43 resultados para initiations
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This study extends the Grullon, Michaely, and Swaminathan (2002) analysis by incorporating default risk. Using data for firms that either increased or initiated cash dividend payments during the 23-year period 1986-2008, we find reduction in default risk. This reduction is shown to be a priced risk factor beyond the Fama and French (1993) risk measures, and it explains the dividend payment decision and the positive market reaction around dividend increases and initiations. Further analysis reveals that the reduction in default risk is a significant factor in explaining the 3-year excess returns following dividend increases and initiations. © Copyright Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington 2011.
One of the main challenges of slow speed machinery condition monitoring is that the energy generated from an incipient defect is too weak to be detected by traditional vibration measurements due to its low impact energy. Acoustic emission (AE) measurement is an alternative for this as it has the ability to detect crack initiations or rubbing between moving surfaces. However, AE measurement requires high sampling frequency and consequently huge amount of data are obtained to be processed. It also requires expensive hardware to capture those data, storage and involves signal processing techniques to retrieve valuable information on the state of the machine. AE signal has been utilised for early detection of defects in bearings and gears. This paper presents an online condition monitoring (CM) system for slow speed machinery, which attempts to overcome those challenges. The system incorporates relevant signal processing techniques for slow speed CM which include noise removal techniques to enhance the signal-to-noise and peak-holding down sampling to reduce the burden of massive data handling. The analysis software works under Labview environment, which enables online remote control of data acquisition, real-time analysis, offline analysis and diagnostic trending. The system has been fully implemented on a site machine and contributing significantly to improve the maintenance efficiency and provide a safer and reliable operation.
We propose that grand minima in solar activity are caused by simultaneous fluctuations in the meridional circulation and the Babcock-Leighton mechanism for the poloidal field generation in the flux transport dynamo model. We present the following results: (a) fluctuations in the meridional circulation are more effective in producing grand minima; (b) both sudden and gradual initiations of grand minima are possible; (c) distributions of durations and waiting times between grand minima seem to be exponential; (d) the coherence time of the meridional circulation has an effect on the number and the average duration of grand minima, with a coherence time of about 30 yr being consistent with observational data. We also study the occurrence of grand maxima and find that the distributions of durations and waiting times between grand maxima are also exponential, like the grand minima. Finally we address the question of whether the Babcock-Leighton mechanism can be operative during grand minima when there are no sunspots. We show that an alpha-effect restricted to the upper portions of the convection zone can pull the dynamo out of the grand minima and can match various observational requirements if the amplitude of this alpha-effect is suitably fine-tuned.
TiO2 single layers and TiO2/SiO2 high reflectors (HR) are prepared by electron beam evaporation at different TiO2 deposition rates. It is found that the changes of properties of TiO2 films with the increase of rate, such as the increase of refractive index and extinction coefficient and the decrease of physical thickness, lead to the spectrum shift and reflectivity bandwidth broadening of HR together with the increase of absorption and decrease of laser-induced damage threshold. The damages are found of different morphologies: a shallow pit to a seriously delaminated and deep crater, and the different amorphous-to-anatase-to-rutile phase transition processes detected by Raman study. The frequency shift of Raman vibration mode correlates with the strain in. film. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis reveals that impurities and non-stoichiometric defects are two absorption initiations resulting to the laser-induced transformation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results from a pin-on-disc test rig exploring friction-induced vibration. The model is based on a linear stability analysis of two systems coupled by sliding contact at a single point. Predictions are compared with a large volume of measured squeal initiations that have been post-processed to extract growth rates and frequencies at the onset of squeal. Initial tests reveal the importance of including both finite contact stiffness and a velocity-dependent dynamic model for friction, giving predictions that accounted for nearly all major clusters of squeal initiations from 0 to 5 kHz. However, a large number of initiations occurred at disc mode frequencies that were not predicted with the same parameters. These frequencies proved remarkably difficult to destabilise, requiring an implausibly high coefficient of friction. An attempt has been made to estimate the dynamic friction behaviour directly from the squeal initiation data, revealing complex-valued frequency-dependent parameters for a new model of linearised dynamic friction. These new parameters readily destabilised the disc modes and provided a consistent model that could account for virtually all initiations from 0 to 15 kHz. The results suggest that instability thresholds for a wide range of squeal-type behaviour can be predicted, but they highlight the central importance of a correct understanding and accurate description of dynamic friction at the sliding interface. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Predictive models of friction-induced vibration have proved elusive despite decades of research. There are many mechanisms that can cause brake squeal; friction coupled systems can be highly sensitive to small perturbations; and the dynamic properties of friction at the contact zone seem to be poorly understood. This paper describes experimental and theoretical work aimed at identifying the key ingredients of a predictive model. A large-scale experiment was carried out to identify squeal initiations using a pin-on-disc test rig: approximately 30,000 squeal initiations were recorded, covering a very wide range of frequencies. The theoretical model allows for completely general linear systems coupled at a single sliding point by friction: squeal is predicted using a linearised stability analysis. Results will be presented that show that almost all observed squeal events can be predicted within this model framework, but that some subsets require innovative friction modelling: predictions are highly dependent on the particular choice of friction model and its associated parameters. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.
