpersonnelles et les loisirs sont générés. Des analyses de régression hiérarchique sont utilisées pour vérifier l’association entre les activités de la vie courantes (variable indépendante) et les rôles sociaux (variables dépendante) tout en contrôlant pour les capacités (variables de contrôle). Les résultats suggèrent des associations significatives (p < .001) entre les activités de la vie courante et les rôles sociaux (score total de la MHAVIE), les sous scores des responsabilités civiles et de la vie communautaire, mais aucune association avec les relations interpersonnelles et les loisirs. Les scores les plus faibles sont obtenus pour les loisirs. Une deuxième phase de réadaptation après le retour à domicile pourrait permettre le développement des loisirs.
Contexte: L’arthrite juvénile idiopathique (AJI) est l’une des maladies chroniques auto-immune les plus répandues chez les enfants et est caractérisée par des enflures articulaires (maladie active), de la douleur, de la fatigue et des raideurs matinales pouvant restreindre leur niveau de participation aux activités quotidiennes (par exemple: les loisirs, l’activité physique, la mobilité et les soins personnels) à la maison comme à l’école. Participer aux activités de loisirs et à l’activité physique a des bienfaits au niveau de la santé et du développement de tous les enfants et démontrent aussi des effets positifs qui réduisent les symptômes des maladies chroniques telle l’AJI. Malgré ces bienfaits la participation aux loisirs chez les jeunes avec l’AJI demeure largement sous-étudiée. Objectifs: Cette étude vise à évaluer le niveau de participation aux loisirs et à l’activité physique chez les enfants et les adolescents atteints d’AJI, ainsi qu’à identifier les facteurs liés à la maladie, la personne et l’environnement. Méthodes : L’évaluation du niveau de participation et l’exploration des facteurs associés aux loisirs et à l’activité physique ont été complétés par l’entremise d’une revue systématique de la littérature, l’analyse de données d’un échantillon national représentatif d’enfants canadiens atteints d’arthrite âgés entre 5 et 14 ans (npondéré = 4350), ainsi que l’analyse standardisée du niveau de participation aux loisirs à l’aide du Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (n=107) et la mesure objective de l’activité physique par accéléromètre (n=76) auprès d’un échantillon d’enfants (âgés entre 8 et 11 ans ) et d’adolescents (âgés entre 12 et 17 ans) suivis en clinique de rhumatologie à l’hôpital de Montréal pour enfants, Centre Universitaire de Santé McGill. Les résultats cliniques ont été comparés à des données normatives, ainsi qu’à un groupe contrôle sans AJI. Nous avons exploré les facteurs associés avec le niveau de participation aux loisirs et à l’activité physique en utilisant les modèles de régression linéaire multiple et l’analyse hiérarchique. Résultats : Les enfants et les adolescents atteints d’AJI participent à une multitude d’activités de loisirs; cependant ils sont moins souvent impliqués dans des activités physiques et de raffinement en comparaison aux autres types d’activités de loisirs. Ceux avec l’AJI étaient en général moins actifs que leurs pairs sans arthrite et la plupart n’atteignaient pas les recommandations nationales d’activité physique. Les garçons avec l’AJI participent plus souvent à des activités physiques et moins aux activités sociales, de raffinement et de développement de soi en comparaison avec les filles ayant l’AJI. En général, être un garçon, être plus âgé, avoir une meilleure motivation pour participer aux activités de motricité globale, avoir un statut socio-économique plus élevé et être d’origine culturelle canadienne sont associés à un niveau de participation plus élevé aux activités physiques. La préférence pour les activités de raffinement, un niveau d’éducation maternelle plus élevé et être une fille étaient associés à un niveau de participation plus élevé aux activités de raffinement. Conclusion: La participation aux loisirs et à l’activité physique en AJI est un concept complexe et semble surtout être expliqué par des facteurs personnels et environnementaux. L’identification des facteurs associés aux loisirs et à l’activité physique est très importante en AJI puisqu’elle peut permettre aux professionnels de la santé de développer des interventions significatives basées sur les activités préférées des enfants, améliorer l’observance au traitement et promouvoir des habitudes de vie saine.
Leisure is in the vanguard of a social and cultural revolution which is replacing the former East/West political bipolarity with a globalised economic system in which the new Europe has a central rôle. Within this revolution, leisure, including recreation, culture and tourism, is constructed as the epitome of successful capitalist development; the very legitimisation of the global transmogrification from a production to a consumption orientation. While acting as a direct encouragement to the political transformation in many eastern European states, it is uncertain how the issue of leisure policy is being handled, given its centrality to the new economic order. This paper therefore examines the experience of western Europe, considering in particular the degree to which the newly-created Department of National Heritage in the UK provides a potential model for leisure development and policy integration in the new Europe. Despite an official rhetoric of support and promotion of leisure activities, reflecting the growing economic significance of tourism and the positive relationship between leisure provision and regional economic development, the paper establishes that in the place of the traditional rôle of the state in promoting leisure interests, the introduction of the Department has signified a shift to the use of leisure to promote the Government's interests, particularly in regenerating citizen rights claims towards the market. While an institution such as the Department of National Heritage may have relevance to emerging states as a element in the maintenance of political hegemony, therefore, it is questionable how far it can be viewed as a promoter or protector of leisure as a signifier of a newly-won political, economic and cultural freedom throughout Europe.