62 resultados para impeller


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The influence of impeller type and stirring frequency on the performance of a mechanically stirred anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass on an inert support (AnSBBR - Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor) was evaluated. The biomass was immobilized on polyurethane foam cubes placed in a stainless-steel basket inside a glass cylinder. Each 8-h batch run consisted of three stages: feed (10 min), reaction (460 min) and discharge (10 min) at 30 degrees C. Experiments were performed with four impeller types, i.e., helical, flat-blade, inclined-blade and curved-blade turbines, at stirring frequencies ranging from 100 to 1100 rpm. Synthetic wastewater was used in all experiments with an organic-matter concentration of 530 +/- 37 mg/L measured as chemical oxygen demand (COD). The reactor achieved an organic-matter removal efficiency of around 87% under all investigated conditions. Analysis of the four impeller types and the investigated stirring frequencies showed that mass transfer in the liquid phase was affected not only by the applied stirring frequency but also by the agitation mode imposed by each impeller type. The best reactor performance at all stirring frequencies was obtained when agitation was provided by the flat-blade turbine impeller. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of flow type and rotor speed was investigated in a round-bottom reactor with 5 L useful volume containing 2.0 L of granular biomass. The reactor treated 2.0 L of synthetic wastewater with a concentration of 800 mgCOD/L in 8-h cycles at 30 degrees C. Five impellers, commonly used in biological processes, have been employed to this end, namely: a turbine and a paddle impeller with six-vertical-flat-blades, a turbine and a paddle impeller with six-45 degrees-inclined-flat-blades and a three-blade-helix impeller. Results showed that altering impeller type and rotor speed did not significantly affect system stability and performance. Average organic matter removal efficiency was about 84% for filtered samples, total volatile acids concentration was below 20 mgHAc/L and bicarbonate alkalinity a little less than 400 mgCaCO(3)/L for most of the investigated conditions. However, analysis of the first-order kinetic model constants showed that alteration in rotor speed resulted in an increase in the values of the kinetic constants (for instance, from 0.57 h(-1) at 50 rpm to 0.84 h(-1) at 75 rpm when the paddle impeller with six-45 degrees-inclined-flat-blades was used) and that axial flow in mechanically stirred reactors is preferable over radial-flow when the vertical-flat-blade impeller is compared to the inclined-flat-blade impeller (for instance at 75 rpm, from 0.52 h(-1) with the six-flat-blade-paddle impeller to 0.84 h(-1) with the six-45 degrees-inclined-flat-blade-paddle impeller), demonstrating that there is a rotor speed and an impeller type that maximize solid-liquid mass transfer in the reaction medium. Furthermore, power consumption studies in this reduced reactor volume showed that no high power transfer is required to improve mass transfer (less than 0.6 kW/10(3) m(3)). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper compares the critical impeller speed results for 6 L Denver and Wemco bench-scale flotation cells with findings from a study by Van der Westhuizen and Deglon [Van der Westhuizen, A.P., Deglon, D.A., 2007. Evaluation of solids suspension in a pilot-scale mechanical flotation cell: the critical impeller speed. Minerals Engineering 20,233-240; Van der Westhuizen, A.P., Deglon, D.A., 2008. Solids suspension in a pilot scale mechanical flotation cell: a critical impeller speed correlation. Minerals Engineering 21, 621-629] conducted in a 125 L Batequip flotation cell. Understanding solids suspension has become increasingly important due to dramatic increases in flotation cell sizes. The critical impeller speed is commonly used to indicate the effectiveness of solids suspension. The minerals used in this study were apatite, quartz and hematite. The critical impeller speed was found to be strongly dependent on particle size, solids density and air flow rate, with solids concentration having a lesser influence. Liquid viscosity was found to have a negligible effect. The general Zwietering-type critical impeller speed correlation developed by Van der Westhuizen and Deglon [Van der Westhuizen, A.P., Deglon, D.A., 2008. Solids suspension in a pilot scale mechanical flotation cell: a critical impeller speed correlation. Minerals Engineering 21, 621-629] was found to be applicable to all three flotation machines. The exponents for particle size, solids concentration and liquid viscosity were equivalent for all three cells. The exponent for solids density was found to be less significant than that obtained by the previous authors, and to be consistent with values reported in the general literature for stirred tanks. Finally, a new dimensionless critical impeller speed correlation is proposed where the particle size is divided by the impeller diameter. This modified equation generally predicts the experimental measurements well, with most predictions within 10% of the experimental. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this thesis, a computer software for defining the geometry for a centrifugal compressor impeller is designed and implemented. The project is done under the supervision of Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics in Lappeenranta University of Technology. This thesis is similar to the thesis written by Tomi Putus (2009) in which a centrifugal compressor impeller flow channel is researched and commonly used design practices are reviewed. Putus wrote a computer software which can be used to define impeller’s three-dimensional geometry based on the basic geometrical dimensions given by a preliminary design. The software designed in this thesis is almost similar but it uses a different programming language (C++) and a different way to define the shape of the impeller meridional projection.


