1000 resultados para import process


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Tutkielman päätavoitteena oli kehittää kohdeyrityksen lyhyen aikavälin rahoitussuunnittelua prosessijohtamisen periaatteiden mukaisesti. Tutkimus jakaantui metodologisesti kahteen osaan: teoriaosassa käytettiin käsiteanalyyttistä tutkimusotetta ja empiriaosassa toiminta-analyyttistä tutkimusotetta. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutettiin tutkimalla kohdeyrityksen liiketoimintaprosesseja. Yksi rahoitussuunnittelun kannalta merkittävä prosessi, maahantuontiprosessi, valittiin tarkemmin kuvattavaksi ja analysoitavaksi. Yrityksen toimintaa tarkasteltaessa todettiin, että toiminnan ohjaaminen prosessijohtamisen periaatteiden mukaisesti ja rahoitussuunnittelun tunnistaminen prosessin asiakkaaksi parantaisi informaatiovirtojen laatua ja samalla lisäisi rahoitussuunnitelmien validiutta. Kohdeyrityksellä ei ole tällä hetkellä käytössään prosessiorganisaatiota. Prosessiajattelun mukaisella yrityksen tarkastelulla lisättiin yrityksen toiminnan ymmärrystä. Samalla luotiin edellytykset toiminnan kehittämiselle. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kohdeyritykselle laadittiin toimenpide-ehdotuksia maahantuontiprosessin kehittämiseksi siten, että yrityksen maksuvalmiutta pystyttäisiin paremmin suunnittelemaan ja ylläpitämään.


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A large part of hydraulic hoses is produced on a mandrel. The mandrel has longer length and circular profile being produced by extrusion of polyamide polymer, which in this case is imported, then the process is depending on the import process, which entails high shipping costs and fees. This work studies the production of recycled mandrel, using the mandrel that is out of dimensional to produce hoses. After the production of recycled mandrel mechanical tensile and hardness were performed both in the natural and recycled mandrel to compare them. It was observed that recycled mandrel presents the tensile properties and hardness superior to natural mandrel. Thus, this work will directly impact the company`s business ultimately reducing costs, reducing waste and reducing environmental impacts


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Macromolecular interactions, such as protein-protein interactions and protein-DNA interactions, play important roles in executing biological functions in cells. However the complexity of such interactions often makes it very challenging to elucidate the structural details of these subjects. In this thesis, two different research strategies were applied on two different two macromolecular systems: X-ray crystallography on three tandem FF domains of transcription regulator CA150 and electron microscopy on STAT1-importin α5 complex. The results from these studies provide novel insights into the function-structure relationships of transcription coupled RNA splicing mediated by CA150 and the nuclear import process of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. ^ The first project aimed at the protein-protein interaction module FF domain, which often occurs as tandem repeats. Crystallographic structure of the first three FF domains of human CA150 was determined to 2.7 Å resolution. This is the only crystal structure of an FF domain and the only structure on tandem FF domains to date. It revealed a striking connectivity between an FF domain and the next. Peptide binding assay with the potential binding ligand of FF domains was performed using fluorescence polarization. Furthermore, for the first time, FF domains were found to potentially interact with DNA. DNA binding assays were also performed and the results were supportive to this newly proposed functionality of an FF domain. ^ The second project aimed at understanding the molecular mechanism of the nuclear import process of transcription factor STAT1. The first structural model of pSTAT1-importin α5 complex in solution was built from the images of negative staining electron microscopy. Two STAT1 molecules were observed to interact with one molecule of importin α5 in an asymmetric manner. This seems to imply that STAT1 interacts with importin α5 with a novel mechanism that is different from canonical importin α-cargo interactions. Further in vitro binding assays were performed to obtain more details on the pSTAT1-importin α5 interaction. ^


