410 resultados para hep


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Background: Understanding mollicutes is challenging due to their variety and relationship with host cells. Invasion has explained issues related to their opportunistic role. Few studies have been done on the Ureaplasma diversum mollicute, which is detected in healthy or diseased bovine. The invasion in Hep-2 cells of four clinical isolates and two reference strains of their ureaplasma was studied by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and gentamicin invasion assay. Results: The isolates and strains used were detected inside the cells after infection of one minute without difference in the arrangement for adhesion and invasion. The adhesion was scattered throughout the cells, and after three hours, the invasion of the ureaplasmas surrounded the nuclear region but were not observed inside the nuclei. The gentamicin invasion assay detected that 1% of the ATCC strains were inside the infected Hep-2 cells in contrast to 10% to the clinical isolates. A high level of phospholipase C activity was also detected in all studied ureaplasma. Conclusions: The results presented herein will help better understand U. diversum infections, aswell as cellular attachment and virulence.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia is the most important vegetal source of propolis in southeast Brazil, and researchers have been investigating its biological properties. Propolis is a complex resinous hive product collected by bees from several plants, showing a very complex chemical composition. It has been employed since ancient times due to its therapeutic properties, such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory and antitumour activities, among others. The goal of this work was to compare the cytotoxic action of B. dracunculifolia, propolis and two isolated compounds (caffeic and cinnamic acids) on human laryngeal epidermoid carcinoma (HEp-2) cells in vitro. These cells were incubated with different concentrations of each variable, and cell viability was assessed by the crystal violet method. Lower concentrations of B. dracunculifolia (extract and essential oil), propolis, as well as caffeic and cinnamic acids, showed no cytotoxic activity against HEp-2 cells. On the other hand, elevated concentrations (50 and 100 mu g per 100 mu L) exerted a cytotoxic action, and propolis showed a more efficient action than its vegetal source and isolated compounds. Further investigation is still needed in order to explore the potential of these variables as antitumour agents and to understand their mechanisms of action.


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293T and Sk-Hep-1 cells were transduced with a replication-defective self-inactivating HIV-1 derived vector carrying FVIII cDNA. The genomic DNA was sequenced to reveal LTR/human genome junctions and integration sites. One hundred and thirty-two sequences matched human sequences, with an identity of at least 98%. The integration sites in 293T-FVIIIDB and in Sk-Hep-FVIIIDB cells were preferentially located in gene regions. The integrations in both cell lines were distant from the CpG islands and from the transcription start sites. A comparison between the two cell lines showed that the lentiviral-transduced DNA had the same preferred regions in the two different cell lines.


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A self-modulating mechanism by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein has been suggested to influence the level of HCV replication, but current data on this subject are contradictory. We examined the effect of wild-type and mutated core protein on HCV IRES- and cap-dependent translation. The wild-type core protein was shown to inhibit both IRES- and cap-dependent translation in an in vitro system. This effect was duplicated in a dose-dependent manner with a synthetic peptide representing amino acids 1-20 of the HCV core protein. This peptide was able to bind to the HCV IRES as shown by a mobility shift assay. In contrast, a peptide derived from the hepatitis B virus (HBV) core protein that contained a similar proportion of basic residues was unable to inhibit translation or bind the HCV IRES. A recombinant vaccinia-HCV core virus was used to examine the effect of the HCV core protein on HCV IRES-dependent translation in cells and this was compared with the effects of an HBV core-recombinant vaccinia virus. In CV-1 and HuH7 cells, the HCV core protein inhibited translation directed by the IRES elements of HCV, encephalomyocarditis virus and classical swine fever virus as well as cap-dependent translation, whereas in HepG2 cells, only HCV IRES-dependent translation was affected. Thus, the ability of the HCV core protein to selectively inhibit HCV IRES-dependent translation is cell-specific. N-terminal truncated (aa 1-20) HCV core protein that was expressed from a novel recombinant vaccinia virus in cells abrogated the inhibitory phenotype of the core protein in vivo, consistent with the above in vitro data.


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Foram estudadas culturas primárias de células renais de macaco rhesus (RMK) e culturas de células contínuas Hep-2, comparativamente em provas de identificação sorológica intratípica de 28 estirpes de poliovírus dos tipos 1 e 3, pelo método da "comparação dos índices de neutralização". A correlação entre os índices foi elevada -0,953 e 0,986 após incubação de três e cinco dias, respectivamente, e todas as estirpes examinadas mostraram o mesmo resultado de identificação nos dois sistemas celulares estudados. Disto se conclui que as culturas de células Hep-2 podem ser utilizadas como alternativa ás culturas primárias de rim de macaco rhesus, na identificação intratípica de poliovírus dos tipos 1 e 3, pelo método mencionado, com as vantagens inerentes às linhagens de células contínuas.


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S. saprophyticus é freqüentemente isolado de infecções do trato urinário de mulheres jovens e sexualmente ativas. Ao contrário de S. aureus, esta espécie não possui fatores de virulência bem definidos. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a aderência de S. saprophyticus a células HEp-2 e eritrócitos de carneiro. As amostras foram isoladas a partir da urina de pacientes com infecção urinária. Foram realizados testes de hemaglutinação, aderência a células HEp-2 e a capacidade de carboidratos específicos inibirem as interações entre estes tipos celulares e S. saprophyticus. A maioria das cepas se mostrou hemaglutinante e sensível a inibição da hemaglutinação pela manose (100mM). Foram verificados altos níveis de aderência às células HEp-2. As diferenças em especificidade e nível de aderência do microrganismo a células de HEp-2 e eritrócitos sugerem a participação de diferentes adesinas nos processos de interações celulares.


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This work was supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) within Project Scope (UID/CEC/00319/2013), by LIP (Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas) and by Project Search-ON2 (NORTE-07-0162- FEDER-000086), co-funded by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework, through the European Regional Development Fund.


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Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum is a well-known human pathogen that mainly causes respiratory disease and is associated with high mortality in compromised hosts. Little is known about the virulence factors and pathogenesis of C. pseudodiphtheriticum. In this study, cultured human epithelial (HEp-2) cells were used to analyse the adherence pattern, internalisation and intracellular survival of the ATCC 10700 type strain and two additional clinical isolates. These microorganisms exhibited an aggregative adherence-like pattern to HEp-2 cells characterised by clumps of bacteria with a "stacked-brick" appearance. The differences in the ability of these microorganisms to invade and survive within HEp-2 cells and replicate in the extracellular environment up to 24 h post infection were evaluated. The fluorescent actin staining test demonstrated that actin polymerisation is involved in the internalisation of the C. pseudodiphtheriticum strains. The depolymerisation of microfilaments by cytochalasin E significantly reduced the internalisation of C. pseudodiphtheriticum by HEp-2 cells. Bacterial internalisation and cytoskeletal rearrangement seemed to be partially triggered by the activation of tyrosine kinase activity. Although C. pseudodiphtheriticum strains did not demonstrate an ability to replicate intracellularly, HEp-2 cells were unable to fully clear the pathogen within 24 h. These characteristics may explain how some C. pseudodiphtheriticum strains cause severe infection in human patients.


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Haemophilus influenzae belongs to respiratory tract microbiota. We observed vacuoles formation in previous studies with H. influenzae culture supernatants, so in this work we characterised that cytotoxic effect. We observed an abundant production of acidic cytoplasmic vacuoles due to the presence of a “vacuolating factor” in H. influenzae supernatants which was characterised as thermolabile. Greatest vacuolating activity was observed when utilizing the fraction > 50 kDa. The presence of a large number of vacuoles in HEp-2 cells was verified by transmission electron microscopy and some vacuoles were identified with a double membrane and/or being surrounded by ribosomes. These results suggest similar behaviour to that of vacuolating effects described by autotransporter proteins an undescribed cytotoxic effect induced by H. influenzae .


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Geography as a school subject is specifically thought for and by the schools. The contents of the school subject, nowadays, do not reflect the concerns and the evolution of the discipline as such. Nevertheless, official curricula set school objectives that address issues affecting the world and people's lives. These issues are coherent with the ones addressed by geography as a social science, that is to say the study of how people and their environment interact and how societies are interconnected through space. On an every day basis, Geography as a school subject is most of the time reduced to accumulating knowledge outside any given context. This knowledge may even be partially untrue or old and the related activities focus on low cognitive tensions. These practices do not contribute to the learners' understanding of the world because it does not allow them to build a geographical competence, which they. will need as future citizens in order to make responsible choices when they are confronted to questions related to how the locations of human and physical features are influenced by each other and how they interact across space. The central part of the text relies on the ideas and the processes discussed in the publications, which constitute the published file; it is divided into two parts. The first part (chapter 4) presents a didactic approach, which gives meaningful insights into Geography as a school subject and shows a brief account of the theoretical background that supports it. This socio-constructivist approach relies on the main following features: a priming stage (élément déclencheur), which presents geographical knowledge as an issue to be explored, discussed or solved; the issue is given to learners;. the planning of the teaching-learning sequence in small units launched by the main issue in the priming stage ; the interconnections of geographical knowledge with integrative concepts ; the synthetic stage or reporting stage where final concepts and knowledge are put together in order to be learned. Such an approach allows learners to re-invest the knowledge they have built themselves. This knowledge is organised by geographical integrative concepts, which represent true thinking operative tools and with which key issues in the geographical thinking are associated. The second part of the text (chapter 5) displays the didactic principles that governed the conception of the new initial training course for the future upper secondary school teachers at the HEP Vaud. The ambition of this course is to prepare future teachers to plan and realize the teaching of geography that provides pupils with the tools to understand better how people and their environment interact and how societies are interconnected through space. One of the tools for the teachers is the conceptual framework, whose most salient interest is to be relevant at every stage of the preparation and planning of the teaching, including the necessary epistemological reflection that should always be present. The synthesis of the text starts with a short account of the first evaluation of the new course. Various reflections on the future concerns and issues, that the didactics and methodology of Geography will be confronted with, constitute the synthesis.


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O hemangioendotelioma epitelioide é uma neoplasia rara de origem vascular, cujo acometimento de órgãos como o pulmão, o baço, o osso, a mama e o fígado já foi relatado. O quadro clínico e o prognóstico deste tumor são bastante variáveis. A partir de um relato de caso, procuramos contribuir com os dados existentes na literatura, revisando características clínicas e radiológicas que podem ser úteis para inseri-lo no diagnóstico diferencial das lesões hepáticas.


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A caracterização das lesões hepáticas focais é muito importante. A ressonância magnética é considerada o melhor método de imagem para a avaliação destas lesões, mas não permite o diagnóstico em todos os casos. Os contrastes hepatobiliares aumentam a acurácia diagnóstica da ressonância magnética e diminuem o número de lesões hepáticas indefinidas. Suas principais indicações são a diferenciação entre hiperplasia nodular focal e adenoma, caracterização de carcinoma hepatocelular em pacientes cirróticos, detecção de metástases hepáticas pequenas, avaliação da anatomia biliar e identificação de fístulas biliares pós-operatórias. A utilização dos contrastes hepatobiliares pode reduzir a necessidade de procedimentos diagnósticos invasivos e de avaliação complementar por outros exames de imagem, além de diminuir a necessidade de exames de acompanhamento.


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A maioria dos tumores hepáticos primários malignos é representada pelo carcinoma hepatocelular e pelo colangiocarcinoma, entretanto, uma variedade de outras lesões hepáticas incomuns pode ser encontrada. Lesões comuns como o hemangioma, a hiperplasia nodular focal e as metástases são bem conhecidas e já foram extensamente documentadas na literatura. O diagnóstico das lesões hepáticas típicas pode ser feito com alguma segurança utilizando-se os diversos métodos de imagem; por outro lado, as lesões incomuns são geralmente um desafio diagnóstico para o radiologista. Nesta primeira parte do estudo abordaremos cinco tumores hepáticos incomuns - o angiossarcoma, o angiomiolipoma, o cistoadenoma/carcinoma biliar, o hemangioendotelioma epitelioide e o carcinoma hepatocelular fibrolamelar -, suas principais características e achados de imagem, com foco na tomografia computadorizada e na ressonância magnética.