Predictive models of friction-induced vibration have proved elusive despite decades of research. There are many mechanisms that can cause brake squeal; friction coupled systems can be highly sensitive to small perturbations; and the dynamic properties of friction at the contact zone seem to be poorly understood. This paper describes experimental and theoretical work aimed at identifying the key ingredients of a predictive model. A large-scale experiment was carried out to identify squeal initiations using a pin-on-disc test rig: approximately 30,000 squeal initiations were recorded, covering a very wide range of frequencies. The theoretical model allows for completely general linear systems coupled at a single sliding point by friction: squeal is predicted using a linearised stability analysis. Results will be presented that show that almost all observed squeal events can be predicted within this model framework, but that some subsets require innovative friction modelling: predictions are highly dependent on the particular choice of friction model and its associated parameters. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.
Les pères s’impliquent aujourd’hui davantage qu’auparavant auprès de leurs enfants. À l’âge préscolaire, les jeux physiques (incluant les jeux de bataille) sont une caractéristique distinctive du style paternel d’interaction. Quelques études tendent à suggérer un lien entre ce type de jeu et l’adaptation sociale des enfants. Cependant,des contradictions se dégagent de la littérature, notamment quant au lien entre la quantité de jeu physique père-enfant et des mesures d’adaptation sociale, quant aux différentes opérationnalisations de la qualité du jeu physique, ainsi qu’en ce qui a trait au genre de l’enfant. Il y a également un débat entourant le degré optimal de contrôle ou de mutualité) au cours du jeu, de même qu’un nombre très limité d’études sur le lien entre le jeu physique père-enfant et l’anxiété/retrait. Dans ce contexte de divergences entre les chercheurs, la présente thèse vise quatre objectifs, soit : 1)vérifier si la quantité de jeux de bataille père-enfant est liée à l’adaptation sociale des enfants d’âge préscolaire (via des mesures de compétence sociale, d’agressivité/irritabilité, d’agression physique et d’anxiété/retrait); 2) tester si des mesures de mutualité ou de contrôle modèrent la relation entre la quantité de jeux de bataille père-enfant et les mesures d’adaptation sociale; 3) explorer le rôle potentiel d’autres indices de qualité du jeu de bataille; 4) clarifier le rôle du genre de l’enfant. L’échantillon est composé de 100 dyades père-enfant de Montréal et les environs. Les résultats des analyses corrélationnelles suggèrent que la fréquence et la durée de jeu de bataille ne sont pas reliées directement à l’adaptation sociale des enfants et mettent en lumière des variables qui pourraient jouer un rôle modérateur. Les régressions pour modèles modérateurs indiquent que la mutualité père-enfant dans les initiations au jeu de bataille et la peur exprimée par l’enfant au cours de ce type de jeu modèrent la relation entre la durée des jeux de bataille et la compétence sociale de l’enfant d’âge préscolaire. La mutualité modère également le lien entre la durée du jeu et l’agressivité/irritabilité de l’enfant. Les initiations autoritaires faites par le père modèrent le lien entre la durée du jeu et les agressions physiques, alors qu’aucune variable ne modère le lien entre la durée du jeu et l’anxiété/retrait des enfants. Les analyses post-hoc donnent davantage d’informations sur la nature des liens de modération. Bien que les pères rapportent ne pas faire davantage de jeux de bataille, ni jouer plus longtemps à se batailler avec leurs garçons qu’avec leurs filles, trois modèles modérateurs sur quatre demeurent significatifs uniquement pour les garçons. Ces données sont interprétées à la lumière des théories éthologique et développementale. Il est suggéré que plutôt que de traiter l’agression et la compétence sociale comme des variables opposées de l’adaptation, une mesure de compétition permettrait peut-être de réconcilier les deux mondes.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Einflüssen visuell wahrgenommener Bewegungsmerkmale auf die Handlungssteuerung eines Beobachters. Im speziellen geht es darum, wie die Bewegungsrichtung und die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit als aufgabenirrelevante Reize die Ausführung von motorischen Reaktionen auf Farbreize beeinflussen und dabei schnellere bzw. verzögerte Reaktionszeiten bewirken. Bisherige Studien dazu waren auf lineare Bewegungen (von rechts nach links und umgekehrt) und sehr einfache Reizumgebungen (Bewegungen einfacher geometrischer Symbole, Punktwolken, Lichtpunktläufer etc.) begrenzt (z.B. Ehrenstein, 1994; Bosbach, 2004, Wittfoth, Buck, Fahle & Herrmann, 2006). In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Gültigkeit dieser Befunde für Dreh- und Tiefenbewegungen sowie komplexe Bewegungsformen (menschliche Bewegungsabläufe im Sport) erweitert, theoretisch aufgearbeitet sowie in einer Serie von sechs Reaktionszeitexperimenten mittels Simon-Paradigma empirisch überprüft. Allen Experimenten war gemeinsam, dass Versuchspersonen an einem Computermonitor auf einen Farbwechsel innerhalb des dynamischen visuellen