994 resultados para investment control


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Työn tavoitteena on selvittää pääomavaltaisen teollisuudenalan yritysten käyttämiä investointien suunnittelu- ja jälkitarkkailumenetelmiä. Työn keskeisintä aluetta ovat operatiiviset tuottavuusinvestoinnit, kuten laajennus- ja korvausinvestoinnit. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa käsitellään investointiprosessia ja siihen kiinteästi liittyviä käsitteitä ja toimintoja. Myös käytetyimpien investointilaskentamenetelmien laskentakaavat esitetään. Muita työssä käsiteltäviä aiheita ovat mm. laskentakorkokannan määrittäminen, riskin huomioiminen investointihankkeissa ja reaalioption käsite. Työssä keskitytään eri laskentamenetelmien tulosten antaman informaation tulkintaan. Työssä selvitetään mm. pääoman tuottoasteen (ROI), hyötykustannussuhteen, nykyarvomenetelmän (NPV) ja sisäisen koron menetelmän (IRR) tulosten tulkitsemista. Työssä selvitetään myös käsitteet: taloudellinen lisäarvo (EVA) ja jäännöskate (RI). Työssä tutkitaan investointiprosessia investoinnin jälkitarkkailun kannalta, eli miten mahdollistetaan luotettava ja systemaattinen investoinnin jälkitarkkailu. Myös jälkitarkkailulla saavutettavan tiedon hyödyntämiseen otetaan kantaa. Yhden haasteen työhön asettaa tutkittavan teollisuudenalan konsernien suuri koko. Investointilaskentamenetelmiä on osattava käyttää monipuolisesti. Investointien jälkitarkkailu on huomioitava jo suunnitteluvaiheessa. Yleisesti ottaen yritysten tulisi lisätä nykyarvomenetelmän käyttöä. Jälkitarkkailussa havaittuihin poikkeamiin täytyy reagoida mahdollisimman aikaisessa vaiheessa. Suunnittelun ja jälkitarkkailun apuna voidaan käyttää asiantuntijoista koottua arviointiryhmää. Suuren konsernin on tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota investointien suunnittelu- ja jälkitarkkailutoimintojen yhtenäistämiseen eri tuotantoyksikköjen sisällä. Työn ensisijainen kohdeyritys, UPM-Kymmene Oyj, on yksi maailman suurimmista metsäteollisuusyrityksistä. Tutkimuksen empiirisen osan teossa oli mukana UPM-Kymmenen lisäksi kolme muuta suurta suomalaista pääomavaltaisella teollisuudenalalla toimivaa yritystä: M-Real, Outokumpu ja Stora Enso. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden yritysten investointiprosessin läpivientiin liittyviä ajatuksia ja toimintamalleja selvitettiin haastattelemalla investointisuunnittelun parissa toimivia henkilöitä.


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Untreated wastewater being directly discharged into rivers is a very harmful environmental hazard that needs to be tackled urgently in many countries. In order to safeguard the river ecosystem and reduce water pollution, it is important to have an effluent charge policy that promotes the investment of wastewater treatment technology by domestic firms. This paper considers the strategic interaction between the government and the domestic firms regarding the investment in the wastewater treatment technology and the design of optimal e­ffluent charge policy that should be implemented. In this model, the higher is the proportion of non-investing firms, the higher would be the probability of having to incur an e­ffluent charge and the higher would be that charge. On one hand the government needs to impose a sufficiently strict policy to ensure that firms have strong incentive to invest. On the other hand, it cannot be too strict that it drives out firms which cannot afford to invest in such expensive technology. The paper analyses the factors that affect the probability of investment in this technology. It also explains the difficulty of imposing a strict environment policy in countries that have too many small firms which cannot afford to invest unless subsidised.


