3 resultados para hyalin


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Parmi la grande quantité de témoins culturels découverts sur le site Droulers/Tsiionhiakwatha (BgFn-1), la pierre taillée et polie forme un assemblage bien modeste. Les Iroquoiens de Droulers ont habité un village semi-permanent daté du Sylvicole supérieur, plus précisément entre l’an 1430 et 1500 ap. J.-C. Ils ont fabriqués des grattoirs, des pointes de flèches, des forets, des polissoirs et des meules à mains, en plus d’outils en quartz hyalin dont la fonction n’est pas bien définie. Parmi les 3595 objets lithiques, nous trouvons 18 outils et 1085 déchets de taille en cristal, ce qui représente près de 30% du total. Le quartz hyalin fut utilisé durant la préhistoire québécoise, mais jamais en aussi grande quantité que sur Droulers. Nous présentons la chaîne opératoire du quartz hyalin, de son extraction à son rejet sur les sites archéologiques. Nous explorons également son utilisation et sa symbolique chez les habitants du village Droulers, une enquête basée sur des données archéologiques et ethnographiques des Amérindiens actuels et de ceux de la période de Contact du nord-est de l’Amérique du nord.


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The present study focuses on establishing patterns of collagen fibers distribution in prostatic nodular hyperplasia and adenocarcinomas, in comparison with the normal tissue. Sections of prostatic transurethral resection were subjected to Gömöri's method for collagen fibers and reticulin and analyzed under ordinary and polarized light microscopy. Controls and hyperplastic regions present collagen fibers with variable thickness that run in different directions, establishing a tridimensional network. These fibers exhibit birefringence and dichroism thus demonstrating their fibrillar integrity. On the other hand, increased variability in collagen fiber distribution and anisotropical properties occur in adenocarcinomas evaluated in accordance with the Gleason's score. In some of their areas, a well-defined collagen network delimitates the base of transformed epithelial cells whereas in other areas the collagen fibers are disorganized and do not establish a boundary between the epithelial structures and the stroma. In these areas, collagen is found in the stroma. It was also observed that adenocarcinoma tumor cells rest on a scaffold of thin and dendritic collagen fibers. Collagen fibers of the prostatic stroma of the adenocarcinomas may show a modification in arrangement and fibrillar compactness. In prostatic nodular hyperplasia, there is no change in collagen molecular integrity, since collagen affinity for silver and collagen birefringence are similar to controls. In adenocarcinoma with high dedifferentiation degree, thin and branched strongly argyrophilic and birefringent collagen fibers are detected in regions of cell proliferation. In the adjacent stroma, hyaline plaques are indicative of matrix degradation or remodellation.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014