968 resultados para human phosphorus cycle
The Green Revolution has led to a threefold growth in food production in the last 50 to 75 years, but increases in crop production have required a concurrent increase in the use of inorganic phosphorus as fertilizer. A sustainable phosphorus supply is not assured, though, and food production depends on mineral phosphorus supplies that are nonrenewable and are being depleted. Phosphorus is effectively a nonsubstitutable necessity for all life. Because mineral phosphorus deposits are not distributed evenly, future phosphorus scarcity may have national security implications. Some projections show economically viable mineral reserves becoming depleted within a few decades. Phosphorus-induced food shortages are therefore a possibility, particularly in developing countries where farmers are more vulnerable to volatile fertilizer prices. Sustainable solutions to such future challenges exist, and involve closing the loop on the human phosphorus cycle. We review the current state of knowledge about human phosphorus use and dependence and present examples of these sustainable solutions.
In this study we evaluate the dynamics of the biophile element phosphorus (P) in the catchment and proglacial areas of the Rhone and Oberaar glaciers (central Switzerland). We analysed erosion and dissolution rates of P-containing minerals in the subglacial environment by sampling water and suspended sediment in glacier outlets during three ablation and two accumulation seasons. We also quantified biogeochemical weathering rates of detrital P in proglacial sedimentary deposits using two chronosequences of samples of fresh, suspended, material obtained from the Oberaar and Rhone water outlets, Little-Ice-Age (LIA) moraines and Younger Dryas (YD) tills in each catchment. Subglacial P weathering is mainly a physical process and detrital P represents more than 99%, of the precipitation-corrected total P denudation flux (234 and 540 kg km(-2) yr(-1) for the Rhone and Oberaar catchments, respectively). The calculated detrital P flux rates are three to almost five times higher than the world average flux. The precipitation-corrected soluble reactive P (SRP) flux corresponds to 1.88-1.99 kg km(-2) yr(-1) (Rhone) and 2.12-2.44 kg km(-2) yr(-1) (Oberaar), respectively. These fluxes are comparable to those of tropical rivers draining transport-limited, tectonically inactive weathering areas. In order to evaluate the efficiency of detrital P weathering in the Rhone and Oberaar proglacial areas, we systematically graded apatite grains extracted from the chronosequence in each catchment relative to weathering-induced changes in their surface morphologies (grades 1-4). Fresh apatite grains are heavily indented and dissolution rounded (grade 1). LIA grains from two 0-10 cm deep moraine samples show extensive dissolution etching, similar to surface grains from the YD profile (mean grades 2.7, 3.5 and 3.5, respectively). In these proglacial deposits, the weathering front deepens progressively as a function of time due to biocorrosion in the evolving acidic pedosphere, with mechanical indentations on grains acting as sites of preferential dissolution. We also measured iron-bound, organic and detrital P concentrations in the chronosequence and show that organic and iron-bound P has almost completely replaced detrital P in the top layers of the YD profiles. Detrital P weathering rates are calculated as 3 10 and 280 kg km(-2) yr(-1) for LIA moraines and 10 kg km(-2) yr(-1) for YD tills. During the first 300 years of glacial sediment exposure P dissolution rates are shown to be approximately 70 times higher than the mean global dissolved P flux from ice-free continents. After 11.6 kyr the flux is 2.5 times the global mean. These data strengthen the argument for substantial changes in the global dissolved P flux on glacial-interglacial timescales. A crude extrapolation from the data described here suggests that the global dissolved P flux may increase by 40-45% during the first few hundred years of a deglaciation phase
A family of proteins involved in cell cycle progression, DNA recombination, and the detection of DNA damage has been recently identified. One of the members of this family, human ATM, is defective in the cells of patients with ataxia telangiectasia and is involved in detection and response of cells to damaged DNA. Other members include Mei-41 (Drosophila melanogaster), Mec1p (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and Rad3 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe), which are required for the S and G2/M checkpoints, as well as FRAP (Homo sapiens) and Torl/2p (S. cerevisiae), which are involved in a rapamycin-sensitive pathway leading to G1 cell cycle progression. We report here the cloning of a human cDNA encoding a protein with significant homology to members of this family. Three overlapping clones isolated from a Jurkat T-cell cDNA library revealed a 7.9-kb open reading frame encoding a protein that we have named FRP1 (FRAP-related protein) with 2644 amino acids and a predicted molecular mass of 301 kDa. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization and a full-length cDNA FRP1 clone, the FRP1 gene has been mapped to the chromosomal locus 3q22-q24. FRP1 is most closely related to three of the PIK-related kinase family members involved in checkpoint function--Mei-41, Mec1p, and Rad3--and as such may be the functional human counterpart of these proteins.
Normally ovulating women exhibit a decline in risk behaviours that may lead to sexual assault during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle, whereas women using the Pill do not. The current study tests two explanatory models: the mood and fertility models. Self-reported risk and non-risk behaviours, mood, and risk perception in sexual assault and physical risk domains were assessed by testing fiftyone women at menstruation and during their fertile period. Based on the decline in risk behaviours shown in past research, the fertility model predicts that normally ovulating women will display greater risk perception during the fertile phase of their cycle. The mood model predicts that at menstruation, when negative mood is highest, risk perception will be increased and risk behaviours correspondingly reduced. Risk behaviours did not vary over the cycle or between groups. Overall, results support the mood model. Negative mood was greater at menstruation and positive mood during the fertile period for both groups, rational risk perception was correspondingly greater at menstruation. The fertility model was not supported as risk perception ratings did not vary in the expected direction and ratings were not specific to the sexual assault domain.
In this study we investigate benthic phosphorus cycling in recent continental margin sediments at three sites off the Namibian coastal upwelling area. Examination of the sediments reveals that organic and biogenic phosphorus are the major P-containing phases preserved. High Corg/Porg ratios just at the sediment surface suggest that the preferential regeneration of phosphorus relative to that of organic carbon has either already occurred on the suspension load or that the organic matter deposited at these sites is already rather refractory. Release of phosphate in the course of benthic microbial organic matter degradation cannot be identified as the dominating process within the observed internal benthic phosphorus cycle. Dissolved phosphate and iron in the pore water are closely coupled, showing high concentrations below the oxygenated surface layer of the sediments and low concentrations at the sediment-water interface. The abundant presence of Fe(III)-bound phosphorus in the sediments document the co-precipitation of both constituents as P-containing iron (oxyhydr)oxides. However, highly dissolved phosphate concentrations in pore waters cannot be explained, neither by simple mass balance calculations nor by the application of an established computer model. Under the assumption of steady state conditions, phosphate release rates are too high as to be balanced with a solid phase reservoir. This discrepancy points to an apparent lack of solid phase phosphorus at sediment depth were suboxic conditions prevail. We assume that the known, active, fast and episodic particle mixing by burrowing macrobenthic organisms could repeatedly provide the microbially catalyzed processes of iron reduction with authigenic iron (oxyhydro)oxides from the oxic surface sediments. Accordingly, a multiple internal cycling of phosphate and iron would result before both elements are buried below the iron reduction zone.
Serviços dos ecossistemas prestados pelos estuários : especiação e capacidade de retenção do fósforo
O fator nutricional presente nos sapais não é só importante para os organismos que nele habitam como também apresenta uma importância ecológica a uma maior escala. Exemplifica-se este fato com a capacidade de retenção do Fósforo (P) por parte das plantas podendo estas competir como produto químicos para sua imobilização através da incorporação da sua fração biodisponível para cumprimento dos mecanismos básicos de sobrevivência. O rizosedimento dessas plantas é uma importante fonte de nutrientes necessários para garantia básica da perpetuação de todos os serviços (regulação, provisão, cultural) gerados pelo ambiente. A perda de áreas de sapal foi o motivo principal para a elaboração desta tese visto a preocupação em relação aos impactes que a perda de serviços associados à área de estudo escolhida, o sistema lagunar da Ria de Aveiro, poderá vir sofrer caso aconteçam alterações hídricas (naturais ou antrópicas) mais acentuadas no futuro. Essa tese assume como compromisso chamar a atenção para essa questão como também investigar os mecanismos do ciclo do P este importante nutriente considerado essencial para a manutenção da vida em nosso planeta. Para este estudo foram escolhidas 3 espécies de plantas halófitas representantes do sapal amostral, são elas: Bolbochenous maritimus, Spartina maritima e de Juncus maritimus. As questões levantadas buscam compreender o papel do P nas transformações que ocorrem no rizosedimento das halófitas em 3 diferentes contextos: (i) quando comparados os valores da biomassa de P associado às halófitas estudadas (estudo realizado nos sapais povoados por Spartina maritima e Juncus maritimus) em toda extensão da Ria de Aveiro (ii) quando da disponibilidade de P perante a presença de poluentes inorgânicos no Largo do Laranjo, que corresponde a uma zona historicamente contaminada por metais (estudo realizado no rizosedimento das espécies Bolbochenous maritimus e Juncus maritimus) e (iii) quanto à intrusão superficial da água salgada da laguna (estudo focado na avaliação da perda do P próximo às raízes das halófitas que habitam a zona externa do dique do Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) que corresponde à zona de confluência do Rio Vouga com a Ria de Aveiro). Por meio da análise do rizosedimento e da biomassa das diferentes halófitas predominantes do sapal foi possível verificar que, em relação à carga nutritiva fosfática, de Norte (Canal de São Jacinto/Ovar) a Sul (Canal de Mira) da Ria de Aveiro, a cota do sapal é mais importante do que a natureza espacial do sistema. Esta informação é primordial para a assertividade de futuras medidas de criação e reabilitação das áreas de sapal na Ria de Aveiro. Os estudos realizados nas áreas impactadas (Largo do Laranjo e BVL) incidiram na análise do perfil vertical rizosedimentar das halófitas pertencentes ao sapal médio-alto. Estes estudos revelaram que o rizosedimento dessas halófitas possui características peculiares que definem a dinâmica do ciclo do P de forma bastante característica. O rizosedimento das halófitas presentes no Largo do Laranjo apresentaram teores biodisponíveis de P equivalentes àqueles presentes no rizosedimento de área mais afastada da fonte pontual de contaminação para as mesmas espécies. Numa visão otimista, os resultados revelam que ambos sapais, Largo de Laranjo e Cais do Bico, apresentam condições equiparável para perpetuação dos serviços por eles gerados, que nesse caso se tornam ainda mais valiosos devido a garantia da fitoestabilização dos contaminantes (prevenção da entrada de contaminantes na coluna d’água e na cadeia alimentar). No Baixo Vouga Lagunar a análise espacial do sapal na zona exterior ao dique revelou a perda da diversidade das espécies bem como o aumento da área de vasa e consequentemente a perda dos teores de P associados ao rizosedimento das halófitas mais expostas aos efeitos da compressão costeira intensificados pelas ações naturais e antrópicas a que a Ria está sujeita. Em geral, a degradação dessa área de sapal devido aos fenômenos de assoreamento ou de erosão não pode ser separada dos processos sedimentares na área envolvente, principalmente no caso da Ria de Aveiro que tem sofrido constantes mudanças para atender às necessidades das atividades humanas. Essa tendência provavelmente não mudará no futuro próximo. Consequentemente, a evolução da laguna será principalmente dependente do resultado direto das ações humanas que deverão sempre encontrar formas de compensar os danos causados no âmbito de intervenções de reabilitação do sistema hídrico. A recriação de áreas de sapal pode ter lugar como medida mitigadora no âmbito de intervenções de reabilitação de áreas degradadas e ainda poderá servir como forma de captura de P para programas de utilização de fertilizantes naturais (componente desejável para a agricultura moderna o que é particularmente importante para as regiões altamente dependentes do mercado de importação). Deste modo, recomenda-se que a recuperação das áreas de sapal seja enquadrada no âmbito de intervenções mais amplas de valorização dos sistemas estuarinos e lagunares.
