1000 resultados para in vitro morphogenesis


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In vitro morphogenesis and cell suspension culture establishment in Piper solmsianum C. DC. (Piperaceae)). Piper solmsianum is a shrub from Southeast Brazil in which many biologically active compounds were identified. The aim of this work was to establish a cell suspension culture system for this species. With this in mind, petiole and leaf explants obtained from in vitro plantlets were cultured in the presence of different plant growth regulator combinations (IAA, NAA, 2,4-D and BA). Root and indirect shoot adventitious formation, detected by histological analysis, was observed. Besides the different combinations of plant growth regulators, light regime and the supplement of activated charcoal (1.5 mg.l(-1)) were tested for callus induction and growth. Cultures maintained in light, on a 0.2 mg.l(-1) 2,4-D and 2 mg.l(-1) BA supplemented medium, and in the absence of activated charcoal, showed the highest calli fresh matter increment. From a callus culture, cell suspension cultures were established and their growth and metabolite accumulation studied. The achieved results may be useful for further characterization of the activated secondary metabolites pathways in in vitro systems of P. solmsianum.


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Foi avaliada a morfogênese in vitro a partir de explantes de folha imatura excisados de plantas de duas variedades nacionais (RB739735 e RB72454) de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.), mantidas em campo. Os explantes foram obtidos de plantas com 6-9 meses e cultivados em meio MS sólido suplementado com 2,4-D a 9 miM. As culturas foram mantidas no escuro, durante quatro semanas. A eficiência de formação de calos foi influenciada pelo genótipo. Os calos derivados da variedade RB72454 eram mucilaginosos e não originaram plantas. Explantes da variedade RB739735 formaram calos amarelos friáveis e embriogênicos (tipo II), que mantiveram sua capacidade proliferativa por, pelo menos, seis meses. Após transferência para meio MS sem reguladores de crescimento e em condições de iluminação, 56% desses calos originaram plantas, resultando na produção de, em média, 50 plantas por calo, após dois meses de cultura. As plantas continuaram a se desenvolver, originando novos brotos após transferência para meio MS0 líquido, não sendo observadas anormalidades fenotípicas. A inibição do desenvolvimento dos calos em resposta a diferentes concentrações de antibióticos usados em protocolos de transformação genética foi também avaliada. Foi observada inibição na presença de canamicina a 128,7 miM e de higromicina a 94,8 miM. Não foi obtido nenhum efeito inibidor do antibiótico geneticina (G418), em concentrações entre 43,3 e 86,6 miM.


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Azadirachta indica A. Juss, popularmente conhecido como nim, é uma espécie arbórea que se destaca por possuir substâncias de ação inseticida, fungicida, bactericida e nematicida. Sementes de nim foram inoculadas em meio de cultura WPM (Wood Plant Medium) contendo diferentes concentrações de ácido giberélico (GA3) (0; 3,0; 6,0; 9,0; e 12,0 mg L-1). Após 30 dias, cotilédones obtidos a partir de plântulas germinadas in vitro foram inoculados em meio WPM suplementado com ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) (0,0; 1,0; 2,0; e 3,0 mg L-1) e, ou, 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) (0,0; 1,0; 2,0; e 3,0 mg L-1). As culturas foram incubadas no escuro, a 28 ºC. Os calos formados foram avaliados com base na sua coloração e textura, e três subcultivos foram realizados mensalmente em meio WPM contendo 2,0 mg L-1 BAP, na presença de luz. A cada 30 dias, avaliou-se o número de brotos formados a partir dos calos subcultivados. Entre os meios testados, o mais apropriado para germinação in vitro de nim foi o WPM na ausência de GA3. Explantes cotiledonares cultivados em WPM suplementado com 2,0 mg L-1 de BAP promoveram a maior formação de calos com potencial morfogênico. Quando esses calos foram transferidos para meio de composição similar, obteve-se alta formação de brotações até o terceiro subcultivo.


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Calcium chloride concentrations from 0.0 to 12.12 mM were added to the culture medium and calcium content in calluses were determined directly by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, a non-destructive method, allowing the processing of the same tissue for histological analysis. A multivariate statistical analysis (PCA - Principal Components Analysis) grouped the treatments into 5 blocks and indicated the most responsive group. Lack of calcium supply caused a complete absence of a morphogenic process and tissue collapse. An increase in calcium concentration gave higher total protein and sugar contents, an increase in peroxidase specific activity and changes in the histological characteristics. It was possible to verify that calcium stimulated globular somatic embryo formation at concentration of 6.62 mM.


