58 resultados para ledarskap
The author’s common interest for healthy employees, brought reasonto study how line managers can manage and develop this withsupport from HR. Previous research highlights that knowledge ofhow health is promoted is missing. Line managers have a key role inworking with contributors´ health. The aim of the study is toinvestigate how managers are working for the well-being ofemployees and which aid dedicated to line managers from the HRfunction, and how support and the work with employees’ health canbe developed. This study also investigates the approach on healthfrom each party. The method consisted of a case study, includingdata collection through depth interview with HR and focus groupinterview with heads of unit. The result of the HR interview showedoverwhelming support in individual conversations, but lack ofresources for the support function. HR requested additional resourcesand more health promotion work instead of rehabilitation. Heads ofunit are working with a wellness initiative for healthy contributors.Development points were found in increased support, developedwellness options, increased participation and performance appraisalswith a focus on the individual’s health status. The findings showthat heads of units are working with participation, attendance andhealth care but want more focus on the individual’s health status. HRneeds resources in order to support the heads of units in their healthcare. A common approach is missing between HR and heads of unitin their work for health promotion. Education, approach and supportshould be developed on the basis of the organization’s overallcontext.
This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent. To obtain results, a semi-structured interview methodology was used, this inorder to get answers to predefined questions while the participants would have theopportunity to give an as broad picture as possible.The result of this evaluation demonstrates that the participants are in favor of trainingand they've got the tools, knowledge and ability to apply coaching in their job role,which was included in the educational goals. For the CL-education to promote theorganization's development potential, the participants mentions that it takes time totrain and that employees must have the knowledge of the organization's educationaldirection.
The aim of this thesis is to, based on teachers’ experiences, describe and analyse meanings of teachers’ leadership in general, and in relation to children in need of special support in particular. The study was carried out within the tradition of participatory-oriented research, a research circle. The dialogues in the circle were based on the participants’ questions, experiences, interests, and knowledge. The circle included a researcher and nine teachers from the following types of schools: preschool, preschool class, compulsory school, and compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. The study is based on an understanding of leadership as a relational practice. Leadership is practised in the interaction between teacher and child. Both parties exert influence over the practice of leadership. A central assumption in the study is that knowledge can develop through and in interactions between people, that knowledge and power are connected, and that knowledge and actions are intertwined. Another central assumption is that learning is a complex phenomenon. In the analysis of the research circle’s dialogues, the following meanings of teachers’ leadership emerge: to facilitate learning and discipline, and to promote different interests. The practice of leadership involves teachers handling complex situations in their interactions with ‘all’ children, i.e. children in need of special support and children without such needs. Leadership is practised between teachers and children, and the teachers have to consider the group of children as a collective in relation to the individual children. At the same time, the teachers have to consider their intentions versus what happens during the interactions. In addition, the teachers have to pay heed to the fact that their own actions and the children’s actions influence one another. Finally, the teachers have to consider the individual child’s ‘best interest’ in relation to the requirements of the policy documents. Furthermore, the results indicate that the practice of leadership is perceived as both unpredictable and, to some extent, predictable at the same time, which adds to the complexity of leadership. The teachers cannot know for sure what the children understand or if the children’s actions facilitate learning. However, the teachers can make certain assumptions about how to practice leadership in order to facilitate learning and discipline in children with different needs. The meanings of leadership were expressed in different ways in the circle’s dialogues; both as enabling and limiting in interactions with children in need of special support. One of the study’s conclusions is that leadership seems to be particularly complex in interactions with children in need of special support. The research circle’s dialogues served to promote a democratic knowledge process. The dialogues were characterised by respect for the participants’ different opinions; however, this does not mean that they were free from power structures.