Nowadays there is an increase of location-aware mobile applications. However, these applications only retrieve location with a mobile device's GPS chip. This means that in indoor or in more dense environments these applications don't work properly. To provide location information everywhere a pedestrian Inertial Navigation System (INS) is typically used, but these systems can have a large estimation error since, in order to turn the system wearable, they use low-cost and low-power sensors. In this work a pedestrian INS is proposed, where force sensors were included to combine with the accelerometer data in order to have a better detection of the stance phase of the human gait cycle, which leads to improvements in location estimation. Besides sensor fusion an information fusion architecture is proposed, based on the information from GPS and several inertial units placed on the pedestrian body, that will be used to learn the pedestrian gait behavior to correct, in real-time, the inertial sensors errors, thus improving location estimation.
The MAP-i Doctoral Programme in Informatics, of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto
The mutualistic symbiosis involving Glomeromycota, a distinctive phylum of early diverging Fungi, is widely hypothesized to have promoted the evolution of land plants during the middle Paleozoic. These arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) perform vital functions in the phosphorus cycle that are fundamental to sustainable crop plant productivity. The unusual biological features of AMF have long fascinated evolutionary biologists. The coenocytic hyphae host a community of hundreds of nuclei and reproduce clonally through large multinucleated spores. It has been suggested that the AMF maintain a stable assemblage of several different genomes during the life cycle, but this genomic organization has been questioned. Here we introduce the 153-Mb haploid genome of Rhizophagus irregularis and its repertoire of 28,232 genes. The observed low level of genome polymorphism (0.43 SNP per kb) is not consistent with the occurrence of multiple, highly diverged genomes. The expansion of mating-related genes suggests the existence of cryptic sex-related processes. A comparison of gene categories confirms that R. irregularis is close to the Mucoromycotina. The AMF obligate biotrophy is not explained by genome erosion or any related loss of metabolic complexity in central metabolism, but is marked by a lack of genes encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes and of genes involved in toxin and thiamine synthesis. A battery of mycorrhiza-induced secreted proteins is expressed in symbiotic tissues. The present comprehensive repertoire of R. irregularis genes provides a basis for future research on symbiosis-related mechanisms in Glomeromycota.
Host cell factor-1 (HCF-1), a transcriptional co-regulator of human cell-cycle progression, undergoes proteolytic maturation in which any of six repeated sequences is cleaved by the nutrient-responsive glycosyltransferase, O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) transferase (OGT). We report that the tetratricopeptide-repeat domain of O-GlcNAc transferase binds the carboxyl-terminal portion of an HCF-1 proteolytic repeat such that the cleavage region lies in the glycosyltransferase active site above uridine diphosphate-GlcNAc. The conformation is similar to that of a glycosylation-competent peptide substrate. Cleavage occurs between cysteine and glutamate residues and results in a pyroglutamate product. Conversion of the cleavage site glutamate into serine converts an HCF-1 proteolytic repeat into a glycosylation substrate. Thus, protein glycosylation and HCF-1 cleavage occur in the same active site.
El presente trabajo pretende comprobar si existe una percepción uniforme del proceso de envejecimiento o si bien esta percepción es múltiple y dependiente de las dimensiones o caracteristicas concretas que se tomen en consideración. Se administró un protocolo de respuesta en el que 186 universitarios estimaron la evolución a 10 largo del ciclo vital de 16 dimensiones diferentes (salud, capacidad de movimiento,rapidez, agudeza sensorial, fuerza fisica, memoria, inteligencia, felicidad, ilusión, dependencia, sabiduria, belleza, productividad, recursos económicos, prestigio social y poder). Nuestros resultados indican que, aunque 10 mas frecuente es que el envejecimiento se equipare a declive, se pueden encontrar cuatro patrones diferenciales de percepción del envejecimiento, que tienen que ver con la naturaleza biológica, psicológica o social de la dimensión evaluada. También se encontró que la cantidad de declive atribuida al paso de la madurez a la vejez no correlacionaba o 10 hacia de forma muy baja con el contacto que 10s sujetos tenian con personas de mas de 65 años.
