904 resultados para intuitive robot programming


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The main objective of this master's thesis is to study robot programming using simulation software, and also how to embed the simulation software into company's own robot controlling software. The further goal is to study a new communication interface to the assembly line's components -more precisely how to connect the robot cell into this new communication system. Conveyor lines are already available where the conveyors use the new communication standard. The robot cell is not yet capable of communicating with to other devices using the new communication protocols. The main problem among robot manufacturers is that they all have their own communication systems and programming languages. There has not been any common programming language to program all the different robot manufacturers robots, until the RRS (Realistic Robot Simulation) standards were developed. The RRS - II makes it possible to create the robot programs in the simulation software and it gives a common user interface for different robot manufacturers robots. This thesis will present the RRS - II standard and the robot manufacturers situation for the RRS - II support. Thesis presents how the simulation software can be embedded into company's own robot controlling software and also how the robot cell can be connected to the CAMX (Computer Aided Manufacturing using XML) communication system.


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This paper presents a novel tablet based end-user interface for industrial robot programming (called Hammer). This application makes easier to program tasks for industrial robots like polishing, milling or grinding. It is based on the Scratch programming language, but specifically design and created for Android OS. It is a visual programming concept that allows non-skilled programmer operators to create programs. The application also allows to monitor the tasks while it is being executed by overlapping real time information through augmented reality. The application includes a teach pendant screen that can be customized according to the operator needs at every moment.


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Robotin ohjelmointi on aikaa vievää ja tarvitsee robotin ohjelmoinnin tuntevan operaattorin toimimaan robotin opettajana. Saadakseen robottisolun kustannustehokkaaksi operaattorilla olisi hyvä olla useampi solu hoidettavanaan samaan aikaan. Tämä ei ole suuri ongelma suurille yrityksille, joissa voi olla kymmeniä robottisoluja. Jos kyseessä on pieni tai keskisuuri yritys, automatisointi-investointi voi jäädä tekemättä ohjelmoinnin vaikeuden aiheuttaman ongelman vuoksi. Diplomityössä keskityttiin tutkimaan robotisointia pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten kannalta. Teoriaosassa on keskitytty robottisolun suunnittelun kannalta tarvittaviin perustietoihin robotin rakenteesta, ohjausjärjestelmästä, ohjelmoinnista sekä turvallisuudesta. Näiden perustietojen lisäksi on huomioitu hitsauksen automatisointia sekä taluttamalla ohjelmoitavan robottisolun tekninen konsepti. Taluttamalla ohjelmoitavan robottisolun konseptin käsittelyosassa on myös perehdytty taluttamalla ohjelmoinnin vaatimiin komponentteihin kuten voima/vääntö-anturi. Robottisolun suunnittelu on tehtävä koneasetuksen vaatimusten mukaan. Turvallisuus osiossa on käsitelty koneasetuksen vaatimuksia koneensuunnittelulle ja käytännön osassa on käsitelty Winnovan taluttamalla ohjelmoitavan robottisolun suunnittelua koneasetuksen ohjeiden mukaan. Käytännön osassa on tutkittu taluttamalla ohjelmoinnin tuomia etuja muihin ohjelmointimenetelmiin nähden sekä suoritettu investointilaskelmat taluttamalla ohjelmoitavasta ja opettamalla ohjelmoitavasta robottisolusta. Koetuloksista nähdään taluttamalla ohjelmoinnin olevan nopeampi ja yksinkertaisempi tapa ohjelmoida robottia kuin opettamalla ohjelmointi. Investointilaskelmien vertailusta nähdään taluttamalla ohjelmoinnin tulevan opettamalla ohjelmointia edullisemmaksi vaihtoehdoksi käyttökustannusten edullisuuden ansiosta.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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La idea del proyecto viene del concepto de “fábricas del futuro”, donde las barreras entre robots y humanos se rompen para que la colaboración entre ambos sea como en un equipo. Para la realización de este proyecto se ha utilizado el brazo robótico IRB120 de la marca ABB de 6 Grados de libertad, Matlab y el software Robot Studio. El Objetivo principal de este proyecto es establecer el protocolo de comunicación trabajador-robot mediante imágenes. El trabajador debería poder controlar el robot mediante dibujos realizados en la mesa de trabajo. En el desarrollo de la comunicación trabajador-robot cabe distinguir tres partes: · El análisis y tratamiento de imágenes para el cual se ha utilizado el software Matlab. · Transmisión de los datos desde Matlab al robot. · Programación de las acciones a realizar por el robot mediante el software “Robot Studio”. Con el protocolo de comunicación desarrollado y las imágenes realizadas por el trabajador el robot es capaz de detectar lo siguiente: · la herramienta que debe utilizar (rotulador, boli o ventosa) · si lo que tiene que dibujar en la mesa de trabajo son puntos o trazo continuo. · la localización de los puntos o del trazo continuo en la mesa de trabajo. Se ha alcanzado el objetivo propuesto con éxito, el protocolo de comunicación trabajador-robot mediante imágenes ha sido establecido. Mediante el análisis y tratamiento de imágenes se puede conseguir la información necesaria para que el robot pueda ejecutar las acciones requeridas por el trabajador.


