918 resultados para international basque companies
[ES]El trabajo se centra primero, en el estudio de los aspectos teóricos más relevantes del marketing internacional, basándose a tal fin en el estudio y análisis de la bibliografía referenciada. En segundo lugar y como principal aportación del mismo, se realiza un trabajo empírico cualitativo consistente en el estudio de casos. Concretamente, hemos estudiado mediante análisis de evidencia documental y entrevistas en profundidad a responsables de marketing y/o comerciales, el caso de tres empresas vascas internacionalizadas: Salica, Orbea y Vicrila. Por último, concluimos el trabajo con la enumeración de las principales conclusiones extraídas de nuestra investigación y con la relación de la Bibliografía y Webgrafía consultada.
Euskal makina erreminta enpresen nazioartekotze estrategien azterketa da ikergai nagusia, arloaren alderdi orokorrak eta etorkizunerako aurreikuspenak gauzatzen badira ere. Globalizazio eta mundu interkonektatu honetan enpresa hazteko irtenbide desberdinak aztertu dira, merkatuaren eskakizunetara egokituz. Kasu praktiko gisa hazkunde eredutzat nazioartekotzearen aldeko apustua egin duen DanobatGroup enpresa talde kooperatiboa ikertu da. Enpresa eredugarria da garai zail hauetan, egindako lanaren erakusgarri eta atzerrirako urrats sendoekin, pertsonen trebetasunari eta konpromisoei esker, erronkak gainditu dituelako. Ikerketa burututa, sektorearen barne eskaria urria denez, Euskal enpresek nazioartekotu beharra dutela ikusi da.
Cooperatives, as a kind of firms, are considered by many scholars as an remarkable alternative for overcoming the economic crisis started in 2008. Besides, there are other scholars which pointed out the important role that these firms play in the regional economic development. Nevertheless, when one examines the economic literature on cooperatives, it is detected that this kind of firms is mainly studied starting from the point of view of their own characteristics and particularities of participation and solidarity. In this sense, following a different analysis framework, this article proposes a theoretical model in order to explain the behavior of cooperatives based on the entrepreneurship theory with the aim of increasing the knowledge about this kind of firms and, more specifically, their contribution to regional economic development.
The thesis examines the effects of the privatisation process on productivity, competitiveness and performance in two major Brazilian steel companies, which were privatised in between 1991 and 1993. The case study method was adopted in this research due to its strengths as a useful technique allowing in-depth examination of the privatisation process, the context in which it happened and its effects on the companies. The thesis has developed a company analysis framework consisting of three components: management, competitiveness/productivity and performance and examined the evidence on the companies within this framework.The research indicates that there is no straightforward relationship between privatisation, competitiveness and performance. There were many significant differences in the management and technological capabilities, products and performance of the two companies, and these have largely influenced the effects of privatisation on each company. Company Alpha's strengths in technological and management capabilities and high value added products explain strong productivity and financial performance during and after privatisation. Company Beta's performance was weak before the privatisation and remained weak immediately after. Before the privatisation, weaknesses in management, commodity type low value added products and shortage of funds for investment were the major problems. These were compounded by greater government interference. Despite major restructuring, the poor performance has continued after privatisation largely because the company has not been able to improve its productivity sufficiently to be cost competitive in commodity type markets. Both companies state that their strategies have changed significantly. They claim to be more responsive to market conditions and customers and are attempting to develop closer links with major customers. It is not possible to assess the consequences of these changes in the short time that has elapsed since privatisation but Alpha appears to be more effective in developing a coherent strategy because of its strengths. Both companies accelerated their programme of organisational restructuring and reducing the number of their employees during the privatisation process to improve productivity and performance. Alpha has attained standards comparable to major international steel companies. Beta has had to make much bigger organisational changes and cuts in its labour force but its productivity levels still remain low in comparison with Alpha and international competitors.
