154 resultados para insecure
This study addresses the extent to which insecure and disorganized attachments increase risk for externalizing problems using meta-analysis. From 69 samples (N = 5,947), the association between insecurity and externalizing problems was significant, d = 0.31 (95% CI: 0.23, 0.40). Larger effects were found for boys (d = 0.35), clinical samples (d = 0.49), and from observation-based outcome assessments (d = 0.58). Larger effects were found for attachment assessments other than the Strange Situation. Overall, disorganized children appeared at elevated risk (d = 0.34, 95% CI: 0.18, 0.50), with weaker effects for avoidance (d = 0.12, 95% CI: 0.03, 0.21) and resistance (d = 0.11, 95% CI: −0.04, 0.26). The results are discussed in terms of the potential significance of attachment for mental health.
Background: Animal research indicates that the neural substrates of emotion regulation may be persistently altered by early environmental exposures. If similar processes operate in human development then this is significant, as the capacity to regulate emotional states is fundamental to human adaptation. Methods: We utilised a 22-year longitudinal study to examine the influence of early infant attachment to the mother, a key marker of early experience, on neural regulation of emotional states in young adults. Infant attachment status was measured via objective assessment at 18-months, and the neural underpinnings of the active regulation of affect were studied using fMRI at age 22 years. Results: Infant attachment status at 18-months predicted neural responding during the regulation of positive affect 20-years later. Specifically, while attempting to up-regulate positive emotions, adults who had been insecurely versus securely attached as infants showed greater activation in prefrontal regions involved in cognitive control and reduced co-activation of prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens, consistent with relative inefficiency in the neural regulation of positive affect. Conclusions: Disturbances in the mother-infant relationship may persistently alter the neural circuitry of emotion regulation, with potential implications for adjustment in adulthood.
Background The quality of the early environment is hypothesized to be an influence on morphological development in key neural areas related to affective responding, but direct evidence to support this possibility is limited. In a 22-year longitudinal study, we examined hippocampal and amygdala volumes in adulthood in relation to early infant attachment status, an important indicator of the quality of the early caregiving environment. Methods Participants (N = 59) were derived from a prospective longitudinal study of the impact of maternal postnatal depression on child development. Infant attachment status (24 Secure; 35 Insecure) was observed at 18 months of age, and MRI assessments were completed at 22 years. Results In line with hypotheses, insecure versus secure infant attachment status was associated with larger amygdala volumes in young adults, an effect that was not accounted for by maternal depression history. We did not find early infant attachment status to predict hippocampal volumes. Conclusions Common variations in the quality of early environment are associated with gross alterations in amygdala morphology in the adult brain. Further research is required to establish the neural changes that underpin the volumetric differences reported here, and any functional implications.
The objective of this cross-sectional study is to compare the dietary behaviors of children from low food secure (LFS) households with children from very low food secure (VLFS) households over an entire day, and during meals specifically consumed at home —breakfast, snack, and dinner. Parents of the recruited children completed a demographic questionnaire, along with USDA's 6-item short form food security questionnaire. Children completed 24-hour dietary recalls in person. Complete data from 102 children 9 to 12 years old were used. Using ANOVA to assess the differences among groups in intakes over an entire day and during meals consumed at home, no significant differences were found, except for vitamin C intake during breakfast. Based on the definitions of LFS and VLFS, it was hypothesized that children from VLFS group would have lower dietary intakes compared to children from the LFS group. However, this study found little difference. Speculations have been made for these findings and implications for research have been presented.
The nutritional problems of food insecurity and obesity co-exist among low-income children. As the reauthorization of SNAP approaches in 2012, it is time to consider the dietary intake of food insecure children and how the SNAP program can assist with improving the nutrition of low-income children, in addition to contributing to reducing the prevalence rates of childhood obesity among food insecure households with children.
The aim of the present study was to analyze if and how career adaptability reduces different types of insecurity. More specifically, we argue in a theoretical model at the intersection of career and organizational research that perceived internal and external marketability serve as connecting variables in the link between career adaptability and job and career insecurity. We tested our assumptions by means of multiple indirect effects path analyses across two measurement points (6 month timespan) with data from 142 university researchers working in the STEM fields. The results showed that career adaptability was positively related to perceived internal and external marketability, which both subsequently were negatively associated with job and career insecurity. We draw theoretical implications for career research in intra- and extraorganizational settings and discuss practical implications for fostering secure employment.
Este estudo visou avaliar percepções, barreiras e características de materiais educativos de promoção de alimentação saudável descritas por adolescentes. Realizaram-se quatro grupos focais com 25 adolescentes com perguntas sobre: percepção e motivação para modificar a dieta; conceito de alimentação saudável e barreiras para sua adoção; e características de impressos para a promoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis. Observou-se uma freqüente indecisão quanto a classificar a dieta como saudável. Os adolescentes referiram não se sentir confiantes para modificar a dieta, mas relataram conceitos adequados sobre alimentação saudável. As principais barreiras citadas foram focadas em aspectos pessoais e sociais, como: a tentação, o sabor dos alimentos, a influência dos pais e a falta de tempo e de opções de lanches saudáveis na escola. Para os jovens, materiais educativos de promoção de alimentação saudável devem reforçar seus benefícios imediatos e destacar mensagens alarmantes sobre os riscos à saúde advindos de uma alimentação inadequada.
Two previous papers in this series (Nelson et al., this issue) described the use of the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) to simulate the effect of erosion on maize yields from open-field farming and hedgerow intercropping in the Philippine uplands. In this paper, maize yields simulated with APSIM are used to compare the economic viability of intercropping maize between leguminous shrub hedgerows with that of continuous and fallow open-field farming of maize. The analysis focuses on the economic incentives of upland farmers to adopt hedgerow intercropping, discussing farmers' planning horizons, access to credit and security of land tenure, as well as maize pricing in the Philippines. Insecure land tenure has limited the planning horizons of upland farmers, and high establishment costs reduce the economic viability of hedgerow intercropping relative to continuous and fallow open-field farming in the short term, In the long term, high discount rates and share-tenancy arrangements in which landlords do not contribute to establishment costs reduce the economic viability of hedgerow intercropping relative to fallow open-field farming, (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This research tested the proposition that the effect of attachment security on safer-sex practice may be mediated by communication patterns. One hundred eighty-five undergraduate students completed questionnaire measures of attachment, assertiveness, and attitudes to communication about AIDS. Eight weeks later, they reported on their practice of safer sex in the period since the first testing session. Hierarchical regressions showed that at Step 1, anxiety about relationships (a measure of insecure attachment) was associated with less safer-sex practice, for all outcome measures. Attitudes to communication about AIDS added to the prediction of general reports of safer-sex practice: in line with the mediational model, anxiety about relationships became unimportant as a predictor when communication variables were included. Communication variables failed to add to the prediction of safer sex on the most recent encounter, and both anxiety about relationships and attitudes to communication about AIDS predicted condom use. Some gender differences in patterns of prediction were noted. The results are discussed in terms of attachment style and its links with the negotiation of sexual practice and relationship issues.
In seeking to increase the flexibility of their use of employee time, employers can pursue strategies based on the employment of casual and part-time workers (numerical flexibility) or strategies based on ad hoc variation of the working hours of permanent employees (working time flexibility). Patterns of flexibility strategies and their implications are examined in the context of a highly feminised sector of work-clerical and administrative employment in law and accounting firms. We consider whether, as is often assumed, working time flexibility strategies are generally better for employees because they avoid the substitution of core, high quality jobs with the peripheral, relatively insecure employment often associated with casualisation. Analysing data drawn from a survey of law and accounting firms, we argue that there are three distinct flexibility strategies adopted by employers, and that the choice of strategy is influenced by the size of the firm and the extent of feminisation. The quality of employment conditions associated with each strategy is investigated through an analysis of the determinants of training provision for clerical and administrative workers. Rather than an expected simple linear relationship between increasing casualisation and decreasing training provision, we find that firm size and feminisation are implicated. Larger firms that tend to employ at least some men and use a combination of working time and numerical flexibility strategies tend to provide more training than the small, more fully feminised firms that tend to opt for either casualisation or working time flexibility strategies. This suggests that, from an employee perspective, working time flexibility may not be as benevolent as is often thought.
The relations among measures of attachment, spouse behavior, and marital satisfaction were assessed in a broad sample of 193 married couples, using both questionnaire and diary methods. Insecure attachment was associated with less favorable reports of spouse behavior, as assessed by diary checklists. Marital satisfaction was predicted by attachment treasures and reports of spouse behavior. The relation between attachment security and marital satisfaction was moderated, but not mediated, by reported spouse behavior. Specifically, insecure individuals' evaluations of their relationships were more reactive to recent spouse behavior, an effect that was especially marked for fearful participants and for those in longer-term marriages. Some gender differences in patterns of prediction were obtained. The results are discussed in terms of the working models associated with attachment styles, and the processes by which relationship satisfaction may be eroded over time.
We examined the unique relations between the five dimensions of the Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ; Feeney, Noller, & Hanrahan, 1994) and depression and agoraphobic behavior (i.e., avoidance of situations where high anxiety is experienced). In addition, we examined mediation models in an attempt to clarify the link between adult attachment and these two dimensions of psychopathology. In testing these models, we administered the ASQ, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Agoraphobic Catastrophic Cognitions Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory, and the Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia (a measure of the degree to which situations are avoided that are typically anxiety provoking for people with agoraphobia) to 122 participants (44 with agoraphobia, 25 with a current major depressive disorder, and 53 with no current psychopathology). The results showed that the insecure attachment dimensions of need for approval, preoccupation with relationships, and relationships as secondary were uniquely associated with depression and that general self-efficacy partly mediated the relationship between need for approval and depression. In contrast, only preoccupation with relationships was uniquely associated with agoraphobic behavior, and catastrophic cognitions about bodily sensations partly mediated this association.