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Time dependent gas hold-up generated in the 0.3 and 0.6 m diameter vessels using high viscosity castor oil and carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) solution was compared on the basis of impeller speed (N) and gas velocity (V-G). Two types of hold-up were distinguished-the hold-up due to tiny bubbles (epsilon(ft)) and total hold-up (epsilon(f)), which included large and tiny bubbles. It was noted that vessel diameter (i.e. the scale of operation) significantly influences (i) the trends and the values of epsilon(f) and epsilon(ft), and (ii) the values of tau (a constant reflecting the time dependency of hold-up). The results showed that a scale independent correlation for gas hold-up of the form epsilon(f) or epsilon(ft) = A(N or P-G/V)(a) (V-G)(b), where "a" and "b" are positive constants is not appropriate for viscous liquids. This warrants further investigations into the effect of vessel diameter on gas hold-up in impeller agitated high viscosity liquids (mu or mu(a) > 0.4 Pa s). (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Alginate microparticles were prepared by an emulsion method aiming oral controlled release of antigens to fish. The effects of emulsification temperature and impeller type on particle morphology, average diameter, and size distribution were evaluated. Microparticles contaning formalin-killed Flavobacterium columnare cells (a model antigen) were prepared and characterized regarding bacterial release and particle stability when exposed to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) typical gastrointestinal conditions. This methodology allowed the production of microparticles containing up to 14.3 g/L of bacterin, stable at a pH range from 2.0 to 9.0 for 12 h and smaller than 35 μm.


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Effective solids suspension is a necessary precondition for particle collection, and solids suspension is largely dependent on the hydrodynamics of the flotation cell. This study attempted to correlate the status of the suspension of apatite particles of different sizes in a Denver laboratory flotation cell versus the impeller rotational speed (N) adopted to operate the machine. The latter variable (N) influences the impeller capacity to lift the particles from the bottom of the tank and also to disperse them throughout the volume of the vessel. Such an impeller capacity can be characterized by the critical impeller speed for the accomplishment of solids off-bottom suspension (N(z)) and also by the velocity of the radial water flow discharged by the impeller (U) divided by the particle terminal settling velocity (U(s)). This way, the status of the suspension of apatite particles inside the flotation cell can be characterized by one of three categories: ""segregation"" (N/N(2) < 0.60 and U(s)/U > 0.08); ""suspension"" (0.60 <= N/N(2) < 1 and 0.06 < U(s)/U < 0.10); and ""dragging"" (N/N(2) >= 1 and U(s)/U <= 0.03). The range of impeller rotational speed (N), which was able to suspend the finest particles (D(p) = 90,mu m), was unable to suspend the coarsest particles (D(P) = 254 mu m). Conversely, the high value of N (N > 1,300 rpm), which is adequate to suspend the coarsest particles, may promote the entrainment of the finest particles to the froth layer.


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The processes that govern the rate of particle recovery in a flotation cell include the following sub-processes: collision, attachment, and stability of the aggregate formed by particles and bubbles. Collision is controlled by bulk hydrodynamics inside the flotation cell, while attachment is largely dominated by variables that belong to the domain of surface chemistry (contact angle, induction time). As for the stability of the particle/bubble aggregate, its efficiency depends on both hydrodynamics plus surface chemistry variables of the system. The flotation recovery of coarse particles of apatite and glass spheres was measured by micro-flotation and batch flotation tests in which hydrodynamic parameters were evaluated, such as impeller rotational speed, diameter, and geometry, as well as particle size and density. Results revealed that a proper impeller rotational speed yielded turbulence levels, which enabled to keep particles fully suspended, this way optimizing the collision efficiency between particles and bubbles, without jeopardizing the stability of the particle-bubble aggregates.


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There is considerable anecdotal evidence from industry that poor wetting and liquid distribution can lead to broad granule size distributions in mixer granulators. Current scale-up scenarios lead to poor liquid distribution and a wider product size distribution. There are two issues to consider when scaling up: the size and nature of the spray zone and the powder flow patterns as a function of granulator scale. Short, nucleation-only experiments in a 25L PMA Fielder mixer using lactose powder with water and HPC solutions demonstrated the existence of different nucleation regimes depending on the spray flux Psi(a)-from drop-controlled nucleation to caking. In the drop-controlled regime at low Psi(a) values. each drop forms a single nucleus and the nuclei distribution is controlled by the spray droplet size distribution. As Psi(a) increases, the distribution broadens rapidly as the droplets overlap and coalesce in the spray zone. The results are in excellent agreement with previous experiments and confirm that for drop-controlled nucleation. Psi(a) should be less than 0.1. Granulator flow studies showed that there are two powder flow regimes-bumping and roping. The powder flow goes through a transition from bumping to roping as impeller speed is increased. The roping regime gives good bed turn over and stable flow patterns. This regime is recommended for good liquid distribution and nucleation. Powder surface velocities as a function of impeller speed were measured using high-speed video equipment and MetaMorph image analysis software, Powder surface velocities were 0.2 to 1 ms(-1)-an order of magnitude lower than the impeller tip speed. Assuming geometrically similar granulators, impeller speed should be set to maintain constant Froude number during scale-up rather than constant tip speed to ensure operation in the roping regime. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química


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Polymorfian jatkuva seuranta saostuksessa on hyödyllistä suunnittelun ja kidetuotteen ominaisuuksien sekä kiteytystä seuraavan jatkoprosessoinnin kannalta. Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu L-glutamiinihapon kahden (- ja ß) polymorfimuodon liukoisuuden riippuvuutta pH:sta ja lämpötilasta.Tulokseksi saatiin, että kummankin polymorfin liukoisuus kasvoi sekä pH:ta ettälämpötilaa kasvatettaessa. ¿¿muodon liukoisuus oli korkeampi kuin ß-muodon liukoisuus valituilla pH-arvoilla eri lämpötiloissa. Lisäksi seurattiin puolipanostoimisen saostuksen aikana 1-litraisella laboratoriokiteyttimellä muodostuvan kiteisen polymorfiseoksen koostumusta hyödyntäen in-line Raman-spektroskopiaa. Myös liuoksen pH-muutosta seurattiin sekä liuoksen koostumusta ATR FTIR-spektroskopian (Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer) avulla. Tutkittavina muuttujina olivat mm. sekoitusintensiteetti, sekoitintyyppi, reaktanttien (natriumglutamaatti ja rikkihappo) konsentraatiot sekä syötetyn rikkihapon syöttökohta kiteyttimessä. Työhön sisältyi 36 koetta ja osa kokeista toistettiin tulosten oikeellisuuden tarkistamiseksi. Inline-mittaustulosten verifioimiseksi kidenäytteet analysoitiin myös käyttämällä konfokaali Raman-mikroskooppia. Kidemorfologiaa tutkittiin SEM-kuvien (Scanning Eletronic Microscope) avulla. Työ osoitti, että Raman-spektroskopia on joustava ja luotettava menetelmä saostusprosessin jatkuvaan seurantaan L-glutamiinihapolla. Alhaiset lähtöainepitoisuudet tuottivat pääasiassa ¿¿muotoa, kun taas alhainen sekoitusteho edisti ß-muodon muodostumista. Syöttökohta vaikutti merkittävästi polymorfiaan. Kun rikkihapon syöttökohta oli epäideaalisesti sekoitetulla vyöhykkeellä, nousi ylikylläisyystaso korkeaksi ja päätuote oli tällöin ß-muotoa. 6-lapainen vinolapaturbiini (nousukulma 45o) ja 6-lapainen levyturbiini eivät merkittävästi poikenneet toisistaan muodostuvien polymorfien osalta.


