3 resultados para jBPM


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In keeping with the proliferation of free software development initiatives and the increased interest in the business process management domain, many open source workflow and business process management systems have appeared during the last few years and are now under active development. This upsurge gives rise to two important questions: What are the capabilities of these systems? and How do they compare to each other and to their closed source counterparts? In other words: What is the state-of-the-art in the area?. To gain an insight into these questions, we have conducted an in-depth analysis of three of the major open source workflow management systems – jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark, the results of which are reported here. This analysis is based on the workflow patterns framework and provides a continuation of the series of evaluations performed using the same framework on closed source systems, business process modelling languages, and web-service composition standards. The results from evaluations of the three open source systems are compared with each other and also with the results from evaluations of three representative closed source systems: Staffware, WebSphere MQ, and Oracle BPEL PM. The overall conclusion is that open source systems are targeted more toward developers rather than business analysts. They generally provide less support for the patterns than closed source systems, particularly with respect to the resource perspective, i.e. the various ways in which work is distributed amongst business users and managed through to completion.


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Proiektu pilotu honekin medikuntzarako tresna lagungarri bat sortu da Jaiotzetiko Sortzen Diren Errore Metabolikoak (JASODEM) diagnostikatzeko. Horretarako, Gurutzeta Ospitaleko Metabolismo Laborategiko adituarekin eta UPV/EHUko Informatika Fakultateko ERABAKI taldearen arteko elkar-lana funtsezkoa izan da. Amaierako produktua Web zerbitzari batean egongo da exekutagarri. Web aplikazioaren bitartez, medikuak gaixo ezberdinei diagnostikoak egiteko aukera izango du. Horretarako aski da Praktika Klinikorako Gidaren exekuzio bat abiaraztea eta bertan pazienteari inguruan eskatzen diren datuak sartzea. Exekuzio prozesuan zehar badago sistematik irten eta ondoren lanarekin berriz jarraitzea, modu honetan froga klinikoak beharren arabera egiten direlarik, diagnostiko prozesuko kostua murriztuz. Bestalde, Praktika Klinikorako Gidan agertzen diren kontzeptuen inguruko informazioa jasotzeko funtzionalitatea eskaintzen zaio erabiltzaileari. Proiektua garatzeko aukeratu den metodologiaren jarraipen zehatza egitea eta kalitatezko dokumentazioa sortzea ezinbestekoa da. Proiektu honen garapenerako, Rational Unified Process (RUP) metodologia eta honi euskarria ematen dioten tresneria erabili da. Proiektuaren analisirako eta Jakintza Ingeniaritzarako CommonKADS metodologia erabili da.