975 resultados para innovative product projects
This article presents an extensive investigation carried out in two technology-based companies of the So Carlos technological pole in Brazil. Based on this multiple case study and literature review, a method, entitled hereafter IVPM2, applying agile project management (APM) principles was developed. After the method implementation, a qualitative evaluation was carried out by a document analysis and questionnaire application. This article shows that the application of this method at the companies under investigation evidenced the benefits of using simple, iterative, visual, and agile techniques to plan and control innovative product projects combined with traditional project management best practices, such as standardization.
Field Lab in Entrepreneurial Innovative Ventures
At the moment there is a lack of methodological approaches to formalization of management of innovative projects relating to production systems, as well as to adaptation and practical use of the existing approaches. This article is about one potential approach to the management of innovative projects, which makes the building of innovative process models possible based on objective approach. It outlines the frameworks for the building of innovative project models, and describes the method of transition from conceptual modelling to innovative project management. In this case, the model alone and together with parameters used for evaluation of the project may be unique and depends on the special features of the project, preferences of decision-making person, and production and economic system in which it is to be implemented. Unlike existing approaches, this concept does not place any restrictions on types of models and makes it possible to take into account the specificities of economic and production systems. Principles embodied in the model allow its usage as a basis for simulation model to be used in one of specialized simulation systems, as well as for information system providing information support of decision-making process in production and economic systems both newly developed by the company (enterprise) and designed on the basis of available information systems that interact through the exchange of data. In addition, this article shows that the development of conceptual foundations of innovative project management in the economic and production systems is inseparable from the development of the theory of industrial control systems, and their comprehensive study may be reduced to a set of elements represented as certain algorithms, models and evaluations. Thus, the study of innovative process may be conducted in both directions: from general to particular, and vice versa.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Generic or own brand products were initially only lesser expensive copies of the branded label alternative, but nowadays, pricing alone is not enough in order to survive in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) or Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)markets. With this in mind manufacturers of generic brands have adapted to this rapidlygrowing niche by investing in design and marketing during the initial phase in order to be perceived as having a quality product comparable to that of the branded products. In addition, they have gone further ahead with a second phase and resorted to innovativeproduct differentiation strategies and even pure innovation in many cases. These strategies have granted generic brands constantly increasing market shares and a position of equals relative to national brands.Using previous analyses and case studies, this paper will provide conceptual and empirical evidence to explain the surprisingly fast growth and penetration of generic supermarket brands, which in their relatively short lifespan, have grown to rival the historical market leaders, the branded products. According to this analysis, the main conclusion is that the growth in generic brands can be explained not only by price competition, but also by the use of innovative product differentiation strategies.
The objective of the dissertation is to increase understanding and knowledge in the field where group decision support system (GDSS) and technology selection research overlap in the strategic sense. The purpose is to develop pragmatic, unique and competent management practices and processes for strategic technology assessment and selection from the whole company's point of view. The combination of the GDSS and technology selection is approached from the points of view of the core competence concept, the lead user -method, and different technology types. In this research the aim is to find out how the GDSS contributes to the technology selection process, what aspects should be considered when selecting technologies to be developed or acquired, and what advantages and restrictions the GDSS has in the selection processes. These research objectives are discussed on the basis of experiences and findings in real life selection meetings. The research has been mainly carried outwith constructive, case study research methods. The study contributes novel ideas to the present knowledge and prior literature on the GDSS and technology selection arena. Academic and pragmatic research has been conducted in four areas: 1) the potential benefits of the group support system with the lead user -method,where the need assessment process is positioned as information gathering for the selection of wireless technology development projects; 2) integrated technology selection and core competencies management processes both in theory and in practice; 3) potential benefits of the group decision support system in the technology selection processes of different technology types; and 4) linkages between technology selection and R&D project selection in innovative product development networks. New type of knowledge and understanding has been created on the practical utilization of the GDSS in technology selection decisions. The study demonstrates that technology selection requires close cooperation between differentdepartments, functions, and strategic business units in order to gather the best knowledge for the decision making. The GDSS is proved to be an effective way to promote communication and co-operation between the selectors. The constructs developed in this study have been tested in many industry fields, for example in information and communication, forest, telecommunication, metal, software, and miscellaneous industries, as well as in non-profit organizations. The pragmatic results in these organizations are some of the most relevant proofs that confirm the scientific contribution of the study, according to the principles of the constructive research approach.