Neste trabalho, analisamos aspectos relacionados a como a tecnologia computacional é utilizada no Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) e como se deu a formação de professores para utilizar esses recursos. Para tanto, delimitamos os seguintes objetivos específicos: investigar a utilização da tecnologia assistiva (TA) computacional no âmbito das salas de recursos multifuncionais (SRM); problematizar as tensões, dificuldades e possibilidades relacionadas à TA com ênfase na tecnologia computacional para o AEE; analisar a formação do professor de educação especial para o AEE tendo como recurso a TA com ênfase na tecnologia computacional, visando à mediação dos processos de aprendizagem. O aporte teórico deste trabalho foi a abordagem histórico-cultural, tomando por referência os estudos de Vigotski e seus colaboradores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que fez uso de diferentes instrumentos metodológicos como, os grupos focais, o questionário online e a entrevista semiestruturada. Para desenvolvê-lo, realizamos a coleta de dados em diferentes contextos, começando pelos grupos focais da pesquisa inaugural do Oneesp, que serviram como dispositivo para esta pesquisa, seguida da aplicação de um questionário aos professores participantes da pesquisa-formação desenvolvida como um desdobramento no estado do Espírito Santo da pesquisa inaugural do Oneesp pelos integrantes do Oeeesp e da aplicação in loco de entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores de educação especial, de uma SRM do Tipo II. Foram oitenta e nove professores participantes na pesquisa do Oneesp, trinta professores na pesquisa-formação do Oeeesp e dois professores para aplicação da entrevista semiestruturada in loco, respectivamente. Esses dois professores participaram tanto da pesquisa do Oneesp como da pesquisa do Oeeesp. Analisamos esses três momentos, dos quais emergiram os apontamentos que nos proporcionaram pensar, com base nas narrativas orais e escritas dos professores: sua formação para uso da TA computacional; seu entendimento sobre sua formação para este fim; seus anseios por uma formação mais direcionada; a forma como utilizam a tecnologia na sala de recursos; seus entendimentos sobre as dificuldades e possibilidades relacionadas a TA com ênfase na tecnologia computacional para o AEE. Após essas análises, concluímos que poucos professores que atuam nas SRM tiveram uma formação que possibilitasse a aplicação das tecnologias computacionais em sua mediação pedagógica, aliando teoria e prática, com momentos de formação que privilegiassem os momentos presenciais e em laboratórios, onde possam interagir com os computadores e suas ferramentas simbólicas. Sem essa familiaridade com os recursos computacionais, os professores acabam sentindo-se inseguros para utilizá-los, deixando de potencializar, pela via desses recursos, os processos de ensinoaprendizagem do aluno com deficiência. Faz-se necessário um investimento nesse tipo de formação e, mais do que isso, que se viabilize para os professores que atuam ou que pretendem atuar nas SRM. A partir de uma formação apropriada é possível fazer com que os professores utilizem os recursos computacionais como mediadores dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem de seus alunos.
RESUMO: As relações que constituímos com aqueles que de mais perto nos rodeiam são uma das partes, senão a parte mais relevante da nossa vida (Canavarro, 1999). Assim, a teoria da vinculação coloca grande ênfase na natureza da relação de vinculação (Bowlby, 1979). No primeiro capítulo é elucidado o modelo de desenvolvimento da vinculação de Bowlby (1969/1982; 1988) e de Ainsworth e colaboradores (1978). No segundo capítulo são explicadas as mudanças que ocorrem na fase da adolescência. No terceiro capítulo, é destacado o padrão comportamental agressivo do adolescente, o qual se pode traduzir numa vinculação insegura (Almeida, 2000). Estas situações podem levar o sujeito a apresentar comportamentos de desesperança, conceito este que irá ser desenvolvido no quarto capítulo. Sendo o principal objectivo da investigação estudar em que medida a qualidade de vinculação aos pais e a estrutura familiar estão relacionadas com a desesperança e a agressividade nos adolescentes, conclui-se que o adolescente com uma história de vinculação insegura apresenta menos confiança, maior alienação e, consequentemente, maior desamparo e desesperança (Bowlby, 1969/1982, 1973; Bretherton & Waters, 1985). Relativamente à estrutura familiar, o estudo reporta que a coesão e a adaptabilidade estão correlacionadas positivamente com a confiança e negativamente com a alienação. ABSTRACT: The relationships that we form of those who surround us are closer to one party, if not the most important part of our lives (Canavarro, 1999). Thus, attachment theory places great emphasis on the nature of the attachment relationship (Bowlby, 1979). In the first chapter, is elucidated development model of the binding of Bowlby (1969/1982, 1988) and Ainsworth and colleagues (1978). The second chapter explains the changes that occur during adolescence. The third chapter is highlighted the behavioral patterns of aggressive adolescents, which may result in insecure attachment (Almeida, 2000). These situations can cause the subject to present behavior of hopelessness, that this concept will be developed in the fourth chapter. Since the main aim of the research study to what extent the quality of attachment to parents and family structure are related to hopelessness and aggression in teenagers, it is concluded that the adolescent with a history of insecure attachment have less trust, increased alienation and, consequently, greater helplessness and hopelessness (Bowlby, 1969/1982, 1973, Bretherton & Waters, 1985). With regard to family structure, the study reports that the cohesion and adaptability are positively correlated with the confidence and negatively with alienation.