955 resultados para hematopoietic SCT


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Respiratory viruses can cause significant morbidity in immunocompromised hosts. Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) has been increasingly associated with lower respiratory tract infection in hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) recipients, with mortality rates up to 50%. No data on the occurrence of hMPV infection in HSCT recipients have been reported in the southern hemisphere. We conducted a retrospective study including 228 nasal wash samples from 153 HSCT recipients with respiratory symptoms during 2001, 2002 and 2003. hMPV was detected by real-time PCR with primers complementary to the nucleocapsid region of hMPV genome. Eleven of the 153 patients (7.2%) acquired hMPV infection during the study period (6.4% in 2001, 4.7% in 2002 and 11.1% in 2003). Among the 11 HSCT recipients with hMPV infection, 1 died 8 days after the diagnosis, but the role of hMPV in the patient`s death could not be established. In 2001 and 2003, hMPV group A prevailed over group B. In 2002, both groups were detected equally. hMPV infections were diagnosed in late winter and spring. The frequency of hMPV infection in HSCT recipients living in Brazil was similar to those observed in the northern hemisphere. Sensitive techniques to detect hMPV should be included in the diagnostic assessment of HSCT recipients with respiratory symptoms.


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Hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) and high-dose chemotherapy are being explored as therapy for various human refractory immune-mediated conditions, including inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Nevertheless, the exact immunological mechanisms by which the BM cells (BMCs) or immunosuppression provide remission from these diseases is not yet clear. In this work, we investigated the role of these therapies in the modulation of gut mucosal inflammation in an experimental model of IBD. Colitis was induced in mice by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid and after CY was administered (200 mg/kg) alone (CY group) or followed by BMCs infusion (HSCT group). Animals were followed for 60 days. Both HSCT and CY reduced the histopathological features of colitis significantly. Infused cells were localized in the gut, and a marked decrease of CD4(+) leukocytes in the inflammatory infiltrate on days +7 and +14 and of CD8(+) cells on day +7 was found in both treatments allied to impressive reduction of proinflammatory Th1 and Th17 cytokines. Although chemotherapy alone was the best treatment regarding the induction of immunosuppressive molecules, only HSCT resulted in increased survival rates compared with the control group. Our findings indicate that high-dose CY followed by HSCT is effective in the modulation of mucosal immunity and in accelerating immune reconstitution after BMT, thus providing valuable tools to support the development and understanding of novel therapeutic strategies for IBD. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2010) 45, 1562-1571; doi:10.1038/bmt.2010.6; published online 15 March 2010


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As culture-based methods for the diagnosis of invasive fungal diseases (IFD) in leukemia and hematopoietic SCT patients have limited performance, non-culture methods are increasingly being used. The third European Conference on Infections in Leukemia (ECIL-3) meeting aimed at establishing evidence-based recommendations for the use of biological tests in adult patients, based on the grading system of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. The following biomarkers were investigated as screening tests: galactomannan (GM) for invasive aspergillosis (IA); β-glucan (BG) for invasive candidiasis (IC) and IA; Cryptococcus Ag for cryptococcosis; mannan (Mn) Ag/anti-mannan (A-Mn) Ab for IC, and PCR for IA. Testing for GM, Cryptococcus Ag and BG are included in the revised EORTC/MSG (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study Group) consensus definitions for IFD. Strong evidence supports the use of GM in serum (A II), and Cryptococcus Ag in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (A II). Evidence is moderate for BG detection in serum (B II), and the combined Mn/A-Mn testing in serum for hepatosplenic candidiasis (B III) and candidemia (C II). No recommendations were formulated for the use of PCR owing to a lack of standardization and clinical validation. Clinical utility of these markers for the early management of IFD should be further assessed in prospective randomized interventional studies.


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Allogeneic hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) has been proposed as a treatment for patients with mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE). HSCT has been performed in nine patients using different protocols with varying success. Based on this preliminary experience, participants of the first consensus conference propose a common approach to allogeneic HSCT in MNGIE. Standardization of the transplant protocol and the clinical and biochemical assessments will allow evaluation of the safety and efficacy of HSCT as well as optimization of therapy for patients with MNGIE.Bone Marrow Transplantation advance online publication, 3 May 2010; doi:10.1038/bmt.2010.100.


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Caspofungin at standard dose was evaluated as first-line monotherapy of mycologically documented probable/proven invasive aspergillosis (IA) (unmodified European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycosis Study Group criteria) in allogeneic hematopoietic SCT patients. The primary efficacy end point was complete or partial response at end of caspofungin treatment. Response at week 12, survival and safety were additional end points. Enrollment was stopped prematurely because of low accrual, with 42 enrolled and 24 eligible, giving the study a power of 85%. Transplant was from unrelated donors in 16 patients; acute or chronic GVHD was present in 15. In all, 12 patients were neutropenic (<500/microl) at baseline, 10 received steroids and 16 calcineurin inhibitors or sirolimus. Median duration of caspofungin treatment was 24 days. At the end of caspofungin therapy, 10 (42%) patients had complete or partial response (95% confidence interval: 22-63%); 1 (4%) and 12 (50%) had stable and progressing disease, respectively; one was not evaluable. At week 12, eight patients (33%) had complete or partial response. Survival rates at week 6 and 12 were 79 and 50%, respectively. No patient had a drug-related serious adverse event or discontinued because of toxicity. Caspofungin first-line therapy was effective and well tolerated in allogeneic hematopoietic SCT patients with mycologically documented IA.


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Treatment strategies for relapsed/refractory AML are limited and disappointing. Recently, high-dose melphalan (HDM) chemotherapy and autologous hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) has been proposed for AML re-induction. We investigated the impact of HDM remission induction in highly advanced relapsed/refractory AML patients planned for allogeneic HSCT. A total of 23 patients with relapsed/refractory AML were prospectively scheduled for HDM with or without stem cell support followed by myeloablative allogeneic HSCT. Patients included nine individuals with a history of previous HSCT (seven allogeneic, two autologous). A total of 18 patients (78%) achieved a leukemia-free state and an additional four had substantial reduction of the initial leukemia burden warranting treatment continuation. There were no differences between patients with or without immediate stem cell support regarding mucositis or other organ toxicity. A total of 20 patients proceeded to myeloablative allogeneic HSCT. Outcome of allogeneic HSCT was poor: 11 patients (55%) relapsed, 7 patients (35%) died from TRM and only 2 patients (10%) were alive at the last follow-up. Our study shows that HDM is effective in inducing a leukemia-free state in patients with highly advanced relapsed/refractory AML. Leukemia burden reduction with HDM, however, did not translate into improved OS.


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Studies have shown that autologous hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) can be used as an intensive immunosuppressive therapy to treat refractory patients and to prevent the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS). This is a prospective multicentric Brazilian MS trial comparing two conditioning regimens: BEAM/horse ATG and CY/rabbit ATG. Most (80.4%) of the 41 subjects in the study had the secondary progressive MS subtype and the mean age was 42 years. The baseline EDSS score in 58.5% of the subjects was 6.5 and 78% had a score of 6.0 or higher, respectively. The complication rate during the intra-transplantation period was 56% for all patients: 71.4% of the patients in the BEAM/hATG group and 40% in the CY/rATG group (P = 0.04). Three subjects (7.5%) died of cardiac toxicity, sepsis and alveolar hemorrhage, all of them in the BEAM/ATG group. EFS was 58.54% for a ll patients: 47% in the BEAM/hATG group and 70% in the CY/rATG group (P = 0.288). In conclusion, the CY/rATG regimen seems to be associated with similar outcome results, but presented less toxicity when compared with the BEAM/hATG regimen. Long-term follow-up would be required to fully assess the differences in therapeutic effectiveness between the two regimens. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2010) 45, 239-248; doi:10.1038/bmt.2009.127; published online 6 July 2009


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Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is an emerging therapy for patients with severe autoimmune diseases (AID). We report data on 368 patients with AID who underwent HCT in 64 North and South American transplantation centers reported to the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research between 1996 and 2009. Most of the HCTs involved autologous grafts (n = 339); allogeneic HCT (n = 29) was done mostly in children. The most common indications for HCT were multiple sclerosis, systemic sclerosis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. The median age at transplantation was 38 years for autologous HCT and 25 years for allogeneic HCT. The corresponding times from diagnosis to HCT were 35 months and 24 months. Three-year overall survival after autologous HCT was 86% (95% confidence interval [CI], 81%-91%). Median follow-up of survivors was 31 months (range, 1-144 months). The most common causes of death were AID progression, infections, and organ failure. On multivariate analysis, the risk of death was higher in patients at centers that performed fewer than 5 autologous HCTs (relative risk, 3.5; 95% CI, 1.1-11.1; P = .03) and those that performed 5 to 15 autologous HCTs for AID during the study period (relative risk, 4.2; 95% CI, 1.5-11.7; P = .006) compared with patients at centers that performed more than 15 autologous HCTs for AID during the study period. AID is an emerging indication for HCT in the region. Collaboration of hematologists and other disease specialists with an outcomes database is important to promote optimal patient selection, analysis of the impact of prognostic variables and long-term outcomes, and development of clinical trials. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 18: 1471-1478 (2012) (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation


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We evaluated the effect of acute and chronic GVHD on relapse and survival after allogeneic hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) for multiple myeloma using non-myeloablative conditioning (NMA) and reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC). The outcomes of 177 HLA-identical sibling HSCT recipients between 1997 and 2005, following NMA (n = 98) or RIC (n = 79) were analyzed. In 105 patients, autografting was followed by planned NMA/RIC allogeneic transplantation. The impact of GVHD was assessed as a time-dependent covariate using Cox models. The incidence of acute GVHD (aGVHD; grades I-IV) was 42% (95% confidence interval (CI), 35-49%) and of chronic GVHD (cGVHD) at 5 years was 59% (95% CI, 49-69%), with 70% developing extensive cGVHD. In multivariate analysis, aGVHD (>= grade I) was associated with an increased risk of TRM (relative risk (RR) = 2.42, P = 0.016), whereas limited cGVHD significantly decreased the risk of myeloma relapse (RR = 0.35, P = 0.035) and was associated with superior EFS (RR = 0.40, P = 0.027). aGVHD had a detrimental effect on survival, especially in those receiving autologous followed by allogeneic HSCT (RR = 3.52, P = 0.001). The reduction in relapse risk associated with cGVHD is consistent with a beneficial graft-vs-myeloma effect, but this did not translate into a survival advantage. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2012) 47, 831-837; doi:10.1038/bmt.2011.192; published online 26 September 2011


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Introducción Los sistemas de puntuación para predicción se han desarrollado para medir la severidad de la enfermedad y el pronóstico de los pacientes en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Estas medidas son útiles para la toma de decisiones clínicas, la estandarización de la investigación, y la comparación de la calidad de la atención al paciente crítico. Materiales y métodos Estudio de tipo observacional analítico de cohorte en el que reviso las historias clínicas de 283 pacientes oncológicos admitidos a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) durante enero de 2014 a enero de 2016 y a quienes se les estimo la probabilidad de mortalidad con los puntajes pronósticos APACHE IV y MPM II, se realizó regresión logística con las variables predictoras con las que se derivaron cada uno de los modelos es sus estudios originales y se determinó la calibración, la discriminación y se calcularon los criterios de información Akaike AIC y Bayesiano BIC. Resultados En la evaluación de desempeño de los puntajes pronósticos APACHE IV mostro mayor capacidad de predicción (AUC = 0,95) en comparación con MPM II (AUC = 0,78), los dos modelos mostraron calibración adecuada con estadístico de Hosmer y Lemeshow para APACHE IV (p = 0,39) y para MPM II (p = 0,99). El ∆ BIC es de 2,9 que muestra evidencia positiva en contra de APACHE IV. Se reporta el estadístico AIC siendo menor para APACHE IV lo que indica que es el modelo con mejor ajuste a los datos. Conclusiones APACHE IV tiene un buen desempeño en la predicción de mortalidad de pacientes críticamente enfermos, incluyendo pacientes oncológicos. Por lo tanto se trata de una herramienta útil para el clínico en su labor diaria, al permitirle distinguir los pacientes con alta probabilidad de mortalidad.


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Despite the good response of stem cell transplant (SCT) in the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM), most patients relapse or do not achieve complete remission, suggesting that additional treatment is needed. We assessed the impact of thalidomide in maintenance after SCT in untreated patients with MM. A hundred and eight patients (<70 years old) were randomized to receive maintenance with dexamethasone (arm A; n = 52) or dexamethasone with thalidomide (arm B; n = 56; 200 mg daily) for 12 months or until disease progression. After a median follow-up of 27 months, an intention to treat analysis showed a 2-year progression-free survival (PFS) of 30% in arm A (95% CI 2238) and 64% in arm B (95% CI 5771; P = 0.002), with median PFS of 19 months and 36 months, respectively. In patients who did not achieve at least a very good partial response, the PFS at 2 years was significantly higher when in use of thalidomide (19 vs. 59%; P = 0.002). Overall survival at 2 years was not significantly improved (70 vs. 85% in arm A and arm B, respectively; P = 0.27). The addition of thalidomide to dexamethasone as maintenance improved the PFS mainly in patients who did not respond to treatment after SCT. Am. J. Hematol. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Characterized for the first time in erythrocytes, phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinases (PIP kinases) belong to a family of enzymes that generate various lipid messengers and participate in several cellular processes, including gene expression regulation. Recently, the PIPKIIα gene was found to be differentially expressed in reticulocytes from two siblings with hemoglobin H disease, suggesting a possible relationship between PIPKIIα and the production of globins. Here, we investigated PIPKIIα gene and protein expression and protein localization in hematopoietic-derived cells during their differentiation, and the effects of PIPKIIα silencing on K562 cells. PIPKIIα silencing resulted in an increase in α and γ globins and a decrease in the proliferation of K562 cells without affecting cell cycle progression and apoptosis. In conclusion, using a cell line model, we showed that PIPKIIα is widely expressed in hematopoietic-derived cells, is localized in their cytoplasm and nucleus, and is upregulated during erythroid differentiation. We also showed that PIPKIIα silencing can induce α and γ globin expression and decrease cell proliferation in K562 cells.


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Bone marrow is organized in specialized microenvironments known as 'marrow niches'. These are important for the maintenance of stem cells and their hematopoietic progenitors whose homeostasis also depends on other cell types present in the tissue. Extrinsic factors, such as infection and inflammatory states, may affect this system by causing cytokine dysregulation (imbalance in cytokine production) and changes in cell proliferation and self-renewal rates, and may also induce changes in the metabolism and cell cycle. Known to relate to chronic inflammation, obesity is responsible for systemic changes that are best studied in the cardiovascular system. Little is known regarding the changes in the hematopoietic system induced by the inflammatory state carried by obesity or the cell and molecular mechanisms involved. The understanding of the biological behavior of hematopoietic stem cells under obesity-induced chronic inflammation could help elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in other inflammatory processes, such as neoplastic diseases and bone marrow failure syndromes.


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hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is associated with more respiratory infections due to immunosuppression. this study aimed to verify the frequency of rhinosinusitis after HSCT, and the association between rhinosinusitis and chronic graft vs. host disease (GVHD) and type of transplantation, clinical treatment, surgical treatment, and survival. this was a retrospective study in a tertiary university hospital. A total of 95 patients with hematological diseases undergoing HSCT between 1996 and 2011 were selected. chronic myeloid leukemia was the most prevalent disease. The type of transplant most often performed was the allogenic type (85.26%). The frequency of rhinosinusitis was 36%, with no difference between the autologous and the allogenic types. Chronic GVHD occurred in 30% of patients. Patients with GVHD had a higher frequency and recurrence of rhinosinusitis, in addition to more frequent need for endoscopic sinusectomy and decreased overall survival. there was a higher frequency of rhinosinusitis in HSCT and GVHD. The type of transplant does not appear to predispose to the occurrence of rhinosinusitis. GVHD seems to be an aggravating factor and requires a more stringent treatment.