875 resultados para intestinal villi


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This study aimed at evaluating the effect of the use of different growth promoters on the morphometry and ultra-structure of the intestinal mucosa of 42-day-old broilers. A total number of 36 male Cobb broilers was distributed in a randomized experimental design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, with 3 prebiotic and 3 probiotic sources in the feed, summing up 9 treatments, with 4 replicates each. There was a significant interaction (P<0.01) among the studied factor for villi height (VH) in all intestinal segments, and for crypt depth (CD) in the duodenum and the ileum. In the duodenum, higher villi were obtained in the control group, with the combination of B. subtilis and prebiotics, and with the single use of MOS+OA. No VH differences were observed between the control group and those fed prebiotics. In the jejunum, the highest villi were obtained with the use of the bacterial pool, followed by the control group, and by the use of B. subtilis. Higher villi were also obtained in the control group and in the groups fed MOS, when B. subtilis was used in combination with prebiotics, and when the bacterial pool was used individually or in combination with MOS. In the ileum, the highest villi were obtained with the individual use of B. subtilis, and when MOS+OA or MOS were individually used or in combination with the bacterial pool. As to duodenal CID, deeper crypts were observed in the control group and in those fed B. subtilis or MOS+OA. In the ileum, deeper crypts were also found in the control group and those fed B. subtilis. Deeper crypts were also found when the bacterial pool was individually used or in combination with MOS+OA, and with the individual use of MOS. It was concluded that the use of growth promoters was beneficial to Increase intestinal villi height when Bacillus subtilis was used in combination with prebiotics. The other growth promoters (MOS+OA, MOS, and bacterial pool), can be individually used in most situations. The tested growth promoters did not influence intestinal villi density.


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Um experimento foi realizado com leitões desmamados visando avaliar os efeitos de oito tratamentos, correspondentes à combinação dos fatores, apresentações de ração (seca e úmida), tipos de ração (sem e com edulcorante) e tipos de água de consumo (sem e com edulcorante) sobre o desenvolvimento morfológico e enzimático intestinal. Foram avaliadas a altura das vilosidades (V), a profundidade das criptas (C) e a relação altura das vilosidades e profundidade das criptas (V:C) do duodeno e do jejuno, o conteúdo de proteína na mucosa do jejuno, e as atividades enzimáticas (UA) da maltase, sacarase e dipeptidase. Utilizaram-se 32 leitões machos castrados, Large White x Landrace, desmamados aos 21 dias, submetidos aos tratamentos durante oito dias. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com oito tratamentos, fatorial 2 x 2 x 2, com quatro repetições. Foram observadas diferenças para a altura das vilosidades do duodeno para os grupos tratados com dieta úmida e ração com edulcorante e para a relação V:C do duodeno para os animais que receberam ração com edulcorante. Houve diferença para a UA da sacarase e da maltase para os grupos que receberam água sem edulcorante. As características histológicas foram favorecidas pelas dietas úmidas, o que pode sugerir que esta apresentação foi menos agressiva ao trato digestivo. Para os demais fatores os resultados contrariaram as expectativas de que o tratamento água com edulcorante melhoraria a qualidade do epitélio intestinal. A fase crítica pela qual os leitões foram submetidos, possivelmente, comprometeu os resultados.


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The purpose of this work was to study the effects of oral administration of lactoferrin (Lf) in rats subjected to atrophy of the small intestine induced by a diet based on soy protein concentrate as the main protein source. We used 24 male Wistar rats aged 40 days, kept in individual cages under appropriate conditions of temperature, light and humidity. The animals were divided into four groups (n = 6); 1) group SL received soy-based food and, once a day, a supplement of 200mg/kg of Lf administered by gavage; 2) group Si received the soy feed without supplement of Lf; 3) group CL received a diet based on casein plus Lf; 4) group Ci received the casein diet without supplement of Lf. At the end of fifteen days, a 10 mm segment of the initial portion of the small intestine was sectioned and subjected to morphometry of the intestinal crypts and villi and assessment of the number and size of myofibroblasts. Comparison between groups showed that the length of the villi was similar in groups Ci and CL and higher in CL than in SL; SL than in Si, in Ci than in SL, and in Ci than in Si to Ci. The crypt depth was similar in SL and CL, SL and Ci and Ci and CL and was higher in Si than in Ci and in Si than in SL. The number of myofibroblasts was higher in SL than in CL, in SL than in Si, in CL than in Ci, and in SL than in and Ci; between Ci and Si there was no difference. The area of myofibroblasts was similar between the groups SL and CL and Si and Ci and higher in SL than in Si, and in Cl than in and Ci, and in SL than in Ci. All statistical analysis assumed significance when p < 0.05. From these results, we conclude that lactoferrin increases the number and size of the pericrypt myofibroblasts and stimulates rapidly the regeneration of atrophied villi.


