951 resultados para língua em uso.
O presente estudo visa investigar as causas das dificuldades envolvidas na aquisição do Presente Perfeito Simples em inglês como língua estrangeira. Para tanto, participaram do estudo um grupo de aprendizes brasileiros acadêmicos do curso de Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) e um grupo de falantes nativos de inglês americano. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir da coleta de dados através do uso de testes que demandavam o conhecimento dos usos do perfeito em língua inglesa, bem como, de um questionário para o levantamento do perfil dos aprendizes. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os usuários de ambas as línguas apresentam dificuldades no uso do Presente Perfeito Simples. Os participantes deste estudo parecem relacionar o Presente Perfeito ao Passado Simples devido ao compartilhamento do traço semântico [+anterior ]. No que diz respeito a sua variável contextual ‘persistente’ o Presente Perfeito Simples aparece relacionado ao Presente Simples ou ao Presente Perfeito Contínuo devido ao fato de estes compartilharem o traço semântico [+duradouro] com o Presente Perfeito Simples persistente. Tais fatos demonstram uma dificuldade na distinção entre formas semanticamente semelhantes.
The purpose of this work is to analyze the use of the indicative mood, instead of the subjunctive prescribed by the normative grammar, in complement clauses introduced by the conjunction que in Brazilian Portuguese. Contexts of use of the subjunctive according to grammatical prescription, and contexts of fluctuation on the use of that verbal mood were analyzed, in an attempt to investigate what interferes on the choice of the mood by the user of the language. This study is based on North-American Functional Linguistics theoretical perspective, oriented to analyzing language in use, in the light of the principles of grammaticalization and markedness. The results obtained support that the contexts that favor the indicative over the subjunctive are those composed by a complement clause functioning as a direct object the unmarked clause of all complement clauses and by a verb on the main sentence that belongs to the semantic field of low certainty, corresponding to the epistemic sub-mode the unmarked category of the deontic sub-mode. The results indicate that pragmatics and semantics factors influence the language user on the choice of the verbal mood. This research also presents comparative data on the use of the indicative mood in place of the subjunctive in Brazilian Portuguese and Canadian French, aiming to providing suggestions on language teaching
This research aims at investigating the constructions with adverbials in ly, based on the view of contemporaneous linguistic functionalism, such as proposed by Givón, Hopper, Thompson, Traugott, Furtado da Cunha, as well as the cognitivist notion of language, through construction grammar support upon the patterns of Goldberg and the prototypes theory. The cognitive functional approach adopted here considers the change as a proper and inherent phenomenon of language and understands the linguistic phenomenon as resulting from effective use of language. Another aspect to be considered to the realization of this study is the fact that the formation adjective + ly is a word construction mechanism really productive, which generates interests on linguistic description. In a particular way, our leading objective is to exam the constructions with adverbials in ly in the context of language in use, in its oral and written forms, looking for to apprehend the meaning multiple manifestations forged in the use. Bearing this in mind, we worked with data from the Corpus Discurso & Gramática (Natal). There are, in the data, adverbs ended in ly that take the signification of mode, as foreseen in traditional models, but there are also other significations, for instance, the modalizador in its different manifestations. The results show that this adverb is a linguistic mark that carries in its constitution the multissêmico and multifunctional character, which interferes extremely in the ordination of this category, assuming a position sometimes pre-verbal, sometimes post-verbal. Other aspect observed refers to the relationship between the adverb and the verb, with emphasis on the compatibility or restriction between them, option which is related to the semantic aspect. The data in analysis legitimate the use in different constructions with adverb ended in ly in various genres, as follows: personal experience narrative, retold narrative, local description, proceeding account, opinion account, both in oral as in written language
O estudo situa-se no âmbito das investigações voltadas para documentos que sistematizam o trabalho do professor, dentre eles, o manual do professor que organiza a atividade docente junto ao livro didático. A dissertação analisa manuais do professor dos livros de espanhol selecionados pelo MEC para serem distribuídos a professores, em 2005, em função da lei 11161 da obrigatoriedade do ensino da língua espanhola para o ensino médio em todo o território nacional. O objetivo foi identificar imagens discursivas de docente e de ensino de espanhol como língua estrangeira neles construídas. Os fundamentos teóricos adotados advêm da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, além de recorrermos aos conceitos de dialogismo (BAKHTIN, 1979) e de polifonia (BAKHTIN, 1979; DUCROT, 1987). Os resultados nesses manuais apontam para a construção de imagens de professor como: aquele que necessita ser guiado em sua tarefa, incapaz de realizar suas escolhas em sala de aula, um professor recebedor de ordens; desatualizado com as metodologias de ensino atuais, necessitando, portanto, de atualização profissional; há ainda um professor que busca instruções facilitadoras para seu trabalho. Já no que se refere à visão de língua, deparamo-nos com um manual que dá ênfase ao trabalho com a leitura, voltado para uma concepção que valoriza aspectos discursivos; outros que afirmam seguir a abordagem comunicativa, com um olhar para a língua em uso, porém adotam procedimentos pautados numa concepção de língua como estrutura e/ou misturam ambas perspectivas
