995 resultados para hydrolyzed protein


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This work describes the effect of feeding enzymatically hydrolyzed a-lactalbumin on blood sugar, albumin and fatty acids, muscular and hepatic glycogen of rats subjected to physical exercise. Three normoenergetic/normoproteic diets, containing either casein (C), alpha-lactalbumin (L) or alpha-lactalbumin hydrolyzate (H) were fed to thirty male Wistar rats for five weeks. During this period, half of the rats swam for 1 hr daily (T category) while the other half remained sedentary (S category). At the end of training, all rats were required to swim to exhaustion. The results showed that those rats of the T-category consuming diet H reached exhaustion with significantly higher concentrations of serum glucose ([H] 56.0 and [L] 32.3 mg/100ml), serum albumin ([H] 3.8 and [L] 2.1 mg/dl) and muscle glycogen ([H] 2.1 and [L] 0.6 mg/g), while no differences were observed between diets regarding the time of arrival to exhaustion. Results from diets C and L differed minimally. It was concluded that feeding the hydrolyzed protein may result in nutritional advantage to the exercising rat. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V.


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho analisar os efeitos do uso de hidrolisado protéico do conteúdo celular de levedura (HPCCL), da proteína isolada de soja (PIS), do hidrolisado protéico de mucosa intestinal de suínos (HPMIS) e do leite em pó integral em substituição parcial ao farelo de soja sobre a morfologia do intestino delgado e o desenvolvimento pancreático de leitões aos 7 e 14 dias pós-desmame. Foram utilizados 44 leitões desmamados aos 21 dias de idade, com peso de 5,5 ± 0,6 kg, alimentados desde o desmame com as seguintes dietas isonutritivas: FS - ração à base de milho e farelo de soja; LPI - ração FS + leite em pó integral; LPI+HPMIS - ração LPI mais HPMIS; LPI+PIS - ração LPI mais PIS; LPI+HPCCL- ração LPI mais HPCCL. Os tratamentos não influenciaram a morfologia intestinal dos leitões, evidenciando que nenhuma das fontes protéicas utilizadas foi capaz de minimizar os efeitos deletérios da mudança da alimentação sobre a vilosidade intestinal. Os animais alimentados com LPI+PIS e LPI+HPMIS apresentaram, aos sete dias pós-desmame, o maior desenvolvimento pancreático. Concluiu-se, portanto, que todas as fontes protéicas estudadas foram igualmente adequadas para a formulação de dietas de desmame.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da substituição parcial do farelo de soja (FS) por hidrolisado protéico do conteúdo celular de levedura (HPCCL), proteína isolada de soja (PIS) ou hidrolisado protéico de mucosa intestinal de suínos (HPMIS) em dietas com leite em pó integral (LPI) sobre o desempenho, os níveis séricos de uréia e a incidência de diarréia em leitões desmamados. Foram utilizados 40 leitões desmamados aos 21 dias de idade (20 machos castrados e 20 fêmeas), distribuídos em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (dietas) e oito repetições. As dietas foram fornecidas em três fases, de acordo com a idade dos animais: fase pré-inicial 1 (21 aos 35 dias de idade): dieta à base de milho e farelo de soja (FS); dieta com 15,0% LPI; dieta com 15,0% LPI + 3,5% HPMIS; dieta com 15,0% LPI + 5,0% de PIS; dieta com 15,0% LPI + 5,0% HPCCL. Na fase pré-inicial 2 (36 aos 49 dias de idade), foi mantida a dieta à base de milho e farelo de soja e o LPI foi reduzido para 7,5% em todas as dietas, o HPMIS para 1,5%, a PIS para 4% e o HPCCL foi mantido em 5%. Na fase inicial (50 aos 70 dias de idade), foi mantida a dieta à base de milho e farelo de soja, o LPI foi retirado de todas as dietas e os animais que nas fases pré-inicial 1 e 2 foram alimentados com as dietas contendo LPI e LPI + HPMIS passaram a ser alimentados com a dieta à base de milho e farelo de soja; a PIS foi reduzida para 3% e o HPCCL para 2,5%. No período de 21 a 35 dias, a dieta LPI + PIS proporcionou maior ganho diário de peso e melhor conversão alimentar. Nas fases seguintes, não houve diferença no desempenho entre as dietas. Até cinco dias após o desmame, os animais alimentados com as rações FS e LPI + PIS apresentaram menor índice de diarréia. Os níveis séricos de uréia não foram influenciados pelas dietas. A utilização de PIS, HPMIS e HPCCL em dietas complexas contendo leite em pó pode consistir em alternativa biologicamente viável em dietas para leitões.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Ceratitis capitata is one of the most important pests of fruits for exportation, and Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) has been the most efficient and environmental friendly technique used to control fruit fly populations around the world. A key goal in achieving a successful SIT program is a mass rearing system producing high quality insects at low cost. Providing adults with an artificial diet containing hydrolysed protein has been the major obstacle for bio-production facilities in Brazil, because it is expensive and has to be imported. Two other commercial products, autolysed yeast (AY) and yeast extract (YE), of domestic origin and low cost, were tested as substitutes of the imported hydrolyzed protein. To compare their efficiency we observed the female fecundity, adult survival and egg viability of flies raised on diets containing one of each of the different protein products. Flies reared on the domestic yeast products had equivalent or superior performance to the flies reared on imported protein. Both AY and YE can be a possible substitute for imported hydrolyzed protein for C. capitata mass-rearing, as they are cheaper and are readily available in the national market.


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A method based on protein phosphatase enzyme activity inhibition for the detection of diarrhetic shellfish poison (DSP) was used to analyze the DSP toxicity in three oyster samples. Based on the standard dose-effect curve developed with a series of okadaic acid (OA) standard solutions, the DSP toxicity of the three oyster samples collected were screened, and the results showed that there were no OA and dinophysis toxins ( DTXs) in the samples without hydrolization. However, the OA toxicity could be detected in two of the hydrolyzed samples, and the OA toxicity of the two samples were 1.81 and 1.21 mu g OA eq./kg oyster, respectively.


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A simple and sensitive method for evaluating the chemical compositions of protein amino acids, including cystine (Cys)(2) and tryptophane (Try) has been developed, based on the use of a sensitive labeling reagent 2-(11H-benzo[alpha]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl chloroformate (BCEC-Cl) along with fluorescence detection. The chromophore of the 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) molecule was replaced with the 2-(11H-benzo[alpha]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl functional group, yielding the sensitive fluorescence molecule BCEC-Cl. The new reagent BCEC-Cl could then be substituted for labeling reagents commonly used in amino acid derivatization. The BCEC-amino acid derivatives exhibited very high detection sensitivities, particularly in the cases of (Cys)(2) and Try, which cannot be determined using traditional labeling reagents such as 9-fluorenyl methylchloroformate (FMOC-Cl) and ortho-phthaldialdehyde (OPA). The fluorescence detection intensities for the BCEC derivatives were compared to those obtained when using FMOC-Cl and BCEOC-Cl as labeling reagents. The ratios I (BCEC)/I (BCEOC) = 1.17-3.57, I (BCEC)/I (FMOC) = 1.13-8.21, and UVBCEC/UVBCEOC = 1.67-4.90 (where I is the fluorescence intensity and UV is the ultraviolet absorbance). Derivative separation was optimized on a Hypersil BDS C-18 column. The detection limits calculated from 1.0 pmol injections, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, ranged from 7.2 fmol for Try to 8.4 fmol for (Cys)(2). Excellent linear responses were observed, with coefficients of > 0.9994. When coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography, the method established here allowed the development of a highly sensitive and specific method for the quantitative analysis of trace levels of amino acids including (Cys)(2) and Try from bee-collected pollen (bee pollen) samples.


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The human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) replicase gene-encoded nonstructural protein 13 (nsp13) contains an N-terminal zinc-binding domain and a C-terminal superfamily 1 helicase domain. A histidine-tagged form of nsp13, which was expressed in insect cells and purified, is reported to unwind efficiently both partial-duplex RNA and DNA of up to several hundred base pairs. Characterization of the nsp13-associated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activities revealed that all natural ribonucleotides and nucleotides are substrates of nsp13, with ATP, dATP, and GTP being hydrolyzed most efficiently. Using the NTPase active site, HCoV-229E nsp13 also mediates RNA 5'-triphosphatase activity, which may be involved in the capping of viral RNAs.