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Colostrum intake in newborn goat kids is essential for the acquisition of immunoglobulins (Ig) and influencing development of gastrointestinal mucosa. The present study investigated small intestine structure in the postnatal goat kid fed lyophilized bovine colostrum, an alternative source of antibodies to small ruminants, or goat colostrum using scanning electron microscopy technique. At 0,7 and 14 h of life 15 male newborns received 5% of body weight of lyophilized bovine colostrum (LBC) and 14 goat colostrum (GC), both with 55 mg/mL of IgG. Samples of duodenum, medium jejunum and ileum were collected at 18, 36 and 96 h of life. Three animals were sampled at birth without colostrum intake (0 h). The enteric tissues were analyzed for villi density (villi/cm(2)) and morphological characteristics. The villi density did not differ between treatment, sampling time and intestinal segments (P>0.05). The morphological characteristics were not different between LBC and GC in all segments. Duodenal villi were fingerlike, thick and short, and with different heights. Duodenal folds could also be verified. Frequent anastomoses in all sampling times were observed in this segment. In the jejunum, fingerlike villi, thin and thick, of different heights were observed in all sampling times as well as leaf-shaped villi. Vacuoles with colostrum were observed in the jejunum of goats sampled at 18 h of life. In ileum, fingerlike villi were observed in all sampling times. At 0 and 96 h of life, thick and low villi were verified while at 18 and 36 h the villi showed different heights and widths. At all sampling times, regularly cell extrusion processes were observed with grouped cells at the apex of the ileum villi and with isolated cells along the villi. In the first 4 days of goat kids' life the small intestine structure was unaffected by different sources of colostrum, goat or lyophilized bovine, and by the replacement of fetal enterocytes, which are able to absorb macromolecules, by adult-type ones. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Beta toxin (CPB) is known to be an essential virulence factor in the development of lesions of Clostridium perfringens type C enteritis in different animal species. Its target cells and exact mechanism of toxicity have not yet been clearly defined. Here, we evaluate the suitability of a neonatal piglet jejunal loop model to investigate early lesions of C. perfringens type C enteritis. Immunohistochemically, CPB was detected at microvascular endothelial cells in intestinal villi during early and advanced stages of lesions induced by C. perfringens type C. This was first associated with capillary dilatation and subsequently with widespread hemorrhage in affected intestinal segments. CPB was, however, not demonstrated on intestinal epithelial cells. This indicates a tropism of CPB toward endothelial cells and suggests that CPB-induced endothelial damage plays an important role in the early stages of C. perfringens type C enteritis in pigs.