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East-West trade has grown rapidly since the sixties, stimulating a parallel expansion in the literature on the subject. An extensive review of this literature shows how: (i) most of the issues involved have at their source the distinctions between East and West in political ideology and/or economic management, and (ii) there has been a tendency to keep theoretical and practical perspectives on the subject too separate. This thesis demonstrates the importance of understanding the fundamental principles implied in the first point, and represents an attempt to bridge the gap identified in the second. A detailed study of the market for fire fighting equipment in Eastern Europe is undertaken in collaboration with a medium-sized company, Angus Fire Armour Limited. Desk research methods are combined with visits to the market to assess the potential for the company's products, and recommendations for future strategy are made. The case demonstrates the scope and limitations of various research methods for the East European market, and a model for market research relevant to all companies is developed. Tne case study highlights three areas largely neglected in the literature: (i) the problems of internal company adaptation to East European conditions; (ii) the division of responsibility between foreign trade organisations; and (iii) bribery and corruption in East-West trade. Further research into the second topic - through a survey of 36 UK exporters - and the third - through analysis of publicised corruption cases - confirms the representativeness of the Angus experience, and reflects on the complexity of the Bast European import process, which does not always function as is commonly supposed. The very complexity of the problems confronting companies reaffirms the need to appreciate the principles underlying the subject, while the detailed analysis into questions of, originally, a marketing nature, reveals wider implications for East-West trade and East-West relations.


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Este proyecto de investigación es un estudio de factibilidad de importación del calzado para dama desde China para la empresa colombiana Kenzo Jeans a través del cual se evalúan a profundidad estrategias en producto, precio y distribución para que la empresa valore la conveniencia del proceso. El objetivo de esta investigación es generar herramientas y estrategias necesarias para que la empresa logre tener una visión más completa al importar calzado desde China para la distribución en el mercado colombiano. Este estudio se realizó con el fin de brindar información para que la gerencia pueda tomar decisiones correctas, eliminando el desconocimiento que pueda generar mayor incertidumbre al involucrarse en un proceso de importación. Para llevar a cabo este proceso se determinaron unos criterios de evaluación y selección mínimos respecto al diseño del producto, precio, calidad, número de unidades mínimas para realizar el pedido, empaque y etiquetado con el que debían contar los posibles proveedores en China. Esto se realizó a través de un acercamiento a los potenciales proveedores y permitió filtrar a aquellos que podrían cumplir con los criterios exigidos por Kenzo Jeans. Una vez realizado el proceso de clasificación y selección se logró determinar que existe potencial en la importación de calzado de dama desde China. Hecho este proceso se sugiere a Kenzo Jeans realizar contacto directo con estas empresas a través de un posible viaje de negocios.


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Ran, the small, predominantly nuclear GTPase, has been implicated in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes including cell cycle progression, nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of RNA and protein, nuclear structure, and DNA synthesis. It is not known whether Ran functions directly in each process or whether many of its roles may be secondary to a direct role in only one, for example, nuclear protein import. To identify biochemical links between Ran and its functional target(s), we have generated and examined the properties of a putative Ran effector mutation, T42A-Ran. T42A-Ran binds guanine nucleotides as well as wild-type Ran and responds as well as wild-type Ran to GTP or GDP exchange stimulated by the Ran-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, RCC1. T42A-Ran·GDP also retains the ability to bind p10/NTF2, a component of the nuclear import pathway. In contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran·GTP binds very weakly or not detectably to three proposed Ran effectors, Ran-binding protein 1 (RanBP1), Ran-binding protein 2 (RanBP2, a nucleoporin), and karyopherin ß (a component of the nuclear protein import pathway), and is not stimulated to hydrolyze bound GTP by Ran GTPase-activating protein, RanGAP1. Also in contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran does not stimulate nuclear protein import in a digitonin permeabilized cell assay and also inhibits wild-type Ran function in this system. However, the T42A mutation does not block the docking of karyophilic substrates at the nuclear pore. These properties of T42A-Ran are consistent with its classification as an effector mutant and define the exposed region of Ran containing the mutation as a probable effector loop.


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The literature on agency suggests different implications for the use of export intermediaries. However, only few studies provide a view on import intermediaries. This thesis tries for its part to fill this research gap by studying the import intermediaries in the EU–Russia trade from a Russian industrial company’s point of view. The aim is to describe import intermediation and explain the need for import intermediary companies in the EU–Russia trade. The theoretical framework of this thesis originates from an article by Peng and York (2001), in which they study the performance of export intermediaries. This thesis applies resource-based theory, transaction cost theory and agency cost theory, following the idea of Peng and York. The resource-based theory approach is utilised for describing an ideal import intermediary company, and transaction cost theory provides a basis for understanding the benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies, while agency cost theory is applied in order to understand the risks the Russian industrial company faces when it decides to use the services of import intermediaries. The study is performed in the form of a case interview with a representative of a major Russian metallurgy company. The results of the study suggest that an ideal intermediary has the skills required specifically for the imports process, in order to save time and money of the principal company. The intermediary company helps reducing the amount of time the managers and the staff of the principal company use to make imports possible, thus reducing the salary costs and providing the possibility to concentrate on the company’s core competencies. The benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies are the reduced transaction costs, especially salary costs that are minimised because of the effectiveness and specialisation of import intermediaries. Intermediaries are specialised in the imports process and thus need less time and resources to organise the imports. They also help to reduce the fixed salary costs, because their services can be used only when needed. The risks of being misled by intermediaries are minimised by the competition on the import intermediary market. In case an intermediary attempts fraud, it gets replaced by its rival.