In the environment of ever-changing needs of customers, technologies and competitors, the survival of the company depends on how well it researches, develops and implements new products to the market. The need for development of new products relates to many factors: globalization, international competition which is now underway on a global scale, scientific advances and development of production, changes in consumer preferences and consumer behavior. In this study the focus is on the company form a dairy products industry. This study is aimed to defining the role of product innovation launch strategy in an overall enterprise strategy, and to select the optimal combination of its marketing tools. The main purpose of this study is to determine place and the role of innovative marketing based in the innovation process, and to determine launch and positioning strategies in the general concept of an innovative product. The object of the study is the Russian enterprise, which is aimed to achieve a competitive advantage through the continuous production of new products, upgrade existing ones and improve innovation management practices. Research showed that the differentiation strategy is suitable for launching the dairy industry product innovation to a market.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Upper echelon theory and research on innovation have considered top management teams and their behaviour and characteristics as important factors that positively influence innovativeness and organizational outcomes. Yet, innovation research has mostly focused on individual new product projects, and their performance and impact on firm performance. Recent research has started to apply a more holistic view in terms of innovation, by considering firm-wide innovation instead of single new products. Upper echelon research has concentrated on direct relationships between top management team characteristics and organizational outcomes. But recent research calls for mediating effects of the relationship between top management team characteristics and organizational outcomes. Hence, this study introduces firm innovativeness as a mediator between top management team innovation orientation and firm growth. Focusing on small and medium-sized firms, which often represent highly innovative firms, results show that firm innovativeness fully mediates the relationship between top management team innovation orientation and firm growth. Implications and future research are discussed.
Organisations have been approaching servitisation in an unstructured fashion. This is partially because there is insufficient understanding of the different types of Product-Service offerings. Therefore, a more detailed understanding of Product-Service types might advance the collective knowledge and assist organisations that are considering a servitisation strategy. Current models discuss specific aspects on the basis of few (or sometimes single) dimensions. In this paper, we develop a comprehensive model for classifying traditional and green Product-Service offerings, thus combining business and green offerings in a single model. We describe the model building process and its practical application in a case study. The model reveals the various traditional and green options available to companies and identifies how to compete between services; it allows servitisation positions to be identified such that a company may track its journey over time. Finally it fosters the introduction of innovative Product-Service Systems as promising business models to address environmental and social challenges. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Este trabalho, numa fase inicial, teve como pilar fundamental, a optimização energética de uma indústria de curtumes, mais concretamente da empresa Dias Ruivo. Pretendia-se avaliar todos os gastos de energia apresentados pela empresa, com o intuito de verificar se haveria possibilidade de diminuir a factura da electricidade e os custos associados, mantendo a qualidade dos produtos finais. Ainda se pretendia averiguar a viabilidade de reutilização de alguns desperdícios permitindo diminuir a quantidade de energia necessária para o aquecimento de algumas correntes de água. Por último, após os dados recolhidos, sugeriram-se medidas de melhoria, que possibilitariam que a empresa utilizasse os seus recursos de forma optimizada, não apresentando assim gastos desnecessários. Começando pela análise da factura de electricidade, verificou-se que nos anos de 2010 e 2011, a empresa apresentou um consumo de energia de 120 e 128 tep/ano, respectivamente. Determinaram-se igualmente os respectivos indicadores constatando-se que o valor médio para a intensidade carbónica foi de 900 e 1148 kg CO2/tep e para o consumo específico obteve-se 0,131 e 0,152 kgep/ft2, respectivamente. Numa segunda fase, tendo em conta a constante aposta da empresa na inovação de artigos em couro e o facto de estar envolvida num projecto mobilizador de ciência e tecnologia com esse fim, o trabalho incidiu no desenvolvimento de um produto inovador designado por floater que deve ser macio e mais leve que os produtos normais. Com base na aplicação de proteases apropriadas, desenvolveu-se um produto que, ainda na fase de ensaios de bancada e piloto, satisfaz no que respeita à macieza e leveza, sendo que se conseguiu um valor de 67 g/ft2 contra um valor de 75g/ft2 do padrão.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações
Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientador: Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua Coorientadora: Mestre Anabela Paula Alferes Ferreira Ribeiro
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics