976 resultados para language usage
Treffers-Daller and Korybski propose to operationalize language dominance on the basis of measures of lexical diversity, as computed, in this particular study, on transcripts of stories told by Polish-English bilinguals in each of their languages They compute four different Indices of Language Dominance (ILD) on the basis of two different measures of lexical diversity, the Index of Guiraud (Guiraud, 1954) and HD-D (McCarthy & Jarvis, 2007). They compare simple indices, which are based on subtracting scores from one language from scores for another language, to more complex indices based on the formula Birdsong borrowed from the field of handedness, namely the ratio of (Difference in Scores) / (Sum of Scores). Positive scores on each of these Indices of Language Dominance mean that informants are more English-dominant and negative scores that they are more Polish-dominant. The authors address the difficulty of comparing scores across languages by carefully lemmatizing the data. Following Flege, Mackay and Piske (2002) they also look into the validity of these indices by investigating to what extent they can predict scores on other, independently measured variables. They use correlations and regression analysis for this, which has the advantage that the dominance indices are used as continuous variables and arbitrary cut-off points between balanced and dominant bilinguals need not be chosen. However, they also show how the computation of z-scores can help facilitate a discussion about the appropriateness of different cut-off points across different data sets and measurement scales in those cases where researchers consider it necessary to make categorial distinctions between balanced and dominant bilinguals. Treffers-Daller and Korybski correlate the ILD scores with four other variables, namely Length of Residence in the UK, attitudes towards English and life in the UK, frequency of usage of English at home and frequency of code-switching. They found that the indices correlated significantly with most of these variables, but there were clear differences between the Guiraud-based indices and the HDD-based indices. In a regression analysis three of the measures were also found to be a significant predictor of English language usage at home. They conclude that the correlations and the regression analyses lend strong support to the validity of their approach to language dominance.
Characteristics of the predominantly Hispanic community and native language usage in Miami are discussed in relation to poverty and common adult education programs. Native language literacy instruction is considered as an alternative offering to meet learners’ needs.
Dentro do contexto da avaliação formativa, as práticas de correção dos textos produzidos devem ser entendidas não como medição da aprendizagem, mas principalmente como uma pesquisa, elas devem avaliar o aluno, o professor, o processo, as práticas enunciativas, a mediação, a escola e mesmo a família. Contudo, apesar de essa abordagem sobre a avaliação ser compatível com a concepção sócio-histórica e cognitiva da linguagem, que por sua vez é consoante com as orientações dos PCN de Língua Portuguesa, ela parece ainda se mostrar distante dos métodos adotados pelos professores. O objetivo geral desta dissertação é identificar as abordagens teóricas que subjazem aos métodos avaliativos de professores do ensino fundamental em relação à produção textual. Como objetivos específicos buscou-se (i) mapear os modelos de correção textual utilizado por esses professores a fim de oferecer um panorama sobre a realidade do ensino-aprendizagem da escrita; e (ii) organizar um material teórico capaz de embasar a prática avaliativa não apenas como um componente do ato pedagógico, mas também como componente simbólico da construção da imagem que o aluno tem sobre si e sobre sua capacidade de escrever. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa constituída por dois corpora, organizados a partir dos seguintes instrumentos: entrevista semiestruturada com sete professores que lecionam no terceiro e quarto ciclos do ensino fundamental em escolas públicas e/ou particulares; e textos escritos por alunos e corrigidos pelos mesmos professores-informantes. Constituindo um total de 35 documentos, cinco de cada professor e 3h48min de gravações transcritas. Para análise dos corpora optou-se pelo paradigma interpretativista, aliado ao paradigma indiciário, que busca olhar para além das recorrências, os dados episódicos, singulares, dados que possam ajudar a levantar hipóteses sobre uma realidade não observável por via direta. Em relação às abordagens teóricas, podem-se perceber três manifestações: (i) as que são focadas no sistema, observável quando o professor privilegia aspectos formais e quando suas marcações, ainda que busquem o aspecto discursivo, não são suficientes para que os alunos efetuem reflexões sobre o uso da língua; (ii) as que flutuam entre o estruturalismo e o sociointeracionismo, quando o professor, embora se utilize de práticas mais interacionais ainda deixa amplo espaço para correções formais; (iii) as que são eminentemente sociointeracionistas, em cujas marcas avaliativas pode-se observar respeito pela autoria, apreciação do texto, interferência significativa e convite à reflexão. Dessas práticas emergem dois papéis sociais dicotômicos assumidos pelo professor: o de revisor, que tem profunda relação com práticas avaliativas de medição, e o de leitor-avaliador, em que se pode perceber, além de métodos ligados ao sociointeracionismo e às práticas avaliativas formativas um outro aspecto singular: a afetividade. Para discorrer sobre cada um desses aspectos propostos, construiu-se uma revisão bibliográfica que buscou incorporar à discussão teórico-metodológica questões de ordem subjetivas, que orientam pensar a escrita não só sob seu aspecto sócio-histórico e cognitivo, mas também afetivo
Obra exhaustiva, didàctica i amena sobre Pere Miquel Carbonell i la seva obra, i l’ús del català al S. XV
Mediante la combinación de métodos de análisis comportamental y lingüísticos se estudió la relación entre el uso del lenguaje y los patrones atributivos en jóvenes y niños colombianos en distintas etapas de su desarrollo y en diferentes contextos regionales. Se midió la producción de juicios atributivos con el fin de analizar el rol relativo de factores del desarrollo y socioculturales en la complejidad de la producción lingüística y las tendencias de agresividad indirecta. En segundo lugar, se evaluó si los patrones observados en Colombia reproducen los reportados en otras partes del mundo. Los resultados muestran que, de manera consistente con la literatura, existen diferencias en la complejidad del lenguaje producido en distintas etapas del desarrollo y en las tendencias y valencias de juicios atributivos en distintos contextos regionales de Colombia. Se desprenden dos hipótesis emergentes: 1) Existen elementos del neurodesarrollo que influyen en el dominio competente del lenguaje evidenciados a través de patrones universales de desarrollo tardío. 2) El contexto sociocultural es un factor determinante en la elección de juicios atributivos y patrones de agresividad indirecta.
Lacanian psychoanalysis has won a considerable space in brazilian university: a search for Lacan in the field of subject of the CAPES Thesis Bank shows 1.032 results! However the difference in the style of knowledge production and language usage is considerable between academic psychology and lacanian theory. The difficulty in reading and understanding Lacan is something pointed out by supporters and critics alike. In addition to that, his disciples choose many times to imitate his baroque, complex style, full of neologisms, causing perplexity in many unprepared audiences. What is the origin of such an enigmatic and polemic style of expression? How it became so widespread under the sign of repetition? And which are the consequences of this style to the communication, transmission and teaching of lacanian psychoanalysis? Through these questions it is our goal to contribute to the dialogue between lacanian psychoanalysis and the academy, to provide a better understanding of the causes of this style, analyzing the consequences it has to the transmission of psychoanalysis. We chose to perform a theoretical study, using authors that have treated Lacan s style and the history of psychoanalysis from a critical point of view, like Beividas (2000), Roustang (1987, 1988) and Gellner (1988), and also those that have defended and justified its legitimacy, like Glynos e Stavrakakis (2001), Fink (1997) and Souza (1985), using as well some works by Freud and Lacan. The study of these texts has led us to three main themes: 1) the difficulty of the lacanian text; 2) Lacan, heir of Freud; 3) consequences of the lacanian style. In the first one, we enumerate many different explanations and interpretations given by commentators about the difficulty and particularity of the lacanian discourse; in the second, we show how Lacan came to occupy the place of great idealization that was before destined to Freud, what made his style something to be taken as a model, to be imitated by disciples; in the third, we explore the way in which the concepts are treated in lacanian psychoanalysis, arguing that their multiple meanings point out that the final goal is not to build a clear and coherent theory, but to try to aim directly at the subject, to catch him
This paper describes a project called “Development of educational workshops on text reading, interpretation and writing in elementary school”, which took place at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) with financial support given by the PROEX-UNESP (Pro-Rectorate of Extension). This project aimed to organize and run educational workshops on reading, interpreting and writing different genres for students enrolled at a public elementary school in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo state. The analysis of the texts produced by the students unfolded the project into two essential approaches. In the first one, it was possible to identify problems and inaccuracies in language usage, which was the starting point to prepare the minicourses that would be offered. These mini-courses promoted a deep involvement of undergraduate students (in Portuguese Language and Literature) with the practice of Portuguese teaching at the school. In the second one, 5.468 texts, which were produced during the four-year project, founded researches whose goal is to describe processes in which there is a relation between speech and writing, and are based on a theoretical framework that values the multiplicity of literacies associated with social practices experienced by the students. Thus, this extension project aimed to articulate the service to the external community – in this case, public school students - to the internal community – undergraduate students in Portuguese Language and Literature.