El objetivo de la investigación fue la adaptación al español de las escalas de interés y comportamientos generativos de McAdams, así co-mo el estudio de la generatividad en la vejez y su relación con el bienestar. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 165 voluntarios mayores de 65 años que, además de las versiones españolas de las escalas de generatividad, completa-ron instrumentos para evaluar satisfacción con la vida y orientación al futu-ro. Los resultados indicaron que la fiabilidad de las versiones españolas de las escalas de generatividad fue aceptable y similar a las originales en inglés. Mientras el interés generativo se relacionó con la satisfacción con la vida, los comportamientos generativos no lo hicieron. Sin embargo, ambas esca-las sí se relacionaron con la orientación al futuro, aunque esta relación no se confirmó en un análisis multivariable. Los resultados resaltan la importancia de la generatividad en la vejez y de distinguir entre interés y acción generati-va, ya que sus beneficios podrían ser muy diferentes.
The present study aimed to establish, by a consensus of experts, the stages and processes of change for weight management in overweight and obese people. The first step involved developing two questionnaires aimed at assessing stages and processes of change for weight loss in overweight and obese people. The processes-ofchange questionnaire consisted of 12 subscales, and contained 107 items. A three-round Delphi study was carried out through a website, where participants were asked to give their opinion about the representativeness and clarity of the scale items. The stages-of-change questionnaire consisted of five items and was presented in the final round of the study. A team of 66 experts in the obesity field from 29 countries participated in the study. They were selected either because they belonged to the organizing committee of international associations related to obesity, or because of their research career. The required changes in the questionnaire were made according to the opinions of the participants. Some of these were the result of the group statistical response, whereas others were due to the suggestions made by the participants. A final version of the questionnaire consisting of 63 items was eventually obtained. The present study produced two questionnaires to assess stages and processes of change for weight management. The strength of the study lies in the consensus reached by the panel of experts in order to establish the required content of the questionnaires. The two measures provide useful tools for practitioners who wish to tailor weight-management interventions according to transtheoretical model constructs.
El objetivo de la investigación fue la adaptación al español de las escalas de interés y comportamientos generativos de McAdams, así co-mo el estudio de la generatividad en la vejez y su relación con el bienestar. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 165 voluntarios mayores de 65 años que, además de las versiones españolas de las escalas de generatividad, completa-ron instrumentos para evaluar satisfacción con la vida y orientación al futu-ro. Los resultados indicaron que la fiabilidad de las versiones españolas de las escalas de generatividad fue aceptable y similar a las originales en inglés. Mientras el interés generativo se relacionó con la satisfacción con la vida, los comportamientos generativos no lo hicieron. Sin embargo, ambas esca-las sí se relacionaron con la orientación al futuro, aunque esta relación no se confirmó en un análisis multivariable. Los resultados resaltan la importancia de la generatividad en la vejez y de distinguir entre interés y acción generati-va, ya que sus beneficios podrían ser muy diferentes.
The JModel suite consists of a number of models of aspects of the Earth System. They can all be run from the JModels website. They are written in the Java language for maximum portability, and are capable of running on most computing platforms including Windows, MacOS and Unix/Linux. The models are controlled via graphical user interfaces (GUI), so no knowledge of computer programming is required to run them. The models currently available from the JModels website are: Ocean phosphorus cycle Ocean nitrogen and phosphorus cycles Ocean silicon and phosphorus cycles Ocean and atmosphere carbon cycle Energy radiation balance model (under development) The main purpose of the models is to investigate how material and energy cycles of the Earth system are regulated and controlled by different feedbacks. While the central focus is on these feedbacks and Earth System stabilisation, the models can also be used in other ways. These resources have been developed by: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton project led by Toby Tyrrell and Andrew Yool, focus on how the Earth system works.