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As Aeromonas são consideradas patógenos em potenciais para o homem e animais e estão amplamente distribuídas no ambiente sendo a água e os alimentos importantes veículos de transmissão. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado que a patologia causada pela infecção por Aeromonas é complexa e envolvem inúmeros fatores de virulência, dentre eles a aderência, invasão, enterotoxinas, hemolisinas, exoenzimas, sideróforos, flagelos, formação de biofilme e mecanismos de secreção. No presente estudo, analisamos os mecanismos de patogênese mediados por A. caviae e A. hydrophila, avaliando a participação desses microrganismos nos processos de adesão, invasão, persistência intracelular e citotoxidade celular. Foram utilizados ensaios quantitativos in vitro para testar associação, invasão e persistência intracelular em linhagens celulares HEp-2 e/ou T84. A interação de tecidos intestinais de coelho cultivados in vitro (IVOC) com três cepas de A. caviae originárias de fezes diarréicas também foi avaliada. Observamos que 10 (62,5%) das 16 cepas de Aeromonas spp. de diferentes origens, submetidas aos testes de invasão quantitativos foram capazes de invadir células HEp-2 e T84 em 6 horas de incubação. As cepas positivas nos testes de invasão foram submetidas ao teste quantitativo de persistência em células HEp-2 e sobreviveram no ambiente intracelular por 48 e/ou 72 horas sem multiplicação. A interação de três cepas de A. caviae com a mucosa intestinal de coelho ex vivo resultou em aderência, produção de muco e alterações como, intensa vacuolização e drástica desorganização estrutural que levaram a destruição das microvilosidades intestinais. Este estudo demonstrou que subconjuntos de cepas de A. caviae e A. hydrophila de diversas origens, foram capazes de invadir, persistir ou destruir linhagens celulares in vitro. Nosso estudo também evidenciou que cepas de A. caviae causaram expressivas alterações morfológicas que resultaram na destruição de epitélios intestinais de coelho ex vivo. Finalmente, nossos resultados contribuíram para reforçar o potencial patogênico de cepas de Aeromonas, em especial, as de origem vegetal e clínica.


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Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa avaliar o desempenho, o rendimento de carcaça e a morfometria intestinal de frangos de corte criados em diferentes temperaturas e que receberam na fase pré-inicial ração contendo ou não extrato de leveduras e prebiótico. Foram utilizados 1.440 pintos machos de 1 dia de idade, criados em diferentes câmaras climáticas. As rações, acrescidas ou não de extrato de leveduras e prebiótico, foram oferecidas somente na fase pré-inicial (1 a 7 dias). A partir do oitavo dia, todas as aves receberam a mesma ração, reajustada de acordo com as recomendações usuais. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 3 × 2 × 2, composto de três temperaturas de criação (calor, conforto e frio) e dois níveis de extrato de leveduras (com ou sem) e prebiótico (com ou sem). O desempenho das aves foi avaliado considerando o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar e a viabilidade aos 42 dias de idade. Também foram avaliados o rendimento de carcaça e a morfometria intestinal. O calor ambiente prejudicou o desempenho e o rendimento de carcaça. A inclusão de prebiótico na ração pré-inicial aumentou o ganho de peso e melhorou a conversão alimentar das aves criadas no calor. A inclusão dos produtos na ração de frangos de corte criados em ambiente de calor e no frio tem efeito benéfico sobre as vilosidades das aves.


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A trial was conducted to assess the effects of the dietary supplement Yucca schidigera extract on the performance of broilers subjected to different coccidiosis control methods. Six hundred male broiler chicks were randomly allocated to 1 of 5 treatments with 4 replicates each. The treatments were as follows: T1, vaccinated against coccidiosis; T2, nonvaccinated, a dietary coccidiostat; T3, vaccinated against coccidiosis, diet supplemented with Y. schidigera extract (0.01%); T4, coccidiostat plus Y. schidigera extract added to feed (0.01%); and T5, nonvaccinated, nonsupplemented control. The parameters analyzed were bird performance and morphology of the intestinal mucosal surface. The intestinal villi were higher at 6 d of age in broilers treated with coccidiostats or vaccinated against coccidiosis and supplemented with Y. schidigera extract compared with groups receiving the vaccine only or no treatment. Addition of the Y. schidigera extract to the diet of vaccinated birds improved average daily gain and feed conversion rate at 42 d of age compared with the other treatments, suggesting there might be a beneficial, synergistic effect between the coccidiosis vaccine and the Y. schidigera extract.


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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of different energy levels and amino acid recommendations on performance, carcass yield and intestinal morphometry of broilers from 42 to 57 days of age. We used 1,600 one-day old male broilers (Cobb 500) in a completely randomized design arranged in a 2x4 factorial scheme with 3,200 and 3,600 kcal ME/kg and four different feed programs. The metabolizable energy levels and the feed programs did not determine significant differences in carcass characteristics for choosing a level of energy or a feed program, thus the energy level and the recommendations of amino acids that determine the highest cost-benefit ratio should prevail. It was observed that 3,600 kcal ME/kg resulted in some improvement on performance and morphometry of the intestinal mucosa, also the fractioning of digestible amino acid requirements during two periods resulted in worse performance and intestinal villi height.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)