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This paper proposes an architecture for machining process and production monitoring to be applied in machine tools with open Computer numerical control (CNC). A brief description of the advantages of using open CNC for machining process and production monitoring is presented with an emphasis on the CNC architecture using a personal computer (PC)-based human-machine interface. The proposed architecture uses the CNC data and sensors to gather information about the machining process and production. It allows the development of different levels of monitoring systems with mininium investment, minimum need for sensor installation, and low intrusiveness to the process. Successful examples of the utilization of this architecture in a laboratory environment are briefly described. As a Conclusion, it is shown that a wide range of monitoring solutions can be implemented in production processes using the proposed architecture.


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This article discusses the impact on the profitability of firms under Complementary Law 102/2000 (which abrogated the Law 89/96 - Kandir Law) allowing the appropriation of ICMS credits, due to investment in fixed assets goods, at a ratio of 1/48 per month. The paper seeks to demonstrate how this new system - which resulted in the transformation of the ICMS as a value added tax (VAT) consumption-type to an income-type - leads to a loss of approximately 30% of the value of credits to be recovered and the effect it generates on the cost of investment and the profits for small, medium and large firms. From the methodological point of view, it is a descriptive and quantitative research, which proceeded in three stages. Initially, we have obtained estimated value of net sales and volume of investments, based on report Painel de Competitividade prepared by the Federacao das Indtustrias do Estado de Sao Paulo (Fiesp/Serasa). Based on this information, it was possible to obtain estimates of the factors of generation of debits and credits for ICMS, using the model Credit Control of Fixed Assets (CIAP). Finally, we have calculated three indicators: (i) present value of debt recovery/value of credits, (ii) present value of debt recovery / investment value, (iii) present value of debt recovery / sales profitability. We have conclude that the system introduced by Complementary Law 102/2000 implicates great opportunity cost for firms and that legislation should be reviewed from this perspective, aiming to ensure lower costs associated with investment projects.


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On the basis of a spatially distributed sediment budget across a large basin, costs of achieving certain sediment reduction targets in rivers were estimated. A range of investment prioritization scenarios were tested to identify the most cost-effective strategy to control suspended sediment loads. The scenarios were based on successively introducing more information from the sediment budget. The relationship between spatial heterogeneity of contributing sediment sources on cost effectiveness of prioritization was investigated. Cost effectiveness was shown to increase with sequential introduction of sediment budget terms. The solution which most decreased cost was achieved by including spatial information linking sediment sources to the downstream target location. This solution produced cost curves similar to those derived using a genetic algorithm formulation. Appropriate investment prioritization can offer large cost savings because the magnitude of the costs can vary by several times depending on what type of erosion source or sediment delivery mechanism is targeted. Target settings which only consider the erosion source rates can potentially result in spending more money than random management intervention for achieving downstream targets. Coherent spatial patterns of contributing sediment emerge from the budget model and its many inputs. The heterogeneity in these patterns can be summarized in a succinct form. This summary was shown to be consistent with the cost difference between local and regional prioritization for three of four test catchments. To explain the effect for the fourth catchment, the detail of the individual sediment sources needed to be taken into account.


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A two-year study of malaria control began in Henan Province following cuts in government malaria spending in 1993. Cost data were collected from all government levels and on treatment-seeking (diagnosis, treatment) from 12,325 suspected malaria cases in two endemic counties. The cost burden was found to fall mainly on patients, but using government infrastructure. Good stewardship requires continuing government investment, to at least current levels, along with improved case management. In mainland China, vivax malaria is a significant factor in poverty and economic underdevelopment.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the effect of pattern coating with spinel-based investment Rematitan Ultra (RU) on the castability and internal porosity of commercially pure (CP) titanium invested into phosphate-bonded investments. The apparent porosity of the investment was also measured. Materials and Methods: Square patterns (15 x 15 x 0.3 mm(3)) were either coated with RU, or not and invested into the phosphate-bonded investments: Rematitan Plus (RP), Rema Exakt (RE), Castorit Super C (CA), and RU (control group). The castings were made in an Ar-arc vacuum-pressure machine. The castability area (mm(2)) was measured by an image-analysis system (n = 10). For internal porosity, the casting (12 x 12 x 2 mm(3)) was studied by the X-ray method, and the projected porous area percentage was measured by an image-analysis system (n = 10). The apparent porosity of the investment (n = 10) was measured in accordance with the ASTM C373-88 standard. Results: Analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) of castability was significant, and the Tukey test indicated that RU had the highest mean but the investing technique with coating increased the castability for all phosphate-bonded investments. The analysis of the internal porosity of the cast by the nonparametric test demonstrated that the RP, RE, and CA with coating and RP without coating did not differ from the control group (RU), while the CA and RE casts without coating were more porous. The one-way ANOVA of apparent porosity of the investment was significant, and the Tukey test showed that the means of RU (36.10%) and CA (37.22%) were higher than those of RP (25.91%) and RE (26.02%). Conclusion: Pattern coating with spinel-based material prior to phosphate-bonded investments can influence the castability and the internal porosity of CP Ti.


