956 resultados para high-definition television (HDTV)
We discuss some fundamental characteristics of a phase-modulating device suitable to holographically project a monochrome video frame with 1280 x 720 resolution. The phase-modulating device is expected to be a liquid crystal over silicon chip with silicon area similar to that of commercial devices. Its basic characteristics, such as number of pixels, bits per pixel, and pixel dimensions, are optimized in terms of image quality and optical efficiency. Estimates of the image quality are made from the noise levels and contrast, while efficiency is calculated by considering the beam apodization, device dead space, diffraction losses, and the sinc envelope.
Running title: Applications for high-definition television.
The widespread availability and demand for multimedia capable devices and multimedia content have fueled the need for high-speed wireless connectivity beyond the capabilities of existing commercial standards. While fiber optic data transfer links can provide multigigabit- per-second data rates, cost and deployment are often prohibitive in many applications. Wireless links, on the contrary, can provide a cost-effective fiber alternative to interconnect the outlining areas beyond the reach of the fiber rollout. With this in mind, the ever increasing demand for multi-gigabit wireless applications, fiber segment replacement mobile backhauling and aggregation, and covering the last mile have posed enormous challenges for next generation wireless technologies. In particular, the unbalanced temporal and geographical variations of spectrum usage along with the rapid proliferation of bandwidth- hungry mobile applications, such as video streaming with high definition television (HDTV) and ultra-high definition video (UHDV), have inspired millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications as a promising technology to alleviate the pressure of scarce spectrum resources for fifth generation (5G) mobile broadband.
This paper presents a critical analysis of ultrawideband (UWB) and considers the turbulent journey it has had from the Federal Communications Commission's bandwidth allocation in 2002 to today. It analyzes the standards, the standoffs, and the stalemate in standardization activities and investigates the past and present research and commercial activities in realizing the UWB dream. In this paper, statistical evidence is presented to depict UWB's changing fortunes and is utilized as an indicator of future prominence. This paper reviews some of the opinions and remarks from commentators and analyzes predictions that were made. Finally, it presents possible ways forward to reignite the high-data-rate UWB standardization pursuit.
Métrica de calidad de video de alta definición construida a partir de ratios de referencia completa. La medida de calidad de video, en inglés Visual Quality Assessment (VQA), es uno de los mayores retos por solucionar en el entorno multimedia. La calidad de vídeo tiene un impacto altísimo en la percepción del usuario final (consumidor) de los servicios sustentados en la provisión de contenidos multimedia y, por tanto, factor clave en la valoración del nuevo paradigma denominado Calidad de la Experiencia, en inglés Quality of Experience (QoE). Los modelos de medida de calidad de vídeo se pueden agrupar en varias ramas según la base técnica que sustenta el sistema de medida, destacando en importancia los que emplean modelos psicovisuales orientados a reproducir las características del sistema visual humano, en inglés Human Visual System, del que toman sus siglas HVS, y los que, por el contrario, optan por una aproximación ingenieril en la que el cálculo de calidad está basado en la extracción de parámetros intrínsecos de la imagen y su comparación. A pesar de los avances recogidos en este campo en los últimos años, la investigación en métricas de calidad de vídeo, tanto en presencia de referencia (los modelos denominados de referencia completa), como en presencia de parte de ella (modelos de referencia reducida) e incluso los que trabajan en ausencia de la misma (denominados sin referencia), tiene un amplio camino de mejora y objetivos por alcanzar. Dentro de ellos, la medida de señales de alta definición, especialmente las utilizadas en las primeras etapas de la cadena de valor que son de muy alta calidad, son de especial interés por su influencia en la calidad final del servicio y no existen modelos fiables de medida en la actualidad. Esta tesis doctoral presenta un modelo de medida de calidad de referencia completa que hemos llamado PARMENIA (PArallel Ratios MEtric from iNtrInsic features Analysis), basado en la ponderación de cuatro ratios de calidad calculados a partir de características intrínsecas de la imagen. Son: El Ratio de Fidelidad, calculado mediante el gradiente morfológico o gradiente de Beucher. El Ratio de Similitud Visual, calculado mediante los puntos visualmente significativos de la imagen a través de filtrados locales de contraste. El Ratio de Nitidez, que procede de la extracción del estadístico de textura de Haralick contraste. El Ratio de Complejidad, obtenido de la definición de homogeneidad del conjunto de estadísticos de textura de Haralick PARMENIA presenta como novedad la utilización de la morfología matemática y estadísticos de Haralick como base de una métrica de medida de calidad, pues esas técnicas han estado tradicionalmente más ligadas a la teledetección y la segmentación de objetos. Además, la aproximación de la métrica como un conjunto ponderado de ratios es igualmente novedosa debido a que se alimenta de modelos de similitud estructural y otros más clásicos, basados en la perceptibilidad del error generado por la degradación de la señal asociada a la compresión. PARMENIA presenta resultados con una altísima correlación con las valoraciones MOS procedentes de las pruebas subjetivas a usuarios que se han realizado para la validación de la misma. El corpus de trabajo seleccionado procede de conjuntos de secuencias validados internacionalmente, de modo que los resultados aportados sean de la máxima calidad y el máximo rigor posible. La metodología de trabajo seguida ha consistido en la generación de un conjunto de secuencias de prueba de distintas calidades a través de la codificación con distintos escalones de cuantificación, la obtención de las valoraciones subjetivas de las mismas a través de pruebas subjetivas de calidad (basadas en la recomendación de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones BT.500), y la validación mediante el cálculo de la correlación de PARMENIA con estos valores subjetivos, cuantificada a través del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Una vez realizada la validación de los ratios y optimizada su influencia en la medida final y su alta correlación con la percepción, se ha realizado una segunda revisión sobre secuencias del hdtv test dataset 1 del Grupo de Expertos de Calidad de Vídeo (VQEG, Video Quality Expert Group) mostrando los resultados obtenidos sus claras ventajas. Abstract Visual Quality Assessment has been so far one of the most intriguing challenges on the media environment. Progressive evolution towards higher resolutions while increasing the quality needed (e.g. high definition and better image quality) aims to redefine models for quality measuring. Given the growing interest in multimedia services delivery, perceptual quality measurement has become a very active area of research. First, in this work, a classification of objective video quality metrics based on their underlying methodologies and approaches for measuring video quality has been introduced to sum up the state of the art. Then, this doctoral thesis describes an enhanced solution for full reference objective quality measurement based on mathematical morphology, texture features and visual similarity information that provides a normalized metric that we have called PARMENIA (PArallel Ratios MEtric from iNtrInsic features Analysis), with a high correlated MOS score. The PARMENIA metric is based on the pooling of different quality ratios that are obtained from three different approaches: Beucher’s gradient, local contrast filtering, and contrast and homogeneity Haralick’s texture features. The metric performance is excellent, and improves the current state of the art by providing a wide dynamic range that make easier to discriminate between very close quality coded sequences, especially for very high bit rates whose quality, currently, is transparent for quality metrics. PARMENIA introduces a degree of novelty against other working metrics: on the one hand, exploits the structural information variation to build the metric’s kernel, but complements the measure with texture information and a ratio of visual meaningful points that is closer to typical error sensitivity based approaches. We would like to point out that PARMENIA approach is the only metric built upon full reference ratios, and using mathematical morphology and texture features (typically used in segmentation) for quality assessment. On the other hand, it gets results with a wide dynamic range that allows measuring the quality of high definition sequences from bit rates of hundreds of Megabits (Mbps) down to typical distribution rates (5-6 Mbps), even streaming rates (1- 2 Mbps). Thus, a direct correlation between PARMENIA and MOS scores are easily constructed. PARMENIA may further enhance the number of available choices in objective quality measurement, especially for very high quality HD materials. All this results come from validation that has been achieved through internationally validated datasets on which subjective tests based on ITU-T BT.500 methodology have been carried out. Pearson correlation coefficient has been calculated to verify the accuracy of PARMENIA and its reliability.
Liuwei Dihuang Wan (LWD), a classic Chinese medicinal formulae, has been used to improve or restore declined functions related to aging and geriatric diseases, such as impaired mobility, vision, hearing, cognition and memory. It has attracted increasingly much attention as one of the most popular and valuable herbal medicines. However, the systematic analysis of the chemical constituents of LDW is difficult and thus has not been well established. In this paper, a rapid, sensitive and reliable ultra-performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight high-definition mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS) method with automated MetaboLynx analysis in positive and negative ion mode was established to characterize the chemical constituents of LDW. The analysis was performed on a Waters UPLCTM HSS T3 using a gradient elution system. MS/MS fragmentation behavior was proposed for aiding the structural identification of the components. Under the optimized conditions, a total of 50 peaks were tentatively characterized by comparing the retention time and MS data. It is concluded that a rapid and robust platform based on UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS has been successfully developed for globally identifying multiple-constituents of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. This is the first report on systematic analysis of the chemical constituents of LDW. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The initial part of this paper reviews the early challenges (c 1980) in achieving real-time silicon implementations of DSP computations. In particular, it discusses research on application specific architectures, including bit level systolic circuits that led to important advances in achieving the DSP performance levels then required. These were many orders of magnitude greater than those achievable using programmable (including early DSP) processors, and were demonstrated through the design of commercial digital correlator and digital filter chips. As is discussed, an important challenge was the application of these concepts to recursive computations as occur, for example, in Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. An important breakthrough was to show how fine grained pipelining can be used if arithmetic is performed most significant bit (msb) first. This can be achieved using redundant number systems, including carry-save arithmetic. This research and its practical benefits were again demonstrated through a number of novel IIR filter chip designs which at the time, exhibited performance much greater than previous solutions. The architectural insights gained coupled with the regular nature of many DSP and video processing computations also provided the foundation for new methods for the rapid design and synthesis of complex DSP System-on-Chip (SoC), Intellectual Property (IP) cores. This included the creation of a wide portfolio of commercial SoC video compression cores (MPEG2, MPEG4, H.264) for very high performance applications ranging from cell phones to High Definition TV (HDTV). The work provided the foundation for systematic methodologies, tools and design flows including high-level design optimizations based on "algorithmic engineering" and also led to the creation of the Abhainn tool environment for the design of complex heterogeneous DSP platforms comprising processors and multiple FPGAs. The paper concludes with a discussion of the problems faced by designers in developing complex DSP systems using current SoC technology. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.