975 resultados para knock down effect


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Insecticidal residual effect and triatomine infestation rates in houses of a community fumigated with lambdcyhalothrin (Icon) are reported. No mortality was observed in 5th-instar Triatoma infestans nymphs in 72-hr exposure test on three different surfaces, one month after fumigation for a dose of 31.5 mg am/m2. However, during post-exposure observation a mortality of 60% was recorded for those insect exposed on sprayed woodboard. The results observed with mud-containing treated walls, were markedly poorer (0% of mortality). Twelve month after spraying 40% of mortality was observed on first-instar T. infestans nymphs in 72-hr exposure test on woodboard, but lower mortality rates were observed in mud-containing materials. When the effect of deltamethrin (109 mg ai/m2) and lambdcyhalothrin (94 mg ai/m2) was compared, the former did not appear to be superior at similar loads. Both have showed a mortality rate of 30% on 5th-instar T. infestans nymphs three months post-fumigation. The dose utilized in the field fumigation was enough to get a significant (p < 0.0001) control of triatomine domestic infestation, since it was sufficient to keep 95% of the houses uninfested throughout 21 months following treatment, when compared with baseline situation. A remarkable knock-down effect on adult and nymphs forms of the insect and a high in situ mortality were observed as a result of its application, even at very low doses.


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Studies on the cellular disposition of targeted anticancer tyrosine kinases inhibitors (TKIs) have mostly focused on imatinib while the functional importance of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) the gene product of MDR1 remains controversial for more recent TKIs. By using RNA interference-mediated knockdown of MDR1, we have investigated and compared the specific functional consequence of Pgp on the cellular disposition of the major clinically in use TKIs imatinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, sunitinib and sorafenib. siRNA-mediated knockdown in K562/Dox cell lines provides a unique opportunity to dissect the specific contribution of Pgp to TKIs intracellular disposition. In these conditions, abrogating specifically Pgp-mediated efflux in vitro revealed the remarkable and statistically significant cellular accumulation of imatinib (difference in cellular levels between Pgp-expressing and silenced cells, at high and low incubation concentration, respectively: 6.1 and 6.6), dasatinib (4.9 and 5.6), sunitinib (3.7 and 7.3) and sorafenib (1.2 and 1.4), confirming that these TKIs are all substrates of Pgp. By contrast, no statistically significant difference in cellular disposition of nilotinib was observed as a result of MDR1 expression silencing (differences: 1.1 and 1.5) indicating that differential expression and/or function of Pgp is unlikely to affect nilotinib cellular disposition. This study enables for the first time a direct estimation of the specific contribution of one transporter among the various efflux and influx carriers involved in the cellular trafficking of these major TKIs in vitro. Knowledge on the distinct functional consequence of Pgp expression for these various TKIs cellular distribution is necessary to better appreciate the efficacy, toxicity, and potential drug-drug interactions of TKIs with other classes of therapeutic agents, at the systemic, tissular and cellular levels.


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Characteristics of DIRS-1 Mediated Knock-Downs __ We have previously shown that the most abundant Dictyostelium discoideum retroelement DIRS-1 is suppressed by RNAi mechanisms. Here we provide evidence that both inverted terminal repeats have strong promoter activity and that bidirectional expression apparently generates a substrate for Dicer. A cassette containing the inverted terminal repeats and a fragment of a gene of interest was sufficient to activate the RNAi response, resulting in the generation of ~21 nt siRNAs, a reduction of mRNA and protein expression of the respective endogene. Surprisingly, no transitivity was observed on the endogene. This was in contrast to previous observations, where endogenous siRNAs caused spreading on an artificial transgene. Knock-down was successful on seven target genes that we examined. In three cases a phenotypic analysis proved the efficiency of the approach. One of the target genes was apparently essential because no knock-out could be obtained; the RNAi mediated knock-down, however, resulted in a very slow growing culture indicating a still viable reduction of gene expression.


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Desmosomen sind hoch organisierte adhäsive interzelluläre Verbindungen, die benachbarte Zellen durch Verankerung mit den Intermediärfilamenten des Zytoskeletts miteinander verknüpfen und so Zellen und Geweben Stabilität verleihen. Die Adhäsionsmoleküle der Desmosomen sind die desmosomalen Cadherine. Diese transmembranen Glykoproteine gehen im Interzellulärraum Verbindungen mit den desmosomalen Cadherinen der Nachbarzelle ein und sind im zytoplasmatischen Bereich Anheftungspunkte für weitere an der Desmosomenbildung beteiligte Proteine. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Rolle von Desmoglein 2 (Dsg 2), einem in allen Epithelien exprimierten desmosomalen Cadherin. Da der konstitutive knock out von Dsg 2 embryonal letal ist, wurde im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit eine transgene Maus generiert, in der die Reduktion von Dsg 2 temporär regulierbar war (konditionaler knock down). Dazu wurde der Mechanismus der RNA Interferenz genutzt, wodurch Sequenz-spezifische, post-transkriptionelle Regulation von Genen möglich ist. Unter Verwendung eines über Cre/lox-induzierbaren Vektors wurden transgene Mäuse generiert, welche nach Induktion Dsg 2 shRNA exprimieren, die in der Zelle in siRNA umgewandelt wird und zum Abbau der Dsg 2 mRNA führt. Durch Verpaarung der generierten Dsg 2 knock down Maus mit der über Tamoxifen induzierbaren Cre Deleter knock in Mauslinie Rosa26CreERT2 konnte deutliche Reduktion der Dsg 2 Proteinmenge in Leber, Darm und Herz erreicht werden. In Immunfärbungen der Leber wurde zudem eine reduzierte Desmosomenbildung durch Expression der Dsg 2 shRNA detektiert. Die für diese Versuche generierte und getestete Rosa26CreERT2 Mauslinie ermöglichte jedoch nicht in allen Zellen eines Gewebes die komplette Aktivierung der Cre Rekombinase und damit die Expression der shRNA. Dadurch entstanden mosaikartige Wildtyp/knock down-Gewebe, in denen noch ausreichend Desmosomen gebildet wurden, um die Gewebestabilität und -struktur zu erhalten. Für eine funktionale Untersuchung von Dsg 2 in Zusammenhang mit der chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankung Colitis ulcerosa wurden die Dsg 2 knock down Mäuse mit Darm-spezifischen, induzierbaren Cre Deleter Mäusen (VillinCreERT2) verpaart. Nach Aktivierung der Cre Rekombinase mittels Tamoxifen wurde in bitransgenen Tieren über Gabe von Azoxymethan (AOM) und Dextransodiumsulfat (DSS) Colitis ulcerosa induziert. Diese entzündliche Erkrankung des Darms ist mit der Induktion von Darmtumoren assoziiert. Bereits nach einmaliger Induktion mit AOM/DSS wurde in der ersten endoskopischen Untersuchung eine starke Entzündung des Darmgewebes und die Ausbildung von flächig wachsenden Tumoren in den Dsg 2 knock down Tieren hervorgerufen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass durch knock down von Dsg 2, und die damit verbundene verminderte Desmosomenbildung und Zelladhäsion, Infiltration von Bakterien durch die epitheliale Barriere des Darms möglich war, und so die Entzündungsreaktion in der Darmmukosa verstärkte. In Zusammenhang mit Verlust der epithelialen Festigkeit durch verringerte Zellkontakte kam es zur Hyperproliferation der Darmmukosa, die sich in Ausbildung von flächigen Tumoren äußerte. In weiteren Experimenten müssen nun die Tumore und das entzündete Gewebe der Colitis-induzierten Mäuse mittels Immunfluoreszenz untersucht werden, um Veränderungen in der Desmosomenformation in situ detektieren zu können. Des Weiteren sind Verpaarungen der Dsg 2 knock down Maus mit anderen Cre Rekombinase exprimierenden Mauslinien möglich, um den Einfluss von Dsg 2 auch in anderen Geweben, beispielsweise im Herzen, zu untersuchen. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit zeigt also erstmalig den ursächlichen Zusammenhang zwischen Dsg 2 und dem Auftreten von Colitis-assoziierten Tumoren in einem konditionalen RNAi-vermittelten knock down Tiermodell. Die Etablierung dieser Maus ist somit das erste konditionale Mausmodell, welches die bei vielen Krebspatienten gefundenen flachzellig wachsenden Tumore in vivo rekapituliert. Vorausschauend kann man sagen, dass mit Hilfe des im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit entwickelten Tiermodells wichtige Erkenntnisses über die Pathologie von Darmtumoren erbracht werden können, die unser Verständnis der Colitis-induzierten Tumorentstehung verbessern.