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Learning from demonstration becomes increasingly popular as an efficient way of robot programming. Not only a scientific interest acts as an inspiration in this case but also the possibility of producing the machines that would find application in different areas of life: robots helping with daily routine at home, high performance automata in industries or friendly toys for children. One way to teach a robot to fulfill complex tasks is to start with simple training exercises, combining them to form more difficult behavior. The objective of the Master’s thesis work was to study robot programming with visual input. Dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) were chosen as a tool for motion learning and generation. Assuming a movement to be a spring system influenced by an external force, making this system move, DMPs represent the motion as a set of non-linear differential equations. During the experiments the properties of DMP, such as temporal and spacial invariance, were examined. The effect of the DMP parameters, including spring coefficient, damping factor, temporal scaling, on the trajectory generated were studied.


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This work presents the development and integration of an user interface (UI) framework based on various current input devices that take advantage of our ergonomics. The purpose is to teleoperate a holonomic robot using upper member gestures and postures for studying the suitable of such interfaces when programming and interacting with a mobile robot. As performance vary from UI to UI the framework is focused to be used as a complementary industrial or didactic tool thus, changing how inexperience users tackle their first impressions when working with mobile robots while performing simple gesture-based teleoperation tasks. © 2012 ICROS.


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La crescente disponibilità di dispositivi meccanici e -soprattutto - elettronici le cui performance aumentano mentre il loro costo diminuisce, ha permesso al campo della robotica di compiere notevoli progressi. Tali progressi non sono stati fatti unicamente per ciò che riguarda la robotica per uso industriale, nelle catene di montaggio per esempio, ma anche per quella branca della robotica che comprende i robot autonomi domestici. Questi sistemi autonomi stanno diventando, per i suddetti motivi, sempre più pervasivi, ovvero sono immersi nello stesso ambiente nel quale vivono gli essere umani, e interagiscono con questi in maniera proattiva. Essi stanno compiendo quindi lo stesso percorso che hanno attraversato i personal computer all'incirca 30 anni fa, passando dall'essere costosi ed ingombranti mainframe a disposizione unicamente di enti di ricerca ed università, ad essere presenti all'interno di ogni abitazione, per un utilizzo non solo professionale ma anche di assistenza alle attività quotidiane o anche di intrattenimento. Per questi motivi la robotica è un campo dell'Information Technology che interessa sempre più tutti i tipi di programmatori software. Questa tesi analizza per prima cosa gli aspetti salienti della programmazione di controllori per robot autonomi (ovvero senza essere guidati da un utente), quindi, come l'approccio basato su agenti sia appropriato per la programmazione di questi sistemi. In particolare si mostrerà come un approccio ad agenti, utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione Jason e quindi l'architettura BDI, sia una scelta significativa, dal momento che il modello sottostante a questo tipo di linguaggio è basato sul ragionamento pratico degli esseri umani (Human Practical