975 resultados para infra sound


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Tuulivoiman tuotanto yleistyy nopeasti ja vaikka tuotannosta on monia hyötyjä, myös haittoja löytyy, yksi niistä voimaloista aiheutuva melu. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on aikaisempien kotimaisten ja kansainvälisten tutkimusten avulla kertoa tuulivoimalamelun syntymisestä ja siihen liittyvästä ohjeistuksesta sekä siitä, mikä melussa häiritsee, aiheuttaako se terveyshaittoja ja miten melua ehkäistään. Melu on epämiellyttäväksi koettavaa ääntä, joka voi olla myös kuulolle haitallista. Tuulivoiman tuotannosta syntyvä melu on joko aerodynaamista, mekaanista, matalataajuista tai infraääntä. Melua syntyy turbiinin pyörimisestä sekä sähköosien toiminnasta. Suomessa Ympäristönsuojelulaissa on annettu ohjeistus tuulivoimalamelun mittaami-seen käytettävistä mittalaitteista, niiden sijoittamisesta sekä mittaamisen toteuttamisesta eri olosuhteissa. Myös melun suurimmat sallitut arvot ulkona ja sisällä sekä päivällä, että yöllä on valtioneuvosto määritellyt Suomessa tarkasti. Näitä raja-arvoja melu ei saa ylittää kuin poikkeustapauksissa lyhytaikaisesti. Tuulivoimalamelun aiheuttamia terveyshaittoja on tutkittu laajasti ja joitain johtopäätöksiä on voitu tehdä. Tuulivoiman tuotannosta syntyvä melu voi häiritä unta ja unen laatua sekä vaikeuttaa nukahtamista ja lisätä stressiä. Se, kuinka voimakkaasti henkilö ärsyyntyy tuulivoimalasta, riippuu paljon olosuhteista, hyötyykö henkilö taloudellisesti voimalasta, kuinka paljon henkilö luottaa alueensa virkamiehiin, näkeekö hän voimalan tai asuuko henkilö maaseudulla vai kaupungissa. Jatkotutkimuksia tarvitaan siitä, aiheutuvatko terveyshaitat tuulivoimalamelun synnyttämästä stressistä, vai yhdistetäänkö muusta syystä syntynyt stressi tuulivoimalaan. Lisäksi lisätutkimuksia tarvitaan matalataajuisen ja infraäänen aiheuttamista terveyshaitoista. Melun ehkäisemiseen on monia eri keinoja, joista tärkeimmät ovat oikeanlaisen tuulivoimalatyypin ja tehonsäätötavan valitseminen sekä oikeanlainen rakennustekniikka. Nykyaikaiset tuulivoimalat ovat jo melko hyvin suunniteltuja ennaltaehkäisemään voimalan toiminnasta syntyvää melua.


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This is a study of a monochromatic planar perturbation impinging upon a canonical acoustic hole. We show that acoustic hole scattering shares key features with black hole scattering. The interference of wave fronts passing in opposite senses around the hole creates regular oscillations in the scattered intensity. We examine this effect by applying a partial wave method to compute the differential scattering cross section for a range of incident wavelengths. We demonstrate the existence of a scattering peak in the backward direction, known as the glory. We show that the glory created by the canonical acoustic hole is approximately 170 times less intense than the glory created by the Schwarzschild black hole, for equivalent horizon-to-wavelength ratios. We hope that direct experimental observations of such effects may be possible in the near future.