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Small centrifugal compressors are more and more widely used in many industrialsystems because of their higher efficiency and better off-design performance comparing to piston and scroll compressors as while as higher work coefficient perstage than in axial compressors. Higher efficiency is always the aim of the designer of compressors. In the present work, the influence of four partsof a small centrifugal compressor that compresses heavy molecular weight real gas has been investigated in order to achieve higher efficiency. Two parts concern the impeller: tip clearance and the circumferential position of the splitter blade. The other two parts concern the diffuser: the pinch shape and vane shape. Computational fluid dynamics is applied in this study. The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes flow solver Finflo is used. The quasi-steady approach is utilized. Chien's k-e turbulence model is used to model the turbulence. A new practical real gas model is presented in this study. The real gas model is easily generated, accuracy controllable and fairly fast. The numerical results and measurements show good agreement. The influence of tip clearance on the performance of a small compressor is obvious. The pressure ratio and efficiency are decreased as the size of tip clearance is increased, while the total enthalpy rise keeps almost constant. The decrement of the pressure ratio and efficiency is larger at higher mass flow rates and smaller at lower mass flow rates. The flow angles at the inlet and outlet of the impeller are increased as the size of tip clearance is increased. The results of the detailed flow field show that leakingflow is the main reason for the performance drop. The secondary flow region becomes larger as the size of tip clearance is increased and the area of the main flow is compressed. The flow uniformity is then decreased. A detailed study shows that the leaking flow rate is higher near the exit of the impeller than that near the inlet of the impeller. Based on this phenomenon, a new partiallyshrouded impeller is used. The impeller is shrouded near the exit of the impeller. The results show that the flow field near the exit of the impeller is greatly changed by the partially shrouded impeller, and better performance is achievedthan with the unshrouded impeller. The loading distribution on the impeller blade and the flow fields in the impeller is changed by moving the splitter of the impeller in circumferential direction. Moving the splitter slightly to the suction side of the long blade can improve the performance of the compressor. The total enthalpy rise is reduced if only the leading edge of the splitter ismoved to the suction side of the long blade. The performance of the compressor is decreased if the blade is bended from the radius direction at the leading edge of the splitter. The total pressure rise and the enthalpy rise of thecompressor are increased if pinch is used at the diffuser inlet. Among the fivedifferent pinch shape configurations, at design and lower mass flow rates the efficiency of a straight line pinch is the highest, while at higher mass flow rate, the efficiency of a concave pinch is the highest. The sharp corner of the pinch is the main reason for the decrease of efficiency and should be avoided. The variation of the flow angles entering the diffuser in spanwise direction is decreased if pinch is applied. A three-dimensional low solidity twisted vaned diffuser is designed to match the flow angles entering the diffuser. The numerical results show that the pressure recovery in the twisted diffuser is higher than in a conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which also leads to higher efficiency of the twisted diffuser. Investigation of the detailed flow fields shows that the separation at lower mass flow rate in the twisted diffuser is later than in the conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which leads to a possible wider flow range of the twisted diffuser.


