992 resultados para international diversification


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We examine the newly developed international diversification instruments–iShares traded on the American Stock Exchange. Given the fact that iShares can be created and redeemed at will, the daily price of an iShare is expected to be equal to the daily portfolio value of the underlying assets in the home-country market. Therefore, theoretically, iShare pricing should be influenced by the risk from the iShare's home-country market and not the risk from the US market, per se. We evaluate the risk exposure of iShare prices to the US market (non-fundamental effect) as well as the home-country market (the fundamental effect). We find that most iShare returns are significantly influenced by and sensitive to the US market risk. Moreover, the US market appears to be the key permanent driving factor and the home-country market is a pronounced transitory driving force for iShare prices. These findings indicate the presence of limits of international arbitrage for iShares. As a result, the international diversification benefits of iShares become questionable.


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Investing in real estate markets overseas means venturing into the unknown, where you meet unfamiliar political and economic environments, unstable currencies, strange cultures and languages, and so although the advantages of international diversification might appear attractive, the risks of international investment must not be overlooked. However, capital markets are becoming global markets, and commercial real estate markets are no exception, accordingly despite the difficulties posed by venturing overseas no investor can overlook the potential international investment holds out. Thus, what strategies are appropriate for capitalising on this potential? Three issues must be considered: (1) the potential of the countries real estate market in general; (2) the potential of the individual market sectors; and (3) the investment process itself. Although each step in foreign real estate investment is critical, the initial assessment of opportunities is especially important. Various methods can be used to achieve this but a formal and systematic analysis of aggregate market potential should prove particularly fruitful. The work reported here, therefore, develops and illustrates such a methodology for the over 50 international real estate markets.


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This study investigates the transmission of market-wide volatility between the equity markets and bond markets of Japan, Germany, the U. K., and the U. S. To measure the volatility transmission, the BEKK- a decomposition approach to the multivariate GARCH (1,1) model, is used to examine the cross-market contemporaneous effect of information arrival. Our results suggest that within the domestic cross markets, the volatility transmission is undirectional from the stock market to the bond market. Evidence from international cross-market analysis is mixed, with strong evidence on volatility spillover among these international stock markets, but weak evidence between international stock and bond markets. In addition, there are significant bi-directional volatility transmissions between stock markets in Germany and the U. K., and between Germany and the U. S. The volatility transmissions among these markets suggest that the international diversification of bonds is not prevalent.


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This paper examines the relationship between multinationality and firm performance. The analysis is based on a sample of over 400 UK multinationals, and encompasses both service sector and manufacturing sector multinationals. This paper confirms the non-linear relationship between performance and multinationality that is reported elsewhere in the literature, but offers further analysis of this relationship. Specifically, by correcting for endogeneity in the investment decision, and for shocks in productivity across countries, the paper demonstrates that the returns to multinationality are greater than those that have been reported elsewhere, and persist to higher degrees of international diversification.


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This dissertation comprised of three essays provides justification for the need to pursue research on multinationality and performance with a more fine-grained approach. Essay one is a conceptual response to an article written by Jean-Francois Hennart in 2011 which questions the need and approach toward future research in this domain. I argue that internalization theory does not render multinationality and performance research meaningless and identify key areas where methodological enhancements can be made to strengthen our research findings with regard to Hennart's call for more content validity. Essay two responds to the need for more-fine grained research on the consequences of multinationality by introducing non-traditional measures of performance such as social and environmental performance and adopting a more theoretically relevant construct of regionalization to capture international diversification levels of the firm. Using data from the world's largest 600 firms (based on sales) derived from Bloomberg and the Directory of Corporate Affiliates; I employ general estimating equation analysis to account for the auto-correlated nature of the panel data alongside multivariate regression techniques. Results indicate that regionalization has a positive relationship with economic performance while it has a negative relationship with environmental and social performance outcomes, often referred to as the "Triple Bottom-Line" performance. Essay three builds upon the work in the previous essays by linking the aforementioned performance variables and sample to corporate reputation which has been shown to be a beneficial strategic asset. Using Structural Equation Modeling I explore economic, environmental and social signals as mediators on relationship between regionalization and firm reputation. Results indicate that these variables partially mediate a positive relationship between regionalization and firm reputation. While regionalization positively affects the reputation building signal of economic performance, it aids in reputation building by reducing environmental and social disclosure effects which interestingly impact reputation negatively. In conclusion, the dissertation submits opportunities for future research and contributes to research by demonstrating that regionalization affects performance, but the effect varies in accordance with the performance criterion and context. In some cases, regional diversification may produce competing or conflicting outcomes among the potential strategic objectives of the firm.


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This dissertation comprised of three essays provides justification for the need to pursue research on multinationality and performance with a more fine-grained approach. Essay one is a conceptual response to an article written by Jean-Francois Hennart in 2011 which questions the need and approach toward future research in this domain. I argue that internalization theory does not render multinationality and performance research meaningless and identify key areas where methodological enhancements can be made to strengthen our research findings with regard to Hennart’s call for more content validity. Essay two responds to the need for more-fine grained research on the consequences of multinationality by introducing non-traditional measures of performance such as social and environmental performance and adopting a more theoretically relevant construct of regionalization to capture international diversification levels of the firm. Using data from the world’s largest 600 firms (based on sales) derived from Bloomberg and the Directory of Corporate Affiliates; I employ general estimating equation analysis to account for the auto-correlated nature of the panel data alongside multivariate regression techniques. Results indicate that regionalization has a positive relationship with economic performance while it has a negative relationship with environmental and social performance outcomes, often referred to as the “Triple Bottom-Line” performance. Essay three builds upon the work in the previous essays by linking the aforementioned performance variables and sample to corporate reputation which has been shown to be a beneficial strategic asset. Using Structural Equation Modeling I explore economic, environmental and social signals as mediators on relationship between regionalization and firm reputation. Results indicate that these variables partially mediate a positive relationship between regionalization and firm reputation. While regionalization positively affects the reputation building signal of economic performance, it aids in reputation building by reducing environmental and social disclosure effects which interestingly impact reputation negatively. In conclusion, the dissertation submits opportunities for future research and contributes to research by demonstrating that regionalization affects performance, but the effect varies in accordance with the performance criterion and context. In some cases, regional diversification may produce competing or conflicting outcomes among the potential strategic objectives of the firm.


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During the last few decades there have been far going financial market deregulation, technical development, advances in information technology, and standardization of legislation between countries. As a result, one can expect that financial markets have grown more interlinked. The proper understanding of the cross-market linkages has implications for investment and risk management, diversification, asset pricing, and regulation. The purpose of this research is to assess the degree of price, return, and volatility linkages between both geographic markets and asset categories within one country, Finland. Another purpose is to analyze risk asymmetries, i.e., the tendency of equity risk to be higher after negative events than after positive events of equal magnitude. The analysis is conducted both with respect to total risk (volatility), and systematic risk (beta). The thesis consists of an introductory part and four essays. The first essay studies to which extent international stock prices comove. The degree of comovements is low, indicating benefits from international diversification. The second essay examines the degree to which the Finnish market is linked to the “world market”. The total risk is divided into two parts, one relating to world factors, and one relating to domestic factors. The impact of world factors has increased over time. After 1993, when foreign investors were allowed to freely invest in Finnish assets, the risk level has been higher than previously. This was also the case during the economic recession in the beginning of the 1990’s. The third essay focuses on the stock, bond, and money markets in Finland. According to a trading model, the degree of volatility linkages should be strong. However, the results contradict this. The linkages are surprisingly weak, even negative. The stock market is the most independent, while the money market is affected by events on the two other markets. The fourth essay concentrates on volatility and beta asymmetries. Contrary to many international studies there are only few cases of risk asymmetries. When they occur, they tend to be driven by the market-wide component rather than the portfolio specific element.


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Published as an article in: European Economic Review, 2008, vol. 52, issue 1, pages 1-27.


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[ES] Recientemente estudios previos han comenzado a plantear la posible relación entre el fenómeno de la internacionalización y responsabilidad social corporativa de las organizaciones. En este trabajo analizamos en qué medida la internacionalización contribuye a una mejora sustancial del desempeño social de las empresas. Usando una muestra de 102 empresas estadounidenses de los sectores químico, energético y de maquinaria industrial, nuestros resultados muestran que no todas las dimensiones de la internacionalización permiten a las empresas adquirir conocimiento valioso que conduzca a una mejora de su desempeño social. Concretamente, comprobamos que, mientras el porcentaje de ventas en mercados extranjeros y la diversificación internacional cultural favorecen la puesta en marcha de prácticas de responsabilidad social corporativa avanzadas que redundan en un mejor desempeño social (cumpliendo con las demandas sociales de los grupos de interés de los distintos mercados donde operan), la diversificación internacional geográfica no tiene efecto directo en el desempeño social de las empresas. Por tanto, no es tan importante el número de mercados donde la empresa actúa, sino el grado de diferenciación cultural existente entre los mismos lo que hace que la propia empresa mejore su desempeño social. El presente trabajo incluye implicaciones relevantes para el mundo académico, directivos y reguladores públicos.


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Para maximizar los beneficios, una compañía fundamenta sus acciones en ciertas estrategias que ayudan a cumplir su objetivo de generar utilidades. Entre las diferentes acciones que una organización puede utilizar, están las de responsabilidad social y las de relaciones estratégicas con la comunidad. Partiendo de la definición de comunidad, pasando por una descripción de responsabilidad social y sus diferentes formas de aplicabilidad dentro de una empresa, hasta la definición de relación estratégica con la comunidad; esta investigación dirige sus esfuerzos a determinar el vínculo que existe entre los conceptos de responsabilidad social y relación estratégica comunitaria. Adicionalmente, se plantea que otras estrategias de relacionamiento con clientes, como el mercadeo relacional o el CRM, las cuales enfocan sus esfuerzos en conocer a cada uno de los clientes de una compañía para plantear una oferta acorde a sus necesidades, no son muy efectivas a la hora de crear un vínculo emocional con la comunidad.


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Financial integration has been pursued aggressively across the globe in the last fifty years; however, there is no conclusive evidence on the diversification gains (or losses) of such efforts. These gains (or losses) are related to the degree of comovements and synchronization among increasingly integrated global markets. We quantify the degree of comovements within the integrated Latin American market (MILA). We use dynamic correlation models to quantify comovements across securities as well as a direct integration measure. Our results show an increase in comovements when we look at the country indexes, however, the increase in the trend of correlation is previous to the institutional efforts to establish an integrated market in the region. On the other hand, when we look at sector indexes and an integration measure, we find a decreased in comovements among a representative sample of securities form the integrated market.


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La computación evolutiva y muy especialmente los algoritmos genéticos son cada vez más empleados en las organizaciones para resolver sus problemas de gestión y toma de decisiones (Apoteker & Barthelemy, 2000). La literatura al respecto es creciente y algunos estados del arte han sido publicados. A pesar de esto, no hay un trabajo explícito que evalúe de forma sistemática el uso de los algoritmos genéticos en problemas específicos de los negocios internacionales (ejemplos de ello son la logística internacional, el comercio internacional, el mercadeo internacional, las finanzas internacionales o estrategia internacional). El propósito de este trabajo de grado es, por lo tanto, realizar un estado situacional de las aplicaciones de los algoritmos genéticos en los negocios internacionales.


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This paper examines the effects of internationalization (international diversification) and diversification across industries (product diversification) through mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on the firm’s risk-return profile. Drawing on the theoretical work of Vachani (1991) and Rugman and Verbeke’s (2004) metrics, we classify firms according to their degree of product diversification and global reach. These two dimensions at the firm-level are moderators for the performance–expansion relationship. To account for the endogeneity of market entry decisions, we develop a panel vector autoregression. We show that global and host-triad multinational enterprises (MNEs) benefit from cross-border M&As, which reinforces their geographic footprint. In contrast to all other types of firms, home-triad firms exhibit higher firm value without a change in risk when conducting cross-industry M&As. This effect, however, depends on the degree of product diversification. For home-triad firms with a small product range engaging in cross- industry transactions is a value-enhancing growth strategy.


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This study attempts to investigate the transmission of market-wide volatility between the equity markets and bond markets of Japan and the U.S. To measure the volatility transmission, the BEKK (Baba, Engle, Kraft and Kroner, 1990) method, a decomposition approach of the multivariate GARCH (1,1) model, is used to examine the cross-market contemporaneous effect of information arrival. The time series analysis provides evidence to the long-run phenomena of causality in conditional variances of paired assets within the local and international markets. Within various pairings, some evidence of bi-directional volatility transmissions such as informational linkages have been observed. Our empirical results suggest that within the domestic cross markets, the volatility transmission is unidirectional from the stock market to the bond market. Evidence from international cross-market analysis is mixed, with strong evidence on volatility spillover among these international stock markets, but weak evidence between international stock and bond markets. In addition, there are significant directional volatility transmissions between DJI index and FTSE100 index, and between DJI index and DAX200 index. The volatility transmission between these two markets indicates that the international diversification of bonds is not prevalent.