This paper describes the development of educational materials on media education as a result of workshops held for students and teachers of high school in Midialab – Media Education Laboratory of Universidade Sagrado Coração. The objectives of this exploratory research were to investigate how teachers and students learn about media, looking for similarities and differences in the performance of the two groups in order to make it possible to conclude what methodology frameworks had a best result for promoting the media literacy of each group, taking on account the characteristics of public school and the paradigms of international media literacy. The methodology involved the application of activities focusing on six strategies: textual analysis, contextual analysis, content analysis, case study, translation, simulation and production. The results suggested that such activities are a productive way to develop critical reading skill and to reduce the differences between teachers and students’ repertoire. They also presented good results in the development of language usage by them and promoted collaborative learning, in a social approach.
The collapse of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1990s also meant the end of the idea of a common soviet identity incarnated in the "soviet man" and the new "historic community of the soviet people". While this idea still lives on in the generations of the 1920s to 1940s, the younger generations tend to prefer identification with family, profession, ethnic group or religion. Ms. Alexakhina set out to investigate different interethnic interaction strategies in the multi-ethnic context of the Russian Federation, with an emphasis on analysing the role of cultural and ethno-demographic characteristics of minority ethnic groups. It aimed to identify those specific patterns of interaction dynamics that have emerged in response to the political and economic transformation at present under way. The basic supposition was that the size and growth of an ethnic population are defined not only by demographic features such as fertility, mortality and net migration, but are also dependent on processes interethnic interaction and ethnic transition. The central hypothesis of the project was that the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural composition of Russia is apparently manifesting itself in the ethnic minority groups in various forms, but particularly in the form of ethnic revival and/or assimilation. The results of these complex phenomena are manifested as changes in ethnic attachments (national re-identification and language behaviour (multi-lingualism, language transition and loss of the mother tongue). The stress of the political and economic crisis has stimulated significant changes in ethnographic, social and cultural characteristics of inter-ethnic dynamics such as the rate of national re-identification, language behaviour, migration activity and the spread of mixed marriages, among both those minorities with a long history of settlement in Russia and those that were annexed during the soviet period. Patterns of language behaviour and the spread of mixed marriages were taken as the main indicators of the directions of interethnic interaction described as assimilation, ethnic revival and cultural pluralism. The first stage of the research involved a statistical analysis of census data from 1959 to 1994 in order to analyse the changing demographic composition of the largest ethnic groups of the Russian Federation. Until 1989 interethnic interaction in soviet society was distinguished by the process of russification but the political and economic transformation has stimulated the process of ethnic revival, leading to an apparent fall in the size of the Russian population due to ethnic re-identification by members of other ethnic groups who had previously identified themselves as Russian. Cross-classification of nationalities by demographic, social and cultural indicators has shown that the most important determinants of the nature of interethnic interaction are cultural factors such as religion and language affiliation. The analysis of the dynamics of language shift through the study of bilingualism and the domains of language usage for different demographic groups revealed a strong correlation between recognition of Russian as a mother tongue among some non-Russian ethnic groups and the declining size of these groups. The main conclusion from this macro-analysis of census data was the hypothesis of the growing importance of social and political factors upon ethnic succession, that ethnic identity is no longer a stable characteristic but has become dynamic in nature. In order to verify this hypothesis Ms. Alexakhina conducted a survey in four regions showing different patterns of interethnic interaction: the Karelian Republic, Buryatiya, the Nenezkii Autonomous Region and Tatarstan. These represented the west, east, north and south of the Russian Federation. Samples for the survey were prepared on the basis of census lists so as to exclude mono-Russian families in favour of mixed and ethnic-minority families. The survey confirmed the significant growth in the importance of ethnic affiliation in the everyday lives of people in the Federation following the de-centralisation of the political and economic spheres. Language was shown to be a key symbol of the consciousness of national distinction, confirmed by the fact that the process of russification has been reversed by the active mastering of the languages of titular nationalities. The results also confirmed that individual ethnic identity has ceased to be a fixed personal characteristic of one's cultural and genetic belonging, and people's social adaptation to the current political, social and economic conditions is also demonstrated in changes in individual ethnic self-identification. In general terms, the dynamic nature of national identity means that ethnic identity is at present acquiring the special features of overall social identity, for which the frequent change of priorities is an inherent feature of a person's life cycle. These are mainly linked with a multi-ethnic environment and high individual social mobility. From her results Ms. Alexakhina concludes that the development of national languages and multi-lingualism, together with the preservation of Russian as a state language, seems to be the most promising path to peaceful coexistence and the development of the national cultures of different ethnic groups within the Russian Federation.
[Mehmed Hafid Efendi].
Traditionally, some occupational titles have been explicitly marked for the gender of the group dominating the occupation. For example, in male-dominated occupations, titles often end with -man. However, since the second-wave feminist movement, several of the previously gender-biased titles have been supplemented by new, gender-neutral titles. Previous research has shown a discrepancy between researchers regarding the implications of these new titles. Some argue that the gender-neutral titles are only used for female referents, whereas others claim that gender-neutral titles, especially for male- dominated occupations, tend to still presuppose maleness. In the present paper, a corpus-based study is conducted on a few selected occupational titles. The aim is to investigate whether the gender-neutral alternatives have increased in usage over time, and whether the gender-biased ones have decreased. In addition, the study aims at examining whether the gender-neutral forms tend to be used primarily for women or men. The present study is corpus-based, examining the particular terms in the TIME Magazine Corpus. The results of the study show that there has been an increase of the gender-neutral forms since their introduction to English, and that they are primarily used when there is no explicit gender referencing. Proposed explanations for these results are that it may depend on the type of work involved in the selected occupations, as well as them being male-dominated. Furthermore, the results indicate that the gender- neutral terms are opted for when gender is either unknown or irrelevant for the context.
This study is concerned with the linguistic situation in the town of Kirkuk in north eastern Iraq. In this town there are three main ethnic groups: Kurds, Arabs and Turkmana with some very smell minorities such as Chaldeene, Assyrians and Armenians. The languages spoken by these three ethnic groups belong to different language Family groups. In the First cart of the study the historical background of the population, a review of the literature, both of the present linguistic situation in Kirkuk end of relevant sociolinguistics in general, and the theoretical Framework, have been discussed in detail in order to provide background to this study which is mainly concerned with the Following areas: 1. The relationships existing between ethnic background and language usage and language loyalty in Kirkuk. 2. The attitudes of Kirkukiane towards language maintenance and language shift in Kirkuk. 3. Bilingual, multilingual individual communicative competence of Kurds, Arabs and Turkmans in the languages concerned, including the degree to which such a speaker is bilingual or multilingual and the nature of bilingualism or multilingualism in different domains and situations in Kirkuk. To throw light a these areas a situationally-oriented language survey was conducted; the relevant data was collected by randomly distributed questionnaire, by parsonal interview, by personal observation of language use and language attitudes in this town. The data subjected to commuter analysis and the results proved that the were no significant and substantial correlations between the language use, attitudes and competence based on the socio-economic status of respondents in this town, on the other hand, the correlations between the ethnic backgrounds and the language, use, attitudes and competence are indisoutable.
El presente estudio revisa la caracterización de los enunciados realizativos, deteniéndose en aquellos que no presentan estructura oracional. Así, analizaremos las expresiones no verbales que presentan las características propiamente performativas: construcciones preposicionales encabezadas por núcleos ´locativos`, ´sumativos` y ´sustractivos` y apelaciones enfáticas. En este sentido, podremos determinar el valor de las preposiciones que introducen sintagmas equivalentes a predicados con sentido realizativo. Por otro lado, distinguiremos dos modos de enunciar en relación con la descortesía y la adulación: insultos y halagos. Dichas expresiones se describirán desde una perspectiva gramatical y prosódica, de modo que se atenderá a su capacidad para reproducir enunciados realizativos convencionales y de orientar el acento y la inflexión melódica a la transformación cognitiva y emocional de la realidad del individuo receptor.
Esta investigación analiza el uso del sufijo diminutivo en un corpus oral de jóvenes de la República Dominicana. El material procede de la transcripción de veinte entrevistas orales realizadas en los años noventa en Santo Domingo. En este estudio se realiza un análisis de las ocurrencias documentadas, su morfología, sus preferencias en cuanto a la selección de las clases de palabras que se toman como base para la formación de diminutivos, sus posibles valores semánticos y comunicativos, y, por último, se determina la frecuencia de uso del diminutivo en función del sexo de los hablantes.
This paper is a part of a larger research that pursues a global understanding of impoliteness in face-to-face electoral debates. That research distinguishes three essential axes, three complementary analytical perspectives: functional strategies of impoliteness, linguistic-discursive mechanisms to implement them and social impacts of impolite acts. In this frame, the present work develops an in-depth analysis of a special category of mechanisms, namely the rupture of politeness conventions, a subgroup within postliteral implicit mechanisms. This subgroup acquires its identity by the fact of carrying out a linguistic action that is conventionally associated with a polite attitude, but doing it in a rhetorically insincere way: the consequence is that apparent politeness becomes impoliteness. Relevant aspects in the characterization of ruptures are isolated and, on this basis, it is developed a detailed analysis of three specific kinds of mechanisms in which ruptures take shape: using ironic statements, developing different forms of overpoliteness and adopting a falsely collaborative attitude toward the interlocutor. The analysis of that group of mechanisms takes into account, simultaneously, the other two axes of the main research, strategies and social impacts.