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The authors study the timing of leniency applications using a novel application of multi-spell discrete-time survival analysis for a sample of cartels prosecuted by the European Commission between 1996 and 2014. The start of a Commission investigation does not affect the rate by which conspirators apply for leniency in the market investigated, but increases the rate of application in separate markets in which a conspirator in the investigated market also engaged in collusion. The revision of the Commission’s leniency programme in 2002 increased the rate of pre-investigation applications. Our results shed light on enforcement efforts against cartels and other forms of


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Canopies of the locally occurring Amazonian tree species Calophyllum brasiliense. Camb. (Guttiferae, height 10 m) were fogged after dawn on the same day at five adjacent localities in a 20-year-old plantation at the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve near Manaus/Brazil, using natural pyrethrum (0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%), Baythroid (0.3%) and diesel oil, respectively. The 1152 ants collected represented 52 species, 17 genera and five subfamilies. The highest number of ant species was obtained with the synthetic pyrethrum Baythroid 0.3% and with natural pyrethrum 1.5%. About 46% of the total ant species were only collected in the first hour after fogging, and 17% only during the second hour, after trees had been heavily shaken. About 73% of the total ant specimens dropped in the first hour. Data on alpha-diversity, eveness and frequency of ants indicated a rapidly decreasing knock-down effect of both the synthetic and natural pyrethrum after application. The ant fauna in the canopy of C. brasiliense is somewhat distinct compared with that of Goupia glabra Aubl. (Celastraceae, height 45 m) from the primary forest of the reserve.


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Resistance to cypermethrin of different Aedes aegypti Brazilian populations, collected at two successive periods (2001 and 2002/2003), was monitored using the insecticide-coated bottles bioassay. Slight modifications were included in the method to discriminate between mortality and the knock down effect. Although this pyrethroid was recently started to be used in the country to control the dengue vector, a decrease in susceptibility was noted between both periods analyzed, particularly in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The results indicate that resistance is due at least in part to a target site alteration.


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Las "orugas defoliadoras" afectan la producción del cultivo de soja, sobre todo en años secos y con altas temperaturas que favorecen su desarrollo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la eficiencia de control de insecticidas neurotóxicos e IGRs sobre "orugas defoliadoras" en soja. Se realizaron ensayos en lotes comerciales en tres localidades de la provincia de Córdoba en las campañas agrícolas 2008/09 y 2009/10, bajo un diseño de bloques al azar, con seis tratamientos y tres repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron: T1: Clorpirifos (384 g p.a.ha-1), T2: Cipermetrina (37,5 g p.a.ha-1), T3: Lufenuron+Profenofos (15 + 150 g p.a.ha-1), T4: Metoxifenocide (28,8 g p.a.ha-1), T5: Novaluron (10 g p.a.ha-1) y T6: Testigo. El tamaño de las parcelas fue de 12 surcos de 10 m de largo distanciados a 0,52 m. La aplicación se realizó con una mochila provista de boquillas de cono hueco (40 gotas.cm-2), cuando la plaga alcanzó el umbral de daño económico. En cada parcela se tomaron cinco muestras a los 0, 2, 7 y 14 días después de la aplicación (DDA) utilizando el paño vertical, identificando y cuantificando las orugas vivas mayores a 1,5 cm. A los 14 DDA se extrajeron 30 folíolos por parcela (estrato medio y superior de la planta) y se determinó el porcentaje de defoliación utilizando el software WinFolia Reg. 2004. Se estimó el rendimiento sobre 5 muestras de 1 m2 en cada parcela y se realizó ANOVA y test de comparación de medias LSD de Fisher. El Clorpirifos mostró el mayor poder de volteo y el Metoxifenocide la mayor eficiencia a los 7 DDA. En general los IGRs mostraron mayor poder residual.