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This paper presents a novel adaptive control scheme. with improved convergence rate, for the equalization of harmonic disturbances such as engine noise. First, modifications for improving convergence speed of the standard filtered-X LMS control are described. Equalization capabilities are then implemented, allowing the independent tuning of harmonics. Eventually, by providing the desired order vs. engine speed profiles, the pursued sound quality attributes can be achieved. The proposed control scheme is first demonstrated with a simple secondary path model and, then, experimentally validated with the aid of a vehicle mockup which is excited with engine noise. The engine excitation is provided by a real-time sound quality equivalent engine simulator. Stationary and transient engine excitations are used to assess the control performance. The results reveal that the proposed controller is capable of large order-level reductions (up to 30 dB) for stationary excitation, which allows a comfortable margin for equalization. The same holds for slow run-ups ( > 15s) thanks to the improved convergence rate. This margin, however, gets narrower with shorter run-ups (<= 10s). (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Active control solutions appear to be a feasible approach to cope with the steadily increasing requirements for noise reduction in the transportation industry. Active controllers tend to be designed with a target on the sound pressure level reduction. However, the perceived control efficiency for the occupants can be more accurately assessed if psychoacoustic metrics can be taken into account. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate, numerically and experimentally, the effect of a feedback controller on the sound quality of a vehicle mockup excited with engine noise. The proposed simulation scheme is described and experimentally validated. The engine excitation is provided by a sound quality equivalent engine simulator, running on a real-time platform that delivers harmonic excitation in function of the driving condition. The controller performance is evaluated in terms of specific loudness and roughness. It is shown that the use of a quite simple control strategy, such as a velocity feedback, can result in satisfactory loudness reduction with slightly spread roughness, improving the overall perception of the engine sound. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Swallowing dynamics involves the coordination and interaction of several muscles and nerves which allow correct food transport from mouth to stomach without laryngotracheal penetration or aspiration. Clinical swallowing assessment depends on the evaluator`s knowledge of anatomic structures and of neurophysiological processes involved in swallowing. Any alteration in those steps is denominated oropharyngeal dysphagia, which may have many causes, such as neurological or mechanical disorders. Videofluoroscopy of swallowing is presently considered to be the best exam to objectively assess the dynamics of swallowing, but the exam needs to be conducted under certain restrictions, due to patient`s exposure to radiation, which limits periodical repetition for monitoring swallowing therapy. Another method, called cervical auscultation, is a promising new diagnostic tool for the assessment of swallowing disorders. The potential to diagnose dysphagia in a noninvasive manner by assessing the sounds of swallowing is a highly attractive option for the dysphagia clinician. Even so, the captured sound has an amount of noise, which can hamper the evaluator`s decision. In that way, the present paper proposes the use of a filter to improve the quality of audible sound and facilitate the perception of examination. The wavelet denoising approach is used to decompose the noisy signal. The signal to noise ratio was evaluated to demonstrate the quantitative results of the proposed methodology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sound source localization (SSL) is an essential task in many applications involving speech capture and enhancement. As such, speaker localization with microphone arrays has received significant research attention. Nevertheless, existing SSL algorithms for small arrays still have two significant limitations: lack of range resolution, and accuracy degradation with increasing reverberation. The latter is natural and expected, given that strong reflections can have amplitudes similar to that of the direct signal, but different directions of arrival. Therefore, correctly modeling the room and compensating for the reflections should reduce the degradation due to reverberation. In this paper, we show a stronger result. If modeled correctly, early reflections can be used to provide more information about the source location than would have been available in an anechoic scenario. The modeling not only compensates for the reverberation, but also significantly increases resolution for range and elevation. Thus, we show that under certain conditions and limitations, reverberation can be used to improve SSL performance. Prior attempts to compensate for reverberation tried to model the room impulse response (RIR). However, RIRs change quickly with speaker position, and are nearly impossible to track accurately. Instead, we build a 3-D model of the room, which we use to predict early reflections, which are then incorporated into the SSL estimation. Simulation results with real and synthetic data show that even a simplistic room model is sufficient to produce significant improvements in range and elevation estimation, tasks which would be very difficult when relying only on direct path signal components.


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In order to effectively suppress the noise radiation from large electrical power transformers, both the structure-borne and air-borne sound fields need to be characterised. The characterisation can be made either from theoretical predictions or by in-situ measurements. This paper presents the study of the sound radiation from a large power transformer in a substation. The radiation pattern can be predicted from the measured acceleration distribution and the predicted value is not affected by other noise sources. Alternatively, the farfield sound pressure level can be predicted from the sound pressure level measured at NEMA locations. Both the near- and far-field power radiation can be in-situ measured using the sound intensity technique. It is shown that both the vibration of a transformer tank wall and the radiated noise consist of a series of tonal components mainly at the first few harmonic frequencies of 100 Hz. Also, the neglect of the noise radiation from the transformer (top and bottom) lids does not affects the accuracy of the transformer radiation characterisation. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bees generate thoracic vibrations with their indirect flight muscles in various behavioural contexts. The main frequency component of non-flight vibrations, during which the wings are usually folded over the abdomen, is higher than that of thoracic vibrations that drive the wing movements for flight. So far, this has been concluded from an increase in natural frequency of the oscillating system in association with the wing adduction. In the present study, we measured the thoracic oscillations in stingless bees during stationary flight and during two types of non-flight behaviour, annoyance buzzing and forager communication, using laser vibrometry. As expected, the flight vibrations met all tested assumptions for resonant oscillations: slow build-up and decay of amplitude; increased frequency following reduction of the inertial load; and decreased frequency following an increase of the mass of the oscillating system. Resonances, however, do not play a significant role in the generation of non-flight vibrations. The strong decrease in main frequency at the end of the pulses indicates that these were driven at a frequency higher than the natural frequency of the system. Despite significant differences regarding the main frequency components and their oscillation amplitudes, the mechanism of generation is apparently similar in annoyance buzzing and forager vibrations. Both types of non-flight vibration induced oscillations of the wings and the legs in a similar way. Since these body parts transform thoracic oscillations into airborne sounds and substrate vibrations, annoyance buzzing can also be used to study mechanisms of signal generation and transmission potentially relevant in forager communication under controlled conditions.