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Objective To assist with strategic planning for the eradication,of malaria in Henan Province, China, which reached the consolidation phase of malaria control in 1992, when only 318 malaria cases were reported, Methods We conducted a prospective two-year study of the costs for Henan's malaria control programme. We used a cost model that could also be applied to other malaria programmes in-mainland China, and analysed the cost of the three components of Henan's malaria programme. suspected malaria case management,, vector surveillance,,and population blood surveys. Primary cost data were collected from the government, and data on suspected malaria patient's were collected in two malaria counties (population 2 093 100). We enlisted the help of 260 village doctors. in six-townships or former communities (population 247 762), and studied all 12 315 reported cases of suspected malaria in catchment areas in 1994 and 1995. Findings The average-annual government investment in malaria control was estimated to be US$ 111 516 (case-management 59%; active blood surveys 25%;vector surveillance 12%; and contingencies and special projects 4%). The average cost (direct and indirect) for-patients seeking-treatment for suspected malaria was US$ 3.48, equivalent,to 10 days' income for rural residents. Each suspected malaria case cost the government an, average of US$ 0.78. Conclusion Further cuts in government funding will increase future costs, when epidemic malaria returns; investment in malaria control should therefore continue at least at current levels,of US$ 0.03 per person a risk.


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Globalization creates new opportunities for firms to invest abroad and many economies are making active efforts to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in order to promote economic growth. Decisions to invest abroad depend on a complex set of factors, but the least corrupt countries may attract more foreign direct investment because they provide a more favorable climate for investors. In this paper we investigate the impact of corruption on FDI inflows in 73 countries, over the period 1998-2008. Our results suggest that countries where corruption is lower, the FDI inflows are greater, and so controlling corruption may be an important strategy for increase FDI inflows.


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This paper operates at the interface of the literature on the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on host countries, and the literature on the determinants of institutional quality. We argue that FDI contributes to economic development by improving institutional quality in the host country and we attempt to test this proposition using a large panel data set of 70 developing countries during the period 1981 and 2005, and we show that FDI inflows have a positive and highly significant impact on property rights. The result appears to be very robust and is and not affected by model specification, different control variables, or a particular estimation technique. As far as we are aware this is the first paper to empirically test the FDI – property rights linkage.


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In this paper we analyze the effects of both tactical and programmatic politics on the inter-regional allocation of infrastructure investment. We use a panel of data for the Spanish electoral districts during the period 1964-2004 to estimate an equation where investment depends both on economic and political variables. The results show that tactical politics do matter since, after controlling for economic traits, the districts with more ‘Political power’ still receive more investment. These districts are those where the incumbents’ Vote margin of victory/ defeat in the past election is low, where the Marginal seat price is low, where there is Partisan alignment between the executives at the central and regional layers of government, and where there are Pivotal regional parties which are influential in the formation of the central executive. However, the results also show that programmatic politics matter, since inter-regional redistribution (measured as the elasticity of investment to per capita income) is shown to increase with the arrival of the Democracy and EU Funds, with Left governments, and to decrease the higher is the correlation between a measure of ‘Political power’ and per capita income.