950 resultados para ion-exchange chromatography fractionation


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An approach for the separation and identification of components in a traditional Chinese medicine Psoralea corylifolia was developed. Ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) was applied for the fractionation of P corylifolia extract, and then followed by concentration of all the fractions with rotary vacuum evaporator. Each of the enriched fractions was then further separated on an ODS column with detection of UV absorbance and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometer (APCI/MS), respectively, and also analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) with matrix of oxidized carbon nanotubes. Totally more than 188 components in P. corylifolia extract were detected with this integrated approach, and 12 of them were preliminary identified according to their UV spectra and mass spectra performed by APCI/MS and MALDI-TOF/MS. The obtained analytical results not only demonstrated the powerful resolution of integration IEC fractionation with reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC)-APCI/MS and MALDI-TOF/MS for analysis of compounds in a complex sample, but also exhibited the superiority of APCI/MS and MALDI-TOF/MS for identification of low-mass compounds, such as for study of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) and metabolome. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A hyphenated method for the isolation and identification of components in a traditional Chinese medicine of Honeysuckle was developed. Ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) was chosen for the fractionation of Honeysuckle extract, and then followed by concentration of all the fractions with rotary vacuum evaporator. Each of the enriched fractions was then further analyzed by reversed-phase liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometer (RPLC-APCI/MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) with matrix of oxidized carbon nanotubes, respectively. It can be noted totally more than 117 components were detected by UV detector, APCI/MS and MALDI-TOF/MS in Honeysuckle extract except the, 145 components identified by MALDI-TOF/MS alone with this integrated approach, and 7 of them were preliminary identified according to their UV spectra and mass spectra performed by APCI/MS and MALDI-TOF/MS, respectively. The obtained analytical results not only indicated the approach of integration IEC fractionation with RPLC-APCI/MS and MALDI-TOF/MS is capable of analyzing complex samples, but also exhibited the potential power of the mass spectrometer in detection of low-mass compounds, such as traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) and complex biological samples. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method using L-cysteine for the determination of arsenous acid (As(III)), arsenic acid (As(V)), monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) by hydride generation was demonstrated. The instrument used was a d.c. plasma atomic emission spectrometer (OCP-AES). Complete recovery was reported for As(III), As(V), and DMAA while 86% recovery was reported for MMAA. Detection limits were determined, as arsenic for the species listed previously, to be 1.2, 0.8, 1.1, and 1.0 ngemL-l, respectively. Precision values, at 50 ngemL-1 arsenic concentration, were f.80/0, 2.50/0, 2.6% and 2.6% relative standard deviation, respectively. The L-cysteine reagent was compared directly with the conventional hydride generation technique which uses a potassium iodide-hydrochloric acid medium. Recoveries using L-cysteine when compared with the conventional method provided the following results: similar recoveries were obtained for As(III), slightly better recoveries were obtained for As(V) and MMAA, and significantly better recoveries for DMAA. In addition, tall and sharp peak shapes were observed for all four species when using L-cysteine. The arsenic speciation method involved separation by ion exchange .. high perfonnance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with on-line hydride generation using the L.. cysteine reagent and measurement byOCP-AES. Total analysis time per sample was 12 min while the time between the start of subsequent runs was approximately 20 min. A binary . gradient elution program, which incorporated the following two eluents: 0.01 and 0.5 mM tri.. sodium citrate both containing 5% methanol (v/v) and both at a pH of approximately 9, was used during the separation by HPLC. Recoveries of the four species which were measured as peak area, and were normalized against As(III), were 880/0, 290/0, and 40% for DMAA, MMAA and As(V), respectively. Resolution factors between adjacent analyte peaks of As(III) and DMAA was 1.1; DMAA and MMAA was 1.3; and MMAA and As(V) was 8.6. During the arsenic speciation study, signals from the d.c. plasma optical system were measured using a new photon-signal integrating device. The_new photon integrator developed and built in this laboratory was based on a previously published design which was further modified to reflect current available hardware. This photon integrator was interfaced to a personal computer through an AID convertor. The .photon integrator has adjustable threshold settings and an adjustable post-gain device.


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The development and improvement of MC-ICP-MS instruments have fueled the growth of Lu–Hf geochronology over the last two decades, but some limitations remain. Here, we present improvements in chemical separation and mass spectrometry that allow accurate and precise measurements of 176Hf/177Hf and 176Lu/177Hf in high-Lu/Hf samples (e.g., garnet and apatite), as well as for samples containing sub-nanogram quantities of Hf. When such samples are spiked, correcting for the isobaric interference of 176Lu on 176Hf is not always possible if the separation of Lu and Hf is insufficient. To improve the purification of Hf, the high field strength elements (HFSE, including Hf) are first separated from the rare earth elements (REE, including Lu) on a first-stage cation column modified after Patchett and Tatsumoto (Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 1980, 75, 263–267). Hafnium is further purified on an Ln-Spec column adapted from the procedures of Münker et al. (Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 2001, DOI: 10.1029/2001gc000183) and Wimpenny et al. (Anal. Chem., 2013, 85, 11258–11264) typically resulting in Lu/Hf < 0.0001, Zr/Hf < 1, and Ti/Hf < 0.1. In addition, Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr separations can easily be added to the described two-stage ion-exchange procedure for Lu–Hf. The isotopic compositions are measured on a Thermo Scientific Neptune Plus MC-ICP-MS equipped with three 1012 Ω resistors. Multiple 176Hf/177Hf measurements of international reference rocks yield a precision of 5–20 ppm for solutions containing 40 ppb of Hf, and 50–180 ppm for 1 ppb solutions (=0.5 ng sample Hf 0.5 in ml). The routine analysis of sub-ng amounts of Hf will facilitate Lu–Hf dating of low-concentration samples.


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A chromatographic method was developed for the determination of tryptophan content in food and feed proteins. The method involves separation and quantitation of tryptophan (released from protein by alkaline hydrolysis with NaOH) by isocratic ion-exchange chromatography with O-phthalaldehyde derivatization followed by fluorescence detection. In this procedure, chromatographic separation of the tryptophan and alpha-methyl tryptophan, the internal standard, was complete in 15 min, without any interference from other compounds. The precision of the method was 1-4%, relative standard deviation. Accuracy was validated by agreement with the value for chicken egg white lysozyme, a sequenced protein, and by quantitative recoveries after spiking with lysozyme. The method allows determination in a range of feed proteins, containing varied concentrations of tryptophan, and is applicable to systems used for routine amino acid analysis by ion-exchange chromatography. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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R-phycoerythrin was isolated and purified from Gracilaria verrucosa on an expanded-bed adsorption column combined with ion-exchange chromatography, which can effectively solve the problem of blockage of chromatographic columns due to polysaccharides during isolation and purification of phycobiliproteins. 0.1 M (NH4)(2)SO4 proved best to elute R-phycoerythrin from the expanded-bed column, and desalted 0.1 M (NH4)(2)SO4 eluate was used on an ion-exchange column to purify the R-phycoerythrin. Using this two-stage chromatography, the purity (OD565/OD280) of the R-phycoerythrin from G. verrucosa is increased to 4.4, and the yield of purified R-phycoerythrin can reach 0.141 mg . g(-1) of the frozen alga.


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Ion-exchange chromatography has emerged as a practical and rapid method of separation and analysis. A review of literature on chelating resins reveals that eventhough investigations on highly selective resins are intensively pursued from early 1940s, such resins are still insufficiently used in analytical chemistry and process technology. This is mainly due to the complexity of their synthesis and high cost. In this context, it is worthwhile to develop novel chelating resins which are specific or at least selective towards a group of metal ions. Synthesis, characterization and analytical applications of two such resins are presented in this thesis.


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Column-based refolding of complex and highly disulfide-bonded proteins simplifies protein renaturation at both preparative and process scale by integrating and automating a number of operations commonly used in dilution refolding. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used as a model protein for refolding and oxido-shuffling on an ion-exchange column to give a refolding yield of 55 % after 40 Ih incubation. Successful on-column refolding was conducted at protein concentrations of up to 10 mg/ml and refolded protein, purified from misfolded forms, was eluted directly from the column at a concentration of 3 mg/ml. This technique integrates the dithiothreitol removal, refolding, concentration and purification steps, achieving a high level of process simplification and automation, and a significant saving in reagent costs when scaled. Importantly, the current result suggests that it is possible to controllably refold disulfide-bonded proteins using common and inexpensive matrices, and that it is not always necessary to control protein-surface interactions using affinity tags and expensive chromatographic matrices. Moreover, it is possible to strictly control the oxidative refolding environment once denatured protein is bound to the ion-exchange column, thus allowing precisely controlled oxido-shuffling. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Heparin is a pharmaceutical animal widely used in medicine due to its potent anticoagulant effect. Furthermore, it has the ability to inhibit the proliferation, invasion and adhesion of cancer cells to vascular endothelium. However, its clinical applicability can be compromised by side effects such as bleeding. Thus, the search for natural compounds with low bleeding risk and possible therapeutic applicability has been targeted by several research groups. From this perspective, this study aims to evaluate the hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities and citotoxic effect for different tumor cell lines (HeLa, B16-F10, HepG2, HS-5,) and fibroblast cells (3T3) of the Heparin-like from the crab Chaceon fenneri (HEP-like). The HEP-like was purified after proteolysis, ion-exchange chromatography, fractionation with acetone and characterized by electrophoresis (agarose gel) and enzymatic degradation. Hep-like showed eletroforetic behavior similar to mammalian heparin, and high trisulfated /Nacetylated disaccharides ratio. In addition, HEP-like presented low in vitro anticoagulant activity using aPTT and a minor hemorrhagic effect when compared to mammalian heparin. Furthermore, the HEP-like showed significant cytotoxic effect (p<0.001) on HeLa, HepG2 and B16-F10 tumor cells with IC50 values of 1000 ug/mL, after incubation for 72 hours. To assess the influence of heparin-like on the cell cycle in HeLa cells, analysis was performed by flow cytometry. The results of this analysis showed that HEP-like influence on the cell cycle increasing S phase and decreasing phase G2. Thus, these properties of HEP-like make these compounds potential therapeutic agents