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In a centrifugal compressor the flow around the diffuser is collected and led to the pipe system by a spiral-shaped volute. In this study a single-stage centrifugal compressor with three different volutes is investigated. The compressorwas first equipped with the original volute, the cross-section of which was a combination of a rectangle and semi-circle. Next a new volute with a fully circular cross-section was designed and manufactured. Finally, the circular volute wasmodified by rounding the tongue and smoothing the tongue area. The overall performance of the compressor as well as the static pressure distribution after the impeller and on the volute surface were measured. The flow entering the volute was measured using a three-hole Cobra-probe, and flow visualisations were carriedout in the exit cone of the volute. In addition, the radial force acting on theimpeller was measured using magnetic bearings. The complete compressor with thecircular volute (inlet pipe, full impeller, diffuser, volute and outlet pipe) was also modelled using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A fully 3-D viscous flow was solved using a Navier-Stokes solver, Finflo, developed at Helsinki University of Technology. Chien's k-e model was used to take account of the turbulence. The differences observed in the performance of the different volutes were quite small. The biggest differences were at low speeds and high volume flows,i.e. when the flow entered the volute most radially. In this operating regime the efficiency of the compressor with the modified circular volute was about two percentage points higher than with the other volutes. Also, according to the Cobra-probe measurements and flow visualisations, the modified circular volute performed better than the other volutes in this operating area. The circumferential static pressure distribution in the volute showed increases at low flow, constant distribution at the design flow and decrease at high flow. The non-uniform static pressure distribution of the volute was transmitted backwards across the vaneless diffuser and observed at the impeller exit. At low volume flow a strong two-wave pattern developed into the static pressure distribution at the impeller exit due to the response of the impeller to the non-uniformity of pressure. The radial force of the impeller was the greatest at the choke limit, the smallest atthe design flow, and moderate at low flow. At low flow the force increase was quite mild, whereas the increase at high flow was rapid. Thus, the non-uniformityof pressure and the force related to it are strong especially at high flow. Theforce caused by the modified circular volute was weaker at choke and more symmetric as a function of the volume flow than the force caused by the other volutes.


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Työssä selvitettiin Fläkt Woods Groupin toimeksiannosta, onko kannattavaa vaihtaa ilmastointipuhaltimissa käytettävien puhallinpyörien valmistusmenetelmä MIG-hitsauksesta kaarijuottoon. Lappeenrannan teknillisessä korkeakoulussa suoritetuissa tutkimuksissa oli saavutettu noin 3-5 -kertainen liitosnopeus MIG-hitsaukseen verrattuna. Koska kaarijuotto voidaan tehdä tavallisella MIG-hitsauslaitteistolla, ei menetelmän käyttöönotto aiheuta merkittäviä lisäinvestointeja. Suurin kustannuserä onkin kaarijuotossa käytettävä alumiinipronssilanka, jonka hinta asetti kyseenalaiseksi menetelmän vaihtamisen. Käytännössä kaarijuotolla saavutettiin noin 2-kertainen liitosnopeus. Pääasialliset syyt, jotka aiheuttivat liitosnopeuden jäämisen pieneksi, liittyivät kaarijuoton suureen parametriherkkyyteen ja puhallinpyörän vaikeaan geometriaan. Tehdyt kokeet osoittivat, että puhallinpyöräkoon kasvaessa kaarijuotto onnistuu paremmin. Käyttämällä kaarijuottoa vain suurimpiin puhallinpyöriin päästäisiin myös hitsausta vastaaviin kannattavuuslukuihin, vaikka kapasiteettilisäys jäisi melko vaatimattomaksi. Tällöin myös teknisten ongelmien määrä jäisi mahdollisimman vähäiseksi. Osittainenkin kaarijuoton käyttöönotto olisi hyödyllistä, sillä näin saataisiin käyttökokemuksia ja tietämystä kaarijuoton käyttäytymisestä. Nämä tiedot ovat tärkeitä, mikäli kaarijuotto osoittautuu kannattavaksi esimerkiksi hitsauspituuden kasvaessa tai jos alumiinipronssilangan hinta laskee.