Volunteer coaches are critical for the existence of youth sports organizations. They are both leading the activity and are expected to develop the athletes in a technical, psychological, social and cultural way. The mission as a coach requires skills and knowledge from a wide range of fields and the mission as a coach appears complex. Stakeholders like Riksidrottsförbundet, Gymnastikförbundet and the sport organization have certain requirements on how to design the activities. Coaches have to follow those guidelines and implement them in practice. The social context is one important factor for understanding the driving force. It affects how coaches perceive their assignment as a volunteer coach. This study aims to contribute to increased understanding of the fenomen volunteer coach mission and increase understanding for the drivers of volunteer coaches in gymnastics. In order to clarify this, 6 interviews with volunteer coaches from gymnastics organizations linked to Riksidrottsförbundet were conducted. This study indicates that the motive behind the coaching mission is grounded in an intrinsic value of being a coach. The coaching mission itself appears partly contradictory when trying to combine the sport related and the social dimensions. Seeing progress from practice and to follow the development of gymnasts are aspects that drives coaches. That combined with the social interaction is important for understanding the drivers of being a coach.
Vårt syfte med denna studie är att belysa de verktyg som kan erfordras för att enhetschefer ska kunna förmedla sitt ledarskap till sina medarbetare. Detta på grund av att medarbetarna inom kommunen inte är helt belåtna med ledarskapet från kommun eller sina chefer, vilket framgår i den medarbetarundersökning som genomfördes 2014 av kommunen. I samma medarbetarundersökning framkom det likaså att sjukskrivningar bland medarbetarna i kommunen kan beror på ledarskapet. Därför har vi valt att undersöka en del av kommunens enhetschefer och hur de ser på sitt eget ledarskap samt vad de kan göra för att få sina medarbetare att må bättre och förebygga sjukskrivningar. Då tiden inte fanns till att undersöka alla enhetschefer inom den valda kommunen, valdes vård och omsorgsförvaltningens enhetschefer ut för vår egen enkätundersökning. Resultatet av vår enkätundersökning utföll sig på så sätt att enhetscheferna erfordrar mer tid att ägna sig åt sina medarbetare och att administrativt stöd fordras för att underlätta enhetschefernas arbetsmiljö. Om enhetscheferna erhåller mer tid till att spendera med sina medarbetare kan det skapa ett starkare psykologiskt band emellan dem, vilket gör att tilliten från medarbetarna till enhetscheferna stärks. När tilliten stärks vågar medarbetarna vända sig till sina enhetschefer för att berätta hur de mår. Genom att plocka bort de administrativa uppgifterna och i stället ge dem till en assistent får enhetscheferna mer tid till att spendera med sin personal och utifrån detta kan de eventuellt få en översikt av hur verksamheten fungerar. Översikten gör att de kan fatta bättre strategiska beslut för deras verksamhet och medarbetare.
The aim of this thesis is to, based on teachers’ experiences, describe and analyse meanings of teachers’ leadership in general, and in relation to children in need of special support in particular. The study was carried out within the tradition of participatory-oriented research, a research circle. The dialogues in the circle were based on the participants’ questions, experiences, interests, and knowledge. The circle included a researcher and nine teachers from the following types of schools: preschool, preschool class, compulsory school, and compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. The study is based on an understanding of leadership as a relational practice. Leadership is practised in the interaction between teacher and child. Both parties exert influence over the practice of leadership. A central assumption in the study is that knowledge can develop through and in interactions between people, that knowledge and power are connected, and that knowledge and actions are intertwined. Another central assumption is that learning is a complex phenomenon. In the analysis of the research circle’s dialogues, the following meanings of teachers’ leadership emerge: to facilitate learning and discipline, and to promote different interests. The practice of leadership involves teachers handling complex situations in their interactions with ‘all’ children, i.e. children in need of special support and children without such needs. Leadership is practised between teachers and children, and the teachers have to consider the group of children as a collective in relation to the individual children. At the same time, the teachers have to consider their intentions versus what happens during the interactions. In addition, the teachers have to pay heed to the fact that their own actions and the children’s actions influence one another. Finally, the teachers have to consider the individual child’s ‘best interest’ in relation to the requirements of the policy documents. Furthermore, the results indicate that the practice of leadership is perceived as both unpredictable and, to some extent, predictable at the same time, which adds to the complexity of leadership. The teachers cannot know for sure what the children understand or if the children’s actions facilitate learning. However, the teachers can make certain assumptions about how to practice leadership in order to facilitate learning and discipline in children with different needs. The meanings of leadership were expressed in different ways in the circle’s dialogues; both as enabling and limiting in interactions with children in need of special support. One of the study’s conclusions is that leadership seems to be particularly complex in interactions with children in need of special support. The research circle’s dialogues served to promote a democratic knowledge process. The dialogues were characterised by respect for the participants’ different opinions; however, this does not mean that they were free from power structures.
Workplace bullying is a topic of current interest in Finland. Workplace bullying is found in all professions, including the artistic ones. This thesis aims to explore workplace bullying from the view of the Finland-Swedish actors as a phenomenon that within dramatic art is difficult to define due to the fact that the body and emotions of an actor constitute his or her working tools. The research aims to deepen the understanding of the actors’ working situation, and particularly of the difficulties and problems actors face when exercising their job. The research problems are: What forms of bullying are the actors exposed to? Who is bullying? How is the bullying received by the actors, and what are the possible consequences? The theoretical orientation of this thesis is based upon dialogical philosophy where phenomenology, hermeneutics and dialog meet in an orientation where the unseen is emphasized and made visible. Artistic leadership should be based upon a pedagogic understanding that by an open and equal dialog with the Other recognizes human diversity. The narrative research was undertaken by using an interview guide for the interviews with eleven actors, six women and five men with the voice of a sixth man represented by an article. The interviews, each on average 118 minutes, were recorded and transcribed. The method of discursive analysis was initiated by numerous reflective readings based on analytic induction. The inductive part of the analysis consisted of mapping out the individual experiences of bullying where after the process of finding connecting common features in the extensive material took place. The coded data was then deductively grouped together according to the research problems, and subgroups were formed for deeper description. The research findings show that workplace bullying is an everyday occurrence within the field of dramatic art. Actors are bullied by theatre managers and directors as well as by colleagues and other personnel. The main areas of bullying is depreciation of one’s professional skills, the existing jargon, sexual harassment, collective bullying and bullying because of personal qualities. A significant finding concerning this problem was the existing culture of silence. Even if actually seeing and hearing a colleague being bullied, few stood up to defend the person being bullied because of fear of retaliation. Even the person actually being the object for bullying found it difficult to take any actions.
Uppsatsen har för avsikt att undersöka hur den nypaganistiska, och i första hand nordamerikanska, rörelsen Church of All Worlds reagerar mot förändring och institutionalisering. För att förstå institutionaliseringsprocessens bakomliggande krafter och identifiera dess konsekvenser, är det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen att utifrån en fallstudie av Church of All Worlds undersöka hur organisationen under sina verksamhetsår förändrats i fråga om (1) förhållande till samhället, (2) ideologi, (3) organisatorisk struktur och (4) ledarskap. Utgångspunkten är att betrakta rörelsen som dels religiös och spirituell, dels organisatorisk och ekonomisk, varför uppsatsen lutar sin teoribildning mot både religions- och samhällsvetenskapen och mot organisationsteorin. Som samhälleliga samt organisatoriska faktorer till Church of All Worlds institutionalisering finner vi den postmoderna motreaktionen mot industrisamhällets missförhållanden samt kritiken mot existensen av den objektiva sanningen. Institutionaliseringens följder är emellertid att rörelsen slutligen upptas som en del av det sen-moderna samhällssystemet. Förändringen märks i första hand då rörelsen under 80-talet förvandlas till en ekonomiskt intresserad organisation med tjänstehierarkier och reglerat ansvar som påföljder. Den byråkratiska arbetsordningen urlakar inte bara rörelsens ideologi, utan tvingar också den nu demokratiskt tillsatte ledaren till radikala åtgärder för att återfå sin makt, något som når sin kulmen i en konflikt med ledarens sorti som yttersta konsekvens.