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Heparin is a pharmaceutical animal widely used in medicine due to its potent anticoagulant effect. Furthermore, it has the ability to inhibit the proliferation, invasion and adhesion of cancer cells to vascular endothelium. However, its clinical applicability can be compromised by side effects such as bleeding. Thus, the search for natural compounds with low bleeding risk and possible therapeutic applicability has been targeted by several research groups. From this perspective, this study aims to evaluate the hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities and citotoxic effect for different tumor cell lines (HeLa, B16-F10, HepG2, HS-5,) and fibroblast cells (3T3) of the Heparin-like from the crab Chaceon fenneri (HEP-like). The HEP-like was purified after proteolysis, ion-exchange chromatography, fractionation with acetone and characterized by electrophoresis (agarose gel) and enzymatic degradation. Hep-like showed eletroforetic behavior similar to mammalian heparin, and high trisulfated /Nacetylated disaccharides ratio. In addition, HEP-like presented low in vitro anticoagulant activity using aPTT and a minor hemorrhagic effect when compared to mammalian heparin. Furthermore, the HEP-like showed significant cytotoxic effect (p<0.001) on HeLa, HepG2 and B16-F10 tumor cells with IC50 values of 1000 ug/mL, after incubation for 72 hours. To assess the influence of heparin-like on the cell cycle in HeLa cells, analysis was performed by flow cytometry. The results of this analysis showed that HEP-like influence on the cell cycle increasing S phase and decreasing phase G2. Thus, these properties of HEP-like make these compounds potential therapeutic agents


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A novel method to fractionate phage into its subtypes while fully retaining biological function is reported. Corynebacterium pekinense AS 1.299 phage samples, purified by either conventional ultracentrifugation or gel chromatography on a Superose® 6 Prep column (0.78×30 cm), were fractionated further into four fractions by anion-exchange chromatography on a Toyopearl SuperQ 650C column (0.5×20 cm) with a linear gradient of NaCl concentration from 0.2 to 1.0 M in 0.02 M carbonate–biocarbonate buffer, pH 10.0. Two peaks were identified to be C. pekinense AS 1.299 phages by their ability to infect the host bacteria when inoculated into the culture media, and when examined by electron microscopy. These two types of the phage were found to be morphologically the same except for the difference in the length of their non-contractile tails. Both possessed an isometric head with a diameter of 50±3 nm, while their tails were 170±10 and 210±10 nm, respectively. This simple technique provides a convenient method for phage isolation not only to its species homogeneity, but also to determine its subtype or variant homogeneity.


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This study was undertaken to investigate the suitability of natural and chemically treated wool fibres for use in water treatment and in the separation of constituents for monitoring contaminants in water.

Experimental work was carried out to determine the ability of natural and treated wool fibres to remove these constituents from water,

This study provided information on the characteristics of the wool fibre as a medium in water treatment.


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This paper describe a Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) based electrochemiluminescence (ECL) method to detect procyclidine in human urine following separation by capillary electrophoresis (CE). An ECL detection cell was designed for post-column addition of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+). Parameters affecting separation and detection were optimized, leading to a detection limit of 1 x 10(-9) mol/l in an on-capillary stacking mode. For application in urine, a cartridge packed with slightly acidic cation-exchange resin was used to eliminate the matrix effects of urine and improve the detection sensitivity. Extraction recovery was nearly 90%.


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A two-step chromatographic sequence is described for the purification of native lactose operon repressor protein from Escherichia coli cells. The first step involves Ni2+-based immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography of the soluble cytoplasmic extract. This method provides superior speed, resolution and yield than the established phosphocellulose cation-exchange chromatographic procedure. Anion-exchange chromatography is used for further purification to >95% purity. The identity and purity of the lactose repressor protein were demonstrated using sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide electrophoresis, crystallization, tryptic finger-printing mass spectrometry, and inducer binding assays. The purified lac repressor exhibited inducer sensitivity for operator DNA binding and undergoes a conformational change upon inducer binding. By all these extensive biochemical criteria, the purified protein behaves exactly as that described for the Escherichia coli lactose operon repressor.