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We have developed a new technique for quantifying methionine sulfoxide (MetSO) in protein to assess levels of oxidative stress in physiological systems. In this procedure, samples are hydrolyzed with methanesulfonic acid (MSA) in order to avoid the conversion of MetSO to methionine (Met) that occurs during hydrolysis of protein in HCl. The hydrolysate is fractionated on a cation exchange column to remove the nonvolatile MSA from amino acids, and the amino acids are then derivatized as their trimethylsilyl esters for analysis by selected ion monitoring-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The limit of detection of the assay is 200 pmol of MetSO per analysis, and the interassay coefficient of variation is 5.8%. Compared to current methods, the SIM-GC/MS assay avoids the potential for conversion of Met to MetSO during sample preparation, requires less sample preparation time, has lower variability, and uses mass spectrometry for sensitive and specific analyte detection.


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UNLABELLED: Cyclic-di-GMP is a near-ubiquitous bacterial second messenger that is important in localized signal transmission during the control of various processes, including virulence and switching between planktonic and biofilm-based lifestyles. Cyclic-di-GMP is synthesized by GGDEF diguanylate cyclases and hydrolyzed by EAL or HD-GYP phosphodiesterases, with each functional domain often appended to distinct sensory modules. HD-GYP domain proteins have resisted structural analysis, but here we present the first structural representative of this family (1.28 Å), obtained using the unusual Bd1817 HD-GYP protein from the predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. Bd1817 lacks the active-site tyrosine present in most HD-GYP family members yet remains an excellent model of their features, sharing 48% sequence similarity with the archetype RpfG. The protein structure is highly modular and thus provides a basis for delineating domain boundaries in other stimulus-dependent homologues. Conserved residues in the HD-GYP family cluster around a binuclear metal center, which is observed complexed to a molecule of phosphate, providing information on the mode of hydroxide ion attack on substrate. The fold and active site of the HD-GYP domain are different from those of EAL proteins, and restricted access to the active-site cleft is indicative of a different mode of activity regulation. The region encompassing the GYP motif has a novel conformation and is surface exposed and available for complexation with binding partners, including GGDEF proteins.

IMPORTANCE: It is becoming apparent that many bacteria use the signaling molecule cyclic-di-GMP to regulate a variety of processes, most notably, transitions between motility and sessility. Importantly, this regulation is central to several traits implicated in chronic disease (adhesion, biofilm formation, and virulence gene expression). The mechanisms of cyclic-di-GMP synthesis via GGDEF enzymes and hydrolysis via EAL enzymes have been suggested by the analysis of several crystal structures, but no information has been available to date for the unrelated HD-GYP class of hydrolases. Here we present the multidomain structure of an unusual member of the HD-GYP family from the predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and detail the features that distinguish it from the wider structural family of general HD fold hydrolases. The structure reveals how a binuclear iron center is formed from several conserved residues and provides a basis for understanding HD-GYP family sequence requirements for c-di-GMP hydrolysis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The chickpea vicilin-like globulin was isolated and chromatographed on Sepharose CL-6B and Sephacryl S-300. The native globulin with a molecular weight of 140 kDa was resolved in Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in seven polypeptide bands in the range of 12.4-67 kDa. The solubility profile of the protein in water and NaCl solutions was typical of a legume globulin. The purified vicilin-like globulin, native and heated, was hydrolyzed by pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin. The hydrolysis patterns indicated that the native vicilin-like protein was only partially degraded by the enzymes in comparison with casein. Heating increased its susceptibility to hydrolysis relative to the native form, for all the enzymes. However, the results obtained by the pH-drop method revealed that the in vitro digestibility of the vicilin-like protein was not altered by heating, while 11 S-like and total globulins suffered a small increase, indicating that the structural characteristics of storage globulins may be important factors limiting the protein digestion. (c) 2007 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.