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In vitro organogenesis of Citrus volkameriana and C. aurantium was studied considering three explant types: epicotyl segment, internodal segment, and hypocotyl segment with attached cotyledon fragment. The explants were cultured in medium according to Grosser and Gmitter (EME) supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mg dm(- 3) 6-benzyl-aminopurine (BAP), incubated firstly in darkness for 4 weeks, and then transferred to 16-h photoperiod for 2 weeks. Comparing epicotyl and internodal segments, a higher percentage of responsive explants and a higher number of shoots per explant were obtained with epicotyl segments, regardless of the BAP concentration. For C. volkameriana the highest percentage of responsive epicotyl segments (42 %) was obtained in EME with 1.0 mg dm(-3) BAP, while for C. aurantium (59 %) in EME with 0.5 mg dm(-3) BAP. The organogenesis efficiency was the best with the use of the hypocotyl segment with attached cotyledon fragment (77 % for C. volkameriana and to 75 % for C. aurantium). With this explant the morphogenesis occurred only in the hypocotyl region. The in vitro organogenesis was characterized by histological analyses showing that the morphogenic process started in the cambium region near the explant cut end.


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This work investigated the influence of different concentrations of calcium on the growth of plantlets of the bromeliad Aechmea blanchetiana cultured in vitro. Seedlings of A. blanchetiana were axenically cultured in liquid Murashige and Skoog basal medium supplemented with different concentrations of calcium (Ca; 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, or 12 mM) without growth regulators. The resulting plantlets were cultured under 93 mol m-2 s-1 illumination, 12 hour photoperiod regime and 25C 1 for 120 days with subculture to fresh identical media every 30 days. The addition of calcium at 9.38 mM to MS modified medium increased the production of fresh and dry mass of plantlets, whilst chlorine from calcium chloride dehydrate (CaCl2 2 H2O) in excess (3.35 mM) decreased both the fresh and dry mass of plantlets.


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tabby and downless mutant mice have apparently identical defects in teeth, hair and sweat glands. Recently, genes responsible for these spontaneous mutations have been identified. downless (Dl) encodes Edar, a novel member of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family, containing the characteristic extracellular cysteine rich fold, a single transmembrane region and a death homology domain close to the C terminus. tabby (Ta) encodes ectodysplasin-A (Eda) a type II membrane protein of the TNF ligand family containing an internal collagen-like domain. As predicted by the similarity in adult mutant phenotype and the structure of the proteins, we demonstrate that Eda and Edar specifically interact in vitro. We have compared the expression pattern of Dl and Ta in mouse development, taking the tooth as our model system, and find that they are not expressed in adjacent cells as would have been expected. Teeth develop by a well recorded series of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, similar to those in hair follicle and sweat gland development, the structures found to be defective in tabby and downless mice. We have analysed the downless mutant teeth in detail, and have traced the defect in cusp morphology back to initial defects in the structure of the tooth enamel knot at E13. Significantly, the defect is distinct from that of the tabby mutant. In the tabby mutant, there is a recognisable but small enamel knot, whereas in the downless mutant the knot is absent, but enamel knot cells are organised into a different shape, the enamel rope, showing altered expression of signalling factors (Shh, Fgf4, Bmp4 and Wnt10b). By adding a soluble form of Edar to tooth germs, we were able to mimic the tabby enamel knot phenotype, demonstrating the involvement of endogenous Eda in tooth development. We could not, however, reproduce the downless phenotype, suggesting the existence of yet another ligand or receptor, or of ligand-independent activation mechanisms for Edar. Changes in the structure of the enamel knot signalling centre in downless tooth germs provide functional data directly linking the enamel knot with tooth cusp morphogenesis. We also show that the Lef1 pathway, thought to be involved in these mutants, functions independently in a parallel pathway.


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The influence of human immunoglobulins (Ig) in neuronal cytoskeleton stability was studied in vitro. Here we show that human Ig and Fc fragments stimulate animal and human microtubule assembly by binding to microtubules via tau isoforms. In presence of Ig, microtubules show increased aggregation, twisting and rigidity. Non-immune Ig and Fc fragments promote microtubule assembly in temperature-dependent manner and stabilize microtubules at a molecular ratio of 1 Ig per 4 tubulin dimers. These in vitro data provide an experimental support for an immuno-mediated modulation of the cytoskeleton. In conjunction with previous neuropathological data, they suggest that Ig could participate in early stages of neurodegeneration by affecting the microtubule stability in vivo.


