998 resultados para human exploitation


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The fishery of Lake Wamala has declined since the lake was stocked in 1956 and opened to fishing during the 1960s. Surveys were conducted on the lake during 1975/78 and 1988/92 to investigate the causes of declining fish catches. The lake produced an average of 4000 - 6000 tonnes of fish annually from 1960s through 1970s. Total fish catches decreased from a maximum of 7100 tonnes in 1967 to less than 500 tonnes by 1990s. Catch rates decreased from about 8 kg in the 1960s to less than 1 kg per net per night by 1975. During the 1970s the catch was dominated by Oreochromis niloticus (67%) followed by Clarias gariepinus (17%), and Protopterus aethiopicus (15.1 %). By 1990s the proportion of O. niloticus had decreased to 45.1% while that of P. aethiopicus had increased to 37.6%. These changes seem to have been caused by overfishing resulting from increased fishing effort from the recommended 250 to about 1000 boats and the additional increase in effort through driving fish into the nets by beating water. The maximum size of O. niloticus in the fishery decreased from 32 cm total length in 1975/78 to 22 cm in 1988/92 while the size at first maturity decreased from about 21 cm to 14 cm during the period. This has been concurrent with a shift in the mesh size of gillnet used from 127 mm (5") in 1960s to 64 mm by 1990s. Environmental changes, especially in lake level in 1980, may also have affected the fishery.


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The following study considers the fragmentation of law which occurred in 1956 with regard to the law on servitude. As States were unwilling to go as far as the Universal Declaration on Human in establishing that "no one shall be held in [...] servitude", the negotiators of the 1956 Supplementary Conventions moved to expunge the very term 'servitude' from the text and to replace it with the phrase 'institutions and practices similar to slavery' which could then be abolished 'progressively and as soon as possible'. The negotiation history of the 1956 Convention clear demonstrate that the Universal Declaration on Human was the elephant in the room and that it ultimately lead to a fragmentation of the law as between general international law manifest in the 1956 Supplementary Convention on the one hand and international human rights law on the other. It is for this reason that, for instance the 2001 UN and 2005 Council of Europe trafficking conventions mention both 'practices similar to slavery' and 'servitude' as types of human exploitation to be suppressed in their definition of 'trafficking in persons'.


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Grazing mollusks are used as a food resource worldwide, and limpets are harvested commercially for both local consumption and export in several countries. This study describes a field experiment to assess the effects of simulated human exploitation of limpets Patella vulgata on their population ecology in terms of protandry (age-related sex change from male to female), growth, recruitment, migration, and density regulation. Limpet populations at two locations in southwest England were artificially exploited by systematic removal of the largest individuals for 18 months in plots assigned to three treatments at each site: no (control), low, and high exploitation. The shell size at sex change (L50: the size at which there is a 50:50 sex ratio) decreased in response to the exploitation treatments, as did the mean shell size of sexual stages. Size-dependent sex change was indicated by L50 occurring at smaller sizes in treatments than controls, suggesting an earlier switch to females. Mean shell size of P. vulgata neuters changed little under different levels of exploitation, while males and females both decreased markedly in size with exploitation. No differences were detected in the relative abundances of sexual stages, indicating some compensation for the removal of the bigger individuals via recruitment and sex change as no migratory patterns were detected between treatments. At the end of the experiment, 0–15 mm recruits were more abundant at one of the locations but no differences were detected between treatments. We conclude that sex change in P. vulgata can be induced at smaller sizes by reductions in density of the largest individuals reducing interage class competition. Knowledge of sex-change adaptation in exploited limpet populations should underpin strategies to counteract population decline and improve rocky shore conservation and resource management.


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Grazing mollusks are used as a food resource worldwide, and limpets are harvested commercially for both local consumption and export in several countries. This study describes a field experiment to assess the effects of simulated human exploitation of limpets Patella vulgata on their population ecology in terms of protandry (age-related sex change from male to female), growth, recruitment, migration, and density regulation. Limpet populations at two locations in southwest England were artificially exploited by systematic removal of the largest individuals for 18 months in plots assigned to three treatments at each site: no (control), low, and high exploitation. The shell size at sex change (L50: the size at which there is a 50:50 sex ratio) decreased in response to the exploitation treatments, as did the mean shell size of sexual stages. Size-dependent sex change was indicated by L50 occurring at smaller sizes in treatments than controls, suggesting an earlier switch to females. Mean shell size of P. vulgata neuters changed little under different levels of exploitation, while males and females both decreased markedly in size with exploitation. No differences were detected in the relative abundances of sexual stages, indicating some compensation for the removal of the bigger individuals via recruitment and sex change as no migratory patterns were detected between treatments. At the end of the experiment, 0–15 mm recruits were more abundant at one of the locations but no differences were detected between treatments. We conclude that sex change in P. vulgata can be induced at smaller sizes by reductions in density of the largest individuals reducing interage class competition. Knowledge of sex-change adaptation in exploited limpet populations should underpin strategies to counteract population decline and improve rocky shore conservation and resource management.


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Rastrineobola argentea locally known as mukene in Uganda, omena in Kenya and dagaa in Tanzania occurs in Lake Nabugabo, Lake Victoria, the Upper Victoria Nileand Lake Kyoga (Greenwood 1966). While its fishery is well established on Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, the species is not yet exploited on Lake Nabugabo. Generally such smaller sized fish species as R. argentea become important commercial species in lakes where they occur when catches of preferred largersized table fish start showing signs ofdecline mostly as a result of overexploitation. With the current trends of declining fish catches on Lake Nabugabo, human exploitation of mukene on this lake is therefore just a matter of time. The species is exploited both for direct human consumption and as the protein ingredient in the manufacture of animal feeds.


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Understanding the spatial distribution of organisms is a central topic in ecology. The European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population is in Portugal and Norway at the southwestern and northern edge of its distribution, respectively. Understanding the factors that act on these populations enlightens both local aspects concerning their conservation and wider scale aspects of the species bioclimatic envelope, which is crucial for being better able to predict the impacts of environmental change. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate roe deer distribution in Portugal and Norway, two countries with contrasting landscapes, seasonality and with different anthropogenic pressure. The interspecific relationship with sympatric ungulates was also analysed. By using pellet group counts, we investigated habitat use of roe deer, identifying the major environmental descriptors, to understand the importance of forest structure, vegetation characteristics, landscape structure and human disturbance on their distribution. The analyses were based on presence – absence data and were carried out at two spatial scales. The results showed that habitat use of roe deer was different across countries. In Portugal, at the local scale, roe deer distribution was positively associated with high density of shrubs, especially heather and brambles, while the presence of red deer had a negative effect on their distribution. At a broad scale, roe deer was negatively associated with spatial heterogeneity, namely mean shape index and made less use of areas close to agricultural fields. In Norway, at the local scale, roe deer made more use of areas with high cover of deciduous trees and patches containing juniper and Vaccinium sp.. At a broad scale, roe deer use patches near edges between fields and forest. In both countries, roe deer make use of areas further away from roads. While in Norway roe deer in both summer and winter are always close to houses, in Portugal they are either far (summer) or indifferent (winter). Anthropogenic disturbance is better tolerated in Norway, where the importance of the critical season seems to be higher. Human disturbance may contribute to roe deer habitat loss in Portugal, while roe deer are able to persist close to humans in managed landscapes in Norway. In fact, some of the differences observed could be more due to the indirect impacts of human exploitation (e.g. presence of free-ranging dogs and hunting regulation) rather than the actual human presence or land-use per se. I conclude that the methodology and tools developed here are readily expandable to address similar questions in different contexts. Wildlife management would benefit greatly from a more holistic/integrative approach and that should include human aspects, as human disturbance is expected to continue increasing.


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Se presentan los primeros resultados del programa de investigación comparativo sobre las tres flotas pesqueras dedicadas a la extracción de anchoveta en el mar peruano (industrial de acero, industrial de madera y artesanal), así como sus cadenas de suministro hasta el abastecimiento del consumidor. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo estudiar la sostenibilidad de las actividades involucradas en el suministro de proteínas, considerándose los impactos ambientales y los aspectos socio-económicos. Se realizó un esquema simple de un ecosistema pelágico de afloramiento y de los principales flujos de materia y energía, producto de la explotación humana. El esquema representa la situación peruana y muestra el alto nivel de antropización del sistema, debido al uso de energías fósiles, así como a la explotación y transformación tecnológica de recursos naturales terrestres (minerales, madera, etc.). Por otro lado, se muestra que la explotación del ecosistema marino peruano tiene repercusiones sobre el resto del planeta, debido a la exportación de harina y aceite de pescado destinados principalmente a actividades acuícolas. La flota anchovetera peruana se caracteriza por un amplio rango de tamaño de embarcaciones (de 2 a 600 t de capacidad de bodega); las de tamaño intermedio (30-100 t) son las más numerosas, pero las más grandes (>300 t) son las que acumulan el mayor poder de pesca. Los análisis sobre precios y distribución de la renta entre tripulantes y armadores muestran que, a pesar de que la mayor pesca de anchoveta es realizada por la flota industrial de acero, dedicada a la producción de harina y aceite de pescado y que tiene mayor eficiencia de captura por tripulante, la contribución de la pesca industrial de madera es significativa, pues genera mayor empleo por tonelada capturada y, posiblemente, no ocasiona mayor uso de energía. La pesca artesanal de anchoveta es la menos eficiente energéticamente y por tripulante, pero genera mucho más empleo por tonelada capturada; esta pesca representa menos del 3% de la producción total, del cual sólo una fracción va al consumo humano directo (CHD). Desde el año 2000, los precios de harina y aceite de pescado en los mercados internacionales se han incrementado, debido al aumento de la demanda asiática y al precio del combustible. Se debe estudiar en qué medida este aumento desfavorece el consumo interno de estos productos, así como el uso de anchoveta para CHD. Este análisis deberá ser validado y complementado con información de impacto ambiental; y podrían contribuir a la toma de decisión participativa, para un balance óptimo entre los tres segmentos de la flota y las cadenas de producción asociadas.


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Les milieux humides sont parmi les écosystèmes les plus menacés de la planète que ce soit par le drainage, l’exploitation des ressources naturelles ou les changements climatiques. Dans une optique de conservation, il est primordial de comprendre la part des facteurs autogènes et allogènes dans la dynamique temporelle de ces écosystèmes. Dans ce contexte, les objectifs de cette étude étaient de : 1) reconstituer la dynamique des communautés végétales de deux secteurs ombrotrophes du complexe de milieux humides des Tourbières-de-Lanoraie au cours des trois derniers millénaires et 2) déterminer l’impact des activités humaines depuis les 500 dernières années sur cette dynamique. Pour ce faire, une approche paléoécologique pluridisciplinaire a été utilisée. La dynamique végétale a été semblable dans les deux secteurs étudiés. Elle a d’abord été caractérisée par une ombrotrophication des systèmes tourbeux puis par une transformation graduelle d’une tourbière ombrotrophe ouverte, dominées par les sphaignes et les éricacées, vers des tourbières ombrotrophes forestières. L’ombrotrophication se serait amorcée peu avant le Petit-Âge glaciaire (1570-1850 AD), période associée à des conditions plus fraiches et plus sèches. Le développement de la phase forestière serait beaucoup plus récent (début 1900) et semble être associé à une période d’intensification de l’empreinte anthropique dans le paysage, notamment du drainage. Ce travail montre que les perturbations anthropiques constituent depuis le début du XXème siècle le moteur principal de la dynamique de la végétation des deux secteurs étudiés.


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Hot spots of endemism are regarded as important global sites for conservation as they are rich in threatened endemic species and currently experiencing extensive habitat loss. Targeting pre-emptive conservation action to sites that are currently relatively intact but which would be vulnerable to particular human activities if they occurred in the future is, however, also valuable but has received less attention. Here, we address this issue by using data on Endemic Bird Areas (EBAs). First, we identify the ecological factors that affect extinction risk in the face of particular human activities, and then use these insights to identify EBAs that should be priorities for pre-emptive conservation action. Threatened endemic species in EBAs are significantly more likely to be habitat specialists or relatively large-bodied than non-threatened species, when compared across avian families. Increasing habitat loss causes a significant increase in extinction risk among habitat specialists, but we found no evidence to suggest that the presence of alien species/human exploitation causes a significant increase in extinction risk among large-bodied species. This suggests that these particular human activities are contributing to high extinction risk among habitat specialists, but not among large-bodied species. Based on these analyses, we identify 39 EBAs containing 570 species (24% of the total in EBAs) that are not currently threatened with severe habitat loss, but would be ecologically vulnerable to future habitat loss should it occur. We show that these sites tend to be poorly represented in existing priority setting exercises involving hot spots, suggesting that vulnerability must be explicitly included within these exercises if such sites are to be adequately protected.