Normas linguísticas são os usos instituídos pelos falantes da língua. Há normas consagradas pela tradição literária, por exemplo, e há normas consagradas pela tradição das comunidades. Quando estas não são aceitas, pode se dar o conflito, motivado pela não aceitação da nova norma, ou da norma diferente, geralmente acompanhada de avaliações negativas. Tomando os pronomes pessoais ele/lhe acusativos, me inicial e se sujeito (usando outras categorias quando a situação for favorável) como referência, procura-se investigar os motivos que levam a tais conflitos. Usa-se um conjunto de pensamentos provenientes da sociolinguística, do funcionalismo, da linguística histórica, da tradição gramatical, que, juntos, dão sustentação à problemática, sem levantar corpus exaustivo para descrição e explicação de regras da língua, motivo por que essas teorias são aproveitadas, enfaticamente, apenas em suas bases teóricas gerais. Os exemplos são esparsamente colhidos em fontes diversas: livros, canções, textos literários, ensaios, mas principalmente em notícias veiculadas na internet. É o que basta para um exame crítico da questão abordada. Para tanto, foram cotejados os posicionamentos da normatividade (a língua ideal, homogênea) com os da normalidade (a língua em uso, heterogênea). No entrementes é que estão as causas dos conflitos: a ideia de que a escrita representa o modelo certo, a resistência às mudanças e variações, o imaginário social que decide o certo e o errado, a ideologia avessa à evolução da língua e os conselhos do tipo não use e evite vão desgastando a concepção de língua. Para posturas como essas, não são aceitos os usos estigmatizados, embora abundantemente usados nos veículos de comunicação sociais
Esta dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a interpretação da expressividade fônica, lexical, sintática e enunciativa, aliada aos aspectos semânticos que envolvem os estudos de estilística linguística. O corpus abrange as letras de dez canções populares do cantor e compositor Deusamar Santos, artista notadamente reconhecido em sua localidade e que representa a cultura de Balsas, município do interior do Maranhão. O estudo se relaciona com o tema e com a realidade sociocultural contidos nessas canções. A linguagem da canção popular representa um recorte da língua em uso e atua como marca de caracterização de um grupo de falantes de uma região, ou seja, o léxico regional. O lirismo temático contido nas letras dessas composições está expresso na exaltação ao rio Balsas e à cidade homônima. A análise estilística com base nos diferentes estratos possibilita descrever a estrutura do texto e depreender significados interessantes do universo linguístico e cultural do local, como contribuição para o desvelamento de particularidades importantes da língua
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This research intend to situate the process of literacy as a practice interlocutive acquisition of written language, through which students interact with each other and the teacher, and through these interactions are constituted as a subject of dialogue and history. So he had as an aim to investigate through the key concepts of dialogism Bakhtin and discourse analysis, the possibilities of teaching and learning of reading and writing, using language in use, showing the dialogical practices in order to demonstrate that the verbal interactions that result from the actual discursive situations, actually originated in the classroom, from working with the genre can guide the teaching of reading and writing and its social use. Therefore, I base this research on the methodological framework of literature and field. This takes place in view of observed teaching practice related to the early years of literacy and, therefore, to investigate such activities are carried out that reading and writing during the teaching of mother tongue, as are utilized practices of orality and literacy in room classroom and, even if the teacher makes use of this type of language for the acquisition of written language. The results of analysis of data collected by the instruments used, namely, questionnaires, systematic observation and textual production of the students, point to the fact that the literacy teaching practices, classroom researched are far from forming a student literate because the fact of the teachers surveyed knew not the key content for teaching the language, means that they will lead to literacy, from the point of view of language as a monologic process.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The language in use in a society is product of a culture and reflects the way a community thinks. Therefore, the lexical units, through the meanings assigned by a social group, establish a specific look of the universe. We intend to demonstrate that for the denomination of the sexual organs of the human body it usual to avoid the official anatomical terminology – relegated to contexts of great formality – and to adopt other lexical items during informal situations. We intend, with this research, to demystify some prejudices related to the erotic-obscene lexicon, its use and its creation, besides stimulating reflections, in Portuguese and Italian.
The language in use in a society is product of a culture and reflects the way a community thinks. Therefore, the lexical units, through the meanings assigned by a social group, establish a specific look of the universe. We intend to demonstrate that for the denomination of the sexual organs of the human body it usual to avoid the official anatomical terminology – relegated to the contexts of great formality – and to adopt other lexical items during informal situations. This paper reflects about some sociocultural aspects of the forbidden language, that encloses the erogene zones. Using as theory the studies of Lexicology and the obscene lexicon, we intend to verify this lexical typology based in our corpus, and stimulate reflections about the use and the substitution of the official terminology, showing that there are variations in relation to the age and gender of the speakers. We intend, with this research, to demystify some prejudices related to the erotic-obscene lexicon, its use and its creation and to stimulate reflections.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This research deals with the relationship locução adjetiva / adjective, focusing the reasons for using one form or the other one, in situations where the speaker has a choice between an adjective or a locução adjetiva virtually correspondent and vice versa. In general, the objective is to investigate the possibility of correlation between locução adjetiva and adjective, and to identify motivations for the use of one form or the other one. The theoretical support of this paper is the Linguística Funcional Centrada no Uso (LFCU), which groups together theoretical and methodological assumptions of North American Functional Linguistics, represented by authors as Givón (1984), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2011), and Cognitive Linguistics, as developed by Lakoff (1987), Langacker (1987) and Lakoff and Johnson (2002). As regards the methodological procedures, this research is of qualitative and quantitative character: at first, we did the survey data in the texts that made up the corpus, followed by analysis of each them, especially the locução adjetiva, by considering the semantic, morphosyntactic, cognitive and pragmatic aspects. The corpus is composed of 36 texts, taken from 12 issues of the Veja magazine, published between January 2013 and March 2013. As for the results, in the case of locução adjetiva with related adjectives, this research has shown that the choice of former is due to semantic change, the use of lexicalized forms, to priming cases or to stylistic motivations. It means that the choices of one of these two forms go beyond lexical issues, since there are other motivations, such as syntactic, semantic and pragmatic ones.
Tourism is growing and is becoming more competitive. Destinations need to find elements which demonstrate their uniqueness, the singularity which allows them to differentiate themselves from others. This struggle for uniqueness makes economies become more competitive and competition is a central element in the dynamics of Tourism. Technology is also an added value for tourism competitiveness, as it allows destinations to become internationalised and known worldwide. In this scenario, research has increased as a means to study Tourism trends in fields such as sociology and marketing. Nevertheless, there are areas in which there is not much research done and which are fundamental: these are the areas concerned with identities, communication and interpersonal relations. In this regard, Linguistics has a major role for different reasons: firstly, it studies language itself and through it, communication, secondly, language conveys culture and, thirdly, it is by enriching language users that innovation in Tourism and in knowledge, as a whole, is made possible. This innovation, on the other hand, has repercussions in areas such as management, internationalisation and marketing as well. It is, therefore, the objective of this thesis to report on how learning experiences take place in Tourism undergraduate English language classes as well as to give an account of enhanced results in classes where mobile learning was adopted. In this way, an alliance between practice and research was established. This is beneficial for the teaching and learning process because by establishing links between research based insight and practice, the outcome is grounded knowledge which helps make solid educational decisions. This research, therefore, allows to better understand if learners accept working with mobile technologies in their learning process. Before introducing any teaching and learning approach, it was necessary to be informed, as well, of how English for tourism programmes are organised. This thesis also illustrates through the premises of Systemic Functional Linguistics that language use can be enhanced by using mobile technology in Tourism undergraduate language classes.
This paper aims to analyze the approach of multi-word verbs in free digital resources for English learning. Multi-word verbs, which are widely known as phrasal verbs, are verbal English verbal combinations, formed from a verb and preposition or adverb, or both. From a functional standpoint, these verbal combinations and their different particles behave differently in syntactic terms (Greebaum & Quirk, 1990 and Downing & Locke (2006). Learning about these differences can be of great importance to foster fluency in the language, mainly at higher proficiency levels. At present, with the growing demand for learning English, many digital environments were made available. This paper analyzes 07 major websites for English learning in Brazil, in order to investigate how the topic is addressed. As a result, we argue that more precision and concision are required to approach the theme. This can be achieved, for example, by employing the term multi-word verbs, together with a more precise definition of its functional syntactic behavior. This paper argues that this change of approach is especially important in digital learning environments, in which there is not always a direct mediation of the teacher or specialist.