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In stingless bees, recruitment of hive bees to food sources involves thoracic vibrations by foragers during trophallaxis. The temporal pattern of these vibrations correlates with the sugar concentration of the collected food. One possible pathway for transfering such information to nestmates is through airborne sound. In the present study, we investigated the transformation of thoracic vibrations into air particle velocity, sound pressure, and jet airflows in the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. Whereas particle velocity and sound pressure were found all around and above vibrating individuals, there was no evidence for a jet airflow as with honey bees. The largest particle velocities were measured 5 mm above the wings (16.0 +/- 4.8 mm s(-1)). Around a vibrating individual, we found maximum particle velocities of 8.6 +/- 3.0 mm s(-1) (horizontal particle velocity) in front of the bee`s head and of 6.0 +/- 2.1 mm s(-1) (vertical particle velocity) behind its wings. Wing oscillations, which are mainly responsible for air particle movements in honey bees, significantly contributed to vertically oriented particle oscillations only close to the abdomen in M. scutellaris(distances <= 5 mm). Almost 80% of the hive bees attending trophallactic food transfers stayed within a range of 5 mm from the vibrating foragers. It remains to be shown, however, whether air particle velocity alone is strong enough to be detected by Johnston`s organ of the bee antenna. Taking the physiological properties of the honey bee`s Johnston`s organ as the reference, M. scutellaris hive bees are able to detect the forager vibrations through particle movements at distances of up to 2 cm.


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Cervical auscultation presents as a noninvasive screening assessment of swallowing. Until now the focus of acoustic research in swallowing has been the characterization of swallowing sounds,. However, it may be that the technique is also suitable for the detection of respiratory sounds post swallow. A healthy relationship between swallowing and respiration is widely accepted as pivotal to safe swallowing. Previous investigators have shown that the expiratory phase of respiration commonly occurs prior to and after swallowing. That the larynx is valved shut during swallowing is also accepted. Previous research indicates that the larynx releases valved air immediately post swallow in healthy individuals. The current investigation sought to explore acoustic evidence of a release of subglottic air post swallow in nondysphagic individuals using a noninvasive medium. Fifty-nine healthy individuals spanning the ages of 18 to 60+ years swallowed 5 and 10 milliliters (ml) of thin and thick liquid boluses. Objective acoustic analysis was used to verify presence of the sound and to characterize its morphological features. The sound, dubbed the glottal release sound, was found to consistently occur in close proximity following the swallowing sound. The results indicated that the sound has distinct morphological features and that these change depending on the volume and viscosity of the bolus swallowed. Further research will be required to translate this information to a clinical tool.


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Este trabalho discute o papel das estatais nas PPPs, de modo a garantir investimentos em infraestrutura pelo financiamento via project finance. Partindo de um contexto de privatiza????es desse setor, que, no Brasil, efetivou-se na d??cada de 1990, buscou-se mostrar como surgiu espa??o para o estabelecimento de PPPs, advindas de novas institui????es resultantes do processo de reforma do Estado. O project finance ?? colocado como uma forma de garantir o financiamento desses investimentos. Sua estrutura financeira, baseada na cria????o de uma pessoa jur??dica para a gest??o do empreendimento, busca dirimir os riscos pela eleva????o do n??mero de participantes e pela securitiza????o de receitas futuras, tornando-as l??quidas em curto prazo. A discuss??o sobre o papel do project finance revela que essa ?? uma estrat??gia vi??vel para a garantia de investimentos por parte das estatais, em parceria com o governo e com outras empresas, que levem ao desenvolvimento socioecon??mico sustent??vel do Pa??s.


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Parcerias público-privadas (PPP) são arranjos contratuais onde o governo assume compromissos futuros por meio de garantias e opções. São alternativas para aumentar a eficiência do Estado por uma alocação mais eficiente de incentivos e riscos. No entanto, a determinação do nível ótimo de garantias e a própria alocação de riscos são geralmente realizadas de forma subjetiva, podendo levar o governo a ter que assumir passivos significativos. Este artigo propõe um modelo de valoração quantitativa de garantias governamentais em projetos de PPP por meio da metodologia das opções reais, e este modelo é aplicado a um projeto de concessão rodoviária. Os autores analisam o impacto de diversos níveis de garantia de receita sobre o valor e risco do projeto, bem como o valor esperado do desembolso futuro do governo em cada uma das situações, concluindo que é possível ao poder público determinar o nível ótimo de garantia em função do grau de redução de risco desejado, e que o desenho e a modelagem contratual de projetos de PPP podem se beneficiar de ferramentas quantitativas aqui apresentadas.