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This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the process of import substitution in Sub-Saharan Africa. The process of industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa occurred in two phases: a first step, even very early during the colonial regime began around the 1920s and ended in the late forties; a second phase of industrialization began in the late fifties and gained momentum in the sixties, when import substitution was implemented more widely. Although these countries were the last to embark on the strategy of import substitution, they followed the same steps of Latin American countries, and as the structural domestic and external constraints were too strong, the failure of the policy of import substitution arrived early and the negative impact on these economies had a greater magnitude.


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The literature on agency suggests different implications for the use of export intermediaries. However, only few studies provide a view on import intermediaries. This thesis tries for its part to fill this research gap by studying the import intermediaries in the EU–Russia trade from a Russian industrial company’s point of view. The aim is to describe import intermediation and explain the need for import intermediary companies in the EU–Russia trade. The theoretical framework of this thesis originates from an article by Peng and York (2001), in which they study the performance of export intermediaries. This thesis applies resource-based theory, transaction cost theory and agency cost theory, following the idea of Peng and York. The resource-based theory approach is utilised for describing an ideal import intermediary company, and transaction cost theory provides a basis for understanding the benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies, while agency cost theory is applied in order to understand the risks the Russian industrial company faces when it decides to use the services of import intermediaries. The study is performed in the form of a case interview with a representative of a major Russian metallurgy company. The results of the study suggest that an ideal intermediary has the skills required specifically for the imports process, in order to save time and money of the principal company. The intermediary company helps reducing the amount of time the managers and the staff of the principal company use to make imports possible, thus reducing the salary costs and providing the possibility to concentrate on the company’s core competencies. The benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies are the reduced transaction costs, especially salary costs that are minimised because of the effectiveness and specialisation of import intermediaries. Intermediaries are specialised in the imports process and thus need less time and resources to organise the imports. They also help to reduce the fixed salary costs, because their services can be used only when needed. The risks of being misled by intermediaries are minimised by the competition on the import intermediary market. In case an intermediary attempts fraud, it gets replaced by its rival.


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Affiliation: Zhujun Ao, Éric Cohen & Xiaojian Yao : Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal


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Includes bibliography


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This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the process of import substitution in Sub-Saharan Africa. The process of industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa occurred in two phases: a first step, even very early during the colonial regime began around the 1920s and ended in the late forties; a second phase of industrialization began in the late fifties and gained momentum in the sixties, when import substitution was implemented more widely. Although these countries were the last to embark on the strategy of import substitution, they followed the same steps of Latin American countries, and as the structural domestic and external constraints were too strong, the failure of the policy of import substitution arrived early and the negative impact on these economies had a greater magnitude.


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This study examines how the importing process time affects export patterns at an establishment level. We first theoretically discuss the effects of import time on not only exports but also export shipment frequency and exports per shipment. Then, we derive some propositions regarding those effects. Next, by employing highly detailed customs data for Thailand from 2007 to 2011, we empirically investigate those propositions. In this study, the time to import is measured at an establishment level using the difference between the dates on which import shipments arrived in ports and then were released from the container yard. Our main finding is that a longer time reduces total exports, particularly through decreasing export frequency. Significantly negative effects on exports per shipment appear in some specific cases. A longer time to import also reduces total imports, particularly through decreasing import frequency.


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Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is a process that requires relatively high quantities of iron provided by the host legume. Using synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence, we have determined that this iron is released from the vasculature into the apoplast of zone II of M. truncatula nodules. This overlaps with the distribution of MtNramp1, a plasma membrane iron importer. The importance of MtNramp1 in iron transport for nitrogen fixation is indicated by the 60% reduction of nitrogenase activity observed in knock-down lines, most likely due to deficient incorporation of this essential metal cofactor at the necessary levels.