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Hot spots of endemism are regarded as important global sites for conservation as they are rich in threatened endemic species and currently experiencing extensive habitat loss. Targeting pre-emptive conservation action to sites that are currently relatively intact but which would be vulnerable to particular human activities if they occurred in the future is, however, also valuable but has received less attention. Here, we address this issue by using data on Endemic Bird Areas (EBAs). First, we identify the ecological factors that affect extinction risk in the face of particular human activities, and then use these insights to identify EBAs that should be priorities for pre-emptive conservation action. Threatened endemic species in EBAs are significantly more likely to be habitat specialists or relatively large-bodied than non-threatened species, when compared across avian families. Increasing habitat loss causes a significant increase in extinction risk among habitat specialists, but we found no evidence to suggest that the presence of alien species/human exploitation causes a significant increase in extinction risk among large-bodied species. This suggests that these particular human activities are contributing to high extinction risk among habitat specialists, but not among large-bodied species. Based on these analyses, we identify 39 EBAs containing 570 species (24% of the total in EBAs) that are not currently threatened with severe habitat loss, but would be ecologically vulnerable to future habitat loss should it occur. We show that these sites tend to be poorly represented in existing priority setting exercises involving hot spots, suggesting that vulnerability must be explicitly included within these exercises if such sites are to be adequately protected.


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Archaeological excavations alongside the river Wandle in Wallington produced evidence of the environmental history and human exploitation of the area. The recovery of a large assemblage of struck flint provided information on the nature of the prehistoric activities represented, while a detailed environmental archaeological programme permitted an examination of both the local sediment successions and thus an opportunity to reconstruct the environmental history of the site. The site revealed a complex sedimentary sequence deposited in riverine conditions, commencing during the early Holocene (from c 10,000 years before present) and continuing through the late Holocene (c last 3000 years). Large flint nodules were washed by the river onto the site where they were procured and worked by Mesolithic and Bronze Age communities. Potentially usable nodules had been tested, and suitable pieces completely reduced, while the majority of useful flakes and blades had been removed for use elsewhere. Small numbers of retouched pieces, such as scrapers and piercers, indicate that domestic activities took place nearby. By the Saxon period the site had begun to stabilise, although it remained marshy and probably peripheral to habitation. Two pits from this period were excavated, one of which contained an antler pick. A small quantity of cereal grain also suggests that cultivated land lay in the vicinity of the site. During the 19th century a mill race was dug across the site, redirecting water from the river Wandle, which resulted in episodic flooding.


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Box-Ironbark forests occur on the inland hills of the Great Dividing Range in Australia, from western Victoria to southern Queensland. These dry, open forests are characteristically dominated by Eucalyptus species such as Red Ironbark E. tricarpa, Mugga Ironbark E. sideroxylon and Grey Box E. microcarpa. Within these forests, several Eucalyptus species are a major source of nectar for the blossom-feeding birds and marsupials that form a distinctive component of the fauna. In Victoria, approximately 83% of the original pre - European forests of the Box-Ironbark region have been cleared, and the remaining fragmented forests have been heavily exploited for gold and timber. This exploitation has lead to a change in the structure of these forests, from one dominated by large 80-100 cm diameter, widely -spaced trees to mostly small (≥40 cm DBH), more densely - spaced trees. This thesis examines the flowering ecology of seven Eucalyptus species within a Box-Ironbark community. These species are characteristic of Victorian Box-Ironbark forests; River Red Gum E. camaldulensis, Yellow Gum E. leucoxylon, Red Stringybark E. macrorhyncha, Yellow Box E. melliodora, Grey Box E. microcarpa, Red Box E. polyanthemos and Red Ironbark E. tricarpa. Specifically, the topics examined in this thesis are: (1) the floral character traits of species, and the extent to which these traits can be associated with syndromes of bird or insect pollination; (2) the timing, frequency, duration, intensity, and synchrony of flowering of populations and individual trees; (3) the factors that may explain variation in flowering patterns of individual trees through examination of the relationships between flowering and tree-specific factors of individually marked trees; (4) the influence of tree size on the flowering patterns of individually marked trees, and (5) the spatial and temporal distribution of the floral resources of a dominant species, E. tricarpa. The results are discussed in relation to the evolutionary processes that may have lead to the flowering patterns, and the likely effects of these flowering patterns on blossom-feeding fauna of the Box-Ironbark region. Flowering observations were made for approximately 100 individually marked trees for each species (a total of 754 trees). The flower cover of each tree was assessed at a mean interval of 22 (+ 0.6) days for three years; 1997, 1998 and 1999. The seven species of eucalypt each had characteristic flowering seasons, the timing of which was similar each year. In particular, the timing of peak flowering intensity was consistent between years. Other spatial and temporal aspects of flowering patterns for each species, including the percentage of trees that flowered, frequency of flowering, intensity of flowering and duration of flowering, displayed significant variation between years, between forest stands (sites) and between individual trees within sites. All seven species displayed similar trends in flowering phenology over the study, such that 1997 was a relatively 'poor' flowering year, 1998 a 'good' year and 1999 an 'average' year in this study area. The floral character traits and flowering seasons of the seven Eucalyptus species suggest that each species has traits that can be broadly associated with particular pollinator types. Differences between species in floral traits were most apparent between 'summer' and 'winter' flowering species. Winter - flowering species displayed pollination syndromes associated with bird pollination and summer -flowering species displayed syndromes more associated with insect pollination. Winter - flowering E. tricarpa and E. leucoxylon flowers, for example, were significantly larger, and contained significantly greater volumes of nectar, than those of the summer flowering species, such as E. camaldulensis and E. melliodom. An examination of environmental and tree-specific factors was undertaken to investigate relationships between flowering patterns of individually marked trees of E. microcarpa and E. tricarpa and a range of measures that may influence the observed patterns. A positive association with tree-size was the most consistent explanatory variable for variation between trees in the frequency and intensity of flowering. Competition from near-neighbours, tree health and the number of shrubs within the canopy area were also explanatory variables. The relationship between tree size and flowering phenology was further examined by using the marked trees of all seven species, selected to represent five size-classes. Larger trees (≥40 cm DBH) flowered more frequently, more intensely, and for a greater duration than smaller trees. Larger trees provide more abundant floral resources than smaller trees because they have more flowers per unit area of canopy, they have larger canopies in which more flowers can be supported, and they provide a greater abundance of floral resources over the duration of the flowering season. Heterogeneity in the distribution of floral resources was further highlighted by the study of flowering patterns of E. tricarpa at several spatial and temporal scales. A total of approximately 5,500 trees of different size classes were sampled for flower cover along transects in major forest blocks at each of five sample dates. The abundance of flowers varied between forest blocks, between transects and among tree size - classes. Nectar volumes in flowers of E. tricarpa were sampled. The volume of nectar varied significantly among flowers, between trees, and between forest stands. Mean nectar volume per flower was similar on each sample date. The study of large numbers of individual trees for each of seven species was useful in obtaining quantitative data on flowering patterns of species' populations and individual trees. The timing of flowering for a species is likely to be a result of evolutionary selective forces tempered by environmental conditions. The seven species' populations showed a similar pattern in the frequency and intensity of flowering between years (e.g. 1998 was a 'good' year for most species) suggesting that there is some underlying environmental influence acting on these aspects of flowering. For individual trees, the timing of flowering may be influenced by tree-specific factors that affect the ability of each tree to access soil moisture and nutrients. In turn, local weather patterns, edaphic and biotic associations are likely to influence the available soil moisture. The relationships between the timing of flowering and environmental conditions are likely to be complex. There was no evidence that competition for pollinators has a strong selective influence on the timing of flowering. However, as there is year-round flowering in this community, particular types of pollinators may be differentiated along a temporal gradient (e.g. insects in summer, birds in winter). This type of differentiation may have resulted in the co-evolution of floral traits and pollinator types, with flowers displaying adaptations that match the morphologies and energy requirements of the most abundant pollinators in any particular season. Spatial variation in flowering patterns was evident at several levels. This is likely to occur because of variation in climate, weather patterns, soil types, degrees of disturbance and biotic associations, which vary across the Box-Ironbark region. There was no consistency among sites between years in flowering patterns suggesting that factors affecting flowering at this level are complex. Blossom-feeding animals are confronted with a highly spatially and temporally patchy resource. This patchiness has been increased with human exploitation of these forests leading to a much greater abundance of small trees and fewer large trees. Blossom-feeding birds are likely to respond to this variation in different ways, depending upon diet-breadth, mobility and morphological and behavioural characteristics. Future conservation of the blossom-feeding fauna of Box-Ironbark forests would benefit from the retention of a greater number of large trees, the protection and enhancement of existing remnants, and revegetation with key species, such as E. leucoxylon, E. microcarpa and E. tricarpa. The selective clearing of summer flowering species, which occur on the more fertile areas, may have negatively affected the year-round abundance and distribution of floral resources. The unpredictability of the spatial distribution of flowering patches within the region means that all remnants are likely to be important foraging areas in some years.