568 resultados para leftist intellectuals


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Resumen: El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar las relaciones que se establecieron entre un grupo de intelectuales de izquierda y el presidente radical Raúl Alfonsín durante la transición democrática en la Argentina. Se describirán en primer lugar los desplazamientos teóricos de la izquierda intelectual marcados por el exilio mexicano; en segundo lugar, las características del campo cultural en la transición democrática en los ochenta, centrándose en la producción de los intelectuales vinculados con la revista Punto de Vista y el Club de Cultura Socialista y, por último, los vínculos que se establecieron entre el presidente Alfonsín y los intelectuales de la izquierda renovada, analizando los dilemas ético-políticos que debieron enfrentar. La construcción de sentido en torno a un personaje político, en el que los intelectuales veían la posibilidad de que se convirtiera en un moderno líder socialdemócrata, es la hipótesis a partir de la cual intenta explicarse la vinculación, siguiendo las teorías de Pierre Bourdieu.


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The resistance to the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) had many faces, especially among intellectuals. This article will discuss the activity of some writers and journalists in the process of articulation as leftist intellectuals in opposition to the military regime, as "cultural resistance" in various forms assumed in the context of politicization of culture and cultural goods market in the mid 1960´s.


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During the first years of the military dictatorship, established in Brazil through a coup d'État, a number of institutions which repression had left unarticulated began a process of resistance and opposition to the military government. Cultural resistance was one of the consecrated forms of resistance that was exercised by intellectuals, artists, professors and cultural producers, among others, and that became an unprecedented political and cultural phenomenon in the country's history. Political, insofar as it aided in the process of re-organizing left-wing political parties and in the revision of the ideological postulates of its preeminent party, the PCB (Partido Comunista Brasileiro - Brazilian Communist Party). Cultural, because this re-organization occurred, frequently, within the ambit of cultural productions, in which the left created a space for contestation and engagement through the arts and intellectual activities. Within this process, between the years 1965 and 1968. The journal Civilização Brasileira became an important space for the building of leftist cultural resistance against the military dictatorship. The journal was able to impose its political legitimacy while at the same time participating actively in a market o cultural goods sustained by the so-called cultural hegemony of the left.


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In October 1930, violent action of the Polish security forces against the Ukrainian population in Eastern Galicia resulted in an international campaign for the Ukrainians in Poland. Its central claim was the condemnation of these incidents as a violation of the Minorities Treaty of the League of Nations. The article focuses on the involved British extra-parliamentary groups and their international federations as well as leftist intellectuals, socialist parties and the Labour and Socialist International. In most cases, the commitment of the activists was motivated by the desire to expose a humanitarian scandal while the implementation of minority rights played a minor role. When it turned out that the first reports had presented an exaggerated version of the events, they shifted their focus to the Polish opposition whose persecution started in November 1930.


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En muchos aspectos el pensamiento de José Vasconcelos (1882–1959) sufrió cambios notables durante su vida. Sus ideas sobre el mundo clásico grecorromano y el Oriente también los experimentaron. A diferencia de sus contemporáneos reunidos en el Ateneo de la Juventud, fue crítico del mundo clásico y buscó fuentes de inspiración estética y moral en la India, mostró curiosidad por el Japón y por el Islam. Sus ideas sobre el mestizaje y la "raza cósmica" deben mucho a este interés. Con los años, sin embargo, su creciente conservatismo también influyó en sus ideas sobre el mundo clásico y el Oriente. Este último le fue cada vez más alejado, sobre todo el Islam, objeto de su odio principal. Como ello se daba cuando otros intelectuales enrolados en la izquierda ensayaban un movimiento de simpatía hacia el mundo colonial, contribuyeron a exacerbar la reacción de Vasconcelos.


