995 resultados para investment aid


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TE-keskusten toimenkuvaan ei ole kuulunut systemaattisesti selvittää hankkeen päätyttyä tuen vaikutuksia. Vaikuttavuusarviointi on ollut lähinnä hankkeen aloitusajankohdan tietojen keräämistä yrityksiltä. Ensimmäisen ohjelmakauden 1995 - 1999 yritystukien vaikuttavuutta ei ole tutkittu Etelä-Karjalassa jälkikäteisarvioinnilla. Tutkimus selvitti, mitä yhteiskunnallisia ja yrityskohtaisia vaikutuksia TE-keskuksen yritystuilla on ollut 3-5 vuoden jälkeen viimeisestä tukirahan maksatuksesta. Vaikuttavuutta mitattiin laaditulla kyselylomakkeella. Lisäksi tutkimustuloksia verrattiin TE-keskuksen etukäteisarviointituloksiin tukien vaikutuksista. Tutkimustulokset painottuvat eri vaikuttavuustekijöihin kuin TE-keskuksen tuloksissa. Kysely osoitti suurimmiksi tukien vaikutuksiksi yrityksen kilpailukyvyn muutoksen, muun rahoituksen helpomman saannin ja hankkeen nopeamman toteuttamisen. Muut merkittävimmät vaikutukset olivat yritysten tuotteiden ja palveluiden laadun sekä teknologiatason parantaminen ja tuotantomenetelmien kehittäminen. Yritystuilla on myös muita vaikutuksia, mutta ne jäävät alueella pieniksi. Vuoden 2003 lopussa yritystukea saaneista 366 yrityksestä vain 49 % oli toiminnassa olevaa ja 51 % todennäköisesti toimintansa lopettanutta. Tuilla luotiin vain 184 uutta työpaikkaa Etelä-Karjalaan. Keskimäärin syntyi yksi uusi työpaikka yritystä kohden, joka maksoi 38 200 euroa. Tehty arviointi osoittaa tukien vaikuttavuuden jäävän pienemmäksi kuin TE-keskuksen etukäteisarvioinnissa.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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We assess the determinants of Chinese direct investment in Africa compared with those of global FDI. We find that economic size and macroeconomic stability are positively correlated with Chinese and global FDI in Africa. Institutional variables, such as accountability and rule of law, are not significant in either case and the same can be said about FDI-aid complementarities. The presence of oil is a determinant of Chinese FDI but not of global FDI into Africa. Conversely, the openness of the economy is a determinant for global FDI but not of Chinese FDI, which appears to favour closed economies possibly due to industrial organizational concerns. While these differences accord with intuition, we find no evidence for the claim that Chinese FDI in Africa is related to non-economic governance in a specific way that differs from global practice. More refined governance indicators should be used to verify whether Chinese and global FDI into Africa remain indistinguishable on this score: we plan to do this in future research.


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The paper has three main sections. The first is a review of two particular propositions which appear in Dambisa Moyo’s 2009 book Dead Aid which were not subjected to rigorous analysis in the reviews which appeared following its publication. The finding is that neither proposition survives serious scrutiny – that aid is responsible for most of sub-Saharan Africa’s economic woes and that the international bond market represents a viable alternative to foreign aid for the finance of development-oriented investment. The second questions some of the characteristics and uses of the World Bank’s Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA), particularly focussing on the use of an essentially ordinal measure in cardinal applications. The third subjects the UK Department for International Development’s Needs-Effectiveness Index to critical review, concluding that further consideration of its attributes is necessary.


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The use of expert system techniques in power distribution system design is examined. The selection and siting of equipment on overhead line networks is chosen for investigation as the use of equipment such as auto-reclosers, etc., represents a substantial investment and has a significant effect on the reliability of the system. Through past experience with both equipment and network operations, most decisions in selection and siting of this equipment are made intuitively, following certain general guidelines or rules of thumb. This heuristic nature of the problem lends itself to solution using an expert system approach. A prototype has been developed and is currently under evaluation in the industry. Results so far have demonstrated both the feasibility and benefits of the expert system as a design aid.


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This research examines the scope for more private rented housing as part of securing housing choice and affordability. A comprehensive review covers the current UK planning, housing and investment framework. It examines UK valuation practice and draws lessons from the Netherlands and Canada. UK case studies illustrate how private companies and social organisations are challenging commonly perceived barriers to mixed-use, mixed-tenure and rented housing through imaginative developments and investments. Additionally, the case studies incorporate financial appraisals of actual schemes and illustrate the reasons for different approaches by private and social organisations to assessing financial feasibility, based on their individual objectives. The report provides a practical resource for property professionals, investors and developers as well as an aid to policy makers in understanding property and investment market responses. The research was funded through the Pat Allsop Education Trust.


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This paper contributes to the literature on aid and economic growth. We posit that it is not the levei of aid flows per se but the stability of such flows that determines the impact of aid on economic growth. Three measures of aid instability are employed. One is a simple deviation from trend, and measures overall instability. The other measures are based on auto-regressive estimates to capture deviations from an expected trend. These measures are intended to proxy for uncertainty in aid receipts. We posit that such uncertainty will influence the relationship between aid and investment and how recipient governments respond to aid, and will therefore affect how aid impacts on growth. We estimate a standard cross-country growth regression including the leveI of aid, and find aid to be insignificant (in line with other results in the literature). We then introduce measures of instability. Aid remains insignificant when we account for overall instability. However, when we account for uncertainty (which is negative and significant), we find that aid has a significant positive effect on growth. We conduct stability tests that show that the significance of aid is largely due to its effect on the volume of investment. The finding that uncertainty of aid receipts reduces the effectiveness of aid is robust. When we control for this, aid appears to have a significant positive influence on growth. When the regression is estimated for the sub-sample of African countries these findings hold, although the effectiveness of aid appears weaker than for the full sample.


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Includes bibliography


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Investment in capacity expansion remains one of the most critical decisions for a manufacturing organisation with global production facilities. Multiple factors need to be considered making the decision process very complex. The purpose of this paper is to establish the state-of-the-art in multi-factor models for capacity expansion of manufacturing plants within a corporation. The research programme consisting of an extensive literature review and a structured assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the current research is presented. The study found that there is a wealth of mathematical multi-factor models for evaluating capacity expansion decisions however no single contribution captures all the different facets of the problem.


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Magyarországon az elmúlt évtizedben a vállalatoknak nyújtott állami támogatás GDP-arányosan számolva az európai uniós átlag 2,7-szerese volt. A cikk megvizsgálja, hogy a támogatások hatása megjelenik-e a magyar gazdaság beruházási, foglalkoztatási, jövedelemtermelési teljesítményében és versenyképességében. Arra a következtetésre jut, hogy egyik területen sem jobb a helyzet, mint azokban az országokban, amelyekben lényegesen alacsonyabb a támogatási arány. A mikroszintű elemzések, értékelések sem támasztják alá azt a vélekedést, hogy az állami támogatások érzékelhetően javítják a gazdasági teljesítményt. A források bősége önmagában is okoz hatékonysági problémákat, mert sok program és szervezet versenyez egymással. A rossz (gyengébb hatékonysági követelményeket támasztó) programok kiszorítják a jó programokat. Ha a versenyképességet érdemben befolyásoló tényezők, például a kedvező jogi szabályozási környezet és az üzleti szolgáltatások jól működő piacai nem adottak, akkor ezek hiányát nem ellensúlyozza a támogatások magas szintje. Magyarország az idén indult hétéves programozási időszakban tovább kívánja növelni a vállalatoknak nyújtott állami támogatások mértékét, miközben nincs egyértelmű válasz arra a kérdésre, hogy milyen módon növelhető a támogatási rendszer jelenleg alacsony hatékonysága. _____ State aid given to enterprises as a proportion of Hungary�s GDP has been 2.7 times the EU average over the past decade. The article examines whether any impact of this high level of state aid can be discerned in investment, employment, income- generation performance, or competitiveness of the Hungarian economy. It seems that in none of these areas is the situation better than in countries that have a markedly lower rate of state aid. Micro-level analyses and evaluations do not support the belief that state aid appreciably improves economic performance. A wealth of resources on its own can cause problems with efficiency, as many programs and organizations compete with each other. Bad (less demanding) programs nudge out the good ones. If the factors significantly determining competitiveness, including a favourable legal and regulatory environment and well-functioning markets of business services, are not in place, a high level of state aid cannot be a proxy for them. In the seven-year programming period beginning this year, Hungary plans to further increase the amount of state aid to enterprises, while there is no clear answer as to how to improve the currently poor efficiency of the state aid system.