Arbetets syfte är att utvärdera en korttidspools organisation och verksamhet, utifrån tre olika intressenters perspektiv, nämligen de anställda, arbetsgivaren samt den fackliga organisationen, SKAF. Utvärderingen sker från tre olika tidsaspekter; starten, nuet och framtiden. Undersökning har avgränsats till att studera; en korttidspool i en mellansvensk kommun, de anställda i korttidspoolen, dess berörda arbetsgivarrepresentanter och den fackliga organisationen. Detta medför att de anställda ute på de arbetsplatser som använder sig av poolen, berörda politiker uteslutits i undersökningen. Även de vårdtagare som nyttjar korttidspoolen har utelämnats då denna utvärdering inte syftar till att mäta vårdkvaliteten. Undersökningen inleddes med att ett brevutskick (i form av ett öppet svarsbrev) ut till samtliga berörda parter, därefter genomfördes intervjuer, med ett urval informanter. Till grund för undersökningen har en egen komponerad utvärderingsmodell använts. De variabler som modellen innefattar är; Mål och avtal, Arbetsmiljö, Ledarskap och Ekonomi. Undersökningen påvisar att korttidspoolen föranletts av flertalet brister, bland annat gällande förberedelsetid/planeringsarbete med resultat att viktiga detaljer förbisågs; upprättande av mål och avtal. Korttidspoolen är (i nuläget) inte ekonomiskt bärande, vilket tillviss del beror på att arbetsplatserna (som nyttjar poolen) inte förvaltar bokningen på ett adekvat sätt, vilket i förlängningen undergräver korttidspoolens fortsatta verksamhet.
Vårt syfte med studien är att undersöka hur enhetschefer anser att de ger och hur de får positiv feedback och i hur stor utsträckning det förekommer. Vi har valt att göra studien i en kommun, inom vård och omsorg, där enhetscheferna har samma chef och finns i samma verksamhet. Vår frågeställning: Förekommer positiv feedback och i sådana fall i vilken typ av kommunikationsform?I vilken utsträckning förekommer positiv feedback?Hur upplever enhetschefen positiv feedback?Vi har valt att använda en kvalitativ metod och göra intervjuer med semi- strukturerade frågor. Undersökningen genomfördes med att vi intervjuade nio enhetschefer inom vård och omsorg i en kommun. Vi har sammanfattat intervjuerna, där redovisar vi allmänt om enhetschefernas arbete och vad de säjer om positiv feedback.I analysen väver vi ihop resultatet av undersökningen med teori. De teorier vi använt oss av i studien är symbolisk interaktion, ledarskap, makt, motivation, kommunikation och feedback. Positiv feedback förekommer, men uppfattas olika av enhetscheferna utifrån deras synsätt och behov. Att ge och få positiv feedback sker både muntligt och skriftligt och har en effekt på både enhetschefer och medarbetare anser enhetscheferna. Det är väldigt individuellt vad positiv feedback betyder för varje enskild enhetschef.
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka försök som gjorts för att minska förekomst av trycksår samt att undersöka vårdpersonalens följsamhet till trycksårsförebyggande riktlinjer. Studien utfördes som en litteraturstudie och bygger på resultatet från 13 vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna söktes via databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. För att inkluderas i studien skulle de vara publicerade mellan 2005 och 2010, skrivna på engelska eller svenska, vara relevanta för ämnet samt tillgängliga i fulltext. En sammanfattning av huvudresultatet visade att de flesta försök som gjorts för att minska förekomst av trycksår innebar en implementering av nya riktlinjer. För att höja kompetensnivån hos vårdpersonal har utbildning och information varit ett genomgående tillvägagångssätt i studierna. Ett starkt ledarskap sågs som en avgörande faktor för hur effektivt riktlinjerna efterföljdes av vårdpersonalen. I flera studier framgick att användandet av tryckavlastande madrass var det mest framgångsrika sättet att minska prevalens av trycksår. Studier som gjorts med syfte att beskriva vårdpersonals följsamhet till trycksårsförebyggande riktlinjer visade att det förelåg en diskrepans mellan evidensbaserad vetenskap och vårdpersonalens agerande i den kliniska verksamheten samt att följsamheten till riktlinjerna var låg.