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The aims of the thesis are (1) to present a systematic evaluation of generation and its relevance as a sociological concept, (2) to reflect on how generational consciousness, i.e. generation as an object of collective identification that has social significance, can emerge and take shape, (3) to analyze empirically the generational experiences and consciousness of one specific generation, namely Finnish baby boomers (b. 1945 1950). The thesis contributes to the discussion on the social (as distinct from its genealogical) meaning of the concept of generation, launched by Karl Mannheim s classic Das Problem der Generationen (1928), in which the central idea is that a certain group of people is bonded together by a shared experience and that this bonding can result in a distinct self-consciousness. The thesis is comprised of six original articles and an extensive summarizing chapter. In the empirical articles, the baby boomers are studied on the basis of nationally representative survey data (N = 2628) and narrative life-story interviews (N = 38). In the article that discusses the connection of generations and social movements, the analysis is based on the member survey of Attac Finland (N = 1096). Three main themes were clarified in the thesis. (1) In the social sense the concept of generation is a modern, problematic, and ultimately a political concept. It served the interests of the intellectuals who developed the concept in the early 20th century and provided them, as an alternative to the concept of social class, a new way of think about social change and progress. The concept of generation is always coupled with the concept of Zeitgeist or some other controversial way of defining what is essential, i.e. what creates generations, in a given culture. Thus generation is, as a product of definition and classification struggles, a contested concept. The concept also clearly implies elitist connotations; the idea of some kind of vanguard (the elite) that represents an entire generation by proclaiming itself as its spokesman automatically creates a counterpart, namely the others in the peer group who are thought to be represented (the masses). (2) Generational consciousness cannot emerge as a result of any kind of automatic process or endogenously; it must be made. There has to be somebody who represents the generation in order for that generation to exist in people s minds and as an object of identification; generational experiences and their meanings must be articulated. Hence, social generations are, in a fundamental manner, discursively constructed. The articulations of generational experiences (speeches, writings, manifests, labels etc.) can be called as the discursive dimension of social generations, and through this notion, how public discourse shapes people s generational consciousness can be seen. Another important element in the process is collective memory, as generational consciousness often takes form only retrospectively. (3) Finnish baby boomers are not a united or homogeneous generation but are divided into many smaller sections with specific generational experiences and consciousnesses. The content of the generational consciousness of the baby boomers is heavily politically charged. A salient dividing line inside the age group is formed by individual attitudes towards so-called 1960s radicalism. Identification with the 1960s generation functions today as a positive self-definition of a certain small leftist elite group, and the values and characteristics usually connected with the idea of the 1960s generation do not represent the whole age group. On the contrary, among some of the members of the baby boomers, the generational identification is still directed by the experience of how traditional values were disgraced in the 1960s. As objects of identification, the neutral term baby boomers and the charged 1960s generation are totally different things, and therefore they should not be used as synonyms. Although the significance of the group of the 1960s generation is often overestimated, they are however special with respect to generational consciousness because they have presented themselves as the voice of the entire generation. Their generational interpretations have spread through the media with the help of certain iconic images of the generation insomuch that 1960s radicalism has become an indirect generational experience for other parts of the baby boom cohort as well.


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Essa dissertação trata da trajetória da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira (RSB), desde o período de sua formulação inicial (final dos anos 70, início dos anos 80), até o décimo ano de sua implantação, 1998. Busca verificar nesta trajetória especialmente como foi tratada a questão do direito social à saúde. Ao traçar a trajetória histórica da Reforma, aponta características particulares do processo político que a viabilizou. Entre tais características são realçadas, por exemplo, a conjuntura politicamente favorável da redemocratização do país em que se realizou a Oitava Conferência Nacional de Saúde, da qual saiu o projeto inicial da RSB. É destacada, ainda, a existência de uma "frente sanitária" que envolveu diversos setores sociais mobilizados em torno da bandeira "saúde é direito de todos e dever do Estado", e o fato de intelectuais médicos de formação ou militância de esquerda terem liderado a "frente". A dissertação procura demonstrar que a falta de definição precisa dos direitos sociais à saúde e dos mecanismos de proteção ou tutela desses direitos vem enfraquecendo as possibilidades de sucesso da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira na atual conjuntura. Tal insuficiência, presente desde a fase de formulação do projeto da Reforma, vem contribuindo para despolitizar a condução do processo de implantação da reforma, o qual enfatiza questões gerenciais de pouco apelo popular. O desenvolvimento do tema envolve tanto a discussão de questões conceituais de ciência política (capítulo 2) e relativas à concepção dos direitos de cidadania, com ênfase nos direitos sociais (capítulo 3), quanto procedimentos empíricos, como o estudo do conteúdo: das resoluções de três conferências nacionais de saúde: da legislação social brasileira; e das resoluções do Conselho Nacional de Saúde, entre 1991 e 1998.


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Essa dissertação trata da trajetória da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira (RSB), desde o período de sua formulação inicial (final dos anos 70, início dos anos 80), até o décimo ano de sua implantação, 1998. Busca verificar nesta trajetória especialmente como foi tratada a questão do direito social à saúde. Ao traçar a trajetória histórica da Reforma, aponta características particulares do processo político que a viabilizou. Entre tais características são realçadas, por exemplo, a conjuntura politicamente favorável da redemocratização do país em que se realizou a Oitava Conferência Nacional de Saúde, da qual saiu o projeto inicial da RSB. É destacada, ainda, a existência de uma "frente sanitária" que envolveu diversos setores sociais mobilizados em torno da bandeira "saúde é direito de todos e dever do Estado", e o fato de intelectuais médicos de formação ou militância de esquerda terem liderado a "frente". A dissertação procura demonstrar que a falta de definição precisa dos direitos sociais à saúde e dos mecanismos de proteção ou tutela desses direitos vem enfraquecendo as possibilidades de sucesso da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira na atual conjuntura. Tal insuficiência, presente desde a fase de formulação do projeto da Reforma, vem contribuindo para despolitizar a condução do processo de implantação da reforma, o qual enfatiza questões gerenciais de pouco apelo popular. O desenvolvimento do tema envolve tanto a discussão de questões conceituais de ciência política (capítulo 2) e relativas à concepção dos direitos de cidadania, com ênfase nos direitos sociais (capítulo 3), quanto procedimentos empíricos, como o estudo do conteúdo: das resoluções de três conferências nacionais de saúde: da legislação social brasileira; e das resoluções do Conselho Nacional de Saúde, entre 1991 e 1998.