Reizes durch einen Tastendruck (links, rechts, proximal oder distal positionierte Taste) reagieren sollten, wobei die Geschwindigkeit und die Richtung der Bewegungen für die Reaktionen irrelevant waren. Zum Einfluss von Drehbewegungen bei geometrischen Symbolen (Exp. 1 und 1a) sowie bei menschlichen Drehbewegungen (Exp. 2) zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Probanden signifikant schneller reagieren, wenn die Richtungsinformationen einer Drehbewegung kompatibel zu den räumlichen Merkmalen der geforderten Tastenreaktion sind. Der Komplexitätsgrad des visuellen Ereignisses spielt dabei keine Rolle. Für die kognitive Verarbeitung des Bewegungsreizes stellt nicht der Drehsinn, sondern die relative Bewegungsrichtung oberhalb und unterhalb der Drehachse das entscheidende räumliche Kriterium dar. Zum Einfluss räumlicher Tiefenbewegungen einer Kugel (Exp. 3) und einer gehenden Person (Exp. 4) belegen unsere Befunde, dass Probanden signifikant schneller reagieren, wenn sich der Reiz auf den Beobachter zu bewegt und ein proximaler gegenüber einem distalen Tastendruck gefordert ist sowie umgekehrt. Auch hier spielt der Komplexitätsgrad des visuellen Ereignisses keine Rolle. In beiden Experimenten führt die Wahrnehmung der Bewegungsrichtung zu einer Handlungsinduktion, die im kompatiblen Fall eine schnelle und im inkompatiblen Fall eine verzögerte Handlungsausführung bewirkt. In den Experimenten 5 und 6 wurden die Einflüsse von wahrgenommenen menschlichen Laufbewegungen (freies Laufen vs. Laufbandlaufen) untersucht, die mit und ohne eine Positionsveränderung erfolgten. Dabei zeigte sich, dass unabhängig von der Positionsveränderung die Laufgeschwindigkeit zu keiner Modulation des richtungsbasierten Simon Effekts führt. Zusammenfassend lassen sich die Studienergebnisse gut in effektbasierte Konzepte zur Handlungssteuerung (z.B. die Theorie der Ereigniskodierung von Hommel et al., 2001) einordnen. Weitere Untersuchungen sind nötig, um diese Ergebnisse auf großmotorische Reaktionen und Displays, die stärker an visuell wahrnehmbaren Ereignissen des Sports angelehnt sind, zu übertragen.
As crianças com perturbações do Espectro do Autismo revelam acentuadas limitações ao nível das interacções sociais, tanto pela ausência de iniciação interativa com os seus pares, como pela falta de resposta às atitudes afetivas dos mesmos. Esta incapacidade para estabelecer relações sociais dificulta o convívio, mesmo quando os seus pares demonstram interesse em brincar. Ao longo da realização deste trabalho, através das leituras, vários autores referiram a importância da promoção das competências sociais nestas crianças. Com este estudo procura-se saber como são aceites os alunos com perturbações do Espectro do Autismo pelos seus pares sem Necessidades Educativas Especiais em contexto escolar. Propõe-se, assim, recolher as opiniões de vários alunos que frequentam o mesmo centro escolar face à presença de um colega com perturbações do Espectro do Autismo, de modo a fazer uma análise dos dados obtidos, bem como a elaboração de um plano de intervenção para uma melhoria da situação problema. Com base na análise das entrevistas realizadas no âmbito do estudo pode-se afirmar que os resultados da investigação revelam um contexto escolar positivo e empenhado no apoio aos alunos com perturbações do Espectro do Autismo. De acordo com os inquiridos e com os investigadores estudados na revisão da literatura é possível afirmar que o desenvolvimento das atividades lúdicas e um acompanhamento personalizado por um professor especializado, bem como a integração na turma, são fatores fundamentais para um melhor desenvolvimento global dos alunos em questão e para a prevenção de atitudes discriminatórias entre pares.
While deficits in social interaction are central to autism, the sibling relationship has been found to provide a key medium for the development of such skills. Naturalistic observations of sibling pairs including children with autism and controls with Down syndrome were made across two time periods, twelve months apart. Consistent with the evidence on typically developing children, the amount and rate of initiations of both prosocial and agonistic interaction increased, but further analysis suggested that these interactions were stage-managed by the typically developing children. Results show social interaction and imitation in children with autism and the special role that sibling interactions can play. Longitudinal research on the acquisition of social skills in children with developmental disabilities is needed.
O objetivo do presente artigo é de analisar a Política de Defesa Comercial dos BICs nos últimos 15 anos, destacando semelhanças e contrastes. Após exame dos principais elementos da regulação dos instrumentos de defesa, como apresentados no GATT e na OMC, é avaliada a evolução das investigações iniciadas e das medidas aplicadas para cada um dos parceiros dos BICs. Tendo em vista a importância das decisões do mecanismo de solução de controvérsias na área, são também examinados os principais painéis abertos pelos BICs, bem como os painéis em que foram acionados. O artigo é concluído com algumas implicações da análise da defesa comercial dos BICs para a Política de Defesa Comercial do Brasil, no momento em que a indústria brasileira enfrenta sérios desafios.