Designed by the Media The Media publicity of Design in the Finnish Economic Press The meaning of design has increased in consumer societies. Design is the subject of debate and the number of media discussions has also increased steadily. Especially the role of industrial design has been emphasised. In this study I examine the media publicity of design in the Finnish economic press from the late 1980s to the beginning of the 2000s. The research question is connected to media representations: How is design represented in the Finnish economic press? In other words, what are the central topics of design in the economic press, and to what issues are the media debates connected? The usually repeated phrase that design discussions take place only on the cultural pages of the daily press or in cultural contexts is being changed. Design is also linked to the consumer culture and consumers everyday practices. The research material has been collected from the Finnish economic press. The qualitative sample consists of articles from Kauppalehti, Taloussanomat and from several economic papers published by the Talentum Corporation. The approach of the research is explorative, descriptive and hermeneutic. This means that the economic press articles are used to explore how design is represented in the media. In addition, the characteristics of design represented in the media are described in detail. The research is based on the interpretive tradition of studying textual materials. Background assumptions are thus grounded in hermeneutics. Erving Goffman s frame analysis is applied in analysing the economic press materials. The frames interpreted from the articles depict the media publicity of design in the Finnish economic press. The research opens up a multidimensional picture of design in the economic press. The analysis resulted in five frames that describe design from various points of view. In the personal frame designers are described in private settings and through their personal experiences. The second frame relates to design work. In the frame of mastery of the profession, the designers work is interpreted widely. Design is considered from the aspects of controlling personal know-how, co-operation and the overall process of design. The third frame is connected to the actual substance of the economic press. In the frame of economy and market, design is linked to international competitiveness, companies competitive advantage and benefit creation for the consumers. The fourth frame is connected to the actors promoting design on a societal level. In the communal frame, the economic press describes design policy, design research and education and other actors that actively develop design in the societal networks. The last frame is linked to the traditions of design and above all to the examination of the cultural transition. In the frame of culture the traditions of design are emphasised. Design is also connected to the industrial culture and furthermore to the themes of the consumer culture. It can be argued that the frames construct media publicity of design from various points of view. The frames describe situations, action and the actors of design. The interpreted media frames make it possible to understand the relation of interpreted design actions and the culture. Thus, media has a crucial role in representing and recreating meanings related to design. The publicity of design is characterised by the five focal themes: personification, professionalisation, commercialisation, communalisation and transition of cultural focus from the traditions of design to the industrial culture and the consumer culture. Based on my interpretation these themes are guided by the mediatisation of design. The design phenomenon is defined more often on the basis of the media representations in the public discourses. The design culture outlined in this research connects socially constructed and structurally organised action. Socially constructed action in design is connected to the experiences, social recreation and collective development of design. Structurally, design is described as professional know-how, as a process and as an economic profit generating action in the society. The events described by the media affect the way in which people experience the world, the meanings they connect to the events around themselves and their life in the world. By affecting experiences, the media indirectly affects human actions. People have become habituated to read media representations on a daily basis, but they are not used to reading and interpreting the various meanings that are incorporated in the media texts.
[ES] En este trabajo se argumenta y se evidencia (con el análisis de algunos casos de empresas vascas), que para las empresas de servicios, la calidad y más concretamente la gestión de la calidad basada en los postulados de la filosofía de Gestión de Calidad Total y recogidos en modelos como el modelo EFQM de excelencia, es la vía esencial de diferenciación, competitividad y fidelización de la clientela. De ello se deriva también el papel esencial que en la competitividad de las empresas de servicios despeña el Marketing Interno.
A lo largo de este trabajo, realizaremos un diagnóstico de las relaciones con clientes y de las estrategias de marketing en mercados industriales. Para ello, dividimos el trabajo en dos grandes partes y lo cerramos con unas conclusiones globales. La primera parte, el marco teórico, se ha elaborado tras la revisión crítica de la bibliografía referenciada al final del trabajo y el conocimiento adquirido en las sesiones magistrales de la asignatura Marketing Industrial de 4º curso del Grado en Marketing, impartida por la profesora Mª Soledad Aguirre, a las que asistí como oyente puesto que yo no soy alumno de dicho grado. En la segunda parte, el estudio empírico, realizamos un análisis de nueve empresas y organizaciones vascas (a excepción de una de ellas) que mantienen relaciones comerciales esencialmente del tipo Business to Business, que es lo que en la bibliografía que hemos trabajado se entiende por relaciones comerciales propias de Mercados Industriales. No se habla tanto de productos industriales como de clientes industriales o empresariales (relaciones empresa-empresa). Para ello, hemos utilizado como método de análisis y contraste el Método del Caso. Por último, concluimos el trabajo con la enumeración de las principales conclusiones extraídas de nuestra investigación y con la relación de la Bibliografía y Webgrafía consultada.
[EN] Purpose. This work aims to present, from the company viewpoint, a structured account of management proposals and practices directed toward improving the intensity and effectiveness of continuous management training (CMT). Design/methodology/approach. The article takes as its main theoretical referents the Theory of Human Capital, the Resource-Based Vision and the contributions made via the new institutional economy with regard to the problems of information asymmetry between companies, employees and training providers and completes the proposals that derive from this theoretical approach. To do this, experience-based contributions are collected from a selection of company training and HR managers from twelve Basque companies characterised by their strong investment in management training. The methodology used was qualitative and obtained by different qualitative techniques: Focus Groups, Nominal Groups and the Delphi Method, which make up the so-called Hybrid Delphi. Findings and implications. The proposals are aimed at the main agents in training activity: training providers, associations and public agents engaged in management training and, particularly, companies themselves. The initiatives seek above all to increase training market transparency, to improve mutual commitments between companies and managers, and to link training and development with culture and strategic management, so that firms make optimal investment in management training. Originality/value. The methodology used is original, and the contributions are consistent with the theory, have a proven practical utility, and are presented in a hierarchy, which facilitates decision making.
