2 resultados para kilpailijaseuranta
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli luoda malli, jonka avulla matkaviestinverkko-operaattori Suomen 2G Oy voi kehittää kilpailijaseurantaansa. Kilpailijaseurantajärjestelmä auttaa organisoimaan toimintaa ja optimoimaan resurssien käyttöä. Työ jakaantuu kirjallisuustutkimukseen ja empiiriseen tutkimukseen. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa selvitettiin kuinka kilpailijaseurantaa on käsitelty kirjallisuudessa ja millaisia huomioita sen käytännön toteutuksesta on tehty. Empiirisessä osuudessa selvitettiin kilpailijaseurannan nykytilaa Suomen 2G Oy:ssä ja sitä, millaisia ominaisuuksia tulevalla järjestelmällä pitäisi olla. Lopuksi esitetään malli kilpailijoiden systemaattisella seurannalle. Mallin tarkoitus on tehdä kilpailijaseurannasta systemaattisempaa ja tietovirroista organisaatiossa mahdollisimman sujuvia.
The objective of the thesis was to develop a competitors’ financial performance monitoring model for management reporting. The research consisted of the selections of the comparison group and the performance meters as well as the actual creation of the model. A brief analysis of the current situation was also made. The aim of the results was to improve the financial reporting quality in the case organization by adding external business environment observation to the management reports. The comparison group for the case company was selected to include five companies that were all involved in power equipment engineering and project type business. The most limiting factor related to the comparison group selection was the availability of quarterly financial reporting. The most suitable performance meters were defined to be the developments of revenue, order backlog and EBITDA. These meters should be monitored systematically on quarterly basis and reported to the company management in a brief and informative way. The monitoring model was based on spreadsheet construction with key characteristics being usability, flexibility and simplicity. The model acts as a centered storage for financial competitor information as well as a reporting tool. The current market situation is strongly affected by the economic boom in the recent years and future challenges can be clearly seen in declining order backlogs. The case company has succeeded well related to its comparison group during the observation period since its business volume and profitability have developed in the best way.