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Purpose: To evaluate the larvicidal, pupicidal and insecticidal activities of Cosmos bipinnatus , Foeniculum vulgare and Tagetes minuta against Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. Methods: The leaves of the plants were extracted with distilled water, ethanol (95 %), and hexane and the extracts screened for their phytochemical profile. While larvicidal and pupicidal activities were assayed at concentrations ranging from 0.1 - 10 mg/mL, insecticidal property was tested at varying amounts (0.25 - 2 g) of the plant sample. The respective larval mortality was thereafter evaluated using Probit analysis. Results: Saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids and steroids were detected in the plant extracts. The ethanol extracts of F. vulgare, T. minuta and C. bipinnatus exhibited larvicidal activity half-maximal lethal concentration (LC50) of 0.10, 1.17 and 1.18 mg/mL, followed by hexane extracts with LC50 value of 1.03, 1.01 and 1.27 mg/mL, respectively, against the larvae of C. quinquefasciatus mosquito. Hexane extracts displayed pupicidal activity with LC50 of 1.07, 1.12 and 1.16 mg/mL against F. vulgare, T. minuta and C. bipinnatus, respectively, while the ethanol extracts of T. minuta, C. bipinnatus and F. vulgare displayed pupicidal activity at LC50 of 1.11, 1.14 and 1.31 mg/mL respectively, against pupa of C. quinquefasciatus mosquito. The aqueous extracts had no (p > 0.05) lethal effects on both larvae and pupa of C. quinquefasciatus at all evaluated concentrations. F. vulgare had the highest (p < 0.05) half-maximal knock-down effect (KD50 = 7.52 min-1), followed by T. minuta (KD50 = 8.64 min-1) on adult C. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes after 6 h of exposure. F. vulgare and T. minuta killed all evaluated mosquito adults within 12 h with LD99 = 0.25 g/air, while the leaves of C. bipinnatus had no (p > 0.05) knock-down or lethal effects on the adult mosquito. Conclusion: C. bipinnatus, F. vulgare and T. minuta possess larvicidal and pupicidal properties against C. quinquefasciatus, whereas only F. vulgare and T. minuta displayed insecticidal properties. Consequent upon these findings, all the plants can be considered naturally potent larvicidal and pupicidal agents against C. quinquefasciatus.


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Doxorubicin (DOX), a member of the anthracycline group, is a widely used drug in cancer therapy. The mechanisms of DOX action include topoisomerase II-poisoning, free radical release, DNA adducts and interstrand cross-link (ICL) formation. Nucleotide excision repair(NER) is involved in the removal of helix-distorting lesions and chemical adducts, however, little is known about the response of NER-deficient cell lines to anti-tumoral drugs like DOX. Wild type and XPD-mutated cells, harbouring mutations in different regions of this gene and leading to XP-D, XP/CS or TTD diseases, were treated with this drug and analyzed for cell cycle arrest and DNA damage by comet assay. The formation of DSBs was also investigated by determination of gamma H2AX foci. Our results indicate that all three NER-deficient cell lines tested are more sensitive to DOX treatment, when compared to wild type cells or XP cells complemented by the wild type XPD cDNA, suggesting that NER is involved in the removal of DOX-induced lesions. The cell cycle analysis showed the characteristic G2 arrest in repair-proficient MRC5 cell line after DOX treatment, whereas the repair-deficient cell lines presented significant increase in sub-G1 fraction. The NER-deficient cell lines do not show different patterns of DNA damage formation as assayed by comet assay and phosphorylated H2AX foci formation. Knock-down of topoisomerase II alpha with siRNA leads to increased survival in both MRC5 and XP cells, however, XP cell line still remained significantly more sensitive to the treatment by DOX. Our study suggests that the enhanced sensitivity is due to DOX-induced DNA damage that is subject to NER, as we observed decreased unscheduled DNA synthesis in XP-deficient cells upon DOX treatment. Furthermore, the complementation of the XPD-function abolished the observed sensitivity at lower DOX concentrations, suggesting that the XPD helicase activity is involved in the repair of DOX-induced lesions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ubiquitination of proteins is a post-translational modification, which decides on the cellular fate of the protein. Addition of ubiquitin moieties to proteins is carried out by the sequential action of three enzymes: E1, ubiquitin-activating enzyme; E2, ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; and E3, ubiquitin ligase. The TRAF-interacting protein (TRAIP, TRIP, RNF206) functions as Really Interesting New Gene (RING)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, but its physiological substrates are not yet known. TRAIP was reported to interact with TRAF [tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factors] and the two tumor suppressors CYLD and Syk (spleen tyrosine kinase). Ectopically expressed TRAIP was shown to inhibit nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signalling. However, recent results suggested a role for TRAIP in biological processes other than NF-κB regulation. Knock-down of TRAIP in human epidermal keratinocytes repressed cellular proliferation and induced a block in the G1/S phase of the cell cycle without affecting NF-κB signalling. TRAIP is necessary for embryonal development as mutations affecting the Drosophila homologue of TRAIP are maternal effect-lethal mutants, and TRAIP knock-out mice die in utero because of aberrant regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis. These findings underline the tight link between TRAIP and cell proliferation. In this review, we summarize the data on TRAIP and put them into a larger perspective regarding the role of TRAIP in the control of tissue homeostasis.


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In specific cell types like keratinocytes, Notch signaling plays an important pro-differentiation and tumor suppressing function, with down-modulation of the Notch1 gene being associated with cancer development. Besides being controlled by p53, little else is known on regulation of Notch1 gene expression in this context. We report here that transcription of this gene is driven by a TATA-less "sharp peak" promoter and that the minimal functional region of this promoter, which extends from the -342 bp position to the initiation codon, is differentially active in normal versus cancer cells. This GC rich region lacks p53 binding sites, but binds Klf4 and Sp3. This finding is likely to be of biological significance, as Klf4 and, to a lesser extent, Sp3 are up-regulated in a number of cancer cells where Notch1 expression is down-modulated, and Klf4 over-expression in normal cells is sufficient to down-modulate Notch1 gene transcription. The combined knock-down of Klf4 and Sp3 was necessary for the reverse effect of increasing Notch1 transcription, consistent with the two factors exerting an overlapping repressor function through their binding to the Notch1 promoter.


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Nocturnin is a circadian clock-regulated deadenylase thought to control mRNA expression post-transcriptionally through poly(A) tail removal. The expression of Nocturnin is robustly rhythmic in liver at both the mRNA and protein levels, and mice lacking Nocturnin are resistant to diet-induced obesity and hepatic steatosis. Here we report that Nocturnin expression is regulated by microRNA-122 (miR-122), a liver specific miRNA. We found that the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of Nocturnin mRNA harbors one putative recognition site for miR-122, and this site is conserved among mammals. Using a luciferase reporter construct with wild-type or mutant Nocturnin 3'-UTR sequence, we demonstrated that overexpression of miR-122 can down-regulate luciferase activity levels and that this effect is dependent on the presence of the putative miR-122 recognition site. Additionally, the use of an antisense oligonucleotide to knock down miR-122 in vivo resulted in significant up-regulation of both Nocturnin mRNA and protein expression in mouse liver during the night, resulting in Nocturnin rhythms with increased amplitude. Together, these data demonstrate that the normal rhythmic profile of Nocturnin expression in liver is shaped in part by miR-122. Previous studies have implicated Nocturnin and miR-122 as important post-transcriptional regulators of both lipid metabolism and circadian clock controlled gene expression in the liver. Therefore, the demonstration that miR-122 plays a role in regulating Nocturnin expression suggests that this may be an important intersection between hepatic metabolic and circadian control.