[ES]La innovación tecnológica es una estrategia por la que han apostado muchas de las empresas vascas en los últimos años, ya que aporta muchos beneficios tanto para las empresas, como para el sistema económico de la región. Además, las administraciones públicas han apoyado estas estrategias desde hace más de 30 años impulsando distintas medidas en cada fase. Con el fin de conocer cuál ha sido la evolución de la innovación tecnológica y su tendencia para los siguientes años, el presente trabajo analiza los factores relacionados con la innovación tecnológica en el País Vasco.
Este trabajo, analiza las diferentes fuentes de financiación que utilizan las empresas vascas para financiar sus proyectos. Con el objetivo, de conocer el grado de importancia que conceden tanto a la financiación propia como a la ajena, en sus balances. También estudia, la dependencia que tienen las principales empresas vascas con las entidades financieras. Por último, se observa como las empresas están llevando a cabo un proceso de desendeudamiento y de búsqueda de alternativas a la financiación bancaria.
The mucus surface layer of corals plays a number of integral roles in their overall health and fitness. This mucopolysaccharide coating serves as vehicle to capture food, a protective barrier against physical invasions and trauma, and serves as a medium to host a community of microorganisms distinct from the surrounding seawater. In healthy corals the associated microbial communities are known to provide antibiotics that contribute to the coral’s innate immunity and function metabolic activities such as biogeochemical cycling. Culture-dependent (Ducklow and Mitchell, 1979; Ritchie, 2006) and culture-independent methods (Rohwer, et al., 2001; Rohwer et al., 2002; Sekar et al., 2006; Hansson et al., 2009; Kellogg et al., 2009) have shown that coral mucus-associated microbial communities can change with changes in the environment and health condition of the coral. These changes may suggest that changes in the microbial associates not only reflect health status but also may assist corals in acclimating to changing environmental conditions. With the increasing availability of molecular biology tools, culture-independent methods are being used more frequently for evaluating the health of the animal host. Although culture-independent methods are able to provide more in-depth insights into the constituents of the coral surface mucus layer’s microbial community, their reliability and reproducibility rely on the initial sample collection maintaining sample integrity. In general, a sample of mucus is collected from a coral colony, either by sterile syringe or swab method (Woodley, et al., 2008), and immediately placed in a cryovial. In the case of a syringe sample, the mucus is decanted into the cryovial and the sealed tube is immediately flash-frozen in a liquid nitrogen vapor shipper (a.k.a., dry shipper). Swabs with mucus are placed in a cryovial, and the end of the swab is broken off before sealing and placing the vial in the dry shipper. The samples are then sent to a laboratory for analysis. After the initial collection and preservation of the sample, the duration of the sample voyage to a recipient laboratory is often another critical part of the sampling process, as unanticipated delays may exceed the length of time a dry shipper can remain cold, or mishandling of the shipper can cause it to exhaust prematurely. In remote areas, service by international shipping companies may be non-existent, which requires the use of an alternative preservation medium. Other methods for preserving environmental samples for microbial DNA analysis include drying on various matrices (DNA cards, swabs), or placing samples in liquid preservatives (e.g., chloroform/phenol/isoamyl alcohol, TRIzol reagent, ethanol). These methodologies eliminate the need for cold storage, however, they add expense and permitting requirements for hazardous liquid components, and the retrieval of intact microbial DNA often can be inconsistent (Dawson, et al., 1998; Rissanen et al., 2010). A method to preserve coral mucus samples without cold storage or use of hazardous solvents, while maintaining microbial DNA integrity, would be an invaluable tool for coral biologists, especially those in remote areas. Saline-saturated dimethylsulfoxide-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (20% DMSO-0.25M EDTA, pH 8.0), or SSDE, is a solution that has been reported to be a means of storing tissue of marine invertebrates at ambient temperatures without significant loss of nucleic acid integrity (Dawson et al., 1998, Concepcion et al., 2007). While this methodology would be a facile and inexpensive way to transport coral tissue samples, it is unclear whether the coral microbiota DNA would be adversely affected by this storage medium either by degradation of the DNA, or a bias in the DNA recovered during the extraction process created by variations in extraction efficiencies among the various community members. Tests to determine the efficacy of SSDE as an ambient temperature storage medium for coral mucus samples are presented here.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação de Doutora Alcina Dias
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Final Report of John A. Roebling, Civil Engineer, to the Presidents and Directors of the Niagara Falls International Bridge Companies.
Final report of John A. Roebling, Civil Engineer, to the presidents and directors of the Niagara Falls Suspension and Niagara Falls International Bridge Companies, on the condition of the Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge.