931 resultados para hight and low antibody mice
Selection III mice have particular immunological characteristics: they are high (H III) or low (L III) antibody producer animals, yet both lines display similar T cell responses and macrophage activities. We submittedthese mice to infection with Schistosoma mansoni to assess in vivo parasite and egg burden, hepatic collagen and cellular composition of granulomas in both lines. Titration of anti-Schistosoma IgG by ELISA showed remarkably higher values inH III line, at both studied periods (8th and 12th weeks post-infection). Nevertheless, the number of adult worms recovered from the portal system was similar inboth lines, being not associated with anti-Schistosoma antibody levels. There isan increase in hepatic collagen from the 8th to the 12th weeks post-infection, which is paralleled by an increase in the number of eggs in the liver. This association apparently occurs at the same radio in H III and L III animals. The most important difference found between the two lines was the outstanding contrast interms of volume and eosinophil counts in the granulomas, with lesions from H IIImice clearly being larger and containing more of these cells than LIII lesions.
Leishmaniasis is a typical parasite infection whose protective immunity depends on macrophage activation. Susceptibility to Leishmania donovani infection was compared in H (high antibody responder) and L (low antibody responder) mice from selection IV-A. H mice infected intravenously with 10(7) amastigotes of L. donovani were more susceptible to infection than their L counterparts. This higher susceptibility was characterized by a higher splenic and hepatic parasite burden. An increased splenic index was observed in both lines after sixty days of infection. This splenomegaly was caused, at least partially, by an increase in the number of splenic cells as determined by direct counts of cells from spleen. The results show that selection IV-A is susceptible to visceral leishmaniasis, with the H line being more susceptible than the L line.
High (H) and low (L) responder mice were selected for their ability to produce antibodies against sheep and human erythrocytes (Selection IV-A). In this selection, the difference in antibody responsiveness between H and L lines (HIV-A and LIV-A mice, respectively) was shown to depend mainly on macrophage function. The more rapid catabolism of antigens by macrophages in L mice has been suggested as the main cause of the low antibody production. Due to this high macrophage activity, L animals have been described as more resistant than H animals to intracellular pathogens. These animals were utilized as an experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis. HIV-A and LIV-A mice were infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by the intravenous route. As expected, H mice were more susceptible to P. brasiliensis with a shorter survival time and higher levels of specific antibodies when compared to L mice. Contrasting with the survival time, the lungs, spleen and liver from H mice showed typical nodular granulomas containing epithelioid and giant cells and few fungi. on the other hand, in LN-A mice, the lesions of these organs were characterized by looser granulomas with irregular borders and the presence of a large number of fungi, However, the adrenal gland showed different lesion patterns. In H mice these lesions were extensive and characterized by loose granulomas with numerous fungi, while in LIV-A mice the lesions were small and limited to the cortex. Moreover the HIV-A mice presented higher levels of serum corticosterone when compared to LIV-A ones. The higher susceptibility of H mice could be attributed to the extensive lesions of the adrenal glands. These results suggest the use of the H line from the IV-A Selection as an experimental model for further studies of adrenal involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis.
Mice genetically selected for high (H) and low (L) antibody production (HIV-A and L-IV-A) were used in an experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis. In a previous work, it was observed that male HIV-A animals were more susceptible to the infection due to adrenal gland damage. Male HIV-A and LIV-A animals were intravenously inoculated with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (strain 18) and sacrificed 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after inoculation. At each time interval, lungs and adrenals were removed to estimate recoverability of the fungus, as well as to determine Th1 (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha) and Th2 (IL-4 and IL-10) cytokine profiles. While viable fungi recoverability from the lungs of HIV-A mice was higher after 4 and 8 weeks, there was less fungal recovery from the adrenals of LIV-A animals after the 2nd week, with total fungal elimination after the 8th week. With regard to Th2 cytokines, there was an inhibition in IL-4 production in the organs from infected animals, the extent of which varied according to the organ and the time period after initiation of infection. IL-10 production was found to be lower in both organs. Determination of Th1 cytokines revealed that IFN-gamma production increased in both organs, mainly in the adrenal of LIV-A after 8 and 10 weeks, when these animals showed a total fungal elimination. A significant difference was observed between HIV-A and LIV-A concerning TNF-alpha production in both organs and at all recovery times, in that LIV-A produced a higher level of this cytokine, mainly in the adrenal. These results may explain the high susceptibility of HIV-A to P. brasiliensis infection, is due, at least in part, to adrenal involvement. The higher production of Th1 cytokines by LIV-A in comparison to HIV-A mice may account for LIV-A resistance to P. brasiliensis infection. Our data reveal the importance of this experimental model in the study of the adrenal involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis, since this gland may be highly compromised in the patients, leading to the development of Addison's Disease.
A leishmaniose é uma infecção parasitária cuja imunidade protetora envolve a ativação de macrófagos. Neste trabalho avaliamos a susceptibilidade de camundongos H e L (bons e maus produtores de anticorpos, respectivamente) da seleção IV-A, à infecção com o protozoário L. donovani. Camundongos H infectados com 10(7) amastigotas por via intravenosa foram mais suscetíveis, apresentando maior carga parasitária tanto no fígado quanto no baço. Após 60 dias de infecção ambas as linhagens apresentaram um aumento no índice esplênico. Esta esplenomegalia foi conseqüência, pelo menos parcialmente, de um aumento no número de células esplênicas. Os resultados indicam que a seleção IV-A é susceptível à infecção com L. donovani e que dentro desta seleção a linhagem H apresenta maior suscetibilidade do que a linhagem L.
Rhodococcus equi is a Gram-positive, facultative intracellular bacterium which infects macrophages and causes rhodococcal pneumonia and enteritis in foals. Recently, this agent has been recognized as an opportunistic pathogen for immunocompromised humans. Several murine experimental models have been used to study R. equi infection. High (H IV-A) and Low (L IV-A) antibody (Ab)-producers mice were obtained by bi-directional genetic selections for their ability to produce antibodies against sheep and human erythrocytes (Selection IV-A). These lines maintain their phenotypes of high and low responders also for other antigens than those of selection (multispeciflc effect). A higher macrophage activity in L IV-A mice has been described for several intracellular infectious agents, which could be responsible for their intense macrophage antigens (Ag)-handling and low Ab production. Due to these differences, L IV-A mice were found to exhibit a better performance to trigger an effective immune response towards intracellular pathogens. The objective of this work was to characterize the immune response of Selection IV-A against R. equi. H IV-A and L IV-A mice were infected with 2.0 × 10 6 CFU of ATCC 33701 +R. equi by intravenous route. With regards to bacterial clearance and survival assays, L IV-A mice were more resistant than H IV-A mice to virulent R. equi. L IV-A mice presented a higher hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2) and nitric oxide (NO) endogenous production by splenic macrophages than H IV-A mice. L IV-A expressed the most intense cellular response, available by the Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction, which activated macrophages and produced more H 2O 2 and NO. The three times higher specific antibodies titres in H IV-A indicated that Selection IV-A maintained the multispecific effect and the polygenic control of humoral and cellular responses also to R. equi.
Several distinct chromosomal segments were recently identified by cosegregation analysis of polymorphic markers with antibody responsiveness in an F2 cross between high (H) and low (L) antibody responder lines of Biozzi mice. The effect associated with the relevant markers has now been investigated in backcross populations (toward the L line) bred from H and L mice made coisogenic at the H-2 locus. The antibody titers, measured on days 5 and 14 of the primary response to sheep red blood cells, were considered to be two distinct quantitative phenotypes. The results of single or multilocus analyses demonstrated the significant involvement, at one or the two titration times, of Im gene(s) on four distinct chromosomes: 4, 8, 12, and 18. The regions on chromosomes 6 and 10 have a lesser but still suggestive effect. The contribution of each locus ranged from 3% to 13%, and together these loci accounted for about 40% of the phenotypic variance at each titration time. The data are compatible with an additive effect of the relevant loci and suggestive of some interaction effects. In a second backcross toward L line, the H line alleles of the putative Im genes on chromosomes 6, 8, and 12 were isolated from each other and their effects were still detected.
Innate and acquired resistance to rabies infection was investigated in mice genetically selected for high (H) or low (L) antibody responsiveness from selections I, III and IV and in mice selected for maximal (AIRmax) or minimal (AIRmin) acute inflammatory reaction. These mouse lines were infected intramuscularly with different virus dilutions and the LD50 was determined. The HIII and HIV mouse lines were more susceptible than the LIII and LIV lines and the HI line showed a discrete but higher resistance than the LI line. Analysis of the interline (H x L) F1 hybrids from selections III and IV indicated different dominance effects on the "resistant" and" susceptible" phenotypes when the route of vaccination was changed. No differences were observed between the AIRmax and AIRmin mice, suggesting that inflammation plays a minor role in the resistance to rabies virus. The comparison of LD50 in mice vaccinated by distinct routes showed that the highest interline difference occurred after intramuscular vaccination (250-fold between H and L and 800-fold between F1 and L). These results indicate that different mechanisms may participate in acquired antirabies resistance
Innate and acquired resistance to rabies infection was investigated in mice genetically selected for high (H) or low (L) antibody responsiveness from selections I, III and IV and in mice selected for maximal (AIRmax) or minimal (AIRmin) acute inflammatory reaction. These mouse lines were infected intramuscularly with different virus dilutions and the LD50 was determined. The HIII and HIV mouse lines were more susceptible than the LIII and LIV lines and the HI line showed a discrete but higher resistance than the LI line. Analysis of the interline (H x L) F1 hybrids from selections III and IV indicated different dominance effects on the resistant and susceptible phenotypes when the route of vaccination was changed. No differences were observed between the AIRmax and AIRmin mice, suggesting that inflammation plays a minor role in the resistance to rabies virus. The comparison of LD50 in mice vaccinated by distinct routes showed that the highest interline difference occurred after intramuscular vaccination (250-fold between H and L and 800-fold between F1 and L). These results indicate that different mechanisms may participate in acquired antirabies resistance
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Recombinant Bacillus subtilis strains, either spores or vegetative cells, may be employed as safe and low cost orally delivered live vaccine vehicles. In this study, we report the use of an orally delivered B. subtilis vaccine strain to boost systemic and secreted antibody responses in mice i.m. primed with a DNA vaccine encoding the structural subunit (CfaB) of the CFA/I fimbriae encoded by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), an important etiological agent of diarrhea among travelers and children living in endemic regions. DBA/2 female mice submitted to the prime-boost immunization regimen developed synergic serum (IgG) and mucosal (IgA) antibody responses to the target CfaB antigen. Moreover, in contrast to mice immunized only with one vaccine formulation, sera harvested from prime-boosted vaccinated individuals inhibited adhesion of ETEC cells to human red blood cells. Additionally, vaccinated dams conferred full passive protection to suckling newborn mice challenged with a virulent ETEC strain. Taken together the present results further demonstrate the potential use of recombinant B. subtilis strains as an alternative live vaccine vehicle. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Schistosoma mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase isoforms and potato apyrase share conserved epitopes. By enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, elevated levels of IgM, IgG2a and IgG1 antibody reactivity against potato apyrase were observed in S. mansoni-infected BALB/c mice during the acute phase of infection, while only IgM and IgG1 antibody reactivity levels maintained elevated during the chronic phase of infection. Antibody reactivity against potato apyrase was monitored over an 11-month period in chronically-infected mice treated with oxamniquine. Eleven months later, the level of seropositive IgM decreased significantly (~30%) compared to the level found in untreated, infected mice. The level of seropositive IgG1 decreased significantly four months after treatment (MAT) (61%) and remained at this level even after 11 months. The IgG2a reactivity against potato apyrase, although unchanged during chronic phase to 11 MAT, appeared elevated again in re-infected mice suggesting a response similar to that found during the acute phase. BALB/c mouse polyclonal anti-potato apyrase IgG reacted with soluble egg antigens probably due to the recognition of parasite ATP diphosphohydrolase. This study, for the first time, showed that the IgG2a antibody from S. mansoni-infected BALB mice cross-reacts with potato apyrase and the level of IgG2a in infected mice differentiates disease phases. The results also suggest that different conserved-epitopes contribute to the immune response in schistosomiasis.
OBJECTIVE: HIV-infected children have impaired antibody responses after exposure to certain antigens. Our aim was to determine whether HIV-infected children had lower varicella zoster virus (VZV) antibody levels compared with HIV-infected adults or healthy children and, if so, whether this was attributable to an impaired primary response, accelerated antibody loss, or failure to reactivate the memory VZV response. METHODS: In a prospective, cross-sectional and retrospective longitudinal study, we compared antibody responses, measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), elicited by VZV infection in 97 HIV-infected children and 78 HIV-infected adults treated with antiretroviral therapy, followed over 10 years, and 97 age-matched healthy children. We also tested antibody avidity in HIV-infected and healthy children. RESULTS: Median anti-VZV immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels were lower in HIV-infected children than in adults (264 vs. 1535 IU/L; P<0.001) and levels became more frequently unprotective over time in the children [odds ratio (OR) 17.74; 95% confidence interval (CI) 4.36-72.25; P<0.001]. High HIV viral load was predictive of VZV antibody waning in HIV-infected children. Anti-VZV antibodies did not decline more rapidly in HIV-infected children than in adults. Antibody levels increased with age in healthy (P=0.004) but not in HIV-infected children. Thus, antibody levels were lower in HIV-infected than in healthy children (median 1151 IU/L; P<0.001). Antibody avidity was lower in HIV-infected than healthy children (P<0.001). A direct correlation between anti-VZV IgG level and avidity was present in HIV-infected children (P=0.001), but not in healthy children. CONCLUSION: Failure to maintain anti-VZV IgG levels in HIV-infected children results from failure to reactivate memory responses. Further studies are required to investigate long-term protection and the potential benefits of immunization.
The cardiovascular system is under the control of the circadian clock, and disturbed circadian rhythms can induce cardiovascular pathologies. This cyclic regulation is probably brought about by the circadian expression of genes encoding enzymes and regulators involved in cardiovascular functions. We have previously shown that the rhythmic transcription of output genes is, in part, regulated by the clock-controlled PAR bZip transcription factors DBP (albumin D-element Binding Protein), HLF (Hepatic Leukemia Factor), and TEF (Thyrotroph Embryonic Factor). The simultaneous deletion of all three PAR bZip transcription factors leads to increased morbidity and shortened life span. Here, we demonstrate that Dbp/Tef/Hlf triple knockout mice develop cardiac hypertrophy and left ventricular dysfunction associated with a low blood pressure. These dysfunctions are exacerbated by an abnormal response to this low blood pressure characterized by low aldosterone levels. The phenotype of PAR bZip knockout mice highlights the importance of circadian regulators in the modulation of cardiovascular functions.
In animal psychology, the open-field (OF) test is a traditional method for studying different aspects of rodent behavior, with thigmotaxis (i.e., wallseeking behavior) being one of the best validated OF parameters employed to measure emotionality. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the selection response in mice selectively bred for high and low levels of OF thigmotaxis (the HOFT and LOFT lines, respectively). The mice (N = 2048) were selected for 23 generations, resulting in bidirectional phenotypic divergence between the two lines; that is, the HOFT mice were more thigmotactic (i.e., more emotional) than the LOFT mice across the different generations. The origin of the line difference in thigmotaxis was further investigated by using the crossfostering paradigm, with the results suggesting that the divergence between the two lines was primarily innate in origin and not influenced by differing maternal behavior. The stability of the selection trait was examined by testing the animals at different ages as well as in varying conditions. The results indicated that the line difference in thigmotaxis was not affected by age at the time of testing, and it also persisted in the different OF testing situations as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The examination of a possible coselection of other characteristics revealed that the more thigmotactic HOFT mice lived longer than the less thigmotactic LOFT mice. In addition, the HOFT mice tended to rear and explore less than the LOFT mice, supporting the general assumption that emotionality and exploration are inversely related. The two lines did not generally differ in ambulation and defecation, that is, in the traditional OF indexes of emotionality, conforming to the suggestion that emotionality is a multidimensional construct. The effects of sex on different OF parameters were also assessed, with the results suggesting that among the HOFT and LOFT lines, the female mice were more emotional than the male mice. The examination of the temporal changes in the HOFT and LOFT lines’ OF behavior revealed some contradictory findings that also partially conflicted with general assumptions. Although this study did not show prominent differences in maternal responsiveness between the HOFT and LOFT mothers, the results suggested that the line divergence in emotionality was more pronounced in the presence of a pup after parturition than during pregnancy. The present study clearly demonstrates that OF thigmotaxis is a strong characteristic for producing two diverging lines of mice. The difference in thigmotaxis between the selectively bred HOFT and LOFT mice seemed to be a stable and robust feature of these animals, and it appeared to stem from a genetic background.