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This study was undertaken to determine how dopamine influences cortical development. It focused on morphogenesis of GABAergic neurons that contained the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV). Organotypic slices of frontoparietal cortex were taken from neonatal rats, cultured with or without dopamine, harvested daily (4-30 d), and immunostained for parvalbumin. Expression of parvalbumin occurred in the same regional and laminar sequence as in vivo. Expression in cingulate and entorhinal preceded that in lateral frontoparietal cortices. Laminar expression progressed from layer V to VI and finally II-IV. Somal labeling preceded fiber labeling by 2 d. Dopamine accelerated PV expression. In treated slices, a dense band of PV-immunoreactive neurons appeared in layer V at 7 d in vitro (DIV), and in all layers of frontoparietal cortex at 14 DIV, whereas in control slices such labeling did not appear until 14 and 21 DIV, respectively. The laminar distribution and dendritic branching of PV-immunoreactive neurons were quantified. More labeled neurons were in the superficial layers, and their dendritic arborizations were significantly increased by dopamine. Treatment with a D1 receptor agonist had little effect, whereas a D2 agonist mimicked dopamine's effects. Likewise, the D2 but not the D1 antagonist blocked dopamine-induced changes, indicating that they were mediated primarily by D2 receptors. Parvalbumin expression was accelerated by dopaminergic reinnervation of cortical slices that were cocultured with mesencephalic slices. Coapplication of the glutamate NMDA receptor antagonist MK801 or AP5 blocked dopamine-induced increases in dendritic branching, suggesting that changes were mediated partly by interaction with glutamate to alter cortical excitability.


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This is a comparative study of the ultrastructural characteristics of the cells involved in the organogenesis in vitro of Bauhinia forficata Link (indirect system) and Glycine max (L.) Merrill (direct system). B. forficata calli after 30 days culture and G. max meristemoids after 10 days culture were prepared for ultrastructural analysis using conventional methods. Concentrically arranged rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and plastids containing starch grains were seen during G. max and B. forficata organogenesis. The amitotic process, the presence of plastids around the nucleus and nuclear envelope with conspicuous pores were found in B. forficata.


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Ethylene is a plant hormone that is of fundamental importance to in vitro morphogenesis, but in many species, it has not been thoroughly studied. Its relationship with polyamines has been studied mainly because the two classes of hormones share a common biosynthetic precursor, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). In order to clarify whether competition between polyamines and ethylene influences in vitro morphogenetic responses of Passiflora cincinnata Mast., a climacteric species, different compounds were used that act on ethylene biosynthesis and action, or as ethylene scavengers. Treatment with the ethylene inhibitor, aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) caused a greater regeneration frequency in P. cincinnata, whereas treatment with the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic-acid (ACC) lessened regeneration frequencies. The data suggested that levels of polyamines and ethylene are not correlated with morphogenic responses in P. cincinnata. It was ascertained that neither the absolute ethylene and polyamine levels, nor competition between the compounds, correlated to the obtained morphogenic responses. However, sensitivity to, and signaling by, ethylene appears to play an important role in differentiation. This study reinforces previous reports regarding the requirement of critical concentrations and temporal regulation of ethylene levels for morphogenic responses. Temporal regulation also appeared to be a key factor in competition between the two biosynthetic pathways, without having any effects on morphogenesis. Further studies investigating the silencing or overexpression of genes related to ethylene perception, under the influence of polyamines in cell differentiation are extremely important for the complete understanding of this process.


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Levels of ethylene and polyamines (PAs) were measured during organogenesis of hypocotyl explants of two species of passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Masters and Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener `FB-100`) to better understand the relationships of these regulators and their influence on cell differentiation and morphogenesis. Moreover, histological investigation of shoot ontogenesis was conducted to characterize the different events involved in cell redifferentiation and regulation of PA and ethylene levels. A delay was observed in morphogenic responses of P. edulis f. flavicarpa as compared to P. cincinnata, and these changes coincided with production of elevated levels of polyamine and ethylene levels. During differentiation, cells showed high rates of expansion and elongation, and high ethylene levels were associated with high PA levels, suggesting that the two biosynthesis pathways were highly regulated. Moreover, their interaction might be an important factor for determining cell differentiation. The addition of PAs to the culture medium did not promote organogenesis; however, the incorporation of the PA inhibitor methylglyoxal bisguanylhydrazone in the culture medium reduced shoot bud differentiation, suggesting the need to maintaining a minimum level of PAs for morphogenic events to take place.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)