Reasoning) e quindi è adatto alla implementazione di sistemi che agiscono in maniera autonoma. Dato che le possibilità di utilizzare un vero e proprio sistema autonomo per poter testare i controllori sono ridotte, per motivi pratici, economici e temporali, mostreremo come è facile e performante arrivare in maniera rapida ad un primo prototipo del robot tramite l'utilizzo del simulatore commerciale Webots. Il contributo portato da questa tesi include la possibilità di poter programmare un robot in maniera modulare e rapida per mezzo di poche linee di codice, in modo tale che l'aumento delle funzionalità di questo risulti un collo di bottiglia, come si verifica nella programmazione di questi sistemi tramite i classici linguaggi di programmazione imperativi. L'organizzazione di questa tesi prevede un capitolo di background nel quale vengono riportare le basi della robotica, della sua programmazione e degli strumenti atti allo scopo, un capitolo che riporta le nozioni di programmazione ad agenti, tramite il linguaggio Jason -quindi l'architettura BDI - e perché tale approccio è adatto alla programmazione di sistemi di controllo per la robotica. Successivamente viene presentata quella che è la struttura completa del nostro ambiente di lavoro software che comprende l'ambiente ad agenti e il simulatore, quindi nel successivo capitolo vengono mostrate quelle che sono le esplorazioni effettuate utilizzando Jason e un approccio classico (per mezzo di linguaggi classici), attraverso diversi casi di studio di crescente complessità; dopodiché, verrà effettuata una valutazione tra i due approcci analizzando i problemi e i vantaggi che comportano questi. Infine, la tesi terminerà con un capitolo di conclusioni e di riflessioni sulle possibili estensioni e lavori futuri.


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Työn tavoitteena oli uuden konenäköpohjaisen hitsausrobottiaseman käyttöönotto ja järjestelmän kehittäminen siten, että voitiin mahdollistaa vähintään vaadittu 70 %:n kaariaikasuhde ohjelmien sisällä. Aseman käyttöönotolla pyrittiin tehostamaan hitsaustyötä ja helpottamaan tuotanto-paineita osavalmistuksen paneeli-linjalla. Hitsausasemalla parannetaan myös työntekijöiden työergonomiaa sekä koko työn imagoa. Kirjallisen osan tarkoituksena oli tutkia robotisoitua hitsausta ja sen tuomia etuja, verrata jo olemassa olevia ohjelmointimenetelmiä uuteen ohjelmointitapaan ja selvittää robottien tarkkuuksia. Kirjallisuusosan jälkimmäisessä osassa tutustuttiin konenäköön ja sen laitteistoihin sekä sovelluksiin. Kirjallisuus-tutkimuksessa selvisi, että uusi ohjelmointimenetelmä on selvä parannus kyseiseen sovellukseen. Käytännön osassa on esitelty konenäköpohjainen hitsausrobottiasema sen suunnittelusta, käyttöönottoon ja tuotantotesteihin asti. Käytännön osassa on lisäksi esitelty asema osana koko automatisointiprojektia. Lisäksi on kerrottu järjestelmän toiminnasta sekä makroista, joihin robotin toiminta perustuu. Lopuksi on tehty katsaus maailmalla olevista vastaavista järjestelmistä ja niiden teknologioista sekä verrattiin niitä tähän uuteen järjestelmään. Tavoitteena olleeseen 70% kaariaikasuhteeseen ohjelmien sisällä päästiin jo lyhyen koejakson aikana. Käyttöönotettu konenäköpohjainen hitsausrobottiasema on tiettävästi ensimmäinen hitsausasema maailmassa, jota ei tarvitse ohjelmoida etukäteen. Ohjelmointiin kuluva aika on minimaalinen, koska operaattori ohjelmoi robotin sen hitsatessa tuotetta. Kokeellinen osa osoitti, että käyttöönotettu konenäköpohjainen hitsausrobottiasema toimii, kuten se oli suunniteltukin. Käyttöönoton yhteydessä huomattiin monia kehitettäviä asioita, joilla järjestelmästä on mahdollista saada vieläkin tehokkaampi.


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This paper describes the UNESP robotic team in the medical trash collector task, proposed on the 5 rd IEEE Latin American Robots Competition in the LEGO category. We present our understanding of the task and discuss the proposed solution, focusing on the mechanical and computational issues of the robots. The mechanics is based on rigid body capability of transforming rotational into curvilinear movement. With respect to the computational control, the system is modeled as a reactive system with sequential transition of behaviors. A state-machine is proposed to allow this transition, and the synchronization of robotic states is guaranteed by the communication system. The proposed approach has shown itself capable of dealing with the high difficulty degree of this cooperative task. ©2006 IEEE.


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One of the most important characteristics of intelligent activity is the ability to change behaviour according to many forms of feedback. Through learning an agent can interact with its environment to improve its performance over time. However, most of the techniques known that involves learning are time expensive, i.e., once the agent is supposed to learn over time by experimentation, the task has to be executed many times. Hence, high fidelity simulators can save a lot of time. In this context, this paper describes the framework designed to allow a team of real RoboNova-I humanoids robots to be simulated under USARSim environment. Details about the complete process of modeling and programming the robot are given, as well as the learning methodology proposed to improve robot's performance. Due to the use of a high fidelity model, the learning algorithms can be widely explored in simulation before adapted to real robots. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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In the context of computer numerical control (CNC) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM), the capabilities of programming languages such as symbolic and intuitive programming, program portability and geometrical portfolio have special importance -- They allow to save time and to avoid errors during part programming and permit code re-usage -- Our updated literature review indicates that the current state of art presents voids in parametric programming, program portability and programming flexibility -- In response to this situation, this article presents a compiler implementation for EGCL (Extended G-code Language), a new, enriched CNC programming language which allows the use of descriptive variable names, geometrical functions and flow-control statements (if-then-else, while) -- Our compiler produces low-level generic, elementary ISO-compliant Gcode, thus allowing for flexibility in the choice of the executing CNC machine and in portability -- Our results show that readable variable names and flow control statements allow a simplified and intuitive part programming and permit re-usage of the programs -- Future work includes allowing the programmer to define own functions in terms of EGCL, in contrast to the current status of having them as library built-in functions


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Industrial robots are both versatile and high performant, enabling the flexible automation typical of the modern Smart Factories. For safety reasons, however, they must be relegated inside closed fences and/or virtual safety barriers, to keep them strictly separated from human operators. This can be a limitation in some scenarios in which it is useful to combine the human cognitive skill with the accuracy and repeatability of a robot, or simply to allow a safe coexistence in a shared workspace. Collaborative robots (cobots), on the other hand, are intrinsically limited in speed and power in order to share workspace and tasks with human operators, and feature the very intuitive hand guiding programming method. Cobots, however, cannot compete with industrial robots in terms of performance, and are thus useful only in a limited niche, where they can actually bring an improvement in productivity and/or in the quality of the work thanks to their synergy with human operators. The limitations of both the pure industrial and the collaborative paradigms can be overcome by combining industrial robots with artificial vision. In particular, vision can be exploited for a real-time adjustment of the pre-programmed task-based robot trajectory, by means of the visual tracking of dynamic obstacles (e.g. human operators). This strategy allows the robot to modify its motion only when necessary, thus maintain a high level of productivity but at the same time increasing its versatility. Other than that, vision offers the possibility of more intuitive programming paradigms for the industrial robots as well, such as the programming by demonstration paradigm. These possibilities offered by artificial vision enable, as a matter of fact, an efficacious and promising way of achieving human-robot collaboration, which has the advantage of overcoming the limitations of both the previous paradigms yet keeping their strengths.