1000 resultados para international migrations


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Includes bibliography


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Immigration, a political, economic, demographic, social and ethic, as well as a medical issue, continues. Among migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented immigrants are characterised by their vulnerability, particularly related to their health status. Western physicians are more and more frequently confronted to "colorful" and often vulnerable patients. They face diseases related to international migrations; and at the same time have to integrate the differences in representations and meanings given to illness by patients of diverse origins. A bio-psychosocial and spiritual approach coupled with an evaluation of pre-migration, migration and post-migration trajectories is therefore useful for the clinician; these complementary approaches have all been integrated in the learning of cultural competencies.


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Research on the relationship between reproductive work and women´s life trajectories including the experience of labour migration has mainly focused on the case of relatively young mothers who leave behind, or later re-join, their children. While it is true that most women migrate at a younger age, there are a significant number of cases of men and women who move abroad for labour purposes at a more advanced stage, undertaking a late-career migration. This is still an under-estimated and under-researched sub-field that uncovers a varied range of issues, including the global organization of reproductive work and the employment of migrant women as domestic workers late in their lives. By pooling the findings of two qualitative studies, this article focuses on Peruvian and Ukrainian women who seek employment in Spain and Italy when they are well into their forties, or older. A commonality the two groups of women share is that, independently of their level of education and professional experience, more often than not they end up as domestic and care workers. The article initially discusses the reasons for late-career female migration, taking into consideration the structural and personal determinants that have affected Peruvian and Ukrainian women’s careers in their countries of origin and settlement. After this, the focus is set on the characteristics of domestic employment at later life, on the impact on their current lives, including the transnational family organization, and on future labour and retirement prospects. Apart from an evaluation of objective working and living conditions, we discuss women’s personal impressions of being domestic workers in the context of their occupational experiences and family commitments. In this regard, women report varying levels of personal and professional satisfaction, as well as different patterns of continuity-discontinuity in their work and family lives, and of optimism towards the future. Divergences could be, to some extent, explained by the effect of migrants´ transnational social practices and policies of states.


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Este artigo introduz o conceito de cidadania associado à sua concretização no âmbito da saúde em contextos de diversidade. Conjuga resultados de vários projetos de investigação de cariz qualitativo como forma de ilustrar algumas das estratégias concebidas pelo Estado e pela sociedade civil em resposta às mudanças trazidas pelas migrações internacionais. Assim, identificam-se as necessidades da população, as barreiras de acesso aos cuidados de saúde, as principais fontes de desigualdades e iniquidade e algumas das estratégias desenvolvidas na promoção da equidade em saúde, alertando para a importância de levar em consideração as questões culturais e as de índole socioeconómica.


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The number of hypothesis trying to explain which are the reasons behind the decision to migrate to work into a developed country are diverse and at the same time, difficult to test due to the multiplicity of factors which affect it. This papers attempts to move forward trying to disentangle which are the socio-economic factors that explain the differences in the figures of immigrants in the OECD countries. We show empirical evidence about the determinants of the migratory flows to 17 OECD countries from 65 countries in the 1980-2000 period. Our results reveal the importance to differentiate the inflows composition by at least income in the origin countries. Thus, regarding inflows from non-high-income countries, the results suggest that there is a pull effect from monetary and not real income, and then, the welfare magnets hypothesis should be rejected. This group reacts more to the migratory policy than the inflows coming from high-income countries, although those policies designed to slow down the inflows have not been able, in the aggregate, to reduce them.


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Au cours des dernières décennies, les recherches articulant sport et travail se sont beaucoup développées. Elles portent sur un large ensemble de questions comme le fonctionnement des organisations sportives, les carrières des sportifs de haut niveau, la croissance d'un secteur économique et de métiers de l'intervention sportive, les migrations internationales des sportifs, les discriminations sexuelles ou raciales dans l'accès aux marchés du travail sportif, etc. Ici nous mettons l'accent sur une dimension, centrale, des activités sportives : la compétition. Et notre objectif est d'analyser les mécanismes de production de la performance sportive. Nous considérons celle-ci comme le résultat d'un travail qui n'engage pas les seuls sportifs, avec leurs aptitudes, qualités ou capacités individuelles. Nous la définissons comme une activité collective, qui mobilise une pluralité d'acteurs, institutions, organisations. À travers une variété d'opérations de jugement, d'évaluation, de reconnaissance, de qualification, de cotation, de sélection, ces acteurs contribuent, de manière directe et décisive, à produire la performance sportive. En présentant des travaux empiriques qui argumentent cette problématique et la mobilisent dans des domaines variés (cyclisme, rugby, judo, etc.), nous invitons au développement de recherches sur le travail sportif. In recent decades, there has been much development in research connecting sport and work. It covers a wide range of questions such as how sports organisations operate, the careers of top-level athletes, the growth of an economic sector and its specific jobs, the international migrations of athletes, sexual or racial discrimination in access to the labour market in sport, etc. Here, we place the emphasis on one central dimension of sports activities : competition. Our objective is to analyse the mechanisms of production of sports performance. We consider this to be the outcome of work that does not only involve athletes, with their individual skills, qualities or capacities. We define it as a collective activity that marshals multiple actors, institutions, organisations. Through a variety of activities of judgement, evaluation, recognition, qualification, classification and selection, these actors contribute directly and decisively to producing sports performance. By presenting empirical work that discusses this issue and applies it in varied domains (cycling, rugby, judo, etc.), we call for the development of research into work in sport.


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La visée de ce mémoire est d’expliquer les récents changements des lois sur l’immigration et l’asile. À prime abord, le moment de ces changements suggère une influence des attentats du 11 septembre 2001. La littérature avance toutefois que ces changements dateraient plutôt de la fin de la Guerre froide. Nous avons donc vérifié deux hypothèses, la première étant que les changements législatifs découlent de l’évolution des flux migratoires, et la seconde voulant qu’ils résultent d’une « connexion sécurité‐migration ». Nous avons d’abord eu recours aux écrits sur les changements institutionnels et les politiques d’immigration et d’asile et sur la constitution des migrations comme enjeu sécuritaire. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le contenu des lois sur l’immigration et l’asile de pays membres de l’OCDE de 1989 à 2008. Deux typologies ont été construites pour évaluer l’effet des flux migratoires sur lesdits changements législatifs. Enfin, une analyse lexicométrique nous a permis d’évaluer le poids des enjeux sécuritaires dans les lois sur l’immigration et l’asile depuis 1989. Nous avons noté l’absence de corrélation entre changements législatifs et flux migratoires mais la présence d’un lien entre ces changements et la « connexion sécurité‐migration ». Le rôle joué par le 11 septembre et d’autres attaques terroristes a été vérifié pour les États‐Unis, le Royaume‐Uni et l’Union européenne. Ce mémoire démontre ainsi la mutation des lois sur l’immigration et l’asile qui sont passées du statut de « régulateur des migrations internationales » à celui de « garant de la sécurité nationale ».


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Este escrito realiza un estudio de los procesos migratorios entre Colombia y Estados Unidos desde el 2000 hasta el 2005, determinando los principales patrones que han promovido dichos movimientos a la luz de aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales.


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In the era of international migration, the experience of homelessness, deriving from the loss of the myth of cultural and ethno-linguistically singularity in contemporary societies, seems to become an universal phenomenon. Questions of home and belonging are key issues in the current discourses on Diaspora which, since the turning point of 1989, developed beyond those academic disciplines concerned with religion. At taking a critical perspective on the loss of analytical categories, this article discusses the enormous proliferation of Diasporaconcepts in social sciences at large, and in particular with regard to discourses on Muslims in Europe.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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O período compreendido entre os anos de 1890 e 1920 marcou a história das migrações internacionais no estado do Pará. Em função de uma forte propaganda migratória na Europa, o Estado paraense foi palco de entrada para muitos imigrantes europeus, entre eles os espanhóis. Atraídos pela agricultura no estado, devido à criação dos núcleos coloniais, muitas famílias de espanhóis, saídos, muitas vezes, de uma situação de pobreza, atravessaram o Atlântico e reconstruíram suas vidas em vários núcleos coloniais do estado do Pará. Sendo assim, a pesquisa propõe investigar quais as contribuições socioeconômicas dos imigrantes espanhóis para o desenvolvimento do Nordeste paraense, e procura entender o processo de introdução desses colonos em território paraense e o seu cotidiano nas colônias, a partir de documentos e entrevistas para demonstrar essa vivência de espanhóis no estado do Pará. Com isso, pretende-se com esta pesquisa dar sua parcela de contribuição para o campo historiográfico dentro dos estudos sobre migração internacional na Amazônia, visto que, existe certa escassez de trabalhos em estudos migratórios na região, salvo alguns trabalhos reconhecidos de pesquisadores que se dedicam ao tema da migração no território paraense.


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El estudio de la obra de Arturo A. Roig pone en evidencia su carácter de “clásico" de la filosofía “nuestroamericana". En efecto, el filósofo ha instituido categorías nuevas, redefinido otras más tradicionales, explorado vías para enriquecer el acervo filosófico con saberes provenientes de otras formas discursivas, escritas o populares trasmitidas por el lenguaje oral, y formado un discipulado prestigioso. Esta producción en su integridad, aun los estudios sobre la Historia de las Ideas Latinoamericanas, fue concebida por su autor como ancilla emancipationis, una “filosofía del concernimiento" en términos de la Filosofía Intercultural. Como homenaje al Maestro Arturo A. Roig se comunica aquí un breve desarrollo teórico que incorpora las categorías de “a priori antropológico" y “moralidades emergentes", así como las redefiniciones de “ciudadanía" y “dignidad humana", a una investigación filosófica intercultural en curso sobre las “ciudadanías interculturales emergentes", resultante de las migraciones que constituyen el “fenómeno biopolítico mayor de nuestro tiempo"


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Changes in today’s society led to the evolution of professional migrations and individual searches for more suitable professional opportunities and careers outside one’s countries. International Placement is nowadays one of the world’s biggest trends in higher education for the future ahead and an appealing demand of the Millennium generations. The following work project aims to study the German business market identifying the most attractive German companies and respective graduate programs for a Nova School of Business and Economics graduate student. The study’s conclusion relies on concrete strategic suggestions regarding